def exceedence(file, content, plot=False):
    #takes in the raw data file as input
    #content : string : the signal for which exceedence is needed
    #plot : string : Boolean. if true, plot is also displayed
    #outputs the exceedence curve : array
    #outputs the array for which the exceedence is calculated : array

    df, _ = access_file(file)
    mean = df.mean(axis=0)
    maxima = df.max(axis=0) / mean  #needed to define the upper limit of array
    minima = df.min(
        axis=0) / mean  #defines lower limit for which exceedence is calculated
    mean_array = np.linspace(minima[content], maxima[content], 100)
    exceedence = []
    for i in range(len(mean_array)):
        d = df[content] / mean[content] < mean_array[
            i]  #checks which value is above or below the value in the array
        x = 1 - sum(d) / len(
        )  #first fins total number of values in the df which exceed the stated value in the array. then finds the probability of the true values. then subtracts  from 1 to find the exceedence
        exceedence.append(x)  #push it into the array which is then returned

    if plot == True:
        #fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20,10))
        plt.semilogy(mean_array, exceedence)
        plt.ylabel('Exceedence Probability')
    return mean_array, exceedence
Ejemplo n.º 2
#creaet a data frame with average of the thrust and RPM from the data files
force_df = pd.DataFrame({'Original Name':dfs['Original'], 'Force Name':dfs['Force File Name'], \
                         'RPM' : None, 'Thrust_mean' : None, 'Torque_mean' : None, \
                        'Thrust sigma' : None, 'Torque sigma' : None, 'Cp mean' : None, \
                            'Cp sigma' : None, 'Ct mean' : None, 'Ct sigma' : None, 'My1 Mean' : None, 'My1 sigma' : None})

#Cp curve
#Eq: Cp = Torque x RPM / 0.5 x rho x A x u^3_mean
rho = 1000  #water density in kg/m3
rotor_dia = 0.724
rotor_area = math.pi * rotor_dia**2 / 4
for file in force_files:
    #reading the entire data file can slow down the process
    #in future, this functionality can be adjusted
    #units are being returned as well which we will be dumping
    df, _ = access_file(path_data_files + file)
    rpm_mean = np.mean(df['RPM'])
    thrust_mean = np.mean(df['Force'])
    torque_mean = np.mean(df['Couple'])
    thrust_std = np.std(df['Force'])
    torque_std = np.std(df['Couple'])
    My1_mean = np.mean(df['My1'])
    My1_std = np.std(df['My1'])
    My2_mean = np.mean(df['My2'])
    My2_std = np.std(df['My2'])
    My3_mean = np.mean(df['My3'])
    My3_std = np.std(df['My3'])[force_df[force_df['Force Name'] == file[:-4]].index[0],
                'RPM'] = rpm_mean[force_df[force_df['Force Name'] == file[:-4]].index[0],
                'Thrust_mean'] = thrust_mean
#for binned and normalised. 
out_direc_bin_norm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Binned_normalised_azimuthal/'

#binned and non-normalised
out_direc_bin_nnorm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Binned_nonnormalised_azimuthal/'

#spline and normalised
out_direc_spl_norm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Spline_normalised_azimuthal/'

#spline and non-normalised
out_direc_spl_nnorm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Spline_nonnormalised_azimuthal/'

for r,d in zip(runs,dist):
    df2, units = access_file(direc + r)
    for col in df2.columns[1:]:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_direc_bin_norm+col):
            os.makedirs(out_direc_bin_norm + col)
        new_dir = out_direc_bin_norm + col
        polar_chart_binning(df2, col, True)
        plt.title('Distance = {} mm, TSR = 4, Vel = 1.0 m/s'.format(d))
        plt.savefig(new_dir +'/' + str(d) + '.png', dpi = 300)

    for col in df2.columns[1:]:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_direc_bin_nnorm+col):
            os.makedirs(out_direc_bin_nnorm + col)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul  6 19:23:47 2021

@author: goharshoukat

This sript analyses the dry tests to identify the cause of the noise in the fft signal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Dashboard.data_import_func import access_file, spectral_analysis, rotor_freq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

direc = 'Dry_tests/run005.txt'
df, units = access_file(direc)
column = ['Fx1', 'Thrust', 'Torque', 'My1']
for col in column:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(60, 60))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    spec_s, f_s = spectral_analysis(df, col, bins='Default')
    rfreq = rotor_freq(df['#RPM'])
    freq_s = f_s / rfreq
    ax.loglog(freq_s, spec_s[1:], linewidth=0.8)
    ax.grid(which='minor', linestyle='--')
    ax.grid(which='major', linestyle='-')
    #plt.title('{}, TSR = 4.0, Dry Test'.format(col))
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{F}{f_0}$ [Hz/Hz]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude ({})'.format(units[col]))
    plt.savefig('Results/fft/Dry_tests/' + col + '.pdf')
# %%

#for binned and normalised.
out_direc_bin_norm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Binned_normalised_azimuthal/'

#binned and non-normalised
out_direc_bin_nnorm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Binned_nonnormalised_azimuthal/'

#spline and normalised
out_direc_spl_norm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Spline_normalised_azimuthal/'

#spline and non-normalised
out_direc_spl_nnorm = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/Angular_Variation/Spline_nonnormalised_azimuthal/'

for r, d in zip(runs, dist):
    df2, units = access_file(direc + r)

    for col in df2.columns[1:]:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_direc_bin_norm + col):
            os.makedirs(out_direc_bin_norm + col)

        new_dir = out_direc_bin_norm + col
        polar_chart_binning(df2, col, True)
        plt.title('Distance = {} mm, TSR = 4, Vel = 1.0 m/s'.format(d))
        plt.savefig(new_dir + '/' + str(d) + '.png', dpi=300)

    for col in df2.columns[1:]:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_direc_bin_nnorm + col):
            os.makedirs(out_direc_bin_nnorm + col)

# %% For loop

out_direc = '/Users/goharshoukat/Documents/GitHub/Thesis_Tidal_Turbine/Results/fft/'

column = ['Fx1', 'Force', 'Couple', 'My1']
list_files = np.array_split(runs, 5)[:3]
list_dist = np.array_split(dist, 5)[:3]
for col in column:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(60, 60), sharex=True)

    for i in range(len(ax)):
        for r, d in zip(list_files[i], list_dist[i]):
            df, units = access_file(direc + r)
            spec_s, f_s = spectral_analysis(df, col, bins='Default')
            rfreq = rotor_freq(df['RPM'])
            freq_s = f_s / rfreq
                         label='{} mnm'.format(d))
            ax[i].grid(which='minor', linestyle='--')
            ax[i].grid(which='major', linestyle='-')
        ax[i].set_ylabel('Magnitude ({})'.format(units[col]))
    ax[2].set_xlabel(r'$\frac{F}{f_0}$ [Hz/Hz]')
    plt.savefig(out_direc + col + '_1.pdf')