Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def add_file(self, name: str, path: Optional[str],
                    stream: Any) -> str:
         Add the byte stream as the file with name 'name' into self.
         :param name: File name.
         :param path: The client-side full path of the file. For replicating a directory structure.
         :param stream: The byte stream with file content.
     base_path: Path
     if self.tag is not None:
         base_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir(),
                          self.USER_DIR_PATTERN % self.user_id)
         TempDirForTasks.ensure_exists(base_path, self.user_dir_cache)
         base_path /= self.tag
         base_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=self._user_suffix()))
     if path is not None:
         assert path.endswith(name)
         base_path /= path[:-len(name)]
     TempDirForTasks.ensure_exists(base_path, self.user_dir_cache)
     dest_path = base_path.absolute().joinpath(name)
     # TODO: Should be an option
     if dest_path.exists():
         return str(dest_path)
     with open(dest_path, "wb") as fout:
         buff = await stream.read(1024)
         while len(buff) != 0:
             buff = await stream.read(1024)
     return str(dest_path)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     super(LogEmitter, self).__init__()
     self.job_id: JobIDT = 0
     self.temp_for_jobs = TempDirForTasks(self.link_src)
     # The state for multi-step jobs
     self.saved_state: Dict[str, Any] = {}
     # The last reply for interactive jobs
     self.last_reply: Dict[str, Any] = {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def delete(self, current_user_id: UserIDT, job_id: JobIDT):
         Erase the job.
     # Security check
     with self._query_for_update(current_user_id, job_id) as job_bo:
         temp_for_job = TempDirForTasks(self.link_src)
         if job_bo.state in (DBJobStateEnum.Finished, DBJobStateEnum.Error, DBJobStateEnum.Pending):
             # TODO: Set the job to a state e.g. Trashed and erase in background, better for responsiveness
         elif job_bo.state == DBJobStateEnum.Running:
             # Set the job to Killed
             # TODO: No _real_ kill just presentation
             job_bo.state = DBJobStateEnum.Error
             job_bo.progress_msg = JobBO.KILLED_MESSAGE
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def create(self) -> int:
     tsk = Task()
     # Wipe any directory, which belongs to another task with same ID
     temp_for_task = TempDirForTasks(join(self.link_src, 'temptask')).base_dir_for(tsk.id)
     return tsk.id
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_file_stream(self, current_user_id: UserIDT, task_id: int) -> Tuple[IO, str]:
         Return a stream containing the file associated with this task.
     # Sanity & security checks
     task: Task = self.session.query(Task).get(task_id)
     assert task is not None, NOT_FOUND
     current_user = self.session.query(User).get(current_user_id)
     assert (task.owner_id == current_user_id) or (current_user.has_role(Role.APP_ADMINISTRATOR)), NOT_AUTHORIZED
     # TODO: 'temptask' constant is repeated in many places
     temp_for_task = TempDirForTasks(join(self.link_src, 'temptask'))
     temp_dir = temp_for_task.base_dir_for(task_id)
     assert task.inputparam is not None
     params = json.loads(task.inputparam)
     out_file_name = params["OutFile"]
     out_file_path = temp_dir / out_file_name
         return open(out_file_path, mode="rb"), out_file_name
     except IOError:
         return StringIO("NOT FOUND"), out_file_name
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, task_id: Optional[int] = None, task_type: Optional[str] = None):
     self.task_id: int
     if task_id is None:
         # Create a new task
         task = Task()
         task.taskclass = task_type
         self.task_id = task.id
         # Fetch existing task
         task = self.session.query(Task).get(task_id)
         # SimpleImport calls with task_id = 0 during verification
         # assert task is not None
         if task is None:
             assert task_id is not None
             self.task_id = task_id
             self.task_id = task.id
     self.task = task
     self.temp_for_task = TempDirForTasks(join(self.link_src, 'temptask'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_file_stream(self, current_user_id: UserIDT, job_id: JobIDT) -> Tuple[IO, str, str]:
         Return a stream containing the produced file associated with this job.
     # Sanity & security checks
     with self._query_for_update(current_user_id, job_id) as job_bo:
         temp_for_job = TempDirForTasks(self.link_src)
         temp_dir = temp_for_job.base_dir_for(job_id)
         # Get the job in its state...
         with JobScheduler.instantiate(job_bo) as sce:
             out_file_name = sce.PRODUCED_FILE_NAME
         # ...and the file in its temp directory
         out_file_path = temp_dir / out_file_name
         if out_file_name.endswith(".zip"):
             media_type = "application/zip"
         elif out_file_name.endswith(".tsv"):
             media_type = "text/tab-separated-values"
             media_type = "unknown"
             return open(out_file_path, mode="rb"), out_file_name, media_type
         except IOError:  # pragma:nocover
             return StringIO("NOT FOUND"), out_file_name, media_type
Ejemplo n.º 8
class TaskServiceBase(Service, ABC):
        Common methods and data for asynchronous and long operations.

