def returnPostById(self, p_id, update = False): key = "postidkey" postdb = memcache.get(key) if not postdb or update: postdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(p_id)) memcache.set(key, postdb) return postdb
def get_recent_posts(self): posts = {} postdb = PostsDB.all().order("-rating").fetch(30) l = [] for post in postdb: l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject,, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike)) return l
def get_recent_posts(self): l = [] postdb = PostsDB.all().fetch(100) for post in postdb: date = self.get_date_without_decimal_in_seconds( l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject, date, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike)) return l
def loadHelloUserDb(self, userdb, update = False): key = 'hellouserkey' hellouserdb = memcache.get(key) if not hellouserdb or update: hellouserdb = PostsDB.all().filter('userdb =',userdb).fetch(30) memcache.set(key, hellouserdb) hellouserdb = list(hellouserdb) return hellouserdb
def loadTrendingPostsDb(self, filter = "", order = "", update = False): key = 'trendingkey' postsdb = memcache.get(key) if not postsdb or update: postsdb = PostsDB.all().order(order).fetch(30) memcache.set(key,postsdb) postsdb = list(postsdb) return postsdb
def loadRecentPostsDb(self, filter = "", order = "", update = False): # print 'hi' Seems working but the statement 'db fetch' was never printed. But 'hi' got printed. key = 'recentkey' postsdb = memcache.get(key) if not postsdb or update: postsdb = PostsDB.all().order('-date').fetch(30) memcache.set(key,postsdb) postsdb = list(postsdb) return postsdb
def get_tagged_posts(self,tagname): l = [] postdb = PostsDB.all().filter('tag1 =',tagname).fetch(100) for post in postdb: date = self.get_date_without_decimal_in_seconds( l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject, date, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike, postdb = PostsDB.all().filter('tag2 =',tagname).fetch(100) for post in postdb: date = self.get_date_without_decimal_in_seconds( l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject, date, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike, postdb = PostsDB.all().filter('tag3 =',tagname).fetch(100) for post in postdb: date = self.get_date_without_decimal_in_seconds( l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject, date, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike, return set(l)
def get(self,username): """The homepage of username is hidden from non-logged in user. This may prompt him to register for the site.""" username_ck = str(self.request.cookies.get('username_ck')) if not username_ck or username_ck == 'None': self.redirect('/login') else: username_sec = self.encrypt_username(username) userdb = UserDB.all().filter('username ='******'userdb =',i).fetch(100) for post in posts: date = self.get_date_without_decimal_in_seconds( l.append((post.key().id(), post.title,, post.subject, date, post.like_count, post.comment_count, post.tag1, post.tag2, post.tag3,, post.dislike)) user_posts = l whos_page = username username = self.return_username_if_valid_cookie(username_ck) q = PeopleDB.all().filter('people_follows =',username_ck).fetch(100) following = [] for i in q: following.append(i.people_followed) if whos_page != username: if whos_page in following: follow = "" else: follow = "follow" following = "" else: follow = "" self.pass_template_value_hellouser_page(logout = 'Logout',image_id_key = image_key, username = username ,whos_page = whos_page, follow = follow, posts = user_posts, following = following)
def load_upload(self,title, content, username, username_ck, tag1 = "", tag2 = "", tag3 = ""): users = UserDB.all().filter('username ='******'-rating', update = True) self.loadAllTagsDb(update = True) self.redirect('/done/%d'%post_username.key().id()) break # if not users: # content = "no usres returned from the query " + username_ck """instead of passing to the new_page redirect to the done page"""
