Ejemplo n.º 1
 def in_FOR(self,date,ngc_1,ngc_2): #ngc_1 & ngc_2 are ra & dec in radians
     (sun_1,sun_2) = self.sun_pos(date)
     d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1,ngc_2,sun_1,sun_2)
     #sun pitch is always equal or greater than sun angle (V1 to sun)
     if (d<MIN_SUN_ANGLE or d>MAX_SUN_ANGLE):
         return False
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def bisect_by_FOR(self,in_date,out_date,ngc_1,ngc_2):#in and out of FOR, assumes only one "root" in interval
     delta_days = 200.
     mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2.
     while delta_days > 0.000001:
         (sun_1,sun_2) = self.sun_pos(mid_date)
         d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1,ngc_2,sun_1,sun_2)
         if (d>MAX_SUN_ANGLE or d<MIN_SUN_ANGLE):
             out_date = mid_date
             in_date = mid_date
         mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2.
         delta_days = abs(in_date-out_date)/2.
         #print "UU", mid_date
     if in_date>out_date:# ensure returned date always in FOR
         mid_date = mid_date + 0.000001
         mid_date = mid_date - 0.000001
     return mid_date
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def is_valid(self, date, ngc_1, ngc_2, V3pa):
        """Indicates whether an attitude is valid at a given date."""

        #First check that the date is within the time interval of the ephemeris.
        if ((date < self.amin) or (date > self.amax)):
            return False

        (sun_1, sun_2) = self.sun_pos(date)
        d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2)
        vehicle_pitch = pi / 2 - d  #see JI memo from May 2006
        #sun pitch is always equal or greater than sun angle (V1 to sun)
        if (d < MIN_SUN_ANGLE or d > MAX_SUN_ANGLE):
            return False
        # now checking the roll and pitch angle combination
        pa = astro_func.pa(ngc_1, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2) + pi
        roll = acos(cos(V3pa - pa))
        sun_roll = asin(sin(roll) * cos(vehicle_pitch))
        if (abs(sun_roll) <= 5.2 * D2R):
            sun_pitch = atan2(tan(vehicle_pitch), cos(roll))
            if (sun_pitch <= 5.2 * D2R and sun_pitch >= -45. * D2R):
                return True
        return False