def __init__(self): super(FCN_RNN, self).__init__() self.fcn = FCN() self.reshape = RESHAPE() self.encoder1 = Encoder(5000, 512) self.encoder2 = Encoder(512, 32) self.linear = nn.Linear(384, 1) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
def main(_): check_dir() print_config() gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5) run_option = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) with tf.Session(config=run_option) as sess: fcn = FCN(config=FLAGS, sess=sess) fcn.build_model() if FLAGS.is_training: fcn.train_model() if FLAGS.is_testing: fcn.test_model()
def __init__(self, proof): """Constructeur de la classe. :param proof: Une preuve :type proof: Proof :return: objet Demonstration :rtype: Demonstration""" super().__init__(proof) self.__fcn = FCN(proof) self.__clause_list = self.__fcn.clause_list
def getCandidates(imageDir, FCN): mhd = re.compile(r".*\.mhd") files = [f for f in os.listdir(imageDir) if mhd.match(f) != None] savedOut = [f[0:-4] for f in os.listdir("../Data/savedFCNOut/")] imageNames = [] keptIndiciesList = [] for f in files: image, orig, spacing = handler.load_itk_image("{}{}".format( imageDir, f)) print("Analyzing {}".format(f[0:-4])) if (savedOut.__contains__(f[0:-4])): pred = np.load("../Data/savedFCNOut/{}.npy".format(f[0:-4])) else: pred, inputSize = FCN.predict(image, spacing, (1, 0.625, 0.625))"../Data/savedFCNOut/{}".format(f[0:-4]), pred) print("FCN output size: {}".format(pred.shape)) #pred = np.load("fullresnorm4.npy") #reshape #pred = pred.reshape(1, *pred.shape) yyes = pred[0, :, :, :, 1].reshape(1, pred.shape[1], pred.shape[2], pred.shape[3]) ynot = pred[0, :, :, :, 0].reshape(1, pred.shape[1], pred.shape[2], pred.shape[3]) pred = np.concatenate((ynot, yyes)) pred = pred.reshape(1, 2, pred.shape[1], pred.shape[2], pred.shape[3]) #handler.show_3d_img(pred[0][1]) inputSize = (int(image.shape[0] * float(spacing[0])), int(image.shape[1] * float(spacing[1]) / 0.625), int(image.shape[2] * float(spacing[2]) / 0.625)) print("input size: {}".format(inputSize)) populatedArray, indicies = FCN.indexMapping(pred, inputSize) print("{} indicies found".format(len(indicies))) removedOverlap, keptIndicies = non_max_suppression( populatedArray, indicies) print("{} indicies kept".format(len(keptIndicies))) keptIndiciesList += [keptIndicies] imageNames += [f[0:-4]] #generateStats(imageNames, keptIndiciesList) return imageNames, keptIndiciesList
def initialize_model(model_name, feature_extract=False, use_pretrained=False, pre_model=None): # Initialize these variables which will be set in this if statement. Each of these # variables is model specific. # Other wise we will need to define the structure by ourselves with forward function using module and sequential to organize model_ft = None input_size = 0 output_size = 0 if model_name == "UNet_Adapted": """ UNet_Adapted """ model_ft = UNet_Adapted(n_Channels, n_Classes) if use_pretrained: model_ft.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_model)) input_size = 512 output_size = 512 learningrate = 1e-1 elif model_name == "U_Net": """ U_Net """ model_ft = U_Net(n_Channels, n_Classes) if use_pretrained: model_ft.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_model)) input_size = 572 output_size = 388 learningrate = 1e-1 elif model_name == "FCN": model_ft = models.resnet50(pretrained=use_pretrained) set_parameter_requires_grad(model_ft, feature_extract) model_ft = FCN(model_ft, n_Classes, 224) input_size = 224 output_size = 224 learningrate = 1e-3 else: print("Invalid model name, exiting...") exit() return model_ft, input_size, output_size, learningrate
def prediction(test_images, test_labels, weights, n_dim): """ Run CNN on test_images. Input: test_images --> numpy array containing all test images weights --> str containing filename of weights to be loaded and tested n_dim --> height/width of test_images Output: preds --> numpy array containing the predictions of each pixel on test_images """ print("Loading model...") model = FCN((n_dim, n_dim, 3)) print(model.summary()) print("Loading weights...") model.load_weights(weights) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, decay=1e-6, nesterov=True), metrics=["accuracy"]) print('Predicting...') preds = model.predict(test_images) print('Evaluating...') score = model.evaluate(test_images, test_labels, verbose=1) #Accuracy may not be best metric because many more 0s than 1s (~50mill more) print("%s: %.2f%%" % (model.metrics_names[1], score[1] * 100)) return preds
