Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, files, tree_name,  options=None):
        from DataFormats.FWLite import Events as FWLiteEvents
        #TODO not sure we still need the stuff below
        from ROOT import gROOT, gSystem, AutoLibraryLoader

        print "Loading FW Lite"


        from ROOT import gInterpreter
        gInterpreter.ProcessLine("using namespace reco;")
        gInterpreter.ProcessLine("using edm::refhelper::FindUsingAdvance;")
	if options is not None :
		if not hasattr(options,"inputFiles"):
		if not hasattr(options,"maxEvents"):
			options.maxEvents = 0	
		if not hasattr(options,"secondaryInputFiles"):
			options.secondaryInputFiles = []
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(options=options)
	else :
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(files)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def loopDatasets(dataS,silent=False):
  plts = {}
  for l,j in dataS.iteritems():
    if not silent:
      print "dataSet job ",l
    crabJ = json.load(open(j["crabJson"]))
    plts[l] = {'plots':{},'additive':[]};
    if crabJ.has_key('sample') and crabJ['sample'].has_key('xSec'):
      plts[l]['color'] = crabJ['sample']['color']
      plts[l]['label'] = crabJ['sample']['label']
      plts[l]['xSec'] = crabJ['sample']['xSec'];plts[l]['additive'].append('xSec')
      plts[l]['inputEvents'] = j['EventsRead'];plts[l]['additive'].append('inputEvents')
      if not silent:
        print "adding additional information ","color ",crabJ['sample']['color']," label ",crabJ['sample']['label']," xSec ",crabJ['sample']['xSec']," inputEvts ",j['EventsRead']
      if j['EventsRead'] != int(j['dasNeventsInput']):
        print "warning ",l," input events differ ",j['EventsRead']," ",j['dasNeventsInput']
    if j.has_key('crabIntLumi'):
      plts[l]['intLumi'] = j['crabIntLumi']; plts[l]['additive'].append('intLumi')
    mergedFile = str(crabJ['mergedFilename'])
    if not silent:
      print "mergedFile: ",mergedFile
    events = Events(mergedFile)
    if not silent:
      print "events ",events.size()
    dists = fillDistributions(events,l)
  return plts
    def setUp(self):
        self.exEvents = Events([options.expectedPath])
        self.acEvents = Events([options.actualPath])

        self.exHandleGenMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenMET>") 
        self.exHandlePFMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFMET>") 
        self.exHandleCaloMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::CaloMET>") 
        self.exHandleMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::MET>") 
        self.exHandlePFClusterMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFClusterMET>") 

        self.acHandleGenMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenMET>") 
        self.acHandlePFMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFMET>") 
        self.acHandleCaloMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::CaloMET>") 
        self.acHandleMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::MET>") 
        self.acHandlePFClusterMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFClusterMET>") 

        self.nameChangeMap = {
            "caloType1CorrectedMet"    : "caloMetT1",
            "caloType1p2CorrectedMet"  : "caloMetT1T2",
            "pfType0CorrectedMet"      : "pfMetT0rt",
            "pfType0p1CorrectedMet"    : "pfMetT0rtT1",
            "pfType0p1p2CorrectedMet"  : "pfMetT0rtT1T2",
            "pfType0p2CorrectedMet"    : "pfMetT0rtT2",
            "pfType0pfcCorrectedMet"   : "pfMetT0pc",
            "pfType0pfcp1CorrectedMet" : "pfMetT0pcT1",
            "pfType1CorrectedMet"      : "pfMetT1",
            "pfType1p2CorrectedMet"    : "pfMetT1T2",
Ejemplo n.º 4
def event_iterator(filename, handles=None):
    """handles is a list of tuples: (varname, type, InputTag)"""
    events = Events(filename)
    if not handles: handles = []
    for evt in events.__iter__():
        for name,typ,inputtag in handles:
            handle = Handle(typ)
            evt.getByLabel(inputtag, handle)
            setattr(evt, "hndl_" + name, handle)
        yield evt
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, files, tree_name,  options=None):
	if options is not None :
		if not hasattr(options,"inputFiles"):
		if not hasattr(options,"maxEvents"):
			options.maxEvents = 0	
		if not hasattr(options,"secondaryInputFiles"):
			options.secondaryInputFiles = []
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(options=options)
	else :
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(files)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getEventsLumisInFile(infile):
    from DataFormats.FWLite import Lumis, Handle, Events
    events = Events(infile)
    lumis = Lumis(infile)

    ret = {}
    for lum in lumis:
        run = lum.aux().run()
        if not ret.has_key(run):
            ret[run] = []
        ret[run] += [lum.aux().id().luminosityBlock()]
    return events.size(), ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Events(object):
    def __init__(self, files, tree_name):
        self.events = FWLiteEvents(files)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.events.size()

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return getattr(self.events, key)

    def __getitem__(self, iEv):
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, inputFiles = '', **kwargs):
   """Initialize the AnalysisEvent like a standard Event, plus additional features."""
   # initialization of base functionalities
   # additional features:
   # 1. instrumentation for event weight
   self._weightCache = {}
   self._weightEngines = {}
   # 2. a list of event products used in the analysis
   self._collections = {} 
   # 3. a list of "producers" of analysis high-level quantities
   self._producers = {}
   # 4. volatile dictionary. User can add any quantity to the event and it will be 
   #    properly erased in the iteration step. 
   self.__dict__["vardict"] = {}
    def setUp(self):
        self.exEvents = Events([options.expectedPath])
        self.acEvents = Events([options.actualPath])

        self.exHandleCorrMETData = Handle("CorrMETData") 
        self.acHandleCorrMETData = Handle("CorrMETData") 

        self.nameChangeMap = {
            "pfJetMETcorr"    : "corrPfMetType1",
            "pfMETcorrType0"  : "corrPfMetType0PfCand",
            "caloJetMETcorr"  : "corrCaloMetType1",
            "pfCandMETcorr"   : "pfCandMETcorr",
            "pfchsMETcorr"    : "pfchsMETcorr",
            "muonCaloMETcorr" : "muonCaloMETcorr",
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def setUp(self):
        self.exEvents = Events([options.expectedPath])
        self.acEvents = Events([options.actualPath])

        self.exHandleGenMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenMET>") 
        self.exHandlePFMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFMET>") 
        self.exHandleCaloMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::CaloMET>") 
        self.exHandleMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::MET>") 
        self.exHandlePFClusterMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFClusterMET>") 

        self.acHandleGenMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::GenMET>") 
        self.acHandlePFMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFMET>") 
        self.acHandleCaloMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::CaloMET>") 
        self.acHandleMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::MET>") 
        self.acHandlePFClusterMETs = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFClusterMET>") 
 def __getitem__(self, iEv):
     if self._fileindex == -1 or not(self._files[self._fileindex][1] <= iEv and iEv < self._files[self._fileindex][2]):
         self.events = None # so it's closed
         if self._localCopy:
             print "Removing local cache file %s" % self._localCopy
             self._localCopy = None
         for i,(fname,first,last) in enumerate(self._files):
             if first <= iEv and iEv < last:
                 print "For event range [ %d, %d ) will use file %r " % (first,last,fname)
                 self._fileindex = i
                 if fname.startswith("root://eoscms") or (self.aggressive >= 2 and fname.startswith("root://")):
                     if not self.isLocal(fname):
                         tmpdir = os.environ['TMPDIR'] if 'TMPDIR' in os.environ else "/tmp"
                         rndchars  = "".join([hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in os.urandom(8)])
                         localfile = "%s/%s-%s.root" % (tmpdir, os.path.basename(fname).replace(".root",""), rndchars)
                             print "Filename %s is remote (geotag >= 9000), will do a copy to local path %s " % (fname,localfile)
                             start = timeit.default_timer()
                             print "Time used for transferring the file locally: %s s" % (timeit.default_timer() - start)
                             self._localCopy = localfile
                             fname = localfile
                             print "Could not save file locally, will run from remote"
                             if os.path.exists(localfile): os.remove(localfile) # delete in case of incomplete transfer
                 print "Will run from "+fname
                 self.events = FWLiteEvents([fname])
     self.events.to(iEv - self._files[self._fileindex][1])
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 12
class EventLooper(object):
    def __init__(self,sequence,inputPath=None):
        self.sequence = sequence		
        if inputPath:
            if type(inputPath) != list:
                self.inputPath = [ inputPath ]
            inputPath = []
        self.inputPath = inputPath

    def loadEvents(self,nEvents = -1):
        self.events = Events( self.inputPath )

    def loop(self,nEvents = -1):
        print "Total Number of events to be run: %s"%self.events.size()
        for ana in self.sequence:
        for i,event in enumerate(self.events):
            if (i+1) % 10000 == 0: print "Processed events: %s"%i
            if (i > nEvents) and (nEvents != -1): break
            for ana in self.sequence:
                if not  ana.applySelection(event): continue
        for ana in self.sequence:
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def __init__(self                                      , 
               files                                     , 
               basic_histos                              , 
               track_histos                              , 
               vertex_histos                             , 
               sorting_histos                            ,
               index                                     ,
               onlineTauCollections = ['onlTausPixVtx2'] , 
               keepAllTaus = False                       ) :

    self.events = Events ( files )
    self.breakLoop            = False
    self.keepAllTaus          = keepAllTaus
    self.allEvents            = 0
    self.failinRecoHLT        = 0
    self.failinDMHLT          = 0
    self.failinIsoHLT         = 0
    self.hasNoOnlineTrk       = 0 
    self.hasRegionJet         = 0
    self.hasRegionTrk         = 0
    self.hasRegion            = 0
    self.basic_histos         = basic_histos
    self.track_histos         = track_histos
    self.vertex_histos        = vertex_histos
    self.sorting_histos       = sorting_histos
    self.index                = index
    self.onlineTauCollections = onlineTauCollections
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__( self, name, cfg_comp, sequence, nEvents=None, firstEvent=0, nPrint=0):
        '''Handles the processing of an event sample.
        An Analyzer is built for each Config.Analyzer present
        in sequence. The Looper can now be used to process an event,
        or a collection of events in the sample. 

        name    : name of the Looper, will be used as the output directory name
        cfg_comp: information for the input sample, see Config
        sequence: an ordered list of Config.Analyzer 
        nPrint  : number of events to print at the beginning
        self.name = self._prepareOutput(name)
        self.outDir = self.name 
        self.logger = logging.getLogger( self.name )
        self.logger.addHandler( logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) )

        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.classes = {}
        #TODO: should be a diclist? 
        self.analyzers = map( self._buildAnalyzer, sequence )
        self.nEvents = nEvents
        self.firstEvent = firstEvent
        self.nPrint = int(nPrint)
        # initialize FWLite chain on input file:
        # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
            self.events = Events( self.cfg_comp.files )
        except RuntimeError:
            #import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
            print 'cannot find any file matching pattern', self.cfg_comp.files
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, name, component, cfg):
        super( DiMuAnalyzer, self).__init__(component.fraction)
        self.name = name
        self.cmp = component
        self.cfg = cfg 
        self.events = Events( glob.glob( self.cmp.files) )
        self.triggerList = TriggerList( self.cmp.triggers )
##         if self.cmp.isMC or self.cmp.isEmbed:
##             self.trigEff = TriggerEfficiency()
##             self.trigEff.tauEff = None
##             self.trigEff.lepEff = None
##             if self.cmp.tauEffWeight is not None:
##                 self.trigEff.tauEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
##                                                self.cmp.tauEffWeight )
##             if self.cmp.muEffWeight is not None:
##                 self.trigEff.lepEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
##                                                self.cmp.muEffWeight )
        # here create outputs
##         self.regions = H2TauTauRegions( self.cfg.cuts )
##         self.output = Output( self.name, self.regions )
##         if self.cmp.name == 'DYJets':
##             self.outputFakes = Output( self.name + '_Fakes', self.regions )

        self.output = DiMuOutput( self.name )

        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = {}        
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, name, component, cfg):
        '''Build a loop object.