    def __init__(self, task_id: Optional[int] = None, task_type: Optional[str] = None):
        self.task_id: int
        if task_id is None:
            # Create a new task
            task = Task()
            task.taskclass = task_type
            self.task_id = task.id
            # Fetch existing task
            task = self.session.query(Task).get(task_id)
            # SimpleImport calls with task_id = 0 during verification
            # assert task is not None
            if task is None:
                assert task_id is not None
                self.task_id = task_id
                self.task_id = task.id
        self.task = task
        self.temp_for_task = TempDirForTasks(join(self.link_src, 'temptask'))

    def log_file_path(self):
            Ask for redirected logging.
        log_file = self.temp_for_task.base_dir_for(self.task_id) / 'TaskLogBack.txt'
        return log_file.as_posix()

    def update_task(self, taskstate: Optional[str], percent: Optional[int], message: str):
            Update various fields in current task.
        if taskstate is not None:
            self.task.taskstate = taskstate
        if percent is not None:
            self.task.progresspct = percent
        self.task.progressmsg = message
        self.task.lastupdate = datetime.datetime.now()

    def update_progress(self, percent: int, message: str):
        self.update_task(taskstate=None, percent=percent, message=message)

    def report_progress(self, current, total):
        self.update_progress(20 + 80 * current / total,
                             "Processing files %d/%d" % (current, total))

    def set_task_params(self, owner_id: UserIDT, file_name: str):
            Set export task features for this export.
        task = self.session.query(Task).get(self.task_id)
        assert task is not None
        params = {"OutFile": file_name}
        task.inputparam = json.dumps(params)
        task.owner_id = owner_id
Ejemplo n.º 9
class JobServiceBase(Service, LogEmitter, ABC):
        Common methods and data for asynchronous and long operations.
        This base class is for the short-lived instances which 'just' do some operations.
        For long-lived objects, i.e. processes @see JobScheduler class.
    JOB_TYPE: str
    JOB_LOG_FILE_NAME = 'TaskLogBack.txt'

    def __init__(self):
        super(LogEmitter, self).__init__()
        self.job_id: JobIDT = 0
        self.temp_for_jobs = TempDirForTasks(self.link_src)
        # The state for multi-step jobs
        self.saved_state: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        # The last reply for interactive jobs
        self.last_reply: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    def find_jobservice_class_by_type(clazz, job_type: str):
            Find a subclass with given type
        for job_sub_class in clazz.__subclasses__():
            if job_sub_class.JOB_TYPE == job_type:
                return job_sub_class
                for_subclass = JobServiceBase.find_jobservice_class_by_type(
                    job_sub_class, job_type)
                if for_subclass:
                    return for_subclass

    def log_file_path(self):
            Return redirected logging output path. @see DynamicLogs and LogEmitter.
        log_file = self.temp_for_jobs.base_dir_for(
            self.job_id) / self.JOB_LOG_FILE_NAME
        return log_file.as_posix()

