Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fromfile(self, filename, only_structure=0):
        filename = filename.strip()
        if filename[-4:] != '.vtk':
            filename += '.vtk'
        #print 'Reading file',`filename`
        f = open(filename, 'rb')
        l = f.readline()
        if not l.strip().replace(' ', '').lower() == '#vtkdatafileversion2.0':
            raise TypeError, 'File ' + ` filename ` + ' is not VTK 2.0 format'
        self.header = f.readline().rstrip()
        format = f.readline().strip().lower()
        if format not in ['ascii', 'binary']:
            raise ValueError, 'Expected ascii|binary but got %s' % ( ` format
        if format == 'binary':
            raise NotImplementedError, 'reading vtk binary format'
        l = common._getline(f).lower().split(' ')
        if l[0].strip() != 'dataset':
            raise ValueError, 'expected dataset but got %s' % (l[0])
            ff = eval(l[1] + '_fromfile')
        except NameError:
            raise NotImplementedError, '%s_fromfile' % (l[1])
        self.structure, l = ff(f, self)

        for i in range(2):
            if only_structure: break
            if not l: break
            l = [s.strip() for s in l.lower().split(' ')]
            assert len(l) == 2 and l[0] in ['cell_data', 'point_data'], l[0]
            data = l[0]
            n = eval(l[1])
            lst = []
            while 1:
                l = common._getline(f)
                if not l: break
                sl = [s.strip() for s in l.split()]
                k = sl[0].lower()
                if k not in [
                        'scalars', 'color_scalars', 'lookup_table', 'vectors',
                        'normals', 'texture_coordinates', 'tensors', 'field'
                    ff = eval(k + '_fromfile')
                except NameError:
                    raise NotImplementedError, '%s_fromfile' % (k)
                lst.append(ff(f, n, sl[1:]))
            if data == 'point_data':
                self.point_data = PointData(*lst)
            if data == 'cell_data':
                self.cell_data = CellData(*lst)
        if self.point_data is None:
            self.point_data = PointData()
        if self.cell_data is None:
            self.cell_data = CellData()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
        assert args, 'expected at least one argument'
        if type(args[0]) is types.StringType:
            if kws.has_key('only_structure') and kws['only_structure']:
                self.fromfile(args[0], 1)
            structure = args[0]
            args = list(args)[1:]
        if not common.is_dataset(structure):
            raise TypeError, 'argument structure must be StructuredPoints|StructuredGrid|UnstructuredGrid|RectilinearGrid|PolyData but got %s' % (
        self.structure = structure
        for a in args:
            if common.is_string(a):
                if len(a) > 255:
                    self.skipping('striping header string to a length =255')
                self.header = a[:255]
            elif common.is_pointdata(a):
                self.point_data = a
            elif common.is_celldata(a):
                self.cell_data = a
                self.skipping('unexpexted argument %s' % (type(a)))
        if self.header is None:
            self.header = 'Really cool data'
            self.warning('Using header=%s' % ( ` self.header `))
        if self.point_data is None and self.cell_data is None:
            self.warning('No data defined')

        if self.point_data is not None:
            s = self.structure.get_size()
            s1 = self.point_data.get_size()
            if s1 != s:
                raise ValueError, 'DataSet (size=%s) and PointData (size=%s) have different sizes' % (
                    s, s1)
            self.point_data = PointData()
        if self.cell_data is not None:
            s = self.structure.get_cell_size()
            s1 = self.cell_data.get_size()
            if s1 != s:
                raise ValueError, 'DataSet (cell_size=%s) and CellData (size=%s) have different sizes' % (
                    s, s1)
            self.cell_data = CellData()