        listOfFiles can be "*.root".
        name will be used to make the output directory'''

        self.name = name
        self.cmp = component
        self.cfg = cfg 
        self.events = Events( glob.glob( self.cmp.files) )
        self.triggerList = TriggerList( self.cmp.triggers )
        if self.cmp.isMC:
            self.trigEff = TriggerEfficiency()
            self.trigEff.tauEff = None
            self.trigEff.lepEff = None
            if self.cmp.tauEffWeight is not None:
                self.trigEff.tauEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
                                               self.cmp.tauEffWeight )
            if self.cmp.muEffWeight is not None:
                self.trigEff.lepEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
                                               self.cmp.muEffWeight )
        #self.cmp.turnOnCurve = None
        #if self.cmp.isMC:
        #    if self.cmp.tauTriggerTOC is not None:
        #        self.cmp.turnOnCurve = TurnOnCurve( self.cmp.tauTriggerTOC )
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = {}        
        # self.histograms = []
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def open(self, filename=None):
     """ Open edm file and show first event """
     if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()==".txt":
         file = open(filename)
         for line in file.readlines():
             if "\"" in line:
                 linecontent=[l.strip(" \n").rstrip(".") for l in line.split("\"")]
                 linecontent=line.strip("\n").split(" ")[0].split("_")
                 if len(linecontent)>3:
     elif os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()==".root":
         from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
         self._events = Events(self._filename)
         for branch in branches:
             except Exception as e:
                 logging.warning("Cannot read branch "+branchname+":"+str(e))
     self._branches.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
     return self.goto(1)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def loop(fname) :
    mus = [Handle("vector<reco::Track> "), "generalTracks"]

    eventsRef = Events(fname)
    for i in range(0, eventsRef.size()):
        a= eventsRef.to(i)
        pmus = []
        for mu in mus[0].product() :
            if (mu.pt()<5) : continue
            if (not mu.innerOk()) : continue
            e = 1000*(mu.momentum().r()-mu.outerMomentum().r())
            if (e<0) : continue
            print e
            z = abs(mu.outerPosition().z())
            r = mu.outerPosition().rho()
            if (z>240) :
                if (r<120) :phiH.Fill(mu.outerPosition().phi(),e)

    c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', fname, 200, 10, 1000, 1400 )

    def processSample(self, sample, maxEv=-1):
        print 'Processing Files'
        print sample.files

        events = Events(sample.files)
        print "%s events available for processing" % events.size()
        ts = time.time() 
        for N, event in enumerate(events):
            if maxEv >= 0 and (N + 1) >= maxEv:
            if N % 1000000 == 0:
                t2 = time.time()
                print "%s events processed in %s seconds" % (N + 1, t2 - ts)
            weight = 1
            box = EventBox()
            self.readCollections(event, box)
            if not self.analyze(box):
            self.fillHistos(box, sample.type, weight)
        tf = time.time()
        print "%s events processed in %s seconds" % (N + 1, tf - ts)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Events(object):
    def __init__(self, files, tree_name,  options=None):
	if options is not None :
		if not hasattr(options,"inputFiles"):
		if not hasattr(options,"maxEvents"):
			options.maxEvents = 0	
		if not hasattr(options,"secondaryInputFiles"):
			options.secondaryInputFiles = []
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(options=options)
	else :
	        self.events = FWLiteEvents(files)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.events.size()

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        return getattr(self.events, key)

    def __getitem__(self, iEv):
        return self
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, filename, **optional):
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            sys.exit("** file not found: %s" % filename)

        # cache input variables 
        self.filename = filename

        # create options by scanning file
        print "reading file %s ..." % filename
        os.system("edmDumpEventContent %s >& .dumpevent" % filename)
        records = open(".dumpevent").readlines()
        for ii, record in enumerate(records):
            if record[:4] != "----":   continue
            records = records[ii+1:]

        objects = {}
        for ii, record in enumerate(records):
            record = simplify.sub(">", strip(record))
            t = split(record)
            s = extract.findall(record)
            if len(s) > 0:
                name = s[0]
                name = t[0]
            objects[name] = (t[0], dequote.sub("",t[1]), dequote.sub("",t[2]))

        # create event buffer, get event iterator,
        # and create handles
        self.events = Events(filename)
        self.iter   = self.events.__iter__()
        self.event  = self.iter.next()
        self.numberOfEvents = self.event.size()
        print "\n  Number of events: %d" % self.numberOfEvents
        self.handles= {}

        print "  %-20s %s" % ("Key", "Type")
        print "-"*78
        keys = objects.keys()
        for key in keys:
            edmtype, label1, label2 = objects[key]
            h = Handle(edmtype)
            self.handles[key] = h
            print "  %-20s %s" % (key, edmtype)

        self.entry   = 0
        self.buffer  = {}
        self.objects = objects
        self.keys    = keys
def plotMuQuantities_pat(patTuple_list, label, handle, plottingVariables):

    # Book histograms
    particleHistorgrams = []
    for plottingVar in plottingVariables:
        histo = makeHistogram(plottingVar.title, plottingVar.binning,

    for patTuple in patTuple_list:
        f_patTree = ROOT.TFile.Open(patTuple)
        events = Events(f_patTree)
        # loop over events
        for event in events:
            # use getByLabel, just like in cmsRun
            event.getByLabel(label, handle)
            # get the product
            muons = handle.product()
            # use muons to make J/Psi peak
            numMuons = len(muons)
            if numMuons != 2:
                print "Number of muons: " + str(numMuons)

            for mu in xrange(numMuons - 1):
                muon = muons[mu]
                for plottingVar, hist in izip(plottingVariables,
                    if plottingVar.quantity == "eta":
                    elif plottingVar.quantity == "phi":
                    elif plottingVar.quantity == "pt":
                    elif plottingVar.quantity == "ch":
    return particleHistorgrams
Ejemplo n.º 23
class Events(object):
    def __init__(self, dataset):
        self._edmEvents = EDMEvents(dataset.files)
        self.iEvent = -1
        self.nEvents = self._edmEvents.size()

    def __iter__(self):
        it = iter(self._edmEvents)
        while True:
                self.edm_event = next(it)
                self.iEvent = self.edm_event._eventCounts
                self.nEvents = self.edm_event.size()
                yield self
            except StopIteration:
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, name, component, cfg):
        '''Build a loop object.

        listOfFiles can be "*.root".
        name will be used to make the output directory'''

        self.name = name
        self.cmp = component
        self.cfg = cfg 
        self.events = Events( glob.glob( self.cmp.files) )
        self.triggerList = TriggerList( self.cmp.triggers )
        if self.cmp.isMC or self.cmp.isEmbed:
            self.trigEff = TriggerEfficiency()
            self.trigEff.tauEff = None
            self.trigEff.lepEff = None
            if self.cmp.tauEffWeight is not None:
                self.trigEff.tauEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
                                               self.cmp.tauEffWeight )
            if self.cmp.muEffWeight is not None:
                self.trigEff.lepEff = getattr( self.trigEff,
                                               self.cmp.muEffWeight )
        # here create outputs
        self.regions = H2TauTauRegions( self.cfg.cuts )
        self.output = Output( self.name, self.regions )
        if self.cmp.name == 'DYJets':
            self.outputFakes = Output( self.name + '_Fakes', self.regions )

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)

        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = {}        
        # self.histograms = []
Ejemplo n.º 25
def sdms_fwlite(argv):
    ## _____________      __.____    .__  __             _________ __          _____  _____
    ## \_   _____/  \    /  \    |   |__|/  |_  ____    /   _____//  |_ __ ___/ ____\/ ____\
    ##  |    __) \   \/\/   /    |   |  \   __\/ __ \   \_____  \\   __\  |  \   __\\   __\
    ##  |     \   \        /|    |___|  ||  | \  ___/   /        \|  | |  |  /|  |   |  |
    ##  \___  /    \__/\  / |_______ \__||__|  \___  > /_______  /|__| |____/ |__|   |__|
    ##      \/          \/          \/             \/          \/

    options = getUserOptions(argv)

    #print argv
    #print options

    #jets, jetLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJets"
    muons, muonLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>"), "slimmedMuons"
    #electrons, electronLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::Electron>"), "slimmedElectrons"
    #packedgens, packedgenLabel = Handle("std::vector<reco::packedGenParticle>"), "PACKEDgENpARTICLES"
    #packedgens, packedgenLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedGenParticle>"), "packedGenParticles"
    #genInfo, genInfoLabel = Handle("GenEventInfoProduct"), "generator"
    #mets, metLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETs"

    f = ROOT.TFile(options.output, "RECREATE")

    outtree = ROOT.TTree("T", "Our tree of everything")

    def bookFloatBranch(name, default):
        tmp = array('f', [default])
        outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/F' % name)
        return tmp

    def bookIntBranch(name, default):
        tmp = array('i', [default])
        outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/I' % name)
        return tmp

    def bookLongIntBranch(name, default):
        tmp = array('l', [default])
        outtree.Branch(name, tmp, '%s/L' % name)
        return tmp

    # Muons
    # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/SWGuideCMSDataAnalysisSchoolLPC2018Muons
    # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideMuonIdRun2
    nmuon = array('i', [-1])
    outtree.Branch('nmuon', nmuon, 'nmuon/I')
    muonpt = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonpt', muonpt, 'muonpt[nmuon]/F')
    muoneta = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muoneta', muoneta, 'muoneta[nmuon]/F')
    muonphi = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonphi', muonphi, 'muonphi[nmuon]/F')
    muonq = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonq', muonq, 'muonq[nmuon]/F')
    muonpx = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonpx', muonpx, 'muonpx[nmuon]/F')
    muonpy = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonpy', muonpy, 'muonpy[nmuon]/F')
    muonpz = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonpz', muonpz, 'muonpz[nmuon]/F')
    muone = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muone', muone, 'muone[nmuon]/F')
    muonsumchhadpt = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonsumchhadpt', muonsumchhadpt, 'muonsumchhadpt[nmuon]/F')
    muonsumnhadpt = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonsumnhadpt', muonsumnhadpt, 'muonsumnhadpt[nmuon]/F')
    muonsumphotEt = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonsumphotEt', muonsumphotEt, 'muonsumphotEt[nmuon]/F')
    muonsumPUPt = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonsumPUPt', muonsumPUPt, 'muonsumPUPt[nmuon]/F')
    muonisLoose = array('i', 16 * [-1])
    outtree.Branch('muonisLoose', muonisLoose, 'muonisLoose[nmuon]/I')
    muonisMedium = array('i', 16 * [-1])
    outtree.Branch('muonisMedium', muonisMedium, 'muonisMedium[nmuon]/I')

    muonPFiso = array('f', 16 * [-1.])
    outtree.Branch('muonPFiso', muonPFiso, 'muonPFiso[nmuon]/F')

    ## ___________                    __    .____
    ## \_   _____/__  __ ____   _____/  |_  |    |    ____   ____ ______
    ##  |    __)_\  \/ // __ \ /    \   __\ |    |   /  _ \ /  _ \\____ \
    ##  |        \\   /\  ___/|   |  \  |   |    |__(  <_> |  <_> )  |_> >
    ## /_______  / \_/  \___  >___|  /__|   |_______ \____/ \____/|   __/
    ##         \/           \/     \/               \/            |__|

    # IMPORTANT : Run one FWLite instance per file. Otherwise,
    # FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which
    # can take a long time to parse.
    def processEvent(iev, event):

        runnumber = event.eventAuxiliary().run()

        if options.verbose:
            print "\nProcessing %d: run %6d, lumi %4d, event %12d" % \
                  (iev,event.eventAuxiliary().run(), \
                  event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock(), \

        ########### MUONS ##################
        event.getByLabel(muonLabel, muons)
        nmuons2write = 0
        if len(muons.product()) > 0:
            for i, muon in enumerate(muons.product()):
                #if muon.pt() > options.minMuonPt and abs(muon.eta()) < options.maxMuonEta and muon.isMediumMuon():
                if 1:
                    muonpt[i] = muon.pt()
                    muoneta[i] = muon.eta()
                    muonphi[i] = muon.phi()
                    muone[i] = muon.energy()
                    muonq[i] = muon.charge()
                    muonpx[i] = muon.px()
                    muonpy[i] = muon.py()
                    muonpz[i] = muon.pz()
                    #pfi  = muon.pfIsolationR03()
                    pfi = muon.pfIsolationR04()
                    #print( pfi.sumChargedHadronPt, pfi.sumChargedParticlePt, pfi.sumNeutralHadronEt, pfi.sumPhotonEt, pfi.sumNeutralHadronEtHighThreshold, pfi.sumPhotonEtHighThreshold, pfi.sumPUPt)
                    muonsumchhadpt[i] = pfi.sumChargedHadronPt
                    muonsumnhadpt[i] = pfi.sumNeutralHadronEt
                    muonsumphotEt[i] = pfi.sumPhotonEt
                    muonsumPUPt[i] = pfi.sumPUPt
                    muonisLoose[i] = int(muon.isLooseMuon())
                    muonisMedium[i] = int(muon.isMediumMuon())

