Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_multi_graph_of_list_memebers_and_followers(api, list):
    """Creates a multi directed graph where nodes are all members of a given list and their followers and edges(weight 1) are
    added if a user follows another one on twitter.
    Edges (weight 2) are added if one user replied to another one on twitter.
    :parameter api
    :parameter list
    :return mDG - multi directed graph
    debug_print("EXEC - create_multi_graph_of_list_memebers_and_followers method :")

    criteria = {"in_reply_to_user_id": {"$ne": None}, "$where": "this.user.id != this.in_reply_to_user_id"}
    projection = {"id": 1, "user.screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1, "text": 1}
    tweets = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=list, criteria=criteria, projection=projection)

    #create a multi directed graph - one directions for reply / one for following
    mdG = nx.MultiDiGraph()
    db_coll_name = "%s_%s" % (list, "members")
    members = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=db_coll_name)
    for member in members[:5]:   # for member in members[:10]: can be used for testing
        followers = twitter_get_followers(api, screen_name=member['screen_name'],followers_limit=400)
        print member['screen_name'],len(followers)
        #create network of following
        mdG = create_keyplayers_graph(graph=mdG, user=member, followers=followers, weight=1)

    #create network of conversation/replying
    i = 0
    for tweet in tweets:
        if mdG.has_node(tweet['id']) and mdG.has_node(tweet['in_reply_to_user_id']):
            debug_print("%d) user: %s \n          in reply to: %s \n          text: %s" % (i,tweet['user']['screen_name'],tweet['in_reply_to_screen_name'],tweet['text']))
            i += 1
            mdG.add_edge(tweet['id'], tweet['in_reply_to_user_id'],weight = 2)
    return mdG
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_directed_graph_of_list_members(list):
    """Creates a directed graph where nodes are all members of a given list and edges are
     added if a member has replied to another one on twitter
     :parameter list
     :return dG - directed graph
    debug_print("EXEC - create_directed_graph_of_list_members method :")

    criteria = {"in_reply_to_user_id": {"$ne": None}, "$where": "this.user.id != this.in_reply_to_user_id"}
    projection = {"id": 1, "user.screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1, "text": 1}
    # tweets that aren't a reply to the same user's tweets
    results = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=list, criteria=criteria, projection=projection)

    debug_print("  num of edges/results: %d" % len(results))
    dG = nx.DiGraph()
    db_coll_name = "%s_%s" % (list, "members") #name of collection for members of list
    members = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=db_coll_name)
    debug_print("  num of members: %d" % len(members))
    for member in members:
        dG.add_node(member['id'], screen_name=member['screen_name'], location=member['location'],
           followers_count=member['followers_count'], statuses_count=member['followers_count'],
           friends_count=member['friends_count'], created_at=member['created_at'])
    i = 0
    for result in results:

        if dG.has_node(result['id']) and dG.has_node(result['in_reply_to_user_id']):
            debug_print("%d) user: %s \n          in reply to: %s \n          text: %s" % (i,result['user']['screen_name'],result['in_reply_to_screen_name'],result['text']))
            i += 1
            dG.add_edge(result['id'], result['in_reply_to_user_id'])
    return dG
Ejemplo n.º 3
def twitter_search(twitter_api, q, max_results=1000, **kw):
    Retrieves tweets from the api for a given query and saves them into mongo database
    description of parametars: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/search/tweets
    Warning: OAuth users can "only" make 180 search queries per 15-minute interval.
    For preventing HTTP errors a robust API wrapper is added
     :param twitter_api
     :param q
     :param max_results


    debug_print('EXEC twitter_search method : ')
    #Get a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query

        twitter_search_api_tweets = partial(twitter_api.search.tweets, q=q, count=180, **kw)
        search_results = twitter_make_robust_request(twitter_search_api_tweets)

