def __init__(self, user_email, user_password, system_proxies, system_notification, show_lyric, channels_file): self.current_channel = None self.channel_list = None self.channels_file = channels_file self.dbfm = DoubanFM(system_proxies) self.has_lyric = False self.download_manager = DownloadManager(system_proxies) self.current_song_info = None self.setup_main_win() self.setup_left_win() self.setup_right_win() self.setup_console_win() self.user_email = user_email self.user_password = user_password self.enable_notification = system_notification self.show_lyric = show_lyric self.console_log = deque()
import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from PyQt5.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PyQt5.QtQuick import QQuickView from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine from DoubanFM import DoubanFM import Logger # Main Function if __name__ == '__main__': # Create main app main_app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) # Create a label and set its properties douban = DoubanFM() logger = Logger.Logger() engine = QQmlApplicationEngine(parent=main_app) root_context = engine.rootContext() root_context.setContextProperty("douban", douban) root_context.setContextProperty("logger", logger) mainurl = "qml/main.qml" engine.load(QUrl(mainurl)) # Execute the Application and Exit rc = main_app.exec_() sys.exit(rc)
class CursesUI(object): def __init__(self, user_email, user_password, system_proxies, system_notification, show_lyric, channels_file): self.current_channel = None self.channel_list = None self.channels_file = channels_file self.dbfm = DoubanFM(system_proxies) self.has_lyric = False self.download_manager = DownloadManager(system_proxies) self.current_song_info = None self.setup_main_win() self.setup_left_win() self.setup_right_win() self.setup_console_win() self.user_email = user_email self.user_password = user_password self.enable_notification = system_notification self.show_lyric = show_lyric self.console_log = deque() def setup_main_win(self): #locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, '') global code code = locale.getpreferredencoding() ## initialize self.stdscr = stdscr = curses.initscr() ## use color if curses.has_colors(): curses.start_color() ## set options curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() stdscr.keypad(1) ## set colors curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(13, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) def end_curses_app(self): curses.nocbreak() self.left_win.keypad(0) self.right_win.keypad(0) self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def left_win_restore(self): self.left_win.border(0) l_title = "channel" self.left_win.addstr(0, 0, l_title.encode(code), curses.A_BOLD) def right_win_restore(self): self.right_win.border(0) r_title = "Playing" self.right_win.addstr(0, 0, r_title.encode(code), curses.A_BOLD) def console_win_restore(self): self.console_win.border(0) self.console_win.addstr(0, 0, 'Console'.encode(code), curses.A_BOLD) def setup_console_win(self): console_x, console_y = 30, 16 console_height, console_width = 8, 49 self.console_win = console_win = curses.newwin(console_height, console_width, console_y, console_x) self.console_win_restore() console_win.refresh() def setup_left_win(self): ## left window l_begin_x, l_begin_y = 0, 0 l_height, l_width = 24, 29 self.left_win = left_win = curses.newwin(l_height, l_width, l_begin_y, l_begin_x) left_win.keypad(1) self.left_win_restore() # Add Hearted Radio, which is not in the API's returning list self.channel_list = [{'abbr_en': 'Hearted', 'channel_id': -3, 'name': u'红心兆赫', 'name_en': 'Hearted Radio', 'seq_id': -1}] + self.dbfm.get_channel_list() if DEBUG: # Below is dirty and quick hack... if os.path.exists(self.channels_file): with open(self.channels_file) as fin: extra_channel = eval(fin.readline()) extra_channel['channel_id'] = extra_channel['id'] self.channel_list[MAX_CHANNEL - 1] = extra_channel; for idx, channel in enumerate(self.channel_list): if idx >= MAX_CHANNEL: # TODO: List all channels break left_win.addstr((idx + 1) * 2, 2, channel['name'].strip()) left_win.addstr(19, 2, '-' * (l_width - 4)) left_win.addstr(20, 2, "上移: k或↑, 下移: j或↓") left_win.addstr(21, 2, "登录: l, 选择: c") left_win.addstr(22, 2, "退出: q") left_win.refresh() def setup_right_win(self): ## right window r_begin_x = 30; r_begin_y = 0 r_height = 16; r_width = 49 self.right_win = right_win = curses.newwin(r_height, r_width, r_begin_y, r_begin_x) self.right_win_restore() right_win.addstr(13, 10, "取消喜欢(u)", curses.color_pair(1)) right_win.addstr(13, 24, "加红心(r)", curses.color_pair(1)) right_win.addstr(13, 36, "下一首(n)", curses.color_pair(1)) right_win.addstr(10, 2, '[') right_win.addstr(10, 44, ']') right_win.refresh() def set_like_status(self): if True: right_win.addstr(14, 30, "加红心(f)") else: right_win.addstr(14, 29, "删除红心(d)") def set_progress(self, position_int): length = position_int * 40 / 1000000000 / self.current_song_info['length'] if length > 40: length = 40 # Force it! self.right_win.addstr(10, 3, '-' * length + '>' + ' ' * (40 - length)) position_text = self.convert_seconds(position_int, 1000000000) self.right_win.addstr(11, 34, position_text) if self.has_lyric: lyric_line = self.get_lyric_line(position_text) self.right_win.addstr(7, 2, '%', curses.color_pair(13)) self.right_win.addstr(7, 4, lyric_line + ' ' * (LYRIC_LENGTH - display_len2(lyric_line.decode('utf-8')))) else: self.right_win.addstr(7, 2, ' ' * (LYRIC_LENGTH + 2)) self.right_win.refresh() # Really really really ugly... But it seems the problem was caused by # the library... Well, I'm not sure though. return