Ejemplo n.º 1
	def setup(self, plan_name):
			Create step typed element DI, with effect edges to each condition of start_set
			Create step typed element DG, with precondition edges to each condition of end_set
			Add ordering from DI to DG

		s_init = copy.deepcopy(self.GL[-2])
		s_goal = copy.deepcopy(self.GL[-1])

		s_init_plan = PlanElementGraph(name=plan_name, Elements=self.objects|s_init.elements|s_goal.elements,

		s_init_plan.initial_dummy_step = s_init.root
		s_init_plan.final_dummy_step = s_goal.root

		s_init_plan.OrderingGraph.addOrdering(s_init.root, s_goal.root)

		#Add initial Open precondition flaws for dummy step
		#init_flaws = (Flaw((s_goal.root, prec), 'opf') for prec in s_goal.Preconditions)
		#for flaw in init_flaws:
		for prec in s_goal.Preconditions:
			s_init_plan.flaws.insert(self.GL, s_init_plan, Flaw((s_goal.root, prec), 'opf'))
		return s_init_plan
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def multiGoalSetup(self, SP):
        #s_init is in the back for a multi-goal setup
        init = copy.deepcopy(self.disc_GL[-1])
        BPlans = []
        for GA in self.disc_GL.Goal_Actions:
            s_goal = copy.deepcopy(GA)
            s_init = copy.deepcopy(init)
            DPlan = PlanElementGraph(name='disc',
                                     | s_goal.elements,
                                     Edges=s_init.edges | s_goal.edges)

            DPlan.initial_dummy_step = s_init.root
            DPlan.final_dummy_step = s_goal.root
            DPlan.OrderingGraph.addOrdering(s_init.root, s_goal.root)

            init_flaws = (Flaw((s_goal.root, prec), 'opf')
                          for prec in s_goal.preconditions)
            for flaw in init_flaws:
                DPlan.flaws.insert(self.disc_GL, DPlan, flaw)

            Story = SP.deepcopy()
            New_Stories = Unify(Story, s_goal.ground_subplan, self.story_GL)
            for NS in New_Stories:
                BPlans.append(BiPlan(NS, DPlan))
        return BPlans
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def addStep(self, plan, s_add, s_need, condition, new=None):
			when a step is added/reused,
			add causal link and ordering edges (including to dummy steps)
			If step is new, add open precondition flaws for each precondition
		if new is None:
			new = False

		if s_add.stepnumber != plan.initial_dummy_step.stepnumber:
			plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(plan.initial_dummy_step, s_add.root)
			plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(plan.initial_dummy_step, s_need)

		if s_need.stepnumber != plan.final_dummy_step.stepnumber:
			plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_add.root, plan.final_dummy_step)
			plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_need, plan.final_dummy_step)

		#Always add this ordering
		plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_add.root, s_need)
		new_link = plan.CausalLinkGraph.addEdge(s_add.root, s_need, condition)
		new_tclfs = plan.detectTCLFperCL(self.GL, new_link)

		if new:
			for Prec in s_add.Preconditions:
				plan.flaws.insert(self.GL, plan, Flaw((s_add.root, Prec), 'opf'))
			#only detect for new steps if adding this step threatens causal link
			new_tclfs.update(plan.detectTCLFperStep(self.GL, s_add.root))

		for tclf in new_tclfs:
			plan.flaws.insert(self.GL, plan, tclf)

		return plan
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def addStep(self, plan, s_add, s_need, condition, GL, new=None):
			when a step is added/reused, 
			add causal link and ordering edges (including to dummy steps)
			If step is new, add open precondition flaws for each precondition
        if new is None:
            new = False

        if s_add != plan.initial_dummy_step:
            plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(plan.initial_dummy_step, s_add)
            plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(plan.initial_dummy_step, s_need)

        if s_need != plan.final_dummy_step:
            plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_add, plan.final_dummy_step)
            plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_need, plan.final_dummy_step)

