Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    ds = Datastore()
    print('immediate packages')
    def __init__(self, handle):
        activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)

        # Configure the toolbox
        toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
        activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
        activity_toolbar.keep.props.visible = False
        activity_toolbar.share.props.visible = False

        # Create a data store and the app
        datastore = Datastore("")
        backend = BackEnd(datastore, self.get_activity_root())
        main = SortingPanel(datastore, backend)
        widget = main.get_widget()

        # pack
        widget.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("sans %d" % style.zoom(10)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Created on Mar 7, 2011

@author: cgueret
from Backend import BackEnd
from Datastore import Datastore
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create a data store
    datastore = Datastore("")
    backend = BackEnd(datastore, ".")

    for file in os.listdir('items'):
        print 'Add %s' % file
        backend.add_item('items/%s' % file)
Ejemplo n.º 4
'Forbidden' (403) error message. The message did not show up on Windows. Also on Solaris 5.10 the separate components
worked fine, only combination seems to fail.
PROBLEM SOLVED - The error occurs when the Proxy server is set. Check on Public Cognos needs to be done on internal
network. So execute this script before setting the proxy server.
from Datastore import Datastore
from PublicCognos import PublicCognos
from lib import my_env

# Initialize Environment
projectname = "mowdr"
modulename = my_env.get_modulename(__file__)
config = my_env.get_inifile(projectname, __file__)
my_log = my_env.init_loghandler(config, modulename)
my_log.info('Start Application')
ds = Datastore(config)
for indic_id in ds.get_indicator_ids():
    if not ds.check_resource(indic_id, "cognos"):
        indicatorname = ds.get_indicator_value(indic_id, "title")[0][0]
        # Verify if Cognos URL exist on PublicCognos. Load if it does.
        pc_url = PublicCognos(indicatorname)  # Get my PublicCognos URL Object
        # Check if Cognos Public URL exists
        if pc_url.check_if_cognos_report_exists():
            # get redirect_file and redirect_page.
            redirect_file, redirect_url = pc_url.redirect2cognos_page(
                indic_id, config)
            # Add Cognos URL to indicators table. Cognos Resource ID (id_cognos) is not available as long as package
            # has not been created.
            ds.insert_indicator(indic_id, 'url_cognos', redirect_url)
my_log.info("End Application")
Ejemplo n.º 5

debug = os.environ['IS_DEBUG'] == 'true'
dryRun = False  #os.environ['DRY_RUN'] == 'true'
messageHost = 'localhost' if debug else os.environ['RABBIT_ADDR']

print('messageHost: %s' % messageHost)

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
    pika.ConnectionParameters(host=messageHost, heartbeat=20))
channel = connection.channel()

channel.queue_declare(queue='frame_jobs', durable=True)

datastore = Datastore()

imageParser = ImageParser()

print("openface ready")

if dryRun:
    print("Dry run enabled")

# print(" [x] Sent 'Hello World!'")

def onFrameJob(ch, method, properties, body):
    msg = json.loads(body)

    videoId = msg['videoId']
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.config = config
     self.ds = Datastore(config)
     self.ckan = CKANConnector(self.config, self.ds)
     self.ftp = Ftp_Handler(self.config)