                    #(mu->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt + max(0., mu->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt + mu->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt - 0.5*mu->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt))/mu->pt()

                    muonPFiso[i] = (muonsumchhadpt[i] + max(
                        0., muonsumnhadpt[i] + muonsumphotEt[i] -
                        0.5 * muonsumPUPt[i])) / muonpt[i]
                    nmuons2write += 1

        nmuon[0] = nmuons2write

        for i in range(0, nmuon[0] - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, nmuon[0]):
                #dpt = np.fabs(muonpt[i]/muone[i] - muonpt[j]/muone[j])
                dpt = np.fabs(muone[i] - muone[j]) / muone[i]
                sumdx = np.fabs(muonpx[i] / muone[i] + muonpx[j] / muone[j])
                sumdy = np.fabs(muonpy[i] / muone[i] + muonpy[j] / muone[j])
                sumdz = np.fabs(muonpz[i] / muone[i] + muonpz[j] / muone[j])

                if dpt < 0.1 and sumdx < .10 and sumdy < .10 and sumdz < .10:
                    #print(muonpt[i] , muonpt[j], muonpx[i] , muonpx[j], muonpy[i] , muonpy[j], muonpz[i] , muonpz[j])
                    print(muoneta[i], muoneta[j])
                    print(muone[i], muone[j], muonpx[i], muonpx[j], muonpy[i],
                          muonpy[j], muonpz[i], muonpz[j])
                    #print(muonpt[i]/muone[i] , muonpt[j]/muone[j], muonpx[i]/muone[i] , muonpx[j]/muone[j], muonpy[i]/muone[i] , muonpy[j]/muone[j], muonpz[i]/muone[i] , muonpz[j]/muone[j])

        ## ___________.__.__  .__    ___________
        ## \_   _____/|__|  | |  |   \__    ___/______   ____   ____
        ##  |    __)  |  |  | |  |     |    |  \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \
        ##  |     \   |  |  |_|  |__   |    |   |  | \/\  ___/\  ___/
        ##  \___  /   |__|____/____/   |____|   |__|    \___  >\___  >
        ##      \/                                          \/     \/

        return 1

    # Main event loop

    #genoutputfile = open("generator_information.dat",'w')
    nevents = 0
    maxevents = int(options.maxevents)
    for ifile in getInputFiles(options):
        print('Processing file ' + ifile)
        events = Events(ifile)
        if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents:

        # loop over events in this file
        for iev, event in enumerate(events):

            if maxevents > 0 and nevents > maxevents:
            nevents += 1

            #if nevents % 1000 == 0:
            if nevents % 100 == 0:
                print('    ---> Event ' + str(nevents))
            elif options.verbose:
                print('    ---> Event ' + str(nevents))

            returnVal = processEvent(iev, events)

    # Close the output ROOT file
Ejemplo n.º 26
import ROOT
import sys
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle

events = Events([

mets, metLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETs"
puppimets, puppimetLabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::MET>"), "slimmedMETsPuppi"

for event in events:

    if event.eventAuxiliary().event() != 1183564:

    if event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock() != 2595:

    print "run %6d, lumi %4d, event %12d" % (
        event.eventAuxiliary().run(), event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock(),

    event.getByLabel(metLabel, mets)
    event.getByLabel(puppimetLabel, puppimets)

    met = mets.product().front()
    print "met.pt() = " + str(met.pt())
    print "met.px() = " + str(met.px())
    print "met.py() = " + str(met.py())
    print "met.uncorPt() = " + str(met.uncorPt())
Ejemplo n.º 27



for event in events:
    #fetch stubs

    for processor in range(0,12):
        for bx in BUNCHES:
            emu=filter(lambda x: x.processor()==processor,emulator[bx])
            data=filter(lambda x: x.processor()==processor,unpacker[bx])
            if (len(emu)+len(data))>0:
Ejemplo n.º 28
# Original Author:Julie Hogan (FNAL)
# edite by: Jhovanny Andres Mejia Guisao

from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events
import ROOT

events = Events(
tracks = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate>")

histogram = ROOT.TH1F("histogram", "histogram", 100, 0, 8)

i = 0
for event in events:
    print "Event", i
    event.getByLabel("packedPFCandidates", tracks)
    j = 0
    for track in tracks.product():
        print "    Track", j, track.charge() / track.pt(), track.phi(
        ), track.eta(), track.dxy(), track.dz()
        j += 1
    i += 1
    if i >= 5: break

c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800)
genPartsLabel = "genParticles"
genPartsHandle = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>")

##### histos
HistBR = ROOT.TH1D("HistBR", "W Decay Branching Ratio", 5, 0, 5)
##### Reading in files from 'TTTT_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph-tauola.txt'
TTJetsFiles = open('TTTT_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph-tauola.txt')
files = TTJetsFiles.readlines()
TTJetsFiles = []
for f in files:
        + f.rstrip('\n'))

events = Events(TTJetsFiles)
#maxEvents = 1000

dimuonic = 0.
numbersignalevents = 0

##### event processing
for i, event in enumerate(events):
    #if i >= maxEvents:
    numbersignalevents += 1
    event.getByLabel(genPartsLabel, genPartsHandle)
    genParts = genPartsHandle.product()
    Counter_e = 0
    Counter_mu = 0
Ejemplo n.º 30
import ROOT
import sys
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle

#events = Events (['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/mc/RunIISummer16DR80Premix/DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/AODSIM/PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6_ext1-v1/80000/EEF150FB-C5B1-E611-87B0-FA163EFD20EB.root'])

#events = Events (['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/mc/RunIISummer16DR80Premix/WJetsToLNu_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/AODSIM/PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6_ext2-v2/70001/901B42AA-D229-E711-AD84-A4BF0101202F.root']) 

#events = Events (['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/mc/RunIISpring15PrePremix/Neutrino_E-10_gun/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW/PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v2-v2/80008/9C1072E7-FC82-E611-A3CD-0CC47A78A3F8.root']) 

events = Events (['/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.1.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.2.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.3.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.4.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.5.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.6.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.7.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.8.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.9.root','/afs/cern.ch/work/a/amlevin/wjets_prod/CMSSW_8_0_21/src/SMP-RunIISummer16DR80Premix-00199.10.root']) 

genparticles, genParticlesLabel = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "genParticles"

from math import hypot, pi

def deltaPhi(phi1,phi2):
    ## Catch if being called with two objects                                                                                                                                             
    if type(phi1) != float and type(phi1) != int:
        phi1 = phi1.phi
    if type(phi2) != float and type(phi2) != int:
        phi2 = phi2.phi
    ## Otherwise                                                                                                                                                                          
    dphi = (phi1-phi2)
    while dphi >  pi: dphi -= 2*pi
    while dphi < -pi: dphi += 2*pi
    return dphi

def deltaR(eta1,phi1,eta2=None,phi2=None):
    ## catch if called with objects                                                                                                                                                       
    if eta2 == None:
Ejemplo n.º 31
cmssw_miniaod = "test_particle_net_ak4_MINIAODSIM.root"

jetsLabel = "selectedUpdatedPatJets"

from RecoBTag.ONNXRuntime.pfParticleNetAK4_cff import _pfParticleNetAK4JetTagsAll
disc_names = _pfParticleNetAK4JetTagsAll
#disc_names = _pfParticleNetJetTagsProbs+_pfParticleNetSonicJetTagsProbs

jet_pt = "fj_pt"
jet_eta = "fj_eta"

c_numbers = ['event_n']

c_cmssw = {d_name: [] for d_name in disc_names + [jet_pt, jet_eta] + c_numbers}
jetsHandle = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>")
cmssw_evs = Events(cmssw_miniaod)

max_n_jets = 1000000
max_n_events = 500000
n_jets = 0

for i, ev in enumerate(cmssw_evs):
    event_number = ev.object().id().event()
    if (n_jets >= max_n_jets): break
    ev.getByLabel(jetsLabel, jetsHandle)
    jets = jetsHandle.product()
    for i_j, j in enumerate(jets):
        uncorr = j.jecFactor("Uncorrected")
        ptRaw = j.pt() * uncorr
        if ptRaw < 200.0 or abs(j.eta()) > 2.4: continue
        if (n_jets >= max_n_jets): break
Ejemplo n.º 32
        parser.error("Too many or too few arguments")
    options.config = args[0]
    options.file1 = args[1]
    options.file2 = args[2]

    # Parse object name and label out of Charles format
    tName, objName, lName = options.label[0].split('^')
    label = lName.split(',')



    chain1 = Events([options.file1], forceEvent=True)
    chain2 = Events([options.file2], forceEvent=True)

    if chain1.size() != chain1.size():
        raise RuntimeError("Files have different #'s of events")
    numEvents = min(options.numEvents, chain1.size())

    # Parameters to this script are the same regardless if the
    # product is double or vector<double> so have to try both
    productsCompared = 0
    totalCount = 0
    mismatches = 0
    for handleName in typeMap[objName]:
Ejemplo n.º 33
#! /usr/bin/env python

from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
import optparse

print "starting python test"

files = ['empty.root', 'good.root', 'empty.root', 'good_delta5.root']
events = Events (files)

thingHandle = Handle ('std::vector<edmtest::Thing>')
indicies = events.fileIndicies()
for event in events:
    newIndicies = event.fileIndicies()
    if indicies != newIndicies:
        print "new file"
    indicies = newIndicies
    event.getByLabel ('Thing', thingHandle)
    thing = thingHandle.product()
    for loop in range (thing.size()):
        print thing.at (loop).a


for event in events:


for event in events:
    event.getByLabel ('Thing', thingHandle)
Ejemplo n.º 34
binning=range(20)+[x*10 for x in range(2,20)]+[x*100 for x in range(2,20)]
m0_energy  = ROOT.TH1F("m0_energy","m0_energy",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))
m21_energy = ROOT.TH1F("m21_energy","m21_energy",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))
m23_energy = ROOT.TH1F("m23_energy","m23_energy",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))
m0_multiplicity  = ROOT.TH1F("m0_multiplicity","m0_multiplicity",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))
m21_multiplicity = ROOT.TH1F("m21_multiplicity","m21_multiplicity",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))
m23_multiplicity = ROOT.TH1F("m23_multiplicity","m23_multiplicity",len(binning)-1,array('d',binning))

from files import *
#events = Events(RelValZMM_13_CMSSW_7_4_1_MCRUN2_74_V9_gensim_740pre7_v1_PhilFixRecHitFlag[:1])

#events = Events(RelValZMM_13_CMSSW_7_4_1_PU25ns_MCRUN2_74_V9_gensim_740pre7_v1_PhilFixRecHitFlag)

events = Events(RelValZMM_13_CMSSW_7_4_1_PU50ns_MCRUN2_74_V8_gensim_740pre7_v1_PhilFixRecHitFlag)

nevents = 10 if small else events.size()
for i in range(nevents):
  if i%10==0:print "At event %i/%i"%(i,nevents)
#  eaux=events.eventAuxiliary()
#  run=eaux.run()
#  event=eaux.event()
#  lumi=eaux.luminosityBlock()

  pfClusters = getProd('pfClusters') 
  caloRecHits = getProd('caloRecHits')
  for i_c, c in enumerate(pfClusters):
    hitsAndFractions = c.hitsAndFractions()
Ejemplo n.º 35
''' FWLite example
# Standard imports
import ROOT
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
from PhysicsTools.PythonAnalysis import *

from math import atan, sin, sqrt, log, exp, tan, asin

small = True

collection = 'rechits'

#2016 MC
events = Events([
filename = "MC_%s_2016" % collection

#events = Events(['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/relval/CMSSW_9_3_0_pre1/RelValNuGun/GEN-SIM-RECO/PUpmx25ns_92X_upgrade2017_realistic_v7-v1/00000/14A49577-9561-E711-A501-0CC47A78A2F6.root'])
#filename = "MC_%s_2017"%collection

#2016 data
#events = Events(['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/data/Run2016H/ZeroBias/AOD/PromptReco-v2/000/282/037/00000/080C0CFD-7A89-E611-AC65-02163E011D59.root'])
#filename = "Data_%s_2016"%collection

##2017 data
#events = Events(['root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/data/Run2017B/ZeroBias/AOD/PromptReco-v1/000/297/723/00000/061EEF62-E25E-E711-975D-02163E0143BC.root'])
#filename = "Data_%s_2017"%collection
Ejemplo n.º 36
import ROOT


from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle

# events = Events('root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/mc/RunIIFall17MiniAODv2/VBFHToTauTau_M125_13TeV_powheg_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU2017_12Apr2018_94X_mc2017_realistic_v14-v1/90000/549B2DC8-C443-E811-9DAF-A0369FE2C17C.root')
events = Events('test.root')

# handle  = Handle ('std::vector<pat::Electron>')
handle = Handle('edm::View<pat::Electron>')

for i, event in enumerate(events):
    event.getByLabel(('slimmedElectrons'), handle)
    import pdb
    for i in range(len(handle)):
        eleptr = handle.ptrAt(i)
        print eleptr
    electrons = handle.product()
    if not len(electrons):
    import pdb
    if i == 100:
Ejemplo n.º 37
def writeTree(inputFile):

    print('######## Creating branches ########')

    events = Events(inputFile)

    print('Took the input file successfully')

    for i, event in enumerate(events):

        event.getByLabel(photonLabel, photons)
        event.getByLabel(genParticlesLabel, genParticles)
        event.getByLabel(triggerBitLabel, triggerBits)
        event.getByLabel(photonL1Label, photonL1)
        event.getByLabel(triggerObjectLabel, triggerObjects)

        hltPhotons[0] = 0
        hltCollection = []
        recoCollection = []
        l1Collection = []
        genCollection = []

        for j, to in enumerate(triggerObjects.product()):
            to.unpackNamesAndLabels(event.object(), triggerBits.product())

            if to.collection() == 'hltGtStage2Digis:EGamma:HLT':

                if to.pt() > 5:

                    hltPhotons[0] += 1

        if hltPhotons[0] == 2:

            fourPBoth = hltCollection[0].p4() + hltCollection[1].p4()
            invariantMass = fourPBoth.M()
            hltInvariantMass[0] = invariantMass

        numPhotons_gen[0] = 0
        nPhoton[0] = 0
        failedPhotons[0] = 0

        triggerBits_ = triggerBits.product()
        photons_ = photons.product()
        genParticles_ = genParticles.product()