def __init__(self, f, f_verbose=False, printlevel=0, pedantic=True, **kwds): """ construct minuit object arguments of f are pased automatically by the following order 1) using f.func_code.co_varnames,f.func_code.co_argcount (all python function has this) 2) using f.__call__.func_code.co_varnames, f.__call__.co_argcount (with self docked off) 3) using inspect.getargspec(for some rare builtin function) user can set limit on paramater by passing limit_<varname>=(min,max) keyword argument user can set initial value onparameter by passing <varname>=value keyword argument user can fix parameter by doing fix_<varname>=True user can set initial step by passing error_<varname>=initialstep keyword argument if f_verbose is set to True FCN will be built for verbosity printing value and argument for every function call """ self.fcn = FCN(f, verbose=f_verbose) args = better_arg_spec(f) narg = len(args) self.fitarg = {} #maintain 2 dictionary 1 is position to varname #and varname to position self.varname = args self.pos2var = {i: k for i, k in enumerate(args)} self.var2pos = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(args)} self.tmin = ROOT.TMinuit(narg) self.set_printlevel(printlevel) self.prepare(**kwds) self.last_migrad_result = 0 self.args, self.values, self.errors = None, None, None for vn in self.varname: if vn in kwds: self.fitarg[vn] = kwds[vn] if 'limit_' + vn in kwds: self.fitarg['limit_' + vn] = kwds['limit_' + vn] if 'fix_' + vn in kwds: self.fitarg['fix_' + vn] = kwds['fix_' + vn] if pedantic: self.pedantic(kwds)
def main(argv): indir = args.indir mode = args.mode # binary or multiclass or nonwear outdir = args.outdir if mode == 'multiclass': states = ['Wake', 'NREM 1', 'NREM 2', 'NREM 3', 'REM', 'Wake_ext'] elif mode == 'binary': states = ['Wake', 'Sleep', 'Wake_ext'] collate_states = ['NREM 1', 'NREM 2', 'NREM 3', 'REM'] elif mode == 'nonwear': states = ['Wear', 'Nonwear'] collate_states = ['Wake', 'NREM 1', 'NREM 2', 'NREM 3', 'REM'] valid_states = [state for state in states if state != 'Wake_ext'] num_classes = len(valid_states) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) resultdir = os.path.join(outdir, mode, 'models') if not os.path.exists(resultdir): os.makedirs(resultdir) # Read data from disk data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(indir, 'features_30.0s.csv')) labels = data['label'].values users = data['user'].values if mode == 'binary': labels = np.array( ['Sleep' if lbl in collate_states else lbl for lbl in labels]) elif mode == 'nonwear': labels = np.array( ['Wear' if lbl in collate_states else lbl for lbl in labels]) # Read raw data shape_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(indir, 'datashape_30.0s.csv')) num_samples = shape_df['num_samples'].values[0] seqlen = shape_df['num_timesteps'].values[0] n_channels = shape_df['num_channels'].values[0] raw_data = np.memmap(os.path.join(indir, 'rawdata_30.0s.npz'), dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=(num_samples, seqlen, n_channels)) # Hyperparameters lr = # learning rate num_epochs = args.num_epochs batch_size = args.batchsize max_seqlen = 1504 num_channels = args.num_channels # number of raw data channels feat_channels = args.feat_channels # Add ENMO, z-angle and LIDS as additional channels # Use nested cross-validation based on users # Outer CV unique_users = list(set(users)) random.shuffle(unique_users) cv_splits = 5 user_cnt = Counter(users[np.isin(labels, valid_states)]).most_common() samp_per_fold = len(users) // cv_splits # Get users to be used in test for each fold such that each fold has similar # number of samples fold_users = [[] for i in range(cv_splits)] fold_cnt = [[] for i in range(cv_splits)] for user, cnt in user_cnt: idx = -1 maxdiff = 0 for j in range(cv_splits): if (samp_per_fold - sum(fold_cnt[j])) > maxdiff: maxdiff = samp_per_fold - sum(fold_cnt[j]) idx = j fold_users[idx].append(user) fold_cnt[idx].append(cnt) predictions = [] if mode != 'nonwear': wake_idx = states.index('Wake') wake_ext_idx = states.index('Wake_ext') for fold in