def post(self,post_id): self.response.out.write('in post') username_ck = str(self.request.cookies.get('username_ck')) username = self.return_username_if_valid_cookie(username_ck) if not username or username == "None": pass else: is_comment = self.request.POST.get('submit_comment') is_like = self.request.POST.get('like') is_dislike = self.request.POST.get('dislike') if is_comment: if not username or username == "None": self.response.out.write("login") comment = self.request.get('comment') if not comment or comment.isspace(): self.redirect('/done/%d'%int(post_id)) else: postsdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(post_id)) commentsdb = CommentsDB(postsdb = postsdb,comment = comment, commenter = username) postsdb.comment_count = postsdb.comment_count + 1 postsdb.rating = postsdb.rating + 0.6 postsdb.put() commentsdb.put() """caching""" self.returnPostById(post_id, True) self.loadComments(postsdb, True) self.loadRecentPostsDb(order = '-date', update = True) self.loadTrendingPostsDb(order = '-rating', update = True) self.redirect('/done/%d'%int(post_id)) elif is_like: peopledb = PeopleDB.all().filter('posts_id =',int(post_id)).filter('username_liked =',username) if peopledb.count() == 0: self.response.out.write('not found')#display it int a box peopledb = PeopleDB(posts_id = int(post_id),has_liked_boolean = True, username_liked = username) peopledb.put() postsdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(post_id)) postsdb.like_count = postsdb.like_count + 1 = + 1 postsdb.rating = postsdb.rating + 0.4 postsdb.put() self.response.out.write('you have successfully liked this post for the first time')#display it int a box else: peopledb.fetch(1) for i in peopledb: if i.has_liked_boolean: self.response.out.write('you cannot like more than once')#display it int a box else: i.has_liked_boolean = True i.put() postsdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(post_id)) postsdb.like_count = postsdb.like_count + 1 = + 1 postsdb.rating = postsdb.rating + 0.4 postsdb.put() self.response.out.write('you have successfully liked this post after disliking it')#display it in a box in js break """caching""" self.returnPostById(post_id, True) self.loadRecentPostsDb(order = '-date', update = True) self.loadTrendingPostsDb(order = '-rating', update = True) self.redirect('/done/%d'%int(post_id)) elif is_dislike: peopledb = PeopleDB.all().filter('posts_id =',int(post_id)).filter('username_liked =',username) if peopledb.count() == 0: self.response.out.write('not found') peopledb = PeopleDB(posts_id = int(post_id), has_liked_boolean = False, username_liked = username) peopledb.put() postsdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(post_id)) postsdb.like_count = postsdb.like_count - 1 postsdb.dislike = postsdb.dislike - 1 postsdb.rating = postsdb.rating + 0.2 postsdb.put() self.response.out.write('you have successfully disliked the post for the first time')#display it int a box else: peopledb.fetch(1) for i in peopledb: if not i.has_liked_boolean: self.response.out.write('you cannot dislike more than once')#display it int a box else: i.has_liked_boolean = False i.put() postsdb = PostsDB.get_by_id(int(post_id)) postsdb.like_count = postsdb.like_count - 1 postsdb.dislike = postsdb.dislike - 1 postsdb.rating = postsdb.rating + 0.2 postsdb.put() self.response.out.write('you have successfully disliked this post after liking it')#display it int a box break """caching""" self.returnPostById(post_id, True) self.loadRecentPostsDb(order = '-date', update = True) self.loadTrendingPostsDb(order = '-rating', update = True) self.redirect('/done/%d'%int(post_id)) if not username_ck or username_ck == 'None': login = "******" signup = "Signup" username = "" logout = "" else: username = self.return_username_if_valid_cookie(username_ck) login = "" signup = "" logout = "Logout" is_tag_search = self.request.POST.get('tag_search') if is_tag_search: search_key = str(self.request.get('search_key')) is_tag_or_people = self.request.POST.get('tags_or_people') # is_tag_or_people = is_tag_or_people.strip() search_key = search_key.strip() if not search_key or not is_tag_or_people: self.redirect('/trending') else: tags = SearchPage().get_search_result(search_key,0,is_tag_or_people) tags = sorted(tags, key = lambda x: x[1] ) l = [] for (tag,rank) in tags: l.append(tag) display_tag = False display_people = False if is_tag_or_people == 'tags': display_tag = True if is_tag_or_people == "people": display_people = True self.pass_template_value_search_page(logout = logout, username = username, signup = signup, login = login, search_key = search_key, tags = l, display_tag = display_tag, display_people = display_people)