abs(position_int / 100000000 - self.current_song_info['length'] * 10) <= 5 def add_console_output(self, message): self.console_log.append(message) while len(self.console_log) > 5: self.console_log.popleft() for (idx, msg) in enumerate(reversed(self.console_log)): self.console_win.addstr(2 + idx, 2, (str(msg)).encode(code)) self.console_win.clrtoeol() self.console_win_restore() self.console_win.refresh() def show_song_info(self, song_info): self.right_win.addstr(2, 2, song_info['artist'].encode(code)) self.right_win.clrtoeol() self.right_win.addstr(3, 2, ('%s %s' %(song_info['albumtitle'], song_info['public_time'])).encode(code)) self.right_win.clrtoeol() self.right_win.move(4, 1) self.right_win.clrtoeol() self.right_win.addstr(5, 2, song_info['title'].encode(code), curses.A_BOLD) self.right_win.clrtoeol() self.right_win.move(6, 1) self.right_win.clrtoeol() self.right_win.addstr(13, 2, ('♡' if song_info['like'] == 0 else '♥').encode(code), curses.A_BOLD) duration_text = self.convert_seconds(self.current_song_info['length'], 1) self.right_win.addstr(11, 34, "00:00/%s" %duration_text) self.right_win_restore() self.right_win.refresh() def convert_seconds(self, t, times): # This method was submitted by Sam Mason. # It's much shorter than the original one. s, _ = divmod(t, times) m, s = divmod(s, 60) if m < 60: return "%02i:%02i" %(m,s) else: h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%i:%02i:%02i" %(h,m,s) def get_channel_to_play(self, cursor_y): selected_idx = cursor_y / 2 - 1 selected_channel = self.channel_list[selected_idx] if selected_idx == 0 and not self.dbfm.is_logined(): self.add_console_output('Please log in first! Press "l".') return None for idx, channel in enumerate(self.channel_list): if idx == selected_idx: self.left_win.addstr((selected_idx + 1) * 2, 2, selected_channel['name'], curses.color_pair(1)) elif idx < MAX_CHANNEL: self.left_win.addstr((idx + 1) * 2, 2, channel['name']) self.left_win.refresh() return selected_channel def play_next_song(self, p): self.has_lyric = False self.current_song_info = self.dbfm.get_next_song_info() self.show_song_info(self.current_song_info) # show lyric? if not self.show_lyric: self.has_lyric = False else: ret = self.download_manager.download_lyric(self.current_song_info) if ret == None: self.has_lyric = False self.add_console_output('No lyric found!') else: self.has_lyric = True self.lyrics = ret self.add_console_output('Lyric downloaded.') # send notifications? if self.enable_notification: self.send_notification(self.current_song_info) p.play_song(self.current_song_info) def stop_and_remove(self, player, song_info): player.stop_song() local_filename = make_local_filename(self.current_song_info) if player.is_http_player() and os.path.exists(local_filename): os.remove(local_filename) def run(self): try: self.left_win.move(2, 2) p = MusicPlayer() player_started = False while True: self.right_win.refresh() self.left_win.refresh() if player_started: try: position_int = p.position if self.set_progress(position_int): if DEBUG:"set_progress true") p.stop_song() self.play_next_song(p) except: continue self.left_win.refresh() rlist, _, _ = select([sys.stdin], [], [], 1) if not rlist: continue ch = self.left_win.getch() if DEBUG:"getch: %c" %ch) cursor_y, cursor_x = self.left_win.getyx() if ch == ord('c'): if cursor_x != 2: self.left_win.move(2, 2) continue if player_started: self.stop_and_remove(p, self.current_song_info['url']) player_started = False # Can't leave out this current_channel = self.get_channel_to_play(cursor_y) if current_channel == None: continue self.current_channel = current_channel player_started = True self.dbfm.change_channel(self.current_channel) self.play_next_song(p) self.left_win.move(cursor_y, cursor_x) elif ch == ord('n'): if not player_started: continue self.stop_and_remove(p, self.current_song_info['url']) self.play_next_song(p) elif ch == ord('r'): if not self.dbfm.is_logined(): self.add_console_output('Please log in first! Press "l".') continue if self.current_song_info['like'] == 1: self.add_console_output('Already hearted!') continue if self.dbfm.rate_song(self.current_channel['channel_id'], True)['r'] == 0: self.add_console_output("Hearted %s successfully!" %self.current_song_info['title']) self.current_song_info['like'] = 1 self.show_song_info(self.current_song_info) else: self.add_console_output("Hearted %s failure!" %self.current_song_info['title']) elif ch == ord('u'): if not self.dbfm.is_logined(): self.add_console_output('Please log in first! Press "l".') continue if self.current_song_info['like'] == 0: self.add_console_output("Haven't hearted yet!") continue if self.dbfm.rate_song(self.current_channel['channel_id'], False)['r'] == 0: self.add_console_output("Unhearted %s successfully!" %self.current_song_info['title']) self.current_song_info['like'] = 0 self.show_song_info(self.current_song_info) else: self.add_console_output("Unhearted %s failure!" %self.current_song_info['title']) elif ch == ord('j') or ch == curses.KEY_DOWN: if cursor_y <= (MAX_CHANNEL + 2) * 2: self.left_win.move(cursor_y + 2, 2) else: continue elif ch == ord('k') or ch == curses.KEY_UP: if cursor_y > 2: self.left_win.move(cursor_y - 2, 2) else: continue elif ch == ord('p'): p.toggle_paused_song() elif ch == ord('l'): if self.dbfm.login(self.user_email, self.user_password): self.add_console_output("Successfully log in!") else: self.add_console_output('Failed to log in!') else: self.stop_and_remove(p, self.current_song_info['url']) break except Exception, e: if player_started and self.current_song_info != None: self.stop_and_remove(p, self.current_song_info['url']) if DEBUG: finally: