Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_107_changelog_skipping(self):
     """ Test the case when sourceX is name and we use f-r -n so
     that file gets mixed up with a directory
                    argv=['-rn', self.srpm_file])
     spec = SpecFile(self.spec_file)
     regex = re.compile('initial fedora')
     self.assertEqual(len(spec.find_all_re(regex)), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(spec.find_all_re(regex, True)), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_spec_file(self):
        ''' Test the SpecFile class'''

        def fix_usr_link(path):
            ''' Convert absolute paths to /usr/path. '''
            if not '/' in path:
                return path
            lead = path.split('/')[1]
            if lead in ['bin', 'sbin', 'lib', 'lib64']:
                return '/usr' + path
            return path

                       argv=['-n', 'python-test', '--no-build'])
        spec = SpecFile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'python-test.spec'))
        self.assertEqual(spec.name, 'python-test')
        self.assertEqual(spec.version, '1.0')
        dist = Mock.get_macro('%dist', None, {})
        self.assertEqual(spec.release, '1' + dist)
        self.assertEqual(spec.expand_tag('Release'), '1' + dist)
        self.assertEqual(spec.expand_tag('License'), 'GPLv2+')
        self.assertEqual(spec.expand_tag('Group'), 'Development/Languages')
        # Test rpm value not there
        self.assertEqual(spec.expand_tag('PreReq'), None)
        # Test get sections
        expected = ['rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT']
        self.assertEqual(spec.get_section('%clean'), expected)
        expected = '%{__python} setup.py build'
        expected = ['LANG=C', 'export LANG', 'unset DISPLAY',
                   '/usr/bin/python setup.py build']

        build = spec.get_section('%build')
        build = map(fix_usr_link, build)
        self.assertIn(''.join(build), ''.join(expected))
        install = spec.get_section('%install')
        install = map(fix_usr_link, install)
        expected = ['LANG=C', 'export LANG', 'unset DISPLAY',
                    'rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT',
                    '/usr/bin/python setup.py install -O1 --skip-build'
                    ' --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT']
        self.assertIn(''.join(install), ''.join(expected))

        # Test get_sources (return the Source/Patch lines with macros resolved)
        expected = {'Source0': 'http://timlau.fedorapeople.org/'
        self.assertEqual(spec.sources_by_tag, expected)
        expected = ['%defattr(-,root,root,-)',
                    '%doc COPYING',
                    rpm.expandMacro('%{python_sitelib}') + '/*']
        self.assertEqual(spec.get_files(), expected)

        # Test find
        regex = re.compile(r'^Release\s*:\s*(.*)')
        res = spec.find_re(regex)
        if res:
            self.assertEqual(res.split(':')[1].strip(), '1%{?dist}')