    #Handle rate limit
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        if e.e.code == 429 : #rate limit reached TODO: handle this error  inside methods
             #find the highest since_id from database to continue if a rate limitation is reached
            since_id = load_from_mongo('twitter', q, return_cursor=False, find_since_id=True)
            if since_id:
                debug_print(" since_id: %i" % since_id)
                kw = {'since_id': since_id}
                debug_print("  No since_id")
            debug_print("  Rate limit reached. Start: %s . Retrying in 15 min ...zZz..." % str(time.ctime()))
            time.sleep(60*15 + 10)
            debug_print("  Woke up ... End: %s " % str(time.ctime()))
            twitter_search(twitter_api, q, **kw)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_users_for_hashtag_list(hashtags):
    Counts the number of users that used the hashtags from the list in their posts
    :param hashtags - list of hashtags
    :return: users_per_hashtag - dict where key the hastag and value number of users that have included it in their posts
    debug_print("EXEC get_users_for_hashtag_list method :")
    users_per_hashtag = {}

    for hashtag in hashtags:
        criteria = {"entities.hashtags.text": "%s" % hashtag}
        projection = {"user.screen_name": 1, "_id": 0}
        results = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter",

        unique_users = set()
        for user in results:
            #print user["user"]["screen_name"]
        #print hashtag
        #print len(unique_users)
        users_per_hashtag.update({hashtag: unique_users})
    return users_per_hashtag
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_directed_graph_of_list_members_and_followers(api, list):
    """Creates a directed graph where nodes are all members of a given list and edges are
     added if a member who follows another one on twitter.
     :parameter api
     :parameter list
     :return dG - directed graph
    debug_print("EXEC - create_directed_graph_of_list_members_and_followers method :")
    criteria = {"in_reply_to_user_id": {"$ne": None}, "$where": "this.user.id != this.in_reply_to_user_id"}
    projection = {"id": 1, "user.screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_screen_name": 1, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1, "text": 1}
    tweets = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=list, criteria=criteria, projection=projection)

    #create a multi directed graph - one directions for reply / one for following
    dG = nx.DiGraph()
    db_coll_name = "%s_%s" % (list, "members")
    members = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll=db_coll_name)
    for member in members:
        followers = twitter_get_followers(api, screen_name=member['screen_name'],followers_limit=400)
        #print member['screen_name'],len(followers)

        #create network of following
        dG = create_keyplayers_graph(graph=dG, user=member, followers=followers, weight=1)
    return dG
Ejemplo n.º 6
def twitter_get_list_members_tweets(twitter_api,
    """Gets all tweets from twitter api posted by list members and stores them into database
    :parameter: twitter_api
    :parameter: max_results
    :parameter: owner_screen_name - name of the creator of the list
    :parameter: slug - the name of the list
    debug_print("EXEC twitter_get_list_members method :")

    #get id of last tweet from mongo
    since_id = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter",
    if since_id is None:
        since_id = 1

    debug_print("  Getting since_id from db: " + str(since_id))
    kw = {'count': 100, 'since_id': since_id, 'include_rts': False}
    #get all statuses from list members
    response = twitter_api.lists.statuses(owner_screen_name=owner_screen_name,
    #401 (Not Authorized) - Need to bail out on loop entry
    if response is None:
        response = []

    debug_print("  First response len : " + str(len(response)))
    results = response
    page_num = 1
    max_pages = 16

    if max_results == kw['count']:
        page_num = max_pages  # Prevent loop entry

    #find all new tweets after the first response
    while page_num < max_pages and len(response) > 0 and len(
            results) < max_results:
        kw['max_id'] = min([tweet['id'] for tweet in response]) - 1
        response = twitter_api.lists.statuses(
            owner_screen_name=owner_screen_name, slug=slug, **kw)
        results += response
        #debug_print("  All results len : "+str(len(results)) + " |  New response len : "+str(len(response)))
        page_num += 1

    #Saving all results to database

    twitter_save_to_mongo(results, "twitter", slug)
def facebook_get_likes_count(page_name):
    Reads from database the number of likes for a page