        #Always add this ordering
        plan.OrderingGraph.addEdge(s_add, s_need)
        plan.CausalLinkGraph.addEdge(s_add, s_need, condition)

        if new:
            for prec in plan.getIncidentEdgesByLabel(s_add, 'precond-of'):
                plan.flaws.insert(GL, plan, Flaw((s_add, prec.sink), 'opf'))
            # if plan.name == 'disc':
            # 	plan.flaws.insert(GL, plan, Flaw(s_add.stepnumber, 'dcf'))

        return plan
Ejemplo n.º 5
def AddNewFlaws(GL, step, new_plan):
	Step = Action.subgraph(new_plan, step)
	# Step = Action.subgraph(new_plan, new_plan.getElmByRID(step.replaced_ID))

	for pre in Step.Preconditions:
		#this is a hack, if the precondition has two operator parents, then its in a causal link
		cndts = {edge for edge in new_plan.edges if isinstance(edge.source, Operator) and edge.sink == pre.root}
		if len(cndts) == 0:
			raise ValueError('wait, no edge for this preconditon? impossible!')
		if len(cndts) < 2:
			new_plan.flaws.insert(GL, new_plan, Flaw((step, pre), 'opf'))

	if step.is_decomp:
		new_plan.flaws.insert(GL, new_plan, Flaw(GL[step.stepnumber].ground_subplan, 'dcf'))

	new_plan.flaws.addCndtsAndRisks(GL, step)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def AddLink(link, new_plan, UW, remove_flaw=True):

	Source = Action.subgraph(new_plan, UW[link.source.position])
	new_d = Source.getElmByRID(link.label.replaced_ID)
	if new_d is None:
		Sink = Action.subgraph(new_plan, UW[link.sink.position])
		new_d = Sink.getElmByRID(link.label.replaced_ID)
	D = Condition.subgraph(new_plan, new_d)
	new_plan.CausalLinkGraph.addEdge(UW[link.source.position], UW[link.sink.position],D)

	if remove_flaw:
		flaws = new_plan.flaws.flaws
		f = Flaw((UW[link.sink.position], D), 'opf')
		if f in flaws:
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def detectThreatenedCausalLinks(self, GL):
		A threatened causal link flaw is a tuple <causal link edge, threatening step element>
			where if s --p--> t is a causal link edge and s_threat is the threatening step element,
				then there is no ordering path from t to s_threat,
				no ordering path from s_threat to s,
				there is an effect edge from s_threat to a literal false-p',
				and p' is consistent with p after flipping the truth attribute

		detectedThreatenedCausalLinks = set()
		nonThreats = self.CausalLinkGraph.nonThreats
		for causal_link in self.CausalLinkGraph.edges:
			for step in self.Steps:

				#defense 1
				if step in nonThreats[causal_link]:

				# defense 2-4 - First, ignore steps which either are the source and sink of causal link, or which cannot
				#  be ordered between them
				if step == causal_link.source or step == causal_link.sink:
				if self.OrderingGraph.isPath(causal_link.sink, step):
				if self.OrderingGraph.isPath(step, causal_link.source):

				if step.stepnumber not in GL.threat_dict[causal_link.sink.stepnumber]:

				detectedThreatenedCausalLinks.add(Flaw((step, causal_link), 'tclf'))

		return detectedThreatenedCausalLinks
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def newStep(self, plan, flaw, GL):
		@param plan:
		@param flaw:

        results = set()
        s_need, precondition = flaw.flaw

        antecedents = GL.pre_dict[precondition.replaced_ID]

        for ante in antecedents:
            if ante.action.name == 'dummy_init':

            #step 1 - make a copy
            cndt = copy.deepcopy(ante)

            #step 2 - replace its internals, to distinguish from other identical antesteps
            (anteaction, eff_link) = cndt

            # step 3 - make a copy of the plan
            new_plan = plan.deepcopy()

            if plan.name == 'disc':
                anteaction = GL[anteaction.stepnumber].deepcopy()
                eff = anteaction.getElmByRID(eff_link.sink.replaced_ID)

                PArgs = list(Condition.subgraph(new_plan, precondition).Args)
                EArgs = list(Condition.subgraph(anteaction, eff).Args)
                #Retarget args in discourse step.
                retargetArgs(anteaction, EArgs, PArgs)
                #Retarget elements in args in ground subplan
                retargetElmsInArgs(anteaction.ground_subplan, EArgs, PArgs)
                #Then, add a flaw which says, add ground subplan, first looking if elm.ID already exists
                    Flaw(anteaction.ground_subplan, 'dcf'))
                # for edge in anteaction.edges:
                # 	if edge.source == anteaction.root and edge.sink == eff:
                # 		eff_link = edge
                # 		break
                eff_link = anteaction.RemoveSubgraph(eff)

                #step 4 - set sink before replace internals
            preserve_original_id = eff_link.sink.replaced_ID
            eff_link.sink = new_plan.getElementById(precondition.ID)
            eff_link.sink.replaced_ID = preserve_original_id

            #step 5 - add new stuff to new plan

            #step 6 - update orderings and causal links, add flaws
            new_plan.flaws.addCndtsAndRisks(GL, anteaction.root)

            #step 7 - add new_plan to open list

        return results