range(cv_splits): print('Evaluating fold %d' % (fold + 1)) test_users = fold_users[fold] trainval_users = [(key, val) for key, val in user_cnt if key not in test_users] random.shuffle(trainval_users) # validation data is approximately 10% of total samples val_samp = 0.1 * sum([tup[1] for tup in user_cnt]) nval = 0 val_sum = 0 while (val_sum < val_samp): val_sum += trainval_users[nval][1] nval += 1 val_users = [key for key, val in trainval_users[:nval]] train_users = [key for key, val in trainval_users[nval:]] print('#users: Train = {:d}, Val = {:d}, Test = {:d}'.format( len(train_users), len(val_users), len(test_users))) # Create partitions # make a copy to change wake_ext for this fold fold_labels = np.array( [states.index(lbl) if lbl in states else -1 for lbl in labels]) train_indices = get_partition(raw_data, fold_labels, users, train_users, states, mode, is_train=True) val_indices = get_partition(raw_data, fold_labels, users, val_users, states, mode) test_indices = get_partition(raw_data, fold_labels, users, test_users, states, mode) nsamples = len(train_indices) + len(val_indices) + len(test_indices) print('Train: {:0.2f}%, Val: {:0.2f}%, Test: {:0.2f}%'\ .format(len(train_indices)*100.0/nsamples, len(val_indices)*100.0/nsamples,\ len(test_indices)*100.0/nsamples)) if mode != 'nonwear': chosen_indices = train_indices[ fold_labels[train_indices] != wake_ext_idx] else: chosen_indices = train_indices class_wts = class_weight.compute_class_weight( class_weight='balanced', classes=np.unique(fold_labels[chosen_indices]), y=fold_labels[chosen_indices]) # Rename wake_ext as wake for training samples if mode != 'nonwear': rename_indices = train_indices[fold_labels[train_indices] == wake_ext_idx] fold_labels[rename_indices] = wake_idx print('Train', Counter(np.array(fold_labels)[train_indices])) print('Val', Counter(np.array(fold_labels)[val_indices])) print('Test', Counter(np.array(fold_labels)[test_indices])) # Data generators for computing statistics stat_gen = DataGenerator(train_indices, raw_data, fold_labels, valid_states, partition='stat',\ batch_size=batch_size, seqlen=seqlen, n_channels=num_channels, feat_channels=feat_channels,\ n_classes=num_classes, shuffle=True) mean, std = np.savez(os.path.join(resultdir, 'Fold' + str(fold + 1) + '_stats'), mean=mean, std=std) # Data generators for train/val/test train_gen = DataGenerator(train_indices, raw_data, fold_labels, valid_states, partition='train',\ batch_size=batch_size, seqlen=seqlen, n_channels=num_channels, feat_channels=feat_channels,\ n_classes=num_classes, shuffle=True, augment=True, aug_factor=0.75, balance=True, mean=mean, std=std) val_gen = DataGenerator(val_indices, raw_data, fold_labels, valid_states, partition='val',\ batch_size=batch_size, seqlen=seqlen, n_channels=num_channels, feat_channels=feat_channels,\ n_classes=num_classes, mean=mean, std=std) test_gen = DataGenerator(test_indices, raw_data, fold_labels, valid_states, partition='test',\ batch_size=batch_size, seqlen=seqlen, n_channels=num_channels, feat_channels=feat_channels,\ n_classes=num_classes, mean=mean, std=std) # Create model # Use batchnorm as first step since computing mean and std # across entire dataset is time-consuming model = FCN(input_shape=(seqlen, num_channels + feat_channels), max_seqlen=max_seqlen, num_classes=len(valid_states), norm_max=args.maxnorm) #print(model.summary()) model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=focal_loss(), metrics=['accuracy', macro_f1]) # Train model # Use callback to compute F-scores over entire validation data metrics_cb = Metrics(val_data=val_gen, batch_size=batch_size) # Use early stopping and model checkpoints to handle overfitting and save best model model_checkpt = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(resultdir,'fold'+str(fold+1)+'_'+mode+'-{epoch:02d}-{val_f1:.4f}.h5'),\ monitor='val_f1',\ mode='max', save_best_only=True) batch_renorm_cb = BatchRenormScheduler(len(train_gen)) history = train_gen, epochs=num_epochs, validation_data=val_gen, verbose=1, shuffle=False, callbacks=[batch_renorm_cb, metrics_cb, model_checkpt], workers=2, max_queue_size=20, use_multiprocessing=False) # Plot training history plot_results(fold+1, history.history['loss'], history.history['val_loss'],\ os.path.join(resultdir,'Fold'+str(fold+1)+'_'+mode+'_loss.jpg'), metric='Loss') plot_results(fold+1, history.history['accuracy'], history.history['val_accuracy'],\ os.path.join(resultdir,'Fold'+str(fold+1)+'_'+mode+'_accuracy.jpg'), metric='Accuracy') plot_results(fold+1, history.history['macro_f1'], metrics_cb.val_f1,\ os.path.join(resultdir,'Fold'+str(fold+1)+'_'+mode+'_macro_f1.jpg'), metric='Macro F1') # Predict probability on validation data using best model best_model_file, epoch, val_f1 = get_best_model(resultdir, fold + 1) print('Predicting with model saved at Epoch={:d} with val_f1={:0.4f}'. format(epoch, val_f1)) model.load_weights(os.path.join(resultdir, best_model_file)) probs = model.predict(test_gen) y_pred = probs.argmax(axis=1) y_true = fold_labels[test_indices] predictions.append( (users[test_indices], data.iloc[test_indices]['timestamp'], data.iloc[test_indices]['filename'], test_indices, y_true, probs)) # Save user report cv_save_classification_result( predictions, valid_states, os.path.join( resultdir, 'fold' + str(fold + 1) + '_deeplearning_' + mode + '_results.csv'), method='dl') cv_get_classification_report(predictions, mode, valid_states, method='dl') cv_get_classification_report(predictions, mode, valid_states, method='dl') # Save user report cv_save_classification_result(predictions, valid_states, os.path.join( resultdir, 'deeplearning_' + mode + '_results.csv'), method='dl')
from FCN import FCN # 模型载入 device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device( 'cpu') # 指定训练方式 BATCH_SIZE = 2 train_data = DataLoader(data_augmentation.Cam_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) val_data = DataLoader(data_augmentation.Cam_val, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) net = FCN(12) net = criterion = nn.NLLLoss().to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-4) eval_miou_list = [] best = [0] print('-----------------------train-----------------------') for epoch in range(500): if epoch % 50 == 0 and epoch != 0: for group in optimizer.param_groups: group['lr'] *= 0.5 train_loss = 0 train_acc = 0
def imshow(inp, title=None): """Imshow for Tensor.""" inp = inp.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) inp = np.clip(inp, 0, 1) plt.imshow(inp) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.pause(0.001) # pause a bit so that plots are updated if __name__ == '__main__': # Get a batch of training data inputs, classes = next(iter(dataloaders['train'])) out = torchvision.utils.make_grid(inputs) imshow(out) print(classes) # Define the model model_ft = FCN() model_ft = train_model(model_ft, torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), torch.optim.SGD(params=model_ft.parameters(), lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9), num_epochs=2, dataloaders=dataloaders, device=device, dataset_sizes=dataset_sizes) test_model(model_ft, dataloaders, device, dataset_sizes)
from evalution_segmentaion import eval_semantic_segmentation from dataset import CamvidDataset from FCN import FCN import cfg device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device('cpu') t.cuda.set_device('cuda:1') BATCH_SIZE = 4 miou_list = [0] Cam_test = CamvidDataset([cfg.TEST_ROOT, cfg.TEST_LABEL], cfg.crop_size) test_data = DataLoader(Cam_test, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) net = FCN(12) net.load_state_dict(t.load('1.pth')) train_acc = 0 train_miou = 0 train_class_acc = 0 train_mpa = 0 error = 0 for i, sample in enumerate(test_data): data = Variable(sample['img']).to(device) label = Variable(sample['label']).to(device) out = net(data) out = F.log_softmax(out, dim=1)
CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 5 # number of epochs between checkpoints (save model and loss curve) NUM_TEST_SAMPLES = 30 # for generating test samples at the end # GENERATE SAVE DIRECTORY PATH timestamp = '{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format( # for save_dir if not os.path.exists('output'): os.makedirs('output') save_dir = 'output/' + timestamp + '_' + str(EPOCHS) + 'epochs_' + str( REG) + 'reg' if DEBUG: save_dir += '_debug' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if TEST_ONLY: model = FCN(use_6_channels=USE_6_CHANNELS) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(MODEL_PATH)) dlo = DataLoader(BATCH_SIZE, use_6_channels=USE_6_CHANNELS, debug=DEBUG) else: # TRAIN AND SAVE MODEL AND OPTIMIZER if CONTINUE_TRAINING: model = FCN(use_6_channels=USE_6_CHANNELS) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(MODEL_PATH)) if os.path.exists(OPTIMIZER_PATH): optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(OPTIMIZER_PATH)) else: optimizer = None model, optimizer, losses, dlo = trainer.train(