        #nPhoton[0] = len(photons_)
        nParticles[0] = len(genParticles_)

        names = event.object().triggerNames(triggerBits_)

        for i in range(triggerBits_.size()):

            if names.triggerNames()[i] == 'HLT_Photon20_v2':
                if triggerBits_.accept(i):
                    hltPhoton20[0] = 1
                    hltPhoton20[0] = 0

            #if names.triggerNames()[i]=='HLT_Photon33_v5':
            #if triggerBits_.accept(i):
            #hltPhoton33[0] = 1
            #hltPhoton33[0] = 0

            #if names.triggerNames()[i]=='HLT_Photon20_HoverELoose_v10':
            #if triggerBits_.accept(i):
            #hltP20H[0] = 1
            #hltP20H[0] = 0

            #if names.triggerNames()[i]=='HLT_Photon30_HoverELoose_v10':
            #if triggerBits_.accept(i):
            #hltP30H[0] = 1
            #hltP30H[0] = 0

            #if names.triggerNames()[i]=='HLT_Diphoton30_18_R9IdL_AND_HE_AND_IsoCaloId_NoPixelVeto_v2':
            #if triggerBits_.accept(i):
            #hltDP30[0] = 1
            #hltDP30[0] = 0

        j = 0

        for i, prt in enumerate(genParticles_):

            pdgId[i] = prt.pdgId()
            particleStatus[i] = prt.status()
            nMothers[i] = prt.numberOfMothers()

            if prt.pdgId() == 22:

                photonEnergyg[j] = prt.energy()
                photonPxg[j] = prt.px()
                photonPyg[j] = prt.py()
                photonPzg[j] = prt.pz()
                photonPhig[j] = prt.phi()
                photonEtag[j] = prt.eta()
                photonPtg[j] = prt.pt()
                numPhotons_gen[0] += 1

                j += 1
                #print('in if loop')

            if i > 1:

                mothers[i] = prt.mother(0).pdgId()

        if numPhotons_gen[0] == 2 and len(genCollection) == 2:

            fourPBoth = genCollection[0].p4() + genCollection[1].p4()
            invariantMass = fourPBoth.M()
            genInvariantMass[0] = invariantMass

        for i, ph in enumerate(photons_):

            #if ph.photonID('cutBasedPhotonID-Fall17-94X-V1-medium') == 1:

            photonPt[i] = ph.pt()
            photonPhi[i] = ph.phi()
            photonEta[i] = ph.eta()
            photonEnergy[i] = ph.energy()
            photonPx[i] = ph.px()
            photonPy[i] = ph.py()
            photonPz[i] = ph.pz()
            nPhoton[0] += 1


            #failedPhotonPt[i] = ph.pt()
            #failedPhotonEnergy[i] = ph.energy()
            #failedPhotons[0] += 1

        if nPhoton[0] == 2 and len(recoCollection) == 2:

            fourPBoth = recoCollection[0].p4(0) + recoCollection[1].p4(0)
            invariantMass = fourPBoth.M()
            recoInvariantMass[0] = invariantMass

        bxVector_photon = photonL1.product()

        bx = 0

        for i, ph in enumerate(bxVector_photon):

            if ph.pt() > 5:


                nPhoton_L1[0] = bxVector_photon.size(bx)

        for i in range(bxVector_photon.size(bx)):

            photon = bxVector_photon.at(bx, i)

            l1photonPt[i] = photon.pt()
            l1photonEta[i] = photon.eta()
            l1photonPhi[i] = photon.phi()
            l1photonEnergy[i] = photon.energy()
            l1photonPx[i] = photon.px()
            l1photonPy[i] = photon.py()
            l1photonPz[i] = photon.pz()

        if nPhoton_L1[0] == 2 and len(l1Collection) == 2:

            fourPBoth = l1Collection[0].p4() + l1Collection[1].p4()
            invariantMass = fourPBoth.M()
            l1InvariantMass[0] = invariantMass

Ejemplo n.º 38
#! /usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
import optparse

print("starting python test")

files = ['empty_a.root', 'good_a.root', 'empty_a.root', 'good_b.root']
events = Events(files)

thingHandle = Handle('std::vector<edmtest::Thing>')
indicies = events.fileIndicies()
for event in events:
    newIndicies = event.fileIndicies()
    if indicies != newIndicies:
        print("new file")
    indicies = newIndicies
    event.getByLabel('Thing', thingHandle)
    thing = thingHandle.product()
    for loop in range(thing.size()):


for event in events:

Ejemplo n.º 39
import numpy as n

# load FWLite C++ libraries

# load FWlite python libraries
from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events

lheeventproduct, label = Handle("LHEEventProduct"), "externalLHEProducer"

# open file (you can use 'edmFileUtil -d /store/whatever.root' to get the physical file name)
events = Events(

f = ROOT.TFile("test.root", "recreate")
t = ROOT.TTree("genTree", "Simple gen tree")

p3 = ROOT.TVector3()
p4 = ROOT.TVector3()
p5 = ROOT.TVector3()
p6 = ROOT.TVector3()
p7 = ROOT.TVector3()
t.Branch('p3', p3)
t.Branch('p4', p4)
t.Branch('p5', p5)
t.Branch('p6', p5)
t.Branch('p7', p7)
Ejemplo n.º 40
        fil = filter( lambda x : '.root' in x and "super" in x, files)
        for f in fil: thefiles.append( subdir + '/' + f)
    datasets[dataset]['files'] = thefiles
    outputDict[dataset]['total'] = 0 
    for b in bins:
        outputDict[dataset]['fired' + str(b) + "_q12"] = 0
        outputDict[dataset]['fired' + str(b) + "_q4"] = 0
        outputDict[dataset]['fired' + str(b) + "_q0"] = 0

muonHandle, muonLabel = Handle("BXVector<l1t::RegionalMuonCand>"), ("simOmtfDigis", "OMTF", "L1TMuonEmulation" )

for dataset in datasets:
    print 'starting to process', dataset
    events = Events(datasets[dataset]['files'])
    print 'we got the events'
    count = 0
    for ev in events:
        if not count%1000:  print count, events.size()
        count += 1
        outputDict[dataset]['total'] = outputDict[dataset]['total'] + 1 
        ev.getByLabel(muonLabel, muonHandle)
        muons = muonHandle.product()
        goodIndex = 0
        for bxNumber in range(muons.getFirstBX(), muons.getLastBX()+1):
            size = muons.size(bxNumber)
            for i in range(size):
                muon = muons[i+goodIndex]
                if muon.trackFinderType() not in [1,2]: continue #Only OMTF
                for b in bins:
Ejemplo n.º 41
    graph_error = ROOT.TGraphErrors()
    for i in range(1,hist_2d.GetNbinsX()+1):
        proj_y = hist_2d.ProjectionY("",i,i)
	k = (hist_2d.GetXaxis()).GetBinCenter(i)
	rms = proj_y.GetRMS()
	rms_error = proj_y.GetRMSError()
    return graph_error

def resolution(u,v,k):
    return math.sqrt(u**2+(v**2)*k**2)

events = Events(['file:/scratch2/Leah/CMSSW_10_1_7/src/cscHits.root'])


tantheta_k_112 = ROOT.TH2D("tantheta_k_121","$\Delta$$\Tantheta$ vs  k; k; $\Delta\Theta$",100,-0.4,0.4,100,-0.5,0.5)
tantheta_k_212 = ROOT.TH2D("tantheta_k_221","$\Delta$$\Tantheta$ vs  k; k; $\Delta\Theta$",100,-0.4,0.4,100,-0.5,0.5)

for event in events:
#    if N > 50000:
#	break
    if N in [50000,100000,150000,200000]:
	print ('analyzing event {}').format(N)
#    if N > 100000:
#	break
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def loadEvents(self,nEvents = -1):
     self.events = Events( self.inputPath )
Ejemplo n.º 43
import sys
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle

# Make VarParsing object
# https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideAboutPythonConfigFile#VarParsing_Example
from FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing import VarParsing
options = VarParsing('python')

# Events takes either
# - single file name
# - list of file names
# - VarParsing options

# use Varparsing object
events = Events(options)

# create handle outside of loop
handle = Handle("std::vector<pat::Muon>")

# for now, label is just a tuple of strings that is initialized just
# like and edm::InputTag
label = ("selectedLayer1Muons")

# Create histograms, etc.
ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()  # don't pop up canvases
ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain')  # white background
zmassHist = ROOT.TH1F("zmass", "Z Candidate Mass", 50, 20, 220)

# loop over events
for event in events:
Ejemplo n.º 44
t.Branch('PID', PID, 'PID[5]/F')
t.Branch('CSV', CSV, 'CSV[5]/F')
t.Branch('nbTags', nbTags, 'nbTags/i')
t.Branch('nValidJets', nValidJets, 'nValidJets/i')


#Read in input files
FILES = options.directory + '/*.root'
print FILES
files = glob.glob(FILES)
print 'Getting these files : '
for fname in files:
    print fname
postfix = ""
events = Events(files)

#Width and Central Value of Wmass peak
wmass = 80.08
wwidth = 33.5

#Set up handles and labels for use
#muon variables
if options.lep == "mu":
    if options.leptonCut == 'tight':
        leptonPtHandle = Handle("std::vector<float>")
        leptonPtLabel = ("pfShyftTupleMuons" + postfix, "pt")
        leptonEtaHandle = Handle("std::vector<float>")
        leptonEtaLabel = ("pfShyftTupleMuons" + postfix, "eta")
        leptonPhiHandle = Handle("std::vector<float>")
        leptonPhiLabel = ("pfShyftTupleMuons" + postfix, "phi")
Ejemplo n.º 45
        self.tests = tests or []

    def __call__(self, event):
        event.getByLabel(*(list(self.inlabel) + [self.inhandle]))
        event.getByLabel(*(list(self.outlabel) + [self.outhandle]))

        print self.msg
        for a, b in compare_bx_vector(self.inhandle.product(), self.outhandle.product()):
            for t in self.tests:
                t(a, b)

def test_type(a, b):
    if a.getType() != b.getType():
        print ">>> Type different:", a.getType(), "vs", b.getType()

events = Events(sys.argv[1])

run = [
            'Checking spare rings',
            ('simCaloStage1FinalDigis', 'HFRingSums'),
            ('l1tRawToDigi', 'HFRingSums'),
            'Checking spare bits',
            ('simCaloStage1FinalDigis', 'HFBitCounts'),
            ('l1tRawToDigi', 'HFBitCounts'),
def compare(quantity, input_dev, input_ref, tau_type, ranges, outdir, max_taus,
            nbins, name):
    e_dev = Events(input_dev)
    e_ref = Events(input_ref)
    tau_handle = Handle("std::vector<pat::Tau>")
    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas()
    r = [0.0, 1.01]
    if quantity in ranges.keys():
        r = ranges[quantity]
    isID = False
    idxID = -1
    if quantity.startswith("id:"):
        isID = True
        quantity = quantity.replace("id:", "")
    h_ref = ROOT.TH1F(quantity, quantity, nbins, r[0], r[1])
    h_dev = ROOT.TH1F(quantity + "_dev", quantity + "_dev", nbins, r[0], r[1])
    max = max_taus
    for event in e_ref:
        if max == 0:
        event.getByLabel(tau_type, tau_handle)
        taus = tau_handle.product()
        for tau in taus:
            if max == 0:
            if isID:
                if idxID == -1:
                    for i, ID in enumerate(tau.tauIDs()):
                        if ID.first == quantity:
                            idxID = i
                h_ref.Fill(getattr(tau, quantity)())
            max -= 1
    max = max_taus
    for event in e_dev:
        if max == 0:
        event.getByLabel(tau_type, tau_handle)
        taus = tau_handle.product()
        for tau in taus:
            if max == 0:
            if isID:
                h_dev.Fill(getattr(tau, quantity)())
            max -= 1

    equal = True
    for i in range(1, nbins + 1):
        if h_ref.GetBinContent(i) != h_dev.GetBinContent(i):
            equal = False

    h_dev.SetLineColor(8 if equal else 2)
    c1.SaveAs(os.path.join(outdir, "%s_%s.png" % (name, quantity)))

    return equal
Ejemplo n.º 47
import ROOT
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
from PhysicsTools.PythonAnalysis import *

events_new = Events([
#events_old = Events(['~/eos/cms/store/group/phys_jetmet/schoef/pickEvents/jack_metTailPhys14_susyHadronic/merged_bad_GEN-SIM.root'])

edmCollections = [{
    'name': 'pfMet',
    'label': ("pfMet"),
    'edmType': "vector<reco::PFMET>"
handles = {v['name']: Handle(v['edmType']) for v in edmCollections}
for i in range(events_new.size()):
    products_new = {}
    for v in edmCollections:
        events_new.getByLabel(v['label'], handles[v['name']])
        products_new[v['name']] = handles[v['name']].product()
#  events_old.to(i)
#  products_old = {}
#  for v in edmCollections:
#    events_old.getByLabel(v['label'],handles[v['name']])
#    products_old[v['name']] =handles[v['name']].product()

    print "new", products_new['pfMet'][0].pt(
    )  #, 'old', products_old['pfMet'][0].pt()
Ejemplo n.º 48
        gen_handle, gen_label = Handle(
            "std::vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "genParticles"
    weights = EvtWeights(args.weights)

    to_remove = []
    for file in args.in_filename:
        file_temp = ROOT.TFile(file)
        if (file_temp.IsZombie()):
            print "******** remove file **********"

    new_list = [x for x in args.in_filename if x not in to_remove]
    print "AFTER REMOVING ALL ZOMBIES, this is the new list of files "
    print new_list

    events = Events(new_list)
    #events = Events(args.in_filename)

