Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_cart_cost(login_token):
    empty = check_empty_cart_user(login_token)
    if empty is not True:
        #  if so, check foreach item if the requested amount exist
        cart_items = get_cart_items(login_token)
        # cart_items is a array consist of shopping_cart objects
        for shopping_cart_item in cart_items:
            if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(shopping_cart_item.item_id, shopping_cart_item.item_quantity) is False:
                return False
        # if so, sum all items costs, get from costumer his credentials
        total_cost = 0
        # for each item, calculate visible_discount
        for shopping_cart_item in cart_items:
            item = get_item(shopping_cart_item.item_id)
            if shopping_cart_item.item_quantity > item.quantity:
                return False
            new_price = get_new_price_for_item(item, shopping_cart_item)
            lottery = get_lottery(item.id)
            if item.kind == 'ticket':
                final_date = datetime.strptime(lottery.final_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
                if final_date > datetime.now():
                    lottery_sum = get_lottery_sum(lottery.lotto_id)
                    if lottery_sum + shopping_cart_item.item_quantity * item.price > lottery.max_price:
                        return False
                        return False
                    return False
            total_cost = total_cost + shopping_cart_item.item_quantity * new_price
        return total_cost
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_stock_for_shopping_cart(cart_items):
    for cart_item in cart_items:
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(cart_item.item_id,
                                     cart_item.item_quantity) is False:
            item = ItemsLogic.get_item(cart_item.item_id)
            return 'Only ' + str(
                item.quantity) + ' ' + item.name + ' exist in the system'
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_item_shopping_cart(username, item_id, new_quantity):
    if username is not None and item_id is not None and new_quantity >= 0:
        if new_quantity is 0:
            return remove_item_shopping_cart(username, item_id)
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(item_id, new_quantity) is False:
            return False
        user = RegisteredUsers.get_user(username)
        if user is not False:
            return ShoppingCartDB.update_item_shopping_cart(
                username, item_id, new_quantity)
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_item_shopping_cart(shop_cart_item):
    if shop_cart_item.username is not None and shop_cart_item.item_id is not None and shop_cart_item.item_quantity > 0:
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(shop_cart_item.item_id,
                                     shop_cart_item.item_quantity) is False:
            return False
        existing = ShoppingCartDB.get_shopping_cart_item(shop_cart_item)
        if existing is not False:
            return update_item_shopping_cart(
                shop_cart_item.username, shop_cart_item.item_id,
                shop_cart_item.item_quantity + existing.item_quantity)
            return ShoppingCartDB.add_item_shopping_cart(shop_cart_item)
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_item_shopping_cart(login_token, shop_cart_item):
    if shop_cart_item.username is not None and shop_cart_item.item_id is not None and shop_cart_item.item_quantity > 0:
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(shop_cart_item.item_id, shop_cart_item.item_quantity) is False:
            return False
        shopping_cart = Consumer.loggedInUsersShoppingCart[login_token]
        i = 0
        while i < len(shopping_cart):
            if shopping_cart[i].item_id == shop_cart_item.item_id:
                shopping_cart[i].item_quantity += shop_cart_item.item_quantity
                return True
            i = i + 1
        return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_guest_item_shopping_cart(guest, item_id, quantity):
    if guest is not None and item_id is not None and quantity > 0:
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(item_id, quantity) is False:
            return False
        if guest in Consumer.guestShoppingCart:
            shopping_cart = Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest]
            Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest] = []
            shopping_cart = Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest]
        i = 0
        while i < len(shopping_cart):
            if shopping_cart[i].item_id == item_id:
                shopping_cart[i].item_quantity += quantity
                return True
            i = i + 1
        shopping_cart.append(ShoppingCartItem(guest, item_id, quantity, None))
        return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_item_shopping_cart(login_token, item_id, new_quantity):
    if login_token is not None and item_id is not None and new_quantity >= 0:
        username = Consumer.loggedInUsers[login_token]
        shopping_cart = Consumer.loggedInUsersShoppingCart[login_token]
        if new_quantity is 0:
            return remove_item_shopping_cart(username, item_id)
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(item_id, new_quantity) is False:
            return False
        user = RegisteredUsers.get_user(username)
        if user is not False:
            i = 0
            while i < len(shopping_cart):
                if shopping_cart[i].item_id == item_id:
                    if new_quantity == 0:
                        return True
                        shopping_cart[i].item_quantity = new_quantity
                        return True
                i = i + 1
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update_item_shopping_cart_guest(guest, item_id, new_quantity):
    if guest is not None and item_id is not None and new_quantity >= 0:
        if guest in Consumer.guestShoppingCart:
            shopping_cart = Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest]
            Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest] = []
            shopping_cart = Consumer.guestShoppingCart[guest]
        if new_quantity is 0:
            return remove_item_shopping_cart_guest(guest, item_id)
        if ItemsLogic.check_in_stock(item_id, new_quantity) is False:
            return False
        i = 0
        while i < len(shopping_cart):
            if shopping_cart[i].item_id == item_id:
                if new_quantity == 0:
                    return True
                    shopping_cart[i].item_quantity = new_quantity
                    return True
            i = i + 1
    return False