Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     #self.QRef = qmath.quaternion([0, 0, 0])
     self.QRef = Quaternion([0,0,0])
     self.POmega = 0
     self.PQ = 0
     self.PV = 0
     self.PA = 0
     self.I = Vector([0, 0, 0])
     self.Torque = Vector([0, 0, 0])
     self.Output = Vector([0,0,0,0])
     self.VRef = Vector([0,0,0])
     self.Thrust = Vector([0,0,0])
Ejemplo n.º 2
class PSquare:
    lastqRef = Quaternion()
    lastvRef = Vector()
    QRef = Quaternion()
    VRef = Vector()
    PQ = None
    POmega = None
    PInt = None
    I = Matrix()
    Torque = Vector()
    Thrust = Vector()
    Km1 = None
    Km2 = None
    Km3 = None
    Km4 = None
    Output = None

    K = None
    b = None
    L = None
    Mass = None
    QInt = Quaternion()

    def __init__(self):
        #self.QRef = qmath.quaternion([0, 0, 0])
        self.QRef = Quaternion([0,0,0])
        self.POmega = 0
        self.PQ = 0
        self.PV = 0
        self.PA = 0
        self.I = Vector([0, 0, 0])
        self.Torque = Vector([0, 0, 0])
        self.Output = Vector([0,0,0,0])
        self.VRef = Vector([0,0,0])
        self.Thrust = Vector([0,0,0])
    def setI(self, I):
        self.I = Matrix([[I[0],0,0],[0,I[1],0],[0,0,I[2]]])
    def setPs(self, v):
        self.PQ = v[0]
        self.POmega = v[1]
        self.PInt = v[2]
    def setQRef(self, q, v):
        self.QRef = q
        self.VRef = v
    def setMotorCoefficient(self, m1, m2, m3, m4):
        self.Km1 = m1
        self.Km2 = m2
        self.Km3 = m3
        self.Km4 = m4
    def setParameters(self, k,L,b,m):
        self.K = k
        self.L = L
        self.b = b
        self.Mass = m
    def controlSignal(self):
        if self.QRef.vector().mag()==0:
            aControl = 0
            aControl = 1

        if self.VRef.mag()==0 and aControl!=0:    
            vControl = 0
            vControl = 1
        return [vControl, aControl]
    def velocityControl(self, qM, aM, vM, vControl):
        if vControl:
            vErr = self.VRef-vM
            self.lastvRef = self.VRef
            vErr = Vector([aM[0], aM[1], 0])
            self.lastvRef = Vector([0,0,0])
        #TODO: try having a real PID with here rather than P with Kp=1
        #print "AReq " + (-Params.Gravity)
        #print "vErr " + vErr
        #TODO: try multiplying by the mass here as this is actually computing the acceleration
        Thrust = vErr - Params.Gravity
        qRef = createRotation(Thrust, Vector([0,0,1]))
        #This is required to keep the z component compensating for gravity. 
        #If not, the norm is kept when rotating and the z component is reduced accordingly.
        #Maybe try by creating the rotation between z and the error and adding the gravity after!
        #TODO: ou alors c'est fait plus loin en divisant par z' et celui-ci ne sert a rien?
        qRef.w = 1
        return [Thrust, qRef]
    def attitudeControl(self, qM, omegaM, qRef, dt):
        qErr = qRef * qM.conj()
        self.QInt = self.QInt + qErr*dt*self.PInt
        #TODO: QInt here?
        if qErr[0]<0:
            intErr = -Vector(self.QInt)
            intErr = Vector(self.QInt)

        if qErr[0]<0:
            axisErr = -Vector(qErr)
            axisErr = Vector(qErr)
        #PInt>>0 -> precision; PInt<<0 -> Reaction speed
        Torque = self.I*(axisErr*self.PQ - omegaM*self.POmega - intErr)
        #Iinv = Matrix([[self.I[0][0],0,0],[0,self.I[1][1],0],[0,0,self.I[2][2]]])
        #Torque = Iinv*(axisErr*self.PQ - omegaM*self.POmega)
        return Torque
    def computePP(self, qM, omegaM, aM, vM, dt):
        #print "qM " + qM
        #print "omegaM " + omegaM
        #print "aM " + aM
        #print "vM " + vM
        print "VRef " + self.VRef
        print "QRef " + self.QRef
        [vControl, aControl] = self.controlSignal()
        print "Control signal : " + str(vControl) + " " + str(aControl) 
        [self.Thrust, vQRef] = self.velocityControl(qM, aM, vM, vControl)
        #print "qm inv " + qM.conj()
        #print "Thrust " + self.Thrust*self.Mass + " (" + str(sqrt(self.Thrust.mag())) + ")"
        #print "Rotation " + qM
        #TODO: remove the -qM as -qM==qM
        #TODO: je pense qu'en ce qui concerne l'axe z ici, comme on rotate z et qu'on prends la composante z, q ou q* donne les meme resultat
        #TODO: je pense que c'est ca qui rescale T pour contrer correctement la gravite. 
        T = self.Thrust*self.Mass*(1/(Vector([0,0,1]).rotate(-qM.conj())[2]))
        #T = self.Thrust.rotate(-qM.conj())*self.Mass
        #print "T " + T + " (" + str(sqrt(T.mag())) + ")"
        T = T[2]
        #print "T " + str(T)
        if vControl or not aControl:
            qRef = vQRef
            qRef = self.QRef
        print "qRef for torque " + qRef
        self.lastqRef = qRef
        self.Torque = self.attitudeControl(qM, omegaM, qRef, dt)
        if Params.TorqueIsSet:
            return self.Torque
        #print "Requested T " + str(T)
        #print "Requested Torque " + self.Torque
        #print self.Km1
        #print self.Km2
        #print self.Km3
        #print self.Km4
        deno = (self.Km1[0]*(self.Km2[1]*(self.Km3[2]*self.Km4[3]+self.Km4[2]*self.Km3[3])+self.Km4[1]*(self.Km2[2]*self.Km3[3]+self.Km3[2]*self.Km2[3]))+self.Km3[0]*(self.Km2[1]*(self.Km1[2]*self.Km4[3]+self.Km4[2]*self.Km1[3])+self.Km4[1]*(self.Km1[2]*self.Km2[3]+self.Km2[2]*self.Km1[3])))
        #print deno
        self.Output = Vector([p1,p2,p3,p4])
        #print "Torque0 = " + str(p1*self.Km1[0]-p3*self.Km3[0])
        #print "Torque1 = " + str(p2*self.Km2[1]-p4*self.Km4[1])
        #print "Torque2 = " + str(p1*self.Km1[2]-p2*self.Km2[2]+p3*self.Km3[2]-p4*self.Km4[2])
        #print "T = " + str(p1*self.Km1[3]+p2*self.Km2[3]+p3*self.Km3[3]+p4*self.Km4[3])
        return self.Output