    #ele_seed_time_EB = ROOT.TH1D("ele_seed_time_EB",";ele seed time;#entries",600,-6,6)
    ele_my_sieie_default_EB = ROOT.TH1D("ele_my_sieie_default_EB",
                                        ";my_sieie_default;#entries", 2000, 0,
    ele_my_sieie_NC_EB = ROOT.TH1D("ele_my_sieie_NC_EB",
                                   ";my_sieie_NC;#entries", 2000, 0, 2)
    ele_saved_sieie_default_EB = ROOT.TH1D("ele_saved_sieie_default_EB",
                                           2000, 0, 2)
    ele_E5x5 = ROOT.TH1D("ele_E5x5", "E5x5;#entries", 100, 0, 100)

    noise_vs_ieta = ROOT.TH2D("noise_vs_ieta", ";ieta;PF recHit threshold",
                              200, -100, 100, 500, 0, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def fill2DHistos(histo_dict):
	Given the dict containing all histograms, fills the histograms by doing an event loop.
    #No stat box in the histograms


    mjj_histo = histo_dict['mjj_histo']
    leadJetPt_histo = histo_dict['leadJetPt_histo']
    trailJetPt_histo = histo_dict['trailJetPt_histo']
    leadJetEta_histo = histo_dict['leadJetEta_histo']
    trailJetEta_histo = histo_dict['trailJetEta_histo']

    jets, jetLabel = Handle('std::vector<pat::Jet>'), 'slimmedJets'

    events = Events(

    #Event loop starts here

    for iev, event in enumerate(events):

        #if iev == 1000: break #For testing

        if iev % 1000 == 0:
            print('Working on event {}'.format(iev))

        event.getByLabel(jetLabel, jets)

        #Implementing tight jet ID, 2017 recommendations

        jets_ = jets.product()

        AK4_tightJets = []

        for jet in jets_:

            if isTightJet(jet):


        nJet = len(AK4_tightJets)

        if nJet < 2:
            continue  #Discard the events with number of jets smaller than 2

        mjj_values = invMassJetCombos(
            AK4_tightJets)  #Get all the mjj values for all possible combos

        maxCombo = getMaxCombo(
        )  #Get the jet pair for which the maximum mjj happens to be

        #In the following, max_ variables stand for "the pair with highest mjj"
        #In contrast, leadingPair_ stands for "the highest pt jet pair"

        leadingPair_mjj = mjj_values['leadingJet_trailingJet']
        leadingPair_leadJetPt = AK4_tightJets[0].pt()
        leadingPair_trailJetPt = AK4_tightJets[1].pt()
        leadingPair_leadJetEta = AK4_tightJets[0].eta()
        leadingPair_trailJetEta = AK4_tightJets[1].eta()

        if maxCombo == (0, 1):

            max_mjj = leadingPair_mjj
            max_leadJetPt = leadingPair_leadJetPt
            max_trailJetPt = leadingPair_trailJetPt
            max_leadJetEta = leadingPair_leadJetEta
            max_trailJetEta = leadingPair_trailJetEta


            max_mjj = mjj_values['otherCombos'][maxCombo]

            #Identify the jet with larger pt in the max mjj combo

            idx_jetWithLargerPt, idx_jetWithSmallerPt = sortJets(
                AK4_tightJets, maxCombo)

            max_leadJetPt = AK4_tightJets[idx_jetWithLargerPt].pt()
            max_trailJetPt = AK4_tightJets[idx_jetWithSmallerPt].pt()
            max_leadJetEta = AK4_tightJets[idx_jetWithLargerPt].eta()
            max_trailJetEta = AK4_tightJets[idx_jetWithSmallerPt].eta()

        mjj_histo.Fill(max_mjj, leadingPair_mjj)
        leadJetPt_histo.Fill(max_leadJetPt, leadingPair_leadJetPt)
        trailJetPt_histo.Fill(max_trailJetPt, leadingPair_trailJetPt)
        leadJetEta_histo.Fill(max_leadJetEta, leadingPair_leadJetEta)
        trailJetEta_histo.Fill(max_trailJetEta, leadingPair_trailJetEta)

    #Plot the histograms and save them

    for hist in histo_dict.values():

Ejemplo n.º 50
# FWLite aggregates ALL of the information immediately, which
# can take a long time to parse.
filelist = file(options.files)
filesraw = filelist.readlines()
files = []
nevents = 0
for ifile in filesraw:
    if len(ifile) > 2:
        s = 'root://' + options.xrootd + '/' + ifile.rstrip()
        print 'Added ' + s

# loop over files
for ifile in files:
    print 'Processing file ' + ifile
    events = Events(ifile)
    if options.maxevents > 0 and nevents > options.maxevents:

    # loop over events in this file
    i = 0
    for event in events:
        if options.maxevents > 0 and nevents > options.maxevents:
        i += 1
        nevents += 1

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print '    ---> Event ' + str(i)

        ##    _____   ____  __.  _____        ____.       __    __________.__          __
Ejemplo n.º 51
# test for invalid files:
sane_files = []
for arg in args:
    if "mimes" in arg: continue    
    test = TFile(arg)
    if not (test.IsZombie() or test.TestBit(TFile.kRecovered)):
        print "ignoring file: %s" % arg
        os.system("rm %s" % arg)

print "sane_files", sane_files

events = Events(sane_files)

# create handle outside of loop
muons_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Muon>")
pfcands_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::PFCandidate>")
tracks_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
muons_rereco_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Muon>")
tracks_rereco_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
offlinePrimaryVertices_reco_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>")
offlinePrimaryVertices_rereco_handle = Handle("std::vector<reco::Vertex>")

# handles for isotrk producer
isotrk_matchedCaloEnergy_handle = Handle("std::vector<double>")
isotrk_trackerLayersWithMeasurement_handle = Handle("std::vector<int>")
isotrk_chi2perNdof_handle = Handle("std::vector<double>")
isotrk_trackQualityHighPurity_handle = Handle("std::vector<bool>")
Ejemplo n.º 52
def runGenTreeProducer(infiles='./step*root',
    # input and output
    files = glob.glob(infiles)

    if len(files) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'No files to be run!, glob expression = {}'.format(infiles))
    outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(outfilename, 'recreate')

    handles = OrderedDict()
    if doFromMini:
        handles['genP'] = ('packedGenParticles',
                           )  # does not seem to be working quite well
        handles['genP'] = ('genParticles',
    #handles['lhe']         = ('externalLHEProducer', Handle('LHEEventProduct'))

    # output file and tree gymnastics
    ntuple = ROOT.TNtuple('tree', 'tree', ':'.join(branches))
    tofill = OrderedDict(zip(
        [-99.] * len(branches)))  # initialise all branches to unphysical -99

    # get to the real thing
    print 'loading the file ...'
    events = Events(files)
    print '... done!'

    for i, event in enumerate(events):
        # access the handles
        for k, v in handles.iteritems():
            event.getByLabel(v[0], v[1])
            setattr(event, k, v[1].product())

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            percentage = float(i) / events.size() * 100.
            print '\t===> processing %d / %d event \t completed %.1f%s' % (
                i, events.size(), percentage, '%')

        #print '\n Event {a}'.format(a=i)

        # get the heavy neutrino
        the_hns = [
            ip for ip in event.genP
            if abs(ip.pdgId()) == 9900015 and ip.isLastCopy()
        if len(the_hns):
            event.the_hn = the_hns[0]  # one per event

#    print( '\n\nNEW EVENT run={} event={}'.format( event.eventAuxiliary().run(),event.eventAuxiliary().event() ))
#    if event.the_hn:
#      print('FOUND HNL, status={} isLastCopy()={} vx={:10} vy={:10} vz={:10} pt={:10} eta={:10} phi={:10}'.format(event.the_hn.status(), event.the_hn.isLastCopy(), event.the_hn.vx(), event.the_hn.vy(), event.the_hn.vz(), event.the_hn.pt(), event.the_hn.eta(), event.the_hn.phi()))
#      for iD in range(event.the_hn.numberOfDaughters()):
#        print('         , daughter pdg={:10}, status={:10} isLastCopy={:10} vx={:10} vy={:10} vz={:10} pt={:10} eta={:10} phi={:10}'.format(event.the_hn.daughter(iD).pdgId(),event.the_hn.daughter(iD).status(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).isLastCopy(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).vx(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).vy(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).vz(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).pt(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).eta(), event.the_hn.daughter(iD).phi()))
#      for iM in range(event.the_hn.numberOfMothers()):
#        print('         , mother  pdg={:10}, status={:10} isLastCopy={:10} vx={:10} vy={:10} vz={:10} pt={:10} eta={:10} phi={:10}'.format(event.the_hn.mother(iM).pdgId(),event.the_hn.mother(iM).status(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).isLastCopy(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).vx(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).vy(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).vz(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).pt(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).eta(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).phi()))
#        for iDM in range(event.the_hn.mother(iM).numberOfDaughters()):
#          print('                   daughter pdg={:10}, status={:10} isLastCopy={:10} vx={:10} vy={:10} vz={:10} pt={:10} eta={:10} phi={:10}'.format(event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).pdgId(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).status(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).isLastCopy(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).vx(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).vy(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).vz(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).pt(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).eta(), event.the_hn.mother(iM).daughter(iDM).phi()))

# find the B mother
        event.the_hn.mothers = [
            for jj in range(event.the_hn.numberOfMothers())
        the_b_mothers = sorted([
            ii for ii in event.the_hn.mothers
            if (abs(ii.pdgId()) == 521 or abs(ii.pdgId()) == 511
                or abs(ii.pdgId()) == 531 or abs(ii.pdgId()) == 541)
                               key=lambda x: x.pt(),
        if len(the_b_mothers):
            event.the_b_mother = the_b_mothers[0]
            event.the_b_mother = None

        # get the other daughters of the B meson
        event.the_b_mother.daughters = [
            for jj in range(event.the_b_mother.numberOfDaughters())
        #print [ii.pdgId() for ii in event.the_b_mother.daughters]

        # # first the D0 meson, if it exists
        if doBtoD:
            the_ds = sorted([
                ii for ii in event.the_b_mother.daughters
                if abs(ii.pdgId()) == 421
                            key=lambda x: x.pt(),
            if len(the_ds):
                event.the_d = the_ds[0]
                event.the_d = None

        # # then the trigger lepton
        the_pls = sorted([
            ii for ii in event.the_b_mother.daughters
            if abs(ii.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15]
                         key=lambda x: x.pt(),
        if len(the_pls):
            event.the_pl = the_pls[0]
            event.the_pl = None

        # D0s daughters
        if doBtoD and len(the_ds):
            event.the_d.daughters = [
                for jj in range(event.the_d.numberOfDaughters())

            # #find the pion
            the_pis = sorted(
                [ii for ii in event.the_d.daughters if abs(ii.pdgId()) == 211],
                key=lambda x: x.pt(),
            if len(the_pis):
                event.the_pi = the_pis[0]
                event.the_pi = None

            # find the kaon
            the_ks = sorted(
                [ii for ii in event.the_d.daughters if abs(ii.pdgId()) == 321],
                key=lambda x: x.pt(),
            if len(the_ks):
                event.the_k = the_ks[0]
                event.the_k = None

        # HNL daughters
        event.the_hn.initialdaus = [
            for jj in range(event.the_hn.numberOfDaughters())

        # # the lepton
        the_lep_daughters = sorted([
            ii for ii in event.the_hn.initialdaus
            if abs(ii.pdgId()) in [11, 13, 15]
                                   key=lambda x: x.pt(),
        if len(the_lep_daughters):
            event.the_hn.lep = the_lep_daughters[0]
            event.the_hn.lep = None