    :param page_name:
    :return: number of likes
    debug_print("EXEC facebook_get_likes_count method :")
    if page_name is not None:
        criteria = {"name": "%s" % page_name}
        projection = {"likes": 1, "_id": 0}
        result = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook",mongo_db_coll="pages_info", criteria=criteria,projection=projection)

        return result[0]["likes"]
def facebook_get_talkingabout_count(page_name):
    Reads from database the number of the parameter talking about(facebook) for a page

    :param page_name:
    :return: talking_about_count - number of people talking about your page
    debug_print("EXEC facebook_get_talkingabout_count method :")
    if page_name is not None:
        criteria = {"name": "%s" % page_name}
        projection = {"talking_about_count": 1, "_id": 0}
        result = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook",mongo_db_coll="pages_info",criteria=criteria,projection=projection)
        talking_about_count = result[0]["talking_about_count"]
        return talking_about_count
Ejemplo n.º 9
def facebook_get_likes_count(page_name):
    Reads from database the number of likes for a page

    :param page_name:
    :return: number of likes
    debug_print("EXEC facebook_get_likes_count method :")
    if page_name is not None:
        criteria = {"name": "%s" % page_name}
        projection = {"likes": 1, "_id": 0}
        result = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook",

        return result[0]["likes"]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def facebook_get_talkingabout_count(page_name):
    Reads from database the number of the parameter talking about(facebook) for a page

    :param page_name:
    :return: talking_about_count - number of people talking about your page
    debug_print("EXEC facebook_get_talkingabout_count method :")
    if page_name is not None:
        criteria = {"name": "%s" % page_name}
        projection = {"talking_about_count": 1, "_id": 0}
        result = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook",
        talking_about_count = result[0]["talking_about_count"]
        return talking_about_count
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_popular_hashtags(slug):
    Returns popular hastags for a certain list of users
    :parameter: slug - slug for the list from twitter
    :returns: hashtags - dictionary where key is the hashtag and value number of occurrences
    debug_print("EXEC get_popular_hashtags method :")
    mongo_db = "twitter"
    mongo_db_coll = slug
    results = load_from_mongo(mongo_db=mongo_db, mongo_db_coll=mongo_db_coll)
    screen_names, hashtags, urls, media, symbols = get_popular_tweet_entities_list(
        results, 25)
    #hashtags = get_popular_tweet_entities_list(entity_threshold= 25)
    hashtags_dict = {}
    for (k, v) in hashtags:
        print k, " : ", v
        hashtags_dict.update({k: v})
    return hashtags_dict
Ejemplo n.º 12
            since_id = load_from_mongo('twitter', q, return_cursor=False, find_since_id=True)
            if since_id:
                debug_print(" since_id: %i" % since_id)
                kw = {'since_id': since_id}
                debug_print("  No since_id")
            debug_print("  Rate limit reached. Start: %s . Retrying in 15 min ...zZz..." % str(time.ctime()))
            time.sleep(60*15 + 10)
            debug_print("  Woke up ... End: %s " % str(time.ctime()))
            twitter_search(twitter_api, q, **kw)
     #handle socket error
    except SocketError, se:
        debug_print("  " + se.message)
        since_id = load_from_mongo('twitter', q, return_cursor=False, find_since_id=True)
        debug_print("  SocketError occurred. Start:" + str(time.ctime()) + " . Retrying in 0.05 sec ...zZz...")
        debug_print("  Woke up ... End: " + str(time.ctime()))
        if since_id:
            kw = {'since_id': since_id} # continue where you left off
        twitter_search(twitter_api, q, **kw)

    statuses = search_results['statuses']
    debug_print("  number of statuses: %i max_limit: %i"  % (len(statuses), max_results))

    # reach the desired number of results, keeping in mind that OAuth users
    # can "only" make 180 search queries per 15-minute interval. See
    # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/rate-limiting/1.1/limits
    # for details. A reasonable number of results is ~1000, although
    # that number of results may not exist for all queries.
Ejemplo n.º 13
def facebook_menu():
    access_token = facebook_authorize()
    action = None
    while not action:
            print "Type the number of the action you want to be executed: "
            print "0. Save posts for each facebook page read from excel file"
            print "1. Print sorted pages by number of likes and talking about parameter "
            print "2. Save data for each page from list "
            print "3. Get likes per page"
            print "4. Get talking about count per page"
            print "5. Get facebook posts sorted"
            print "6. Save posts for one page"
            print "7. Get date from most recent post of a page"
            print "8. Create excel file with statistcs for facebook pages"
            print "9. Print Facebook insights for a page"
            print "10.Get number of posts for July "

            action = raw_input('Enter the number of the action: ').strip()

    if action == '0' or action == '1' :
        pages = facebook_read_pages_from_excel(access_token)  # get pages and basic data for pages
        pages_in_database = getCollections("facebook")

        if action == '0':
            for page in pages:
             # check if page info has already been saved in database
                page_data = facebook_get_page_data(access_token, page)

                if page_data:
                 if page_data['name'] not in pages_in_database: #store posts only for new pages
                    results = facebook_get_page_posts(access_token, page_data["id"]) #send id of page and access token to get posts
                    save_to_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll=page_data['name'], data=results)

        if action == '1':
            sorted_pages = facebook_sort_pages(pages, "DESC")

        # if action == '10':
        #     for page in pages:
        #         page_data = facebook_get_page_data(access_token, page)
        #         if page_data:
        #             results = facebook_get_page_posts(access_token, page_data["id"]) #send id of page and access token to get posts
        #             facebook_save_to_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll=page_data['name'], data=results)

    elif action == '2':
        pages = facebook_read_pages_from_excel(access_token)
        #get all pages from database
        pages_data_in_database = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll="pages_info",projection={"_id":0,'name':1})
        print "database: ",len(pages_data_in_database)
        print pages_data_in_database[0]
        for page in pages:
            data = facebook_get_page_data(access_token, page)
            if data and data['name'] not in pages_data_in_database: # check if page is in database
                save_to_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll="pages_info", data=data)

    elif action == '3':
        page = "Connel Community Council"  #sample page
        print page, facebook_get_likes_count(page)

    elif action == '4':
        page = "Connel Community Council" #sample page
        print page, facebook_get_talkingabout_count(page)

    elif action == '5':
        posts = facebook_get_posts_from_database(from_user="******", page_name="Connel Community Council")
        for post in posts:
            print post
            print "\n  \n _________________________________________________________________________ \n"

    elif action == '6':
        page = "187281984718895"  # sample id
        data = facebook_get_page_posts(access_token, page, limit=500)
        debug_print("posts from api  :%i" % len(data))
        save_to_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll="Connel Community Council", data=data)

    elif action == '7':
        page = "187281984718895"  # sample id
        result = facebook_get_posts_from_database(from_user="******", page_name="Connel Community Council", limit=1)
        print result[0]['created_time']

    elif action == '8':
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")  # XLWT - ONLY EXPORTS .XLS files
        sheet = workbook.add_sheet("sheet1")
        sheet.write(0, 0, 'FB Page ID ')
        sheet.write(0, 1, 'CC Name')
        sheet.write(0, 2, 'Count Likes')
        sheet.write(0, 3, 'Count Talking about')
        sheet.write(0, 4, 'Count Posts for July')
        sheet.write(0, 5, 'Count Posts TOTAL')
        sheet.write(0, 6, 'Date Most recent post')
        sheet.write(0, 7, 'Date 5th Most recent post')

        pages_data = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="facebook", mongo_db_coll="pages_info")  # collection where all
                                                                                       # the data for each page is stored
        pages_data = facebook_sort_pages(pages_data, "DESC")
        i = 1  # index for rows in sheet
        for page in pages_data:
            sheet.write(i, 0, page['id'])
            sheet.write(i, 1, page['name'])
            sheet.write(i, 2, page['likes'])
            sheet.write(i, 3, page['talking_about_count'])