def train(save_dir, model=None, optimizer=None, epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, lr=LR, reg=REG, checkpoint_interval=5, use_6_channels=True, debug=False, use_cross_entropy_loss=True): if model is None: model = FCN(use_6_channels=use_6_channels) if optimizer is None: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=reg) if use_cross_entropy_loss: loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: loss_function = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() dlo = DataLoader(batch_size, use_6_channels=use_6_channels, debug=debug) training_set_size = dlo.get_training_set_size() iters_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(training_set_size / batch_size)) losses = np.zeros([epochs * iters_per_epoch,]) start_time = time.time() for e in range(epochs): model.train() # to make sure components are in 'train' mode; use model.eval() at 'test' time dlo.shuffle_training_set() for i in range(iters_per_epoch): model.zero_grad() x, y = dlo.get_next_training_batch() x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.FloatTensor(x)) if use_cross_entropy_loss: y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(y)) else: y = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.FloatTensor(y)) output = model(x) loss = loss_function(output, y) losses[i + e * iters_per_epoch] = loss.item() loss.backward() optimizer.step() del x, y, output, loss print('{:3}% Time: {:21} Epoch: {:3} Iter: {:3} Loss: {}'.format( int((i + 1 + iters_per_epoch * e) / (iters_per_epoch * epochs) * 100), time_since(start_time, (i + 1 + iters_per_epoch * e) / (iters_per_epoch * epochs)), str(e + 1), str(i + 1), losses[i + e * iters_per_epoch])) sys.stdout.flush() # after every checkpoint_interval epochs: save checkpoint model, save loss curve, display test error if (e + 1) % checkpoint_interval == 0:, save_dir+'/model_after_epoch_'+str(e+1)+'.pth'), save_dir+'/optimizer_after_epoch_'+str(e+1)+'.pth')'/losses_after_epoch_'+str(e+1), losses) # save loss curve so far plt.plot(np.arange(losses.shape[0]) + 1, losses) plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(save_dir+'/loss_curve_after_epoch_'+str(e+1)+'.png') plt.close() # display test error _, test_acc, test_iou = test(model, dlo) print('Test accuracies:') print('Per-pixel classification: {0:.3f}%'.format(test_acc * 100)) print('Intersection-over-Union: {0:.3f}%'.format(test_iou * 100)) return model, optimizer, losses, dlo
device = t.device("cuda") if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device("cpu") Cam_train = CamvidDataset([cfg.TRAIN_ROOT, cfg.TRAIN_LABEL], cfg.crop_size) Cam_val = CamvidDataset([cfg.VAL_ROOT, cfg.VAL_LABEL], cfg.crop_size) train_data = DataLoader(Cam_train, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) val_data = DataLoader(Cam_val, batch_size=cfg.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) # 参数 12 表示数据集分类数 fcn = FCN(12) fcn = criterion = nn.NLLLoss().to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam(fcn.parameters(), lr=1e-4) def train(model): best = [0] net = model.train() # 训练轮次 for epoch in range(cfg.EPOCH_NUMBER): print("Eopch is [{}/{}]".format(epoch + 1, cfg.EPOCH_NUMBER)) if epoch % 50 == 0 and epoch != 0: for group in optimizer.param_groups: group["lr"] *= 0.5
import numpy as np import torch as t import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader from PIL import Image from dataset import CamvidDataset from FCN import FCN import cfg device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device('cpu') t.cuda.set_device('cuda:1') Cam_test = CamvidDataset([cfg.TEST_ROOT, cfg.TEST_LABEL], cfg.crop_size) test_data = DataLoader(Cam_test, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) net = FCN(12).to(device) net.load_state_dict(t.load("1.pth")) net.eval() pd_label_color = pd.read_csv('./CamVid/class_dict.csv', sep=',') name_value = pd_label_color['name'].values num_class = len(name_value) colormap = [] for i in range(num_class): tmp = pd_label_color.iloc[i] color = [tmp['r'], tmp['g'], tmp['b']] colormap.append(color) cm = np.array(colormap).astype('uint8') basePath = './results/'