        # # the pion
        the_pi_daughters = sorted(
            [ii for ii in event.the_hn.initialdaus if abs(ii.pdgId()) == 211],
            key=lambda x: x.pt(),
        if len(the_pi_daughters):
            event.the_hn.pi = the_pi_daughters[0]
            event.the_hn.pi = None

        # invariant masses
        # # to get the invariant mass of the HNL daughters
        if len(the_pi_daughters) and len(the_lep_daughters):
            event.the_hnldaughters = event.the_hn.lep.p4(
            ) + event.the_hn.pi.p4()

        # # to get the invariant mass of the D0 daughters
        if doBtoD and len(the_ds):
            if len(the_ks) and len(the_pis):
                event.the_d0daughters = event.the_k.p4() + event.the_pi.p4()

        # # to get the full or partial invariant mass of the B
        # # # partial
        if len(the_pls) and len(the_hns):
            event.the_bdaughters_partial = event.the_hn.p4() + event.the_pl.p4(
        # # # total
        #event.the_bdaughters_all = sum([ii.p4() for ii in event.the_b_mother.daughters])

        #if doBtoD and len(the_ds) and len(the_pls) and len(the_hns):
        #   event.the_bdaughters = event.the_hn.p4() + event.the_d.p4() + event.the_pl.p4()
        ##elif not len(the_ds):
        #elif not doBtoD:
        #   event.the_bdaughters = event.the_hn.p4() + event.the_pl.p4()

        # identify the primary vertex
        # for that, needs the trigger lepton
        if len(the_pls):
            event.the_hn.the_pv = event.the_pl.vertex()

        # identify the secondary vertex
        if len(the_lep_daughters):
            event.the_hn.the_sv = event.the_hn.lep.vertex()

        # 2D transverse and 3D displacement, Pythagoras
        if len(the_pls) and len(the_lep_daughters):
            event.Lz = np.sqrt(
                (event.the_hn.the_pv.z() - event.the_hn.the_sv.z())**
                2) * 10  # everything in mm

            event.Lxy  = np.sqrt((event.the_hn.the_pv.x() - event.the_hn.the_sv.x())**2 + \
                                 (event.the_hn.the_pv.y() - event.the_hn.the_sv.y())**2) * 10 # everything in mm

            event.Lxyz = np.sqrt((event.the_hn.the_pv.x() - event.the_hn.the_sv.x())**2 + \
                                 (event.the_hn.the_pv.y() - event.the_hn.the_sv.y())**2 + \
                                 (event.the_hn.the_pv.z() - event.the_hn.the_sv.z())**2) * 10 # everything in mm

        # per event ct, as derived from the flight distance and Lorentz boost
        event.the_hn.beta = event.the_hn.p4().Beta()
        event.the_hn.gamma = event.the_hn.p4().Gamma()

        # we get the lifetime from the kinematics
        if len(the_pls) and len(the_lep_daughters):
            event.the_hn.ct_reco = event.Lxyz / (event.the_hn.beta *

        # pointing angle
        #if len(the_pls) and len(the_lep_daughters):
        #  hn_pt_vect = ROOT.math.XYZVector(event.the_hnldaughters.px(),
        #                                   event.the_hnldaughters.py(),
        #                                   0.)

        #  Lxy_vect = ROOT.GlobalPoint(-1*((event.the_hn.the_pv.x() - event.the_hn.the_sv.x())),
        #                              -1*((event.the_hn.the_pv.y() - event.the_hn.the_sv.y())),
        #                               0)

        #  vperptau = ROOT.math.XYZVector(Lxy_vect.x(), Lxy_vect.y(), 0.)

        #event.cos_pointing = vperptau.Dot(hn_pt_vect)/(vperptau.R()*hn_pt_vect.R())

        event.Lxyz_pl = np.sqrt((event.the_b_mother.vx() - event.the_pl.vx())**2 + \
                            (event.the_b_mother.vy() - event.the_pl.vy())**2 + \
                            (event.the_b_mother.vz() - event.the_pl.vz())**2) * 10 # everything in mm

        # get the lifetime of the B
        event.the_b_mother.beta = event.the_b_mother.p4().Beta()
        event.the_b_mother.gamma = event.the_b_mother.p4().Gamma()
        event.the_b_mother.ct_reco = event.Lxyz_pl / (event.the_b_mother.beta *

        tofill['run'] = event.eventAuxiliary().run()
        tofill['lumi'] = event.eventAuxiliary().luminosityBlock()
        tofill['event'] = event.eventAuxiliary().event()

        if event.the_b_mother:
            tofill['b_pt'] = event.the_b_mother.pt()
            tofill['b_eta'] = event.the_b_mother.eta()
            tofill['b_phi'] = event.the_b_mother.phi()
            tofill['b_mass'] = event.the_b_mother.mass()
            tofill['b_q'] = event.the_b_mother.charge()
            tofill['b_pdgid'] = event.the_b_mother.pdgId()
            tofill['b_ct_reco'] = event.the_b_mother.ct_reco

        tofill['hnl_pt'] = event.the_hn.pt()
        #tofill['hnl_p'      ] = event.the_hn.pt() * ROOT.TMath.CosH(event.the_hn.eta())
        tofill['hnl_eta'] = event.the_hn.eta()
        tofill['hnl_phi'] = event.the_hn.phi()
        tofill['hnl_mass'] = event.the_hn.mass()
        #tofill['hnl_ct_lhe' ] = event.hnl_ct_lhe
        if len(the_lep_daughters):
            tofill['hnl_ct_reco'] = event.the_hn.ct_reco
        tofill['hnl_beta'] = event.the_hn.beta
        tofill['hnl_gamma'] = event.the_hn.gamma
        tofill['hnl_pdgid'] = event.the_hn.pdgId()

        if doBtoD and event.the_d:
            tofill['d_pt'] = event.the_d.pt()
            tofill['d_eta'] = event.the_d.eta()
            tofill['d_phi'] = event.the_d.phi()
            tofill['d_mass'] = event.the_d.mass()
            tofill['d_q'] = event.the_d.charge()
            tofill['d_pdgid'] = event.the_d.pdgId()

            if event.the_k:
                tofill['k_pt'] = event.the_k.pt()
                tofill['k_eta'] = event.the_k.eta()
                tofill['k_phi'] = event.the_k.phi()
                tofill['k_mass'] = event.the_k.mass()
                tofill['k_q'] = event.the_k.charge()
                tofill['k_pdgid'] = event.the_k.pdgId()

            if event.the_pi:
                tofill['pi_pt'] = event.the_pi.pt()
                tofill['pi_eta'] = event.the_pi.eta()
                tofill['pi_phi'] = event.the_pi.phi()
                tofill['pi_mass'] = event.the_pi.mass()
                tofill['pi_q'] = event.the_pi.charge()
                tofill['pi_pdgid'] = event.the_pi.pdgId()

        if event.the_pl:
            tofill['l0_pt'] = event.the_pl.pt()
            tofill['l0_eta'] = event.the_pl.eta()
            tofill['l0_phi'] = event.the_pl.phi()
            tofill['l0_mass'] = event.the_pl.mass()
            tofill['l0_q'] = event.the_pl.charge()
            tofill['l0_pdgid'] = event.the_pl.pdgId()

        if event.the_hn.lep:
            tofill['l1_pt'] = event.the_hn.lep.pt()
            tofill['l1_eta'] = event.the_hn.lep.eta()
            tofill['l1_phi'] = event.the_hn.lep.phi()
            tofill['l1_mass'] = event.the_hn.lep.mass()
            tofill['l1_q'] = event.the_hn.lep.charge()
            tofill['l1_pdgid'] = event.the_hn.lep.pdgId()

        if event.the_hn.pi:
            tofill['pi1_pt'] = event.the_hn.pi.pt()
            tofill['pi1_eta'] = event.the_hn.pi.eta()
            tofill['pi1_phi'] = event.the_hn.pi.phi()
            tofill['pi1_mass'] = event.the_hn.pi.mass()
            tofill['pi1_q'] = event.the_hn.pi.charge()
            tofill['pi1_pdgid'] = event.the_hn.pi.pdgId()

        # invariant mass
        tofill['lep_pi_invmass'] = event.the_hnldaughters.mass()
        if doBtoD and len(the_ds):
            tofill['k_pi_invmass'] = event.the_d0daughters.mass()
        #tofill['b_invmass'] = event.the_bdaughters_all.mass()
        tofill['bpartial_invmass'] = event.the_bdaughters_partial.mass()

        # hnl charge
        tofill['hnl_q'] = event.the_hn.lep.charge() + event.the_hn.pi.charge()
        tofill['hnl_qprop'] = event.the_hn.charge()

        if len(the_pls) and len(the_lep_daughters):
            tofill['Lz'] = event.Lz
            tofill['Lxy'] = event.Lxy
            tofill['Lxyz'] = event.Lxyz
            #tofill['Lxy_cos'    ] = event.cos_pointing

        tofill['Lxyz_l0'] = event.Lxyz_pl

        # weights for ctau reweighting
        for vv in new_vvs:
            tofill['weight_%s' %
                   (str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))] = weight_to_new_ctau(
            tofill['ctau_%s' %
                   (str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))] = weight_to_new_ctau(
            tofill['xs_scale_to_%s' %
                   (str(vv).replace('-', 'm'))] = vv / this_vv

        ntuple.Fill(array('f', tofill.values()))

Ejemplo n.º 53
if options.set != 'data':
	#Load up scale factors (to be used for MC only)

	#TrigFile = TFile(di+"Triggerweight_"+options.set+".root")
	TrigFile = TFile(di+"Triggerweight_signalright2000btags.root")
	TrigPlot = TrigFile.Get("TriggerWeight_"+tnamestr)

	#PileFile = TFile(di+"PileUp_Ratio_"+settype+".root")
	#PilePlot = PileFile.Get("Pileup_Ratio")

# We select all the events:    
events = Events (files)

#Here we load up handles and labels.
#These are used to grab entries from the Ntuples.
#To see all the current types in an Ntuple use edmDumpEventContent /PathtoNtuple/Ntuple.root

AK8HL = Initlv("jetsAK8")

GeneratorHandle 	= 	Handle (  "GenEventInfoProduct")
GeneratorLabel  	= 	( "generator" , "")

BDiscHandle 	= 	Handle (  "vector<float> "  )
BDiscLabel  	= 	( "jetsAK8" , "jetAK8CSV")
Ejemplo n.º 54
    filename = ''
    if runtype == 'ZTT':
        filename = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/ytakahas/TauPOG/ZTT_CMSSW_' + RelVal + '_RelValZTT_13_MINIAODSIM_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_' + tag + '-v1_' + str(ii) + '.root'
    elif runtype == 'ZEE':
        filename = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/ytakahas/TauPOG/ZEE_CMSSW_' + RelVal + '_RelValZEE_13_MINIAODSIM_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_' + tag + '-v1_' + str(ii) + '.root'
    elif runtype == 'ZMM':
        filename = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/ytakahas/TauPOG/ZMM_CMSSW_' + RelVal + '_RelValZMM_13_MINIAODSIM_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_' + tag + '-v1_' + str(ii) + '.root'
    elif runtype == 'QCD':
        filename = 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/ytakahas/TauPOG/QCD_CMSSW_' + RelVal + '_QCD_FlatPt_15_3000HS_13_MINIAODSIM_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v11-v1_' + str(ii) + '.root'


events = Events(filelist)
print(len(filelist), 'files will be analyzed')

outputname = 'Myroot_' + RelVal + '_' + runtype + '.root'
file = ROOT.TFile(outputname, 'recreate')

h_ngen = ROOT.TH1F("h_ngen", "h_ngen",10,0,10)

tau_tree = ROOT.TTree('per_tau','per_tau')

tau_eventid = num.zeros(1, dtype=int)
tau_id = num.zeros(1, dtype=int)
tau_dm = num.zeros(1, dtype=int)
tau_dm_rough = num.zeros(1, dtype=int)
tau_pt = num.zeros(1, dtype=float)
Ejemplo n.º 55
# initialise output files to save the flat ntuples
outfile_gen = ROOT.TFile('tau_gentau_tuple_{}_{}.root'.format(sample,ifile), 'recreate')
ntuple_gen = ROOT.TNtuple('tree', 'tree', ':'.join(branches))
tofill_gen = OrderedDict(list(zip(branches, [-99.]*len(branches)))) # initialise all branches to unphysical -99

# outfile_jet = ROOT.TFile('tau_jet_tuple_{}_{}.root'.format(sample,ifile), 'recreate')
# ntuple_jet = ROOT.TNtuple('tree', 'tree', ':'.join(branches))
# tofill_jet = OrderedDict(zip(branches, [-99.]*len(branches))) # initialise all branches to unphysical -99

# Get ahold of the events
f = open('%s_filelist.txt'%args.sample)
infile = f.readlines()[ifile]

#events = Events('root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch/'+infile) # make sure this corresponds to your file name!
events = Events(infile.strip()) # make sure this corresponds to your file name!
#events = Events('/eos/user/b/bskipwor/HNL_M_5/HNL_miniAOD_1_3.root') # make sure this corresponds to your file name!
maxevents = -1 # max events to process
totevents = events.size() # total number of events in the files

def isAncestor(a, p):
    if a == p :
        return True
    for i in range(0,p.numberOfMothers()):
        if isAncestor(a,p.mother(i)):
            return True
    return False

# instantiate the handles to the relevant collections.
# Do this *outside* the event loop
Ejemplo n.º 56
class EdmDataAccessor(BasicDataAccessor, RelativeDataAccessor,
                      ParticleDataAccessor, EventFileAccessor):
    def __init__(self):
        logging.debug(__name__ + ": __init__")

        self._dataObjects = []
        self._edmLabel = {}
        self._edmParent = {}
        self._edmChildren = {}
        self._edmMotherRelations = {}
        self._edmDaughterRelations = {}
        self._edmChildrenObjects = {}

        self._eventIndex = 0
        self._numEvents = 0

        self._filename = ""
        self._branches = []
        self._filteredBranches = []
        self._events = None
        self._readOnDemand = True
        self._underscore = False
        self._filterBranches = True
        self.maxLevels = 2
        self.maxDaughters = 1000

    def isRead(self, object, levels=1):
        if not id(object) in self._edmChildrenObjects.keys():
            return False
        if levels > 1 and id(object) in self._edmChildren.keys():
            for child in self._edmChildren[id(object)]:
                if not self.isRead(child, levels - 1):
                    return False
        return True

    def children(self, object):
        """ Get children of an object """
        if id(object) in self._edmChildren.keys() and self.isRead(object):
            return self._edmChildren[id(object)]
            return ()

    def isContainer(self, object):
        """ Get children of an object """
        if id(object) in self._edmChildren.keys() and self.isRead(object):
            return len(self._edmChildren[id(object)]) > 0
            return True

    def motherRelations(self, object):
        """ Get motherRelations of an object """
        if id(object) in self._edmMotherRelations.keys():
            return self._edmMotherRelations[id(object)]
            return ()

    def daughterRelations(self, object):
        """ Get daughterRelations of an object """
        if id(object) in self._edmDaughterRelations.keys():
            return self._edmDaughterRelations[id(object)]
            return ()

    def label(self, object):
        return self.getShortLabel(object)

    def getShortLabel(self, object):
        if id(object) in self._edmLabel.keys():
            splitlabel = self._edmLabel[id(object)].strip(".").split(".")
            return splitlabel[len(splitlabel) - 1]
            return ""

    def getShortLabelWithType(self, object):
        return self.getShortLabel(object) + " <" + self.getShortType(
            object) + ">"

    def getObjectLabel(self, object):
        splitlabel = self._edmLabel[id(object)].strip(".").split(".")
        return ".".join(splitlabel[1:-1])

    def getType(self, object):
        typ = str(object.__class__)
        if "\'" in typ:
            typ = typ.split("\'")[1]
        if "." in typ:
            typ = typ.split(".")[len(typ.split(".")) - 1]
        return typ.strip(" ")

    def getShortType(self, object):
        typ = self.getType(object).split("<")[0].strip(" ")
        return typ

    def getBranch(self, object):
        entry = object
        while id(entry) in self._edmParent.keys(
        ) and self._edmParent[id(entry)] != None:
            entry = self._edmParent[id(entry)]
        return entry

    def getDepth(self, object):
        entry = object
        i = 0
        while id(entry) in self._edmParent.keys(
        ) and self._edmParent[id(entry)] != None:
            entry = self._edmParent[id(entry)]
            i += 1
        return i

    def getObjectProperties(self, object):
        """ get all method properties of an object """
        objects = []
        for attr in dir(object):
            prop = getattr(object, attr)
            if not attr.startswith("__") and (self._underscore
                                              or attr.strip("_") == attr):
                objects += [(attr, prop)]
        return objects

    def getObjectRef(self, object):
        """ get object and resolve references """
        typshort = self.getShortType(object)
        ref_types = [
            "edm::Ref", "edm::RefProd", "edm::RefToBase", "edm::RefToBaseProd",
        value = object
        ref = False
        if typshort in ref_types:
                if hasattr(object, "isNull") and object.isNull():
                    value = "ERROR: " + self.getType(
                        object) + " object is null"
                elif hasattr(object,
                             "isAvailable") and not object.isAvailable():
                    value = "ERROR: " + self.getType(
                        object) + " object is not available"
                    value = object.get()
                    if type(value) == type(None):
                        value = "ERROR: Could not get " + self.getType(object)
                        ref = True
            except Exception as message:
                value = "ERROR: " + str(message)
        return value, ref

    def getObjectContent(self, object):
        """ get string value of a method """
        if not callable(object):
            return object
            typ = ""
            if not object.__doc__ or str(object.__doc__) == "":
                return "ERROR: Empty __doc__ string"
            docs = str(object.__doc__).split("\n")
            for doc in docs:
                parameters = []
                for p in doc[doc.find("(") + 1:doc.find(")")].split(","):
                    if p != "" and not "=" in p:
                        parameters += [p]
                if len(parameters) != 0:
                typestring = doc[:doc.find("(")]
                split_typestring = typestring.split(" ")
                templates = 0
                end_typestring = 0
                for i in reversed(range(len(split_typestring))):
                    templates += split_typestring[i].count("<")
                    templates -= split_typestring[i].count(">")
                    if templates == 0:
                        end_typestring = i
                typ = " ".join(split_typestring[:end_typestring])
            hidden_types = ["iterator", "Iterator"]
            root_types = ["ROOT::"]
            if typ == "" or "void" in typ or True in [
                    t in typ for t in hidden_types
                return None
            from ROOT import TClass
            if True in [t in typ
                        for t in root_types] and TClass.GetClass(typ) == None:
                return "ERROR: Cannot display object of type " + typ
                object = object()
                value = object
            except Exception as message:
                value = "ERROR: " + str(message)
            if "Buffer" in str(type(value)):
                return "ERROR: Cannot display object of type " + typ
                return value

    def isVectorObject(self, object):
        typ = self.getShortType(object)
        return typ == "list" or typ[-6:].lower() == "vector" or typ[-3:].lower(
        ) == "map" or typ[-10:].lower() == "collection" or hasattr(
            object, "size")

    def compareObjects(self, a, b):
        same = False
        if hasattr(a,"px") and hasattr(a,"py") and hasattr(a,"pz") and hasattr(a,"energy") and \
           hasattr(b,"px") and hasattr(b,"py") and hasattr(b,"pz") and hasattr(b,"energy"):
            same = a.px() == b.px() and a.py() == b.py() and a.pz() == b.pz(
            ) and a.energy() == b.energy()
        return same

    def getDaughterObjects(self, object):
        """ get list of daughter objects from properties """
        objects = []
        # subobjects
        objectdict = {}
        hidden_attr = [
            "front", "back", "IsA", "clone", "masterClone", "masterClonePtr",
            "mother", "motherRef", "motherPtr", "daughter", "daughterRef",
            "daughterPtr", "is_back_safe"
        broken_attr = []  #["jtaRef"]
        for attr1, property1 in self.getObjectProperties(object):
            if attr1 in hidden_attr:
            elif attr1 in broken_attr:
                objectdict[attr1] = ("ERROR: Cannot read property", False)
                 ref) = self.getObjectRef(self.getObjectContent(property1))
                if not isinstance(value, type(None)) and (
                        not self.isVectorObject(object)
                        or self._propertyType(value) != None):
                    objectdict[attr1] = (value, ref)
        for name in sorted(objectdict.keys()):
            objects += [(name, objectdict[name][0], objectdict[name][1],
        # entries in vector
        if self.isVectorObject(object):
            n = 0
            for o in all(object):
                (value, ref) = self.getObjectRef(o)
                typ = self._propertyType(value)
                if typ != None:
                    name = "[" + str(n) + "]"
                elif "GenParticle" in str(value):
                    name = defaultParticleDataList.getNameFromId(value.pdgId())
                    name = self.getType(value) + " [" + str(n) + "]"
                objects += [(name, value, ref, typ)]
                n += 1
        # read candidate relations
        for name, mother, ref, propertyType in objects:
            if hasattr(mother, "numberOfDaughters") and hasattr(
                    mother, "daughter"):
                    for n in range(mother.numberOfDaughters()):
                        daughter = mother.daughter(n)
                        found = False
                        for na, da, re, st in objects:
                            if self.compareObjects(daughter, da):
                                daughter = da
                                found = True
                        if not id(mother) in self._edmDaughterRelations.keys():
                            self._edmDaughterRelations[id(mother)] = []
                        self._edmDaughterRelations[id(mother)] += [daughter]
                        if not id(daughter) in self._edmMotherRelations.keys():
                            self._edmMotherRelations[id(daughter)] = []
                        self._edmMotherRelations[id(daughter)] += [mother]
                except Exception as message:
                    logging.error("Cannot read candidate relations: " +
        return objects

    def _propertyType(self, value):
        if type(value) in (bool, ):
            return "Boolean"
        elif type(value) in (int, long):
            return "Integer"
        elif type(value) in (float, ):
            return "Double"
        elif type(value) in (complex, str, unicode):
            return "String"
            return None

    def properties(self, object):
        """ Make list of all properties """
        logging.debug(__name__ + ": properties: " + self.label(object))
        properties = []

        objectproperties = {}
        objectproperties_sorted = []
        if id(object) in self._edmChildrenObjects.keys():
            for name, value, ref, propertyType in self._edmChildrenObjects[id(
                if propertyType != None:
                    objectproperties[name] = (value, propertyType)
                    objectproperties_sorted += [name]

        properties += [("Category", "Object info", "")]
        shortlabel = self.getShortLabel(object)
        properties += [("String", "label", shortlabel)]
        properties += [("String", "type", self.getType(object))]
        objectlabel = self.getObjectLabel(object)
        if objectlabel != "":
            properties += [("String", "object", objectlabel)]
        branchlabel = self.label(self.getBranch(object))
        if shortlabel.strip(".") != branchlabel.strip("."):
            properties += [("String", "branch", branchlabel)]
            properties += [("Category", "Branch info", "")]
            properties += [("String", "Type", branchlabel.split("_")[0])]
            properties += [("String", "Label", branchlabel.split("_")[1])]
            properties += [("String", "Product", branchlabel.split("_")[2])]
            properties += [("String", "Process", branchlabel.split("_")[3])]

        for property in ["pdgId", "charge", "status"]:
            if property in objectproperties.keys():
                properties += [(objectproperties[property][1], property,
                del objectproperties[property]

        if "px" in objectproperties.keys():
            properties += [("Category", "Vector", "")]
            for property in [
                    "energy", "px", "py", "pz", "mass", "pt", "eta", "phi",
                    "p", "theta", "y", "rapidity", "et", "mt", "mtSqr",
                if property in objectproperties.keys():
                    properties += [(objectproperties[property][1], property,
                    del objectproperties[property]

        if "x" in objectproperties.keys():
            properties += [("Category", "Vector", "")]
            for property in ["x", "y", "z"]:
                if property in objectproperties.keys():
                    properties += [(objectproperties[property][1], property,
                    del objectproperties[property]

        if False in [
                for value in objectproperties.values()
            properties += [("Category", "Values", "")]
            for property in objectproperties_sorted:
                if property in objectproperties.keys():
                    if not str(
                        properties += [
                            (objectproperties[property][1], property,
                        del objectproperties[property]

        if len(objectproperties.keys()) > 0:
            properties += [("Category", "Errors", "")]
            for property in objectproperties_sorted:
                if property in objectproperties.keys():
                    properties += [(objectproperties[property][1], property,

        return tuple(properties)

    def readObjectsRecursive(self, mother, label, edmobject, levels=1):
        """ read edm objects recursive """
        logging.debug(__name__ + ": readObjectsRecursive (levels=" +
                      str(levels) + "): " + label)
        # save object information
        if not id(edmobject) in self._edmLabel.keys():
            if not isinstance(edmobject,
                              (int, float, long, complex, str, unicode, bool)):
                # override comparison operator of object
                    type(edmobject).__eq__ = eq
                    type(edmobject).__ne__ = ne
            self._edmLabel[id(edmobject)] = label
            self._edmParent[id(edmobject)] = mother
            self._edmChildren[id(edmobject)] = []
            if not id(mother) in self._edmChildren.keys():
                self._edmChildren[id(mother)] = []
            self._edmChildren[id(mother)] += [edmobject]
        if levels == 0:
            # do not read more daughters
            return [edmobject], True
            # read daughters
            return self.readDaughtersRecursive(edmobject, [edmobject], levels)