            most_recent_post = 0
            fifth_most_recent_post = 0
            result = facebook_get_posts_from_database(from_user=page['name'], page_name=page['name'], limit=5)
            if result:
                most_recent_post = result[0]['created_time']
                fifth_most_recent_post = result[len(result)-1]['created_time'] # some pages have less than 5 posts
            sheet.write(i, 6, most_recent_post)
            sheet.write(i, 7, fifth_most_recent_post)

            monthly_posts = len(facebook_get_posts_for_month(page['name'], month="07"))
            if monthly_posts is None:
                monthly_posts = 0
            sheet.write(i, 4, monthly_posts)

            total_posts = 0
            result = facebook_get_posts_from_database(from_user=page['name'], page_name=page['name'])
            if result:
                total_posts = len(result)
            sheet.write(i, 5, total_posts)

            i += 1

    elif action == '9':
        page_id = "173685876111989"  # sample id
        facebook_print_page_insights(access_token, page_id)

    elif action == '10':
        page_id = "173685876111989"
        page_data = facebook_get_page_data(access_token, page_id)
        if page_data:
            monthly_posts = facebook_get_posts_for_month(page_data['name'], month="07")
            print page_data['name'], " : ", len(monthly_posts)
            for post in monthly_posts:
                print post
Ejemplo n.º 14
def twitter_menu():
    api = twitter_authorize()
    if api:
        debug_print("Successfully authenticated and authorized")
        action = None
        while not action:
            print "Type the number of the action you want to be executed: "
            print "0. Find users who have tweeted a hashtag , for a list of popular hashtags"
            print "1. Get only hashtags from results"
            print "2. Create & export graph of members of twitter list and their followers"
            print "3. Get statuses of list members"
            print "4. Find the trending topics in the world"
            print "5. Call function for saving tweets from list members on interval( predefined for community-council)"
            print "6. Get info about list members from api (json)"
            print "7. Search & save tweets for a specific query"
            print "8. Search & save tweets from the streaming api"
            print "9. Get all tweets from a user's timeline"
            print "10. Print common entities"
            print "11. Get list members"
            print "12. MULTIGRAPH"
            print "13. find  popular tweets from list of tweets"
            print "14. Get twitter info about a specific user"
            print "15. Get date for last tweet"
            print "16. Get date for fifth tweet"
            print "17. Create excel file with statistcs for members of twitter list"

            action = raw_input('Enter the number of the action: ').strip()

        WORLD_WOE_ID = 1  # for searching trends

        if action == '0':  # find users who have tweeted a hashtag , for a list of popular hashtags
            hashtags_dict = get_popular_hashtags(slug="community-councils")
            hashtags = hashtags_dict.keys()
            for hashtag in hashtags:
                print hashtag
            dict = get_users_for_hashtag_list(hashtags_dict.keys())

        elif action == '1': #  get only hashtags from results
            results = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll="community-councils")
            hashtags = twitter_get_hashtags_from_tweets(results)
            print "num of hashtags: ", len(hashtags)
            for hashtag in hashtags:
                print "#", hashtag

        elif action == '2': # create & export graph of members of twitter list and their followers
            #create directed graph of members of a list and their followers
            #save list of followers for each member into a separate collection named after the slug ending with  _member
            graph = create_directed_graph_of_list_members_and_followers(api, slug)

        elif action == '3':  # get statuses of list members
            twitter_get_list_members_tweets(api, owner_screen_name="spartakan", slug="community-councils")

        elif action == '4':  # Get trending topics
            print "INFO: Getting World Trends ..."
            world_trends = twitter_trends(api, WORLD_WOE_ID)
            #for checking the structure of uncomment : #print json.dumps(world_trends[0]['trends'], indent=1)
            if world_trends:
                world_trends = world_trends[0]['trends']
                for w in world_trends:
                    print "trend: ", w['name']

        elif action == '5':  # find trending topics on a time interval
            #making a partial class from twitter_search to later add it as an argument in twitter_call_function_on_interval
            tweets_from_list_members = partial(twitter_get_list_members_tweets, api, owner_screen_name="spartakan", slug="community-councils")

