Ejemplo n.º 1
def ajax(request):
	if not request.is_ajax():
		return False
	# dbug("handling ajax request")
	# dbug(request.GET)
	chatrefreshpattern = re.compile(r'^chat(\d+)refresh$')
	playerspattern = re.compile(r'^players(\d)refresh$')
	returnObject = { "chatqueues" : {}, "playerupdates" : {}}
	for key in request.GET:
		m = chatrefreshpattern.search(key)
		if m:
			chatid = m.group(1)
			lastrefresh = request.GET[key]
			mychat = Chat.objects.get(pk=chatid)
			lines = mychat.listen(request.user, lastrefresh)
			newlast = 0
			saytext = ""
			returnObject["chatqueues"][chatid] = []
			hadLines = False
			for line in lines:
				hadLines = True
				formatted_line = line.format_for_output()
				newlast = line.id
				for fline in formatted_line:
					#may be more than one line per return
			if hadLines: 
				returnObject["chatqueues"][chatid].append(["newlastid", newlast])
			m = playerspattern.search(key)
			if m:
				gameid = m.group(1)
				mygame = Game.objects.get(pk=gameid)
				tempdic = {}
				team1 = []
				team2 = []
				for player in mygame.team1.players.all():
				for player in mygame.team2.players.all():
				tempdic["team1"] = team1
				tempdic["team2"] = team2
				returnObject["playerupdates"][gameid] = tempdic
	chatjson = json.dumps(returnObject)

	return HttpResponse(chatjson)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def action(self, actor, action, more_info={}):
		dbug("received action! Actor is " + actor.username + " and action is " + action)
		if actor not in self.users.all() and action != "join":
			dbug("bailing because user is not in and action is not join")
			return False
		if action == "join" and actor in self.users.all():
			return False # joining but already in chat
		if action == "leave" and action not in self.users.all():
			return False # leaving, but not in chat
		# We are handling max users on a higher level, based on the object this chat belongs to
		# So a game needs to check that a user does not exceed its max users. By the time
		# a higher level object calls a chat, we assume that the max users check is done.
		if action == "join":
			dbug("creating line...")
			self.line_set.create(is_action=True, user=actor, text="join")
			return True
		if action == "leave":
			self.line_set.create(is_action=True, user=actor, text="leave")
			return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def listen(self, userlistening, start=0):
		""" Returns a number of line objects """
		if userlistening not in self.users.all():
			dbug("User " + userlistening.username + " is not in chat " + str(self.id))
			return False
		return self.line_set.filter(pk__gt=start)