    def readDaughtersRecursive(self, edmobject, objects, levels=1):
        """ read daughter objects of an edmobject """
        logging.debug(__name__ + ": readDaughtersRecursive (levels=" +
                      str(levels) + "): " + str(edmobject))
        # read children information
        if not id(edmobject) in self._edmChildrenObjects.keys():
            self._edmChildrenObjects[id(edmobject)] = self.getDaughterObjects(
        # analyze children information
        ok = True
        daughters = self._edmChildrenObjects[id(edmobject)]
        i = 0
        for name, daughter, ref, propertyType in daughters:
            # create children objects
            if propertyType == None:
                if ref:
                    label = "* " + name
                    label = name
                if id(edmobject) in self._edmLabel.keys(
                ) and self._edmLabel[id(edmobject)] != "":
                    label = self._edmLabel[id(edmobject)] + "." + label
                (res, ok) = self.readObjectsRecursive(edmobject, label,
                                                      daughter, levels - 1)
                objects += res
            i += 1
            if i > self.maxDaughters:
                    "Did not read all daughter objects. Maximum is set to " +
                    str(self.maxDaughters) + ".")
                return objects, False
        return objects, ok

    def read(self, object, levels=1):
        """ reads contents of a branch """
        logging.debug(__name__ + ": read")
        if isinstance(object, BranchDummy):
            if hasattr(object, "product"):
                return object.product
            if not self._events:
                return object
                if object.branchtuple[1].isValid():
                    product = object.branchtuple[1].product()
                    if not isinstance(
                        (int, float, long, complex, str, unicode, bool)):
                        # override comparison operator of object
                            type(product).__eq__ = eq
                            type(product).__ne__ = ne
                    self._edmLabel[id(product)] = object.branchtuple[0]
                    object.product = product
                    object = product
                    self._edmChildrenObjects[id(object)] = [
                        ("ERROR", "ERROR: Branch is not valid.", False, True)
                    logging.info("Branch is not valid: " +
                                 object.branchtuple[0] + ".")
                    object.invalid = True
                    return object
            except Exception as e:
                self._edmChildrenObjects[id(object)] = [
                    ("ERROR", "ERROR: Unable to read branch : " + str(e),
                     False, True)
                object.unreadable = True
                logging.warning("Unable to read branch " +
                                object.branchtuple[0] + " : " +
                return object
        if self.isRead(object, levels):
            return object
        if levels > 0:
            self.readDaughtersRecursive(object, [], levels)
        return object

    def goto(self, index):
        """ Goto event number index in file.
        self._eventIndex = index - 1
        self._edmLabel = {}
        self._edmChildren = {}
        self._edmMotherRelations = {}
        self._edmDaughterRelations = {}
        self._edmChildrenObjects = {}
        if self._events:
        self._dataObjects = []
        i = 0
        for branchtuple in self._filteredBranches:
            branch = BranchDummy(branchtuple)
            self._dataObjects += [branch]
            self._edmLabel[id(branch)] = branchtuple[0]
            if not self._readOnDemand:
                self.read(branch, self.maxLevels)
            i += 1
        if self._filterBranches and self._events:
        return True

    def eventNumber(self):
        return self._eventIndex + 1

    def numberOfEvents(self):
        return self._numEvents

    def topLevelObjects(self):
        return self._dataObjects

    def open(self, filename=None):
        """ Open edm file and show first event """
        self._filename = filename
        self._branches = []
        if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == ".txt":
            file = open(filename)
            for line in file.readlines():
                if "\"" in line:
                    linecontent = [
                        l.strip(" \n").rstrip(".") for l in line.split("\"")
                    self._branches += [
                        (linecontent[0] + "_" + linecontent[1] + "_" +
                         linecontent[3] + "_" + linecontent[5], None,
                         linecontent[1], linecontent[3], linecontent[5])
                    linecontent = line.strip("\n").split(" ")[0].split("_")
                    if len(linecontent) > 3:
                        self._branches += [
                            (linecontent[0] + "_" + linecontent[1] + "_" +
                             linecontent[2] + "_" + linecontent[3], None,
                             linecontent[1], linecontent[2], linecontent[3])
        elif os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() == ".root":
            from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
            self._events = Events(self._filename)
            self._numEvents = self._events.size()
            branches = self._events.object().getBranchDescriptions()
            for branch in branches:
                    branchname = branch.friendlyClassName(
                    ) + "_" + branch.moduleLabel(
                    ) + "_" + branch.productInstanceName(
                    ) + "_" + branch.processName()
                    handle = Handle(branch.fullClassName())
                    self._branches += [
                        (branchname, handle, branch.moduleLabel(),
                         branch.productInstanceName(), branch.processName())
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.warning("Cannot read branch " + branchname + ":" +
        self._branches.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
        self._filteredBranches = self._branches[:]
        return self.goto(1)

    def particleId(self, object):
        charge = self.property(object, "pdgId")
        if charge == None:
            charge = 0
        return charge

    def isQuark(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isQuarkId(particleId)

    def isLepton(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isLeptonId(particleId)

    def isGluon(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isGluonId(particleId)

    def isBoson(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isBosonId(particleId)

    def isPhoton(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        if not hasattr(defaultParticleDataList, "isPhotonId"):
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isPhotonId(particleId)

    def isHiggs(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if not particleId:
            return False
        if not hasattr(defaultParticleDataList, "isHiggsId"):
            return False
        return defaultParticleDataList.isHiggsId(particleId)

    def lineStyle(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if hasattr(defaultParticleDataList, "isPhotonId"
                   ) and defaultParticleDataList.isPhotonId(particleId):
            return self.LINE_STYLE_WAVE
        elif defaultParticleDataList.isGluonId(particleId):
            return self.LINE_STYLE_SPIRAL
        elif defaultParticleDataList.isBosonId(particleId):
            return self.LINE_STYLE_DASH
        return self.LINE_STYLE_SOLID

    def color(self, object):
        particleId = self.particleId(object)
        if defaultParticleDataList.isLeptonId(particleId):
            return QColor(244, 164, 96)
        elif defaultParticleDataList.isQuarkId(particleId):
            return QColor(0, 100, 0)
        elif hasattr(
                "isHiggsId") and defaultParticleDataList.isHiggsId(particleId):
            return QColor(247, 77, 251)
        elif defaultParticleDataList.isBosonId(particleId):
            return QColor(253, 74, 74)
        return QColor(176, 179, 177)

    def charge(self, object):
        charge = self.property(object, "charge")
        if charge == None:
            charge = 0
        return charge

    def linkMother(self, object, mother):

    def linkDaughter(self, object, daughter):

    def underscoreProperties(self):
        return self._underscore

    def setUnderscoreProperties(self, check):
        self._underscore = check

    def filterBranches(self):
        return self._filterBranches

    def setFilterBranches(self, check):
        if not self._events:
            return True
        self._filterBranches = check
        if check:
            for branch in self._dataObjects[:]:
                result = self.read(branch, 0)
                if isinstance(result, BranchDummy):
                if hasattr(result, "invalid"):
            return True
            self._filteredBranches = self._branches[:]
            return False

    def filteredBranches(self):
        return self._filteredBranches
Ejemplo n.º 57
#! /usr/bin/env python
import ROOT
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
import FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing as VarParsing
options = VarParsing.VarParsing ('analysis')
events = Events(options)

print "In total there are %d events" % events.size()
print "Trying an event loop"
for i,event in enumerate(events):
    print "I am processing an event"
    if i > 10: break
print "Done with the event loops"
Ejemplo n.º 58
from random import gauss, choice, sample
from string import letters

# load FWLite C++ libraries

# import FWlite python objects
from DataFormats.FWLite import Handle, Events

# open file (you can use
# 'edmFileUtil -d /store/whatever.root'
# to get the physical file name)
events = Events(

f = root_open("test.root", "recreate")

# define the model
class Muon(TreeModel):
    eta = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    phi = FloatCol(default=-1111.)
    pt = FloatCol()

class Event(Muon.prefix('muon1_'), Muon.prefix('muon2_')):
    run_number = IntCol()
    files = filelist
    print len(files), " total filenames"
    print "getting all files at this local path"
    files = glob.glob(sys.argv[1])

# Make TFile to hold histograms
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
  outputfilename = sys.argv[3]
  outputfilename = "histos.root"
outputfile = ROOT.TFile(outputfilename, "recreate")

# Make event collection
events = Events(files)

# Make Handles for objects outside event loop
print datetime.datetime.now(), " Creating handles..."
ak4handle, ak4label = Handle("std::vector<pat::Jet>"), "slimmedJets"
pfcandhandle, pfcandlabel = Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate>"), "packedPFCandidates"
genhandle, genlabel = Handle("vector<reco::GenParticle>"), "prunedGenParticles"
pvhandle, pvlabel = Handle("vector<reco::Vertex>"), "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices"

# Book Histograms
num_pfcands = ROOT.TH1F('num_pfcands', 'Number of PF cands', 100, 0, 5000)
pvqual = ROOT.TH1F('pvqual', 'PV Quality of PF cands part of CH pair', 10, 0, 10)
impact = ROOT.TH1F('impact', 'impact param dxy()', 200, -0.1, 0.1)
impact_sig = ROOT.TH1F('impact_sig', 'impact param significance dxyError()', 100, 0, 0.1)

num_pairs = ROOT.TH1F('num_pairs', 'Number of pairs of CH+/CH- within DR', 80, 0, 80)
Ejemplo n.º 60
def count():
	Counts the number of events where one of two scenarios occur:
	--- Max mjj is for two leading jets
	--- Max mjj is for other jet combos
	Counts the number of events for three cases for leading two jets:
	--- Two central jets
	--- Two forward jets
	--- Mixed (one central, one forward jet)

    jets, jetLabel = Handle('std::vector<pat::Jet>'), 'slimmedJets'

    events = Events(

    mother_dict = {}

    counter_twoLeadingJets = {
    }  #Counts the number of events where mjj is max for the two leading jets
    counter_otherCombos = {
    }  #Counts the number of events where mjj is max for other combinations

    mjjValues_leadingPair = [
    ]  #Stores max mjj for the case where max mjj comes from leading two pairs
    mjjValues_otherMaxPair = [
    ]  #Stores max mjj for the case where max mjj comes from other combos

    ptValues1_leadingPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt[0] for the case where max mjj comes from leading two pairs
    ptValues2_leadingPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt[1] for the case where max mjj comes from leading two pairs

    leadingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt[0] for the case where max mjj comes from other combos
    trailingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt[1] for the case where max mjj comes from other combos
    ptValues1_otherMaxPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt of jet with larger pt in the case where this pair have the max mjj
    ptValues2_otherMaxPair = [
    ]  #Stores jet_pt of jet with smaller pt in the case where this pair have the max mjj

    cases = ['twoCentralJets', 'twoForwardJets', 'mixed']

    for case in cases:
        counter_twoLeadingJets[case] = 0
        counter_otherCombos[case] = 0

    mother_dict['counter_twoLeadingJets'] = counter_twoLeadingJets
    mother_dict['counter_otherCombos'] = counter_otherCombos
    mother_dict['mjjValues_leadingPair'] = mjjValues_leadingPair
    mother_dict['mjjValues_otherMaxPair'] = mjjValues_otherMaxPair
    mother_dict['ptValues1_leadingPair'] = ptValues1_leadingPair
    mother_dict['ptValues2_leadingPair'] = ptValues2_leadingPair
        'leadingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair'] = leadingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair
        'trailingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair'] = trailingJetPtValues_otherMaxPair
    mother_dict['ptValues1_otherMaxPair'] = ptValues1_otherMaxPair
    mother_dict['ptValues2_otherMaxPair'] = ptValues2_otherMaxPair

    #Event loop starts here

    for iev, event in enumerate(events):

        #if iev == 10: break #For testing

        if iev % 1000 == 0:
            print('Working on event {}'.format(iev))

        event.getByLabel(jetLabel, jets)

        #Implementing tight jet ID, 2017 recommendations

        jets_ = jets.product()

        AK4_tightJets = []

        for jet in jets_:

            if isTightJet(jet):


        nJet = len(AK4_tightJets)

        if nJet < 2:
            continue  #Discard the events with number of jets smaller than 2

        mjj_values = invMassJetCombos(
            AK4_tightJets)  #Get all the mjj values for all possible combos

        maxCombo = getMaxCombo(
        )  #Get the jet pair for which the maximum mjj happens to be

        #print('Event: {0}, maxCombo: {1}'.format(iev, maxCombo))

        #Counting the number of cases

        leadJetEta = AK4_tightJets[0].eta()
        trailJetEta = AK4_tightJets[1].eta()

        if abs(leadJetEta) > 2.5 and abs(trailJetEta) > 2.5:
            case = 'twoForwardJets'
        elif abs(leadJetEta) <= 2.5 and abs(trailJetEta) <= 2.5:
            case = 'twoCentralJets'