input_size = 224 output_size = 224 n_Classes = 1 input_data_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((input_size, input_size)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) image = input_data_transforms('./test_mask.png') image = image.unsqueeze(0) # for 4 channel input model_ft = models.resnet50(pretrained=None) model = FCN(model_ft, n_Classes, input_size) # UNet_Adapted(3, n_Classes) model.load_state_dict(torch.load('../model/FCN_model_task2.pkl')) model.eval() device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") image = image.cuda() # Send the model to GPU model = # Output 1*1*388*388 mask_pred = model(image) output_transforms = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.Resize(output_size),
def train_model(train_images, train_labels, n_dim,valid=False, numepochs = 20, folds = 5, shuffle = True, \ sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, decay=1e-6, nesterov=False), \ metrics_list = ['accuracy'], callbacks_list = [], sample_weights = None): """ Train CNN """ print("Setting up model...") model = FCN((n_dim, n_dim, 3)) plot_model(model, to_file='model.png') print(model.summary()) print("Training...") if valid == True: #Set up K-Fold cross-validation due to lack of data kf = KFold(folds, shuffle) fold = 1 for train_index, valid_index in kf.split(train_images): #K-1 used for training, last K fold used for testing/validation data_train, data_valid = train_images[train_index], train_images[ valid_index] labels_train, labels_valid = train_labels[ train_index], train_labels[valid_index] # Compile model model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=metrics_list, sample_weight_mode="temporal") # Fit the model if callbacks_list != []: history =, labels_train, epochs=numepochs, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list, validation_data=(data_valid, labels_valid), sample_weight=sample_weights) else: history =, labels_train, epochs=numepochs, verbose=1, validation_data=(data_valid, labels_valid), sample_weight=sample_weights)"Fold%s.h5" % fold) fold += 1 else: model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=metrics_list, sample_weight_mode="temporal") if callbacks_list != []: history =, train_labels, epochs=numepochs, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list, sample_weight=sample_weights) else: history =, train_labels, epochs=numepochs, verbose=1, sample_weight=sample_weights)"Weights/weights.h5") with open('trainHistoryDict', 'wb') as file_pi: pickle.dump(history.history, file_pi)
def train(epo_num=50, show_vgg_params=False): vis = visdom.Visdom() device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') vgg_model = VGGNet(requires_grad=True, show_params=show_vgg_params) fcn_model = FCN(pretrained_net=vgg_model, n_class=2) fcn_model = criterion = nn.BCELoss().to(device) optimizer = optim.SGD(fcn_model.parameters(), lr=1e-2, momentum=0.7) all_train_iter_loss = [] all_test_iter_loss = [] #start timing prev_time = for epo in range(epo_num): train_loss = 0 fcn_model.train() for index, (bag, bagmsk) in enumerate(train_dataloader): #bag shape is torch.Size([4,3,160,160]) #bag_msk.shape is torch.Size([4,2,160,160]) bag = bagmsk = optimizer.zero_grad() output = fcn_model(bag) output = torch.sigmoid( output) #output.shape is torch.Size([4,2,160,160]) loss = criterion(output, bagmsk) loss.backward() iter_loss = loss.item() all_train_iter_loss.append(iter_loss) train_loss += iter_loss optimizer.step() output_np = output.cpu().detach().numpy().copy( ) #out_put_np.shape = (4,2,160,160) output_np = np.argmin(output_np, axis=1) bag_mask_np = bagmsk.cpu().detach().numpy().copy() bag_mask_np = np.argmin(bag_mask_np, axis=1) if np.mod(index, 15) == 0: print('epoch{},{}/{},train loss is{}'.format( epo, index, len(train_dataloader), iter_loss)) #vis.close() vis.images(output_np[:, None, :, :], win='train_pred', opts=dict(title='train prediction')) vis.images(bag_mask_np[:, None, :, :], win='train_label', opts=dict(title='label')) vis.line(all_train_iter_loss, win='train_iter_loss', opts=dict(title='train