Ejemplo n.º 1
def compute_something(phi_start, phi_end, phi_width,
                      wavelength, lattice, matrix):

    # compute the P1 real-space cell axes

    a, b, c = mosflm_a_matrix_to_real_space(wavelength, lattice, matrix)

    # compute rotations of these and find minimum for axis.Z - that is the
    # Z component of the rotated axis... check workings and definitions!

    phi = phi_start + 0.5 * phi_width

    # initialize search variables

    phi_a = phi_start
    phi_b = phi_start
    phi_c = phi_start

    dot_a = 100.0
    dot_b = 100.0
    dot_c = 100.0

    while phi < phi_end:
        RX = rot_x(phi)

        RXa = matvecmul(RX, a)
        RXb = matvecmul(RX, b)
        RXc = matvecmul(RX, c)

        if math.fabs(RXa[2]) < dot_a:
            dot_a = math.fabs(RXa[2])
            phi_a = phi

        if math.fabs(RXb[2]) < dot_b:
            dot_b = math.fabs(RXb[2])
            phi_b = phi

        if math.fabs(RXc[2]) < dot_c:
            dot_c = math.fabs(RXc[2])
            phi_c = phi
        phi += phi_width

    length_a = math.sqrt(dot(a, a))
    length_b = math.sqrt(dot(b, b))
    length_c = math.sqrt(dot(c, c))

    pi = 4.0 * math.atan(1.0)

    angle_a = 0.5 * pi - math.acos(dot_a / length_a)
    angle_b = 0.5 * pi - math.acos(dot_b / length_b)
    angle_c = 0.5 * pi - math.acos(dot_c / length_c)

    return phi_a, phi_b, phi_c, angle_a, angle_b, angle_c
Ejemplo n.º 2
def identify_parallel_reciprocal_axes2(phi_start, phi_end, phi_width,
                                       wavelength, lattice, matrix):
    '''Find phi values which present the primitive reciprocal unit cell axes as
    near as possible to being perpendicular to the beam vector.'''

    # FIXME should add a test in here that the mosflm orientation matrix
    # corresponds to the asserted lattice...

    # find thee P1 reciprocal-space cell axes - note well am doing this
    # for the matrix in whatever setting

    cell, A, U = parse_matrix(matrix)

    a, b, c = mat2vec(A)

    # compute rotations of these and find minimum for axis.Z - that is the
    # Z component of the rotated axis... check workings and definitions!

    phi = phi_start + 0.5 * phi_width

    # initialize search variables

    phi_a = phi_start
    phi_b = phi_start
    phi_c = phi_start

    dot_a = 0.0
    dot_b = 0.0
    dot_c = 0.0

    ia = 0
    ib = 0
    ic = 0

    i = 0

    # only consider the first 180 degrees of data...

    if phi_end - phi_start > 180:
        phi_end = phi_start + 180

    while phi < phi_end:
        RX = rot_z(phi)

        RXa = matvecmul(RX, a)
        RXb = matvecmul(RX, b)
        RXc = matvecmul(RX, c)

        if math.fabs(RXa[0]) > dot_a:
            dot_a = math.fabs(RXa[0])
            phi_a = phi
            ia = i

        if math.fabs(RXb[0]) > dot_b:
            dot_b = math.fabs(RXb[0])
            phi_b = phi
            ib = i

        if math.fabs(RXc[0]) > dot_c:
            dot_c = math.fabs(RXc[0])
            phi_c = phi
            ic = i

        phi += phi_width
        i += 1

    length_a = math.sqrt(dot(a, a))
    length_b = math.sqrt(dot(b, b))
    length_c = math.sqrt(dot(c, c))

    rtod = 180.0 / math.pi

    angle_a = math.fabs(rtod * math.acos(dot_a / length_a))
    angle_b = math.fabs(rtod * math.acos(dot_b / length_b))
    angle_c = math.fabs(rtod * math.acos(dot_c / length_c))

    # return the closest positions and the angular offset from
    # perpendicularity...

    return phi_a, phi_b, phi_c, angle_a, angle_b, angle_c, ia, ib, ic