Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     fileParser = FileParser()
     self.__table = fileParser.parse("graph")
     self.__maxSize = fileParser.getMax()
     self.__price = []
     self.__date = []
     self.__range = 365
Ejemplo n.º 2
def predict():
    fileParser = FileParser()
    table = fileParser.parse("predictor")
    maxSize = fileParser.getMax()
    epsilon = .6  #percent error
    dataContainer = []

    for i in range(0, maxSize):
        openValue = table.iloc[i, 0]
        closeValue = table.iloc[i, 1]
        percentDifference = (closeValue - openValue) / openValue * 100
        )  #stores the percent difference between the closed and open value

    if DEBUG:

    accumMatch = 0
    accumIncrease = 0
    #averages the current 3 percent differences
    currentAvg = (dataContainer[maxSize - 1] + dataContainer[maxSize - 2] +
                  dataContainer[maxSize - 3]) / 3
    if DEBUG:
        print("\"\"\"DEBUG START\"\"\"")
        print("LAST THREE DIFFERENCE:")
        #print("1.", dataContainer[0])
        print("1.", dataContainer[maxSize - 1])
        print("2.", dataContainer[maxSize - 2])
        print("3.", dataContainer[maxSize - 3])
        print("CURRENT AVG:", currentAvg)

    for i in range(2, maxSize - 1):
        #gets the averages of all the past 3 percent differences and checks if the trend
        #is similar to the current average with margin of error (epsilon)
        pastAvg = (dataContainer[i] + dataContainer[i - 1] +
                   dataContainer[i - 2]) / 3
        if currentAvg - epsilon < pastAvg and currentAvg + epsilon > pastAvg:
            accumMatch += 1
            #within those similar trends, check how much of those events actually increased afterwards
            if dataContainer[i + 1] > 0:
                accumIncrease += 1
    #This means that there was no similar trends, then give a 50:50 prediction
    if accumMatch == 0:
        return (.5, .5)

    probabilityIncrease = accumIncrease / accumMatch
    probabilityDecrease = (accumMatch - accumIncrease) / accumMatch

    if DEBUG:
        print("ACCUM INCREASE:", accumIncrease)
        print("ACCUM MATCH:", accumMatch)
        print("PROBABILITY TO INCREASE:", probabilityIncrease)
        print("PROBABILITY TO DECREASE:", probabilityDecrease)
        print("\"\"\"DEBUG END\"\"\"")

    return (probabilityIncrease, probabilityDecrease)