iter loss')) #plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) #plt.imshow(np.squeeze(bag_mask_np[0, ...]), 'gray') #plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #plt.imshow(np.squeeze(output_np[0, ...]),'gray') #plt.pause(0.5) test_loss = 0 fcn_model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for index, (bag, bagmsk) in enumerate(test_dataloader): bag = bagmsk = optimizer.zero_grad() output = fcn_model(bag) output = torch.sigmoid( output) #output.shape is torch.Size([4,2,160,160]) loss = criterion(output, bagmsk) iter_loss = loss.item() all_test_iter_loss.append(iter_loss) test_loss += iter_loss output_np = output.cpu().detach().numpy().copy() output_np = np.argmin(output_np, axis=1) #给出axis方向最小值的下标 bag_mask_np = bagmsk.cpu().detach().numpy().copy() bag_mask_np = np.argmin(bag_mask_np, axis=1) if np.mod(index, 15) == 0: print( r'Testing... Open http://localhost:8097/ to see test result' ) #vis.close() vis.images(output_np[:, None, :, :], win='test_pred', opts=dict(title='test prediction')) vis.images(bag_mask_np[:, None, :, :], win='test_label', opts=dict(title='label')) vis.line(all_test_iter_loss, win='test_iter_loss', opts=dict(title='test iter loss')) #plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) #plt.imshow(np.squeeze(bag_mask_np[0, ...]), 'gray') #plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #plt.imshow(np.squeeze(output_np[0, ...]),'gray') #plt.pause(0.5) cur_time = h, remainder = divmod((cur_time - prev_time).seconds, 3600) m, s = divmod(remainder, 60) time_str = "Time%02d:%02:%02d" % (h, m, s) prev_time = cur_time print('epoch train loss = %f, epoch test loss = %f, %s' % (train_loss / len(train_dataloader), test_loss / len(test_dataloader), time_str)) if np.mod(epo, 5) == 0:, 'checkpoint/fcn_model_{}.pt'.format(epo)) print('saving checkpoints/fcn_model_{}.pt'.format(epo))
if ind[1] == 1: noduleCount = noduleCount + 1 if correctIndicies[ind] == 1: nodulesFound = nodulesFound + 1 #If we found it if correctIndicies[ind] == 1: truePositives = truePositives + 1 if correctIndicies[ind] == 0: falseNegatives = falseNegatives + 1 numPositives = len(correctIndicies) return truePositives, numPositives, falsePositives, falseNegatives, noduleCount, nodulesFound handler = DataHandler() FCN = FCN(2, "../Data/model/", "model/8") imageNames, keptIndiciesList = getCandidates("../Data/toPredict/", FCN) #print(keptIndiciesList) generateStats(imageNames, keptIndiciesList) ''' y , orig, spacing = handler.load_itk_image("../Data/data/") #pred = predFull(FCN, y, spacing, (1, 0.625, 0.625)) #print(pred.shape) cand = np.load("../Data/fullresnorm5.npy") print(cand.shape) handler.save_slices(y, 10, "../Data/images/CTscan/") xs, ys = handler.load_samples("../Data/sampless/subset{}/".format(i), (10,16,16,1)) print(xs.shape) print(ys.shape) trainSize = int(xs.shape[0]*0.2)
from dataset import CamvidDataset from FCN import FCN import cfg device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device('cpu') BATCH_SIZE = 4 miou_list = [0] Cam_test = CamvidDataset([cfg.TEST_ROOT, cfg.TEST_LABEL], cfg.crop_size) test_data = DataLoader(Cam_test, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) net = FCN(12) net.eval() net.load_state_dict(t.load('xxx.pth')) train_acc = 0 train_miou = 0 train_class_acc = 0 train_mpa = 0 error = 0 for i, sample in enumerate(test_data): data = Variable(sample['img']).to(device) label = Variable(sample['label']).to(device) out = net(data) out = F.log_softmax(out, dim=1)
from dataset import CamvidDataset from FCN import FCN import cfg import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image """ 预测在测试的基础上 将数字结果转变为图片 """ device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device('cpu') Cam_test = CamvidDataset([cfg.test_root, cfg.test_label], cfg.crop_size) test_data = DataLoader(Cam_test, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) net = FCN(12) net.load_state_dict(t.load('0.pth')) # 需要导入一个模型 net.eval() pd_label_color = pd.read_csv(cfg.class_dict_path, sep=',') name_value = pd_label_color['name'].values num_class = len(name_value) colormap = [] for i in range(num_class): tmp = pd_label_color.iloc[i] # iol 按行读取 color = [tmp['r'], tmp['g'], tmp['b']] colormap.append(color) cm = np.array(colormap).astype('uint8') """