            #get and save the trending topics on time intervals

        elif action == '6':  # get members of a list
            twitter_get_list_members(api,owner_screen_name="spartakan", slug="community-councils")

        elif action == '7' or action == '8':
            q = None
            print "Read How to build a query first ! ( https://dev.twitter.com/docs/using-search )  "
            q = raw_input('Enter a query: ').strip()
            while not q:
                q = raw_input('Enter a query:').strip()
            if action == '7':  # Fetch tweets from the search/rest api
                debug_print("Searching tweets for the query:" + q)
                #twitter_call_function_on_interval(search_tweets, 'twitter', q)
                results = twitter_search(api, q, 1000)
                debug_print("Tweets saved into database")

            if action == '8':  # Fetch tweets from streaming api
                debug_print("Searching and saving tweets from the streaming api for query: " +q+ "...")
                twitter_stream_api(api, q)

        elif action == '9':  # Get all tweets from a user's timeline
                # screen_name = raw_input('Enter the screen name: ').strip()
                # while not screen_name:
                #     screen_name = raw_input('Enter a query:').strip()
                # debug_print("Getting tweets from user: "******" ... ")
                screen_name = "spartakan"
                tweets = twitter_user_timeline(api, screen_name=screen_name)

        elif action == '10':
                results = load_from_mongo("twitter", "#indyref")
                common_entities = get_common_tweet_entities(results)

        elif action == '11':  # get list members
            twitter_get_list_members(api,owner_screen_name="spartakan", slug="community-councils")

        elif action == '12':
            print "MULTIGRAPH"
            slug = "community-councils"
            mdG = create_multi_graph_of_list_memebers_and_followers(api,slug)
            name_of_file = "twitter_multigraph.gml"
            export_graph_to_gml(mdG, path_to_graph_file + name_of_file)

        elif action == '13':  # find popular tweets from list of tweets
            statuses = load_from_mongo("twitter", "community-councils")

        elif action == '14':  # get info for user
            screen_name = "spartakan"
            user = twitter_get_user_info(api, screen_name)
            debug_print(json.dumps(user, indent=1))

        elif action == '15':
            screen_name = "spartakan"
            print twitter_date_of_last_tweet(screen_name)

        elif action == '16':
           screen_name = "spartakan"
           print twitter_date_of_fifth_tweet(screen_name)
        elif action == '17':
            workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")  # XLWT - ONLY EXPORTS .XLS files
            sheet = workbook.add_sheet("sheet1")
            sheet.write(0, 0, 'ID ')
            sheet.write(0, 1, 'CC screen_name')
            sheet.write(0, 2, 'Count Followers')
            sheet.write(0, 3, 'Count Friends')
            sheet.write(0, 4, 'Count Posts TOTAL')
            sheet.write(0, 5, 'Date Most recent post')
            sheet.write(0, 6, 'Date 5th Most recent post')

            members = load_from_mongo(mongo_db="twitter", mongo_db_coll="community-councils_members")  # collection where all
                                                                                           # the data for each page is stored
            pages_data = facebook_sort_pages(members, "DESC")
            i = 1  # index for rows in sheet
            for member in members:
                sheet.write(i, 0, member['id'])
                sheet.write(i, 1, member['screen_name'])
                sheet.write(i, 2, member['followers_count'])
                sheet.write(i, 3, member['friends_count'])

                most_recent_post = twitter_date_of_last_tweet(member['screen_name'],"community-councils")
                fifth_most_recent_post = twitter_date_of_fifth_tweet(member['screen_name'],"community-councils")
                sheet.write(i, 5, most_recent_post)
                sheet.write(i, 6, fifth_most_recent_post)
                sheet.write(i, 4, member["statuses_count"])

                i += 1
            print "WRONG ACTION!!!"
        print "You are not authorized!!!"