Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params={}):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        parser.parse(file, testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params))

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:

            # Initialize the status system for each tester object immediately after creation

            self.augmentParameters(file, tester, testroot_params)
            if testroot_params.get("caveats"):
                # Show what executable we are using if using a different testroot file

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only, testroot_params={}):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        parser.parse(file, testroot_params.get("root_params", self.root_params))

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:

            # Initialize the status system for each tester object immediately after creation

            self.augmentParameters(file, tester, testroot_params)
            if testroot_params.get("caveats"):
                # Show what executable we are using if using a different testroot file

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        self.error_code = self.error_code | parser.parse(file)

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:
            self.augmentParameters(file, tester)

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def createTesters(self, dirpath, file, find_only):
        # Build a Parser to parse the objects
        parser = Parser(self.factory, self.warehouse)

        # Parse it
        self.error_code = self.error_code | parser.parse(file)

        # Retrieve the tests from the warehouse
        testers = self.warehouse.getActiveObjects()

        # Augment the Testers with additional information directly from the TestHarness
        for tester in testers:
            self.augmentParameters(file, tester)

        # Short circuit this loop if we've only been asked to parse Testers
        # Note: The warehouse will accumulate all testers in this mode
        if find_only:
            return []

        # Clear out the testers, we won't need them to stick around in the warehouse

        if self.options.enable_recover:
            testers = self.appendRecoverableTests(testers)

        return testers
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def cleanup(self):
        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if (self.options.verbose or (self.num_failed != 0 and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS-1)))
            for (tester_data, result, timing) in sorted(self.test_table, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
                print(util.formatResult(tester_data, result, self.options))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print('-' * (util.TERM_COLS-1))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if self.error_code & Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
        if self.error_code & ~Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL TEST HARNESS ERROR</r>'

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.options.queueing:
            print 'Your session file is %s' % self.options.session_file

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds' % (self.num_passed+self.num_skipped, time))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            print('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds' % (self.num_passed+self.num_failed, time))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            summary += fatal_error

            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

        if self.file:

        # Close the failed_tests file
        if self.writeFailedTest != None:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def cleanup(self):
        # Print the results table again if a bunch of output was spewed to the screen between
        # tests as they were running
        if (self.options.verbose or
            (self.num_failed != 0
             and not self.options.quiet)) and not self.options.dry_run:
            print('\n\nFinal Test Results:\n' + ('-' * (util.TERM_COLS - 1)))
            for (tester_data, result, timing) in sorted(self.test_table,
                                                        key=lambda x: x[1],
                print(util.formatResult(tester_data, result, self.options))

        time = clock() - self.start_time

        print('-' * (util.TERM_COLS - 1))

        # Mask off TestHarness error codes to report parser errors
        fatal_error = ''
        if self.error_code & Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL PARSER ERROR</r>'
        if self.error_code & ~Parser.getErrorCodeMask():
            fatal_error += ', <r>FATAL TEST HARNESS ERROR</r>'

        # Alert the user to their session file
        if self.queueing:
            print 'Your session file is %s' % self.options.session_file

        # Print a different footer when performing a dry run
        if self.options.dry_run:
            print('Processed %d tests in %.1f seconds' %
                  (self.num_passed + self.num_skipped, time))
            summary = '<b>%d would run</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d would be skipped</b>'
            summary += fatal_error
            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

            print('Ran %d tests in %.1f seconds' %
                  (self.num_passed + self.num_failed, time))

            if self.num_passed:
                summary = '<g>%d passed</g>'
                summary = '<b>%d passed</b>'
            summary += ', <b>%d skipped</b>'
            if self.num_pending:
                summary += ', <c>%d pending</c>'
                summary += ', <b>%d pending</b>'
            if self.num_failed:
                summary += ', <r>%d FAILED</r>'
                summary += ', <b>%d failed</b>'
            summary += fatal_error

            print(util.colorText( summary % (self.num_passed, self.num_skipped, self.num_pending, self.num_failed),  "", html = True, \
                             colored=self.options.colored, code=self.options.code ))

        if self.file:

        # Close the failed_tests file
        if self.writeFailedTest != None: