def get(self, parser, sourceType: SourceTypes, origin: str): """ Returns all active data. Params: Data Retrive a object Data with structure: { 'id' :, 'born' : self.born, 'source_type' : str(self.source_type), 'source_name' : self.source_name, 'source_item' : self.source_item, 'package' : self.package, 'data' : self.serialize(, 'aux' : self.serialize(self.aux), 'state' : str(self.state), }, limit, lastTime, all Controller and device could be an Exp Reg. Ex. 'CamController' for single or 'CamController.*?' for all from CamController """ try: #TODO: Si en lugar de data se reciben las variables id, package, source_name y source_item # como se registra en la documentación. Además el tipo lo debe sacar de la url que se usa parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('data') parser.add_argument('limit') parser.add_argument('lastTime') parser.add_argument('onlyActive') args = parser.parse_args() dataIn = dataIn = '' if dataIn == None else dataIn data = Data() = '-1' if dataIn != '': data = data.parse(dataIn) limit = args.limit lastTime = args.lastTime onlyActive = True if args.onlyActive == '' else Misc.toBool( args.onlyActive) result = DataPool().getPool(data=data, limit=limit, lastTime=lastTime, onlyActive=onlyActive) result = list(map(lambda d: d.getJson(), result)) result.insert(0, {'msg': 'ok', 'queryTime': time()}) except: message = Binnacle().errorDetail(Messages.error_pool_reading) Binnacle().logFromCore(message, LogTypes.ERROR, origin) result = [{'msg': message}] return result
def start_pool(self): """ Start data pool """ Binnacle().logFromCore( Messages.system_pool_start + self.CONFIG['URL_BASE'], LogTypes.INFO, self.__class__.__name__) pool = DataPool() pool.initialize(self.CONFIG) self.poolThread = Process(target=pool.start, args=()) self.poolThread.daemon = True self.poolThread.start() del pool sleep(2) Binnacle().logFromCore( Messages.system_pool_started + self.CONFIG['URL_BASE'], LogTypes.INFO, self.__class__.__name__)
def __init__(self, cfg=None): self.dp = DataPool() # Object to send information self.URL = "" # Pool URL self.Me_Path = "./" # Path of current component self.Standalone = False # If a child start in standalone self.lastTime = time() # Time of last petition to the pool self.Config = cfg # Object with all config params self.Classes = self.Config['CLASSES'] # Classes able to detect self.NET = None # Neural Network to predict self.Controller = '' # Controller to filter data self.Device = '' # Device name to filter data self.Limit = -1 # Amount of data to filter data self.loggingLevel = None # logging level to write self.loggingFile = None # Name of file where write log self.loggingFormat = None # Format to show the log
def post(self, parser, sourceType: SourceTypes, origin: str): """ Load data in pool. Params: data: Data Retrive a object Data with structure: { 'id' :, 'born' : self.born, 'source_type' : str(self.source_type), 'source_name' : self.source_name, 'source_item' : self.source_item, 'package' : self.package, 'data' : self.serialize(, 'aux' : self.serialize(self.aux), 'state' : str(self.state), } """ try: #TODO: Validar tipo de dato y si no coiside emitir error #TODO: E ltipo de dato esperado lo debe sacar de la clase en su instanciación parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('data') args = parser.parse_args() dataIn = dataIn = '' if dataIn == None else dataIn data = Data() = -1 if dataIn != '': data = data.parse(dataIn) if sourceType != SourceTypes.parse(data.source_type): raise ValueError( Messages.bad_source_type_deteiled.format( sourceType, SourceTypes.parse(data.source_type))) DataPool().append(data) DataPool().pop() result = [{'msg': 'ok', 'id':}] except: message = Binnacle().errorDetail(Messages.error_pool_writing) Binnacle().logFromCore(message, LogTypes.ERROR, origin) result = [{'msg': message}] return result
def put(self, parser, origin: str): """ Exec commands on pool """ try: parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('command') args = parser.parse_args() result = [{'msg': 'ok', 'res': DataPool().command(args.command)}] except: message = Binnacle().errorDetail(Messages.error_pool_command) Binnacle().logFromCore(message, LogTypes.ERROR, origin) result = [{'msg': message}] return result
import sys sys.path.insert(0, './Core/') from DataPool import DataPool DP = DataPool() DP.start(prod=True) app = #from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