    def do_background(self):
        """ Launch background processing"""

    def run_in_background(self):
            Background part of the job, standard behavior is to run the method and care for general problems.
        except Exception as e:
            with JobBO.get_for_update(self.session, self.job_id) as job_bo:
                job_bo.state = DBJobStateEnum.Error
                job_bo.progress_msg = str(e)
            with LogsSwitcher(self):
                logger.error("Unexpected termination of #%d", job_bo.id)

    def init_args(self, args: Dict) -> Dict:
        """ Serialization of __init__ arguments """

    def deser_args(json_args: Dict) -> None:

    def _save_vars_to_state(self, names: List[str], *values):
        """ Save variables using provided names """
        to_save = {a_name: a_value for a_name, a_value in zip(names, values)}
        with JobBO.get_for_update(self.session, self.job_id) as job_bo:
        self.saved_state = job_bo.inside

    def _load_vars_from_state(self, names: List[str]) -> List[Any]:
        """ Load variables using provided names """
        ret = [self.saved_state[a_name] for a_name in names]
        return ret

    def load_state_from(self, job_state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """ Injection of service state """
        self.saved_state = job_state

    def load_reply_from(self, job_reply: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """ Injection of service reply to last question """
        self.last_reply = job_reply

    def create_job(self, job_type: str, user_id: UserIDT):
        args = self.init_args({})
        new_job = JobBO.create_job(self.session, user_id, job_type, args)
        self.job_id = new_job.id

    def _get_job(self) -> Job:
        job: Optional[Job] = self.session.query(Job).get(self.job_id)
        assert job is not None
        return job

    def _get_owner_id(self) -> UserIDT:
        job: Optional[Job] = self.session.query(Job).get(self.job_id)
        assert job is not None
        return job.owner_id

    def get_job_for_update(self) -> Job:
        job = self._get_job()
        job.updated_on = datetime.now()
        return job

    def update_progress(self, percent: int, message: str):
        with JobBO.get_for_update(self.session, self.job_id) as job_bo:
            job_bo.progress_pct = percent
            job_bo.progress_msg = message

    def report_progress(self, current, total):
        self.update_progress(20 + 80 * current / total,
                             "Processing files %d/%d" % (current, total))

    def set_job_result(self, errors: List[str], infos: Dict[str, Any]):
            Set job detailed result and final status.
        with JobBO.get_for_update(self.session, self.job_id) as job_bo:
            # Limit storage to 1000 first errors
            if len(errors) > 0:
                job_bo.state = DBJobStateEnum.Error
                job_bo.progress_msg = "%d error(s) during run" % len(errors)
                job_bo.state = DBJobStateEnum.Finished
                job_bo.progress_pct = 100
                job_bo.progress_msg = "Done"

    def get_job_result(self) -> Any:
            Get job detailed result.
        job_bo = JobBO.get_one(self.session, self.job_id)
        assert job_bo is not None
        return job_bo.get_result()

    def set_job_to_ask(self, message: str, question_data: Dict[str, Any]):
            Set the job to ask something from user.
        logger.info("Asking for: %s", question_data)
        with JobBO.get_for_update(self.session, self.job_id) as job_bo:
            job_bo.state = DBJobStateEnum.Asking
            job_bo.progress_msg = message
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_log_path(self, current_user_id: UserIDT, job_id: JobIDT) -> Path:
     # Sanity & security checks
     job: JobBO = self.query(current_user_id, job_id)
     temp_for_job = TempDirForTasks(self.link_src)
     log_file_path = temp_for_job.base_dir_for(job.id) / JobServiceBase.JOB_LOG_FILE_NAME
     return log_file_path
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_temp(self, task_id: int, inside: str) -> str:
     temp_for_task = TempDirForTasks(join(self.link_src, 'temptask')).in_base_dir_for(task_id, inside)
     return temp_for_task