from selenium import webdriver from import WebDriverWait from DataPool import DataPool dp = DataPool('demo') driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get(dp.get('BAIDU_HOME_URL')) driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#kw').send_keys("selenium") driver.find_element_by_id('su').click() #driver.maximize_window() #driver.find_element_by_link_text('百度首页').click() #print(,driver.title,driver.current_url) WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(lambda x: 'selenium' in x.title) assert ('selenium_' in driver.title) driver.close() driver.quit()
class ClassifierHAR(abc.ABC): """ Generic class that represents all the classifiers that can be loaded. """ def __init__(self, cfg=None): self.dp = DataPool() # Object to send information self.URL = "" # Pool URL self.Me_Path = "./" # Path of current component self.Standalone = False # If a child start in standalone self.lastTime = time() # Time of last petition to the pool self.Config = cfg # Object with all config params self.Classes = self.Config['CLASSES'] # Classes able to detect self.NET = None # Neural Network to predict self.Controller = '' # Controller to filter data self.Device = '' # Device name to filter data self.Limit = -1 # Amount of data to filter data self.loggingLevel = None # logging level to write self.loggingFile = None # Name of file where write log self.loggingFormat = None # Format to show the log """ Abstract methods """ @abc.abstractmethod def preLoad(self): """ Implement me! :: Load everything need to proccess """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def loadModel(self): """ Implement me! :: Load knowledge for prediction """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, data): """ Implement me! :: Do prediction and return class found """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def showData(self, data, classes, aux): """ Implement me! :: To show data if this module start standalone. set self.Standalone = True before start. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def testData(self): """ Implement me! :: Data t test if this module start standalone. You must return an array as expected if you query the data pool. set self.Standalone = True before start. """ pass """ Real methods """ def start(self): """ Start module and prediction """ self.activateLog() self.preLoad() self.running = True logging.debug('Start detection of {} in {}.'.format(self.Config["CLASSES"], self.__class__.__name__)) failedSend = 0 while self.running: gdList = [] _classes = None _idData = 0 try: if not self.Standalone: gdList = self.bring(controller=self.Controller, device=self.Device, limit=self.Limit, lastTime=self.lastTime) self.lastTime = gdList[0]['timeQuery'] else: gdList = self.testData() failedSend = 0 except: failedSend += 1 logging.exception( 'Unexpected error getting data from pool: {}. Controller: {}, Device: {}, Limit: {}.'.format( self.URL, self.Controller, self.Device, self.Limit)) if failedSend > 2 and not self.dp.isLive(): logging.error('Pool no found {} will shutdown.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) self.stop() break continue for gd in gdList[1:]: _classes = [] try: _classes, _aux = self.predict(gd) _idData = gd['id'] except: logging.exception( 'Unexpected error in prediction from classifier: {} ({}).'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.Config["MACHINE_NAME"])) try: if not self.Standalone and len(_classes) > 0: self.sendDetection(_idData, _classes, _aux) else: self.showData(gd, _classes, _aux) failedSend = 0 except: failedSend += 1 logging.exception( 'Unexpected error sending data from classifier: {} ({}).'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.Config["MACHINE_NAME"])) if failedSend > 2 and not self.dp.isLive(): logging.error('Pool no found {} will shutdown.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) self.stop() break def stop(self): """ Stop module and predicting """ self.running = False def sendDetection(self, idData, classes, aux=None): """ Send detection data to pool """ self.dp.URL = self.URL self.dp.sendDetection(classifier=self.Config["MACHINE_NAME"], idData=idData, classes=classes, aux=aux) def bring(self, controller='', device='', limit=-1, lastTime=0): """ Bring data from Pool """ self.dp.URL = self.URL return self.dp.getData(controller=controller, device=device, limit=limit, lastTime=lastTime) def activateLog(self): """ Activate logging """ Misc.loggingConf(self.loggingLevel, self.loggingFile, self.loggingFormat)