Ejemplo n.º 1
def alphaEqnSubCycle( runTime, piso, mesh, phi, alpha1, rho, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2, interface ):
    from Foam.OpenFOAM import word,readLabel
    nAlphaCorr = readLabel( piso.lookup( word( "nAlphaCorr" ) ) )
    nAlphaSubCycles = readLabel( piso.lookup( word( "nAlphaSubCycles" ) ) )
    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1):
       totalDeltaT = runTime.deltaT()
       rhoPhiSum = 0.0 * rhoPhi
       from Foam.finiteVolume import subCycle_volScalarField
       alphaSubCycle = subCycle_volScalarField(alpha1, nAlphaSubCycles)
       for item in alphaSubCycle: 
           alphaEqn( mesh, phi, alpha1, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2, interface, nAlphaCorr )
           rhoPhiSum.ext_assign( rhoPhiSum + ( runTime.deltaT() / totalDeltaT ) * rhoPhi )
       # To make sure that variable in the local scope will be destroyed
       # - during destruction of this variable it performs some important actions
       # - there is a difference between C++ and Python memory management, namely
       # if C++ automatically destroys stack variables when they exit the scope,
       # Python relay its memory management of some "garbage collection" algorithm
       # that do not provide predictable behavior on the "exit of scope"
       del alphaSubCycle
       rhoPhi.ext_assign( rhoPhiSum )
       alphaEqn( mesh, phi, alpha1, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2, interface, nAlphaCorr )
    rho == alpha1 * rho1 + ( 1.0 - alpha1 ) * rho2

Ejemplo n.º 2
def alphaEqnSubCycle(runTime, piso, mesh, phi, alpha1, rho, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2,
    from Foam.OpenFOAM import word, readLabel
    nAlphaCorr = readLabel(piso.lookup(word("nAlphaCorr")))
    nAlphaSubCycles = readLabel(piso.lookup(word("nAlphaSubCycles")))
    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1):
        totalDeltaT = runTime.deltaT()
        rhoPhiSum = 0.0 * rhoPhi
        from Foam.finiteVolume import subCycle_volScalarField
        alphaSubCycle = subCycle_volScalarField(alpha1, nAlphaSubCycles)
        for item in alphaSubCycle:
            alphaEqn(mesh, phi, alpha1, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2, interface,
            rhoPhiSum.ext_assign(rhoPhiSum +
                                 (runTime.deltaT() / totalDeltaT) * rhoPhi)
        # To make sure that variable in the local scope will be destroyed
        # - during destruction of this variable it performs some important actions
        # - there is a difference between C++ and Python memory management, namely
        # if C++ automatically destroys stack variables when they exit the scope,
        # Python relay its memory management of some "garbage collection" algorithm
        # that do not provide predictable behavior on the "exit of scope"
        del alphaSubCycle

        alphaEqn(mesh, phi, alpha1, rhoPhi, rho1, rho2, interface, nAlphaCorr)

    rho == alpha1 * rho1 + (1.0 - alpha1) * rho2

Ejemplo n.º 3
def alphaEqnsSubCycle( runTime, piso, mesh, phi, alpha1, alpha2, rho, rho1, rho2, rhoPhi, dgdt, interface, oCorr ):
    from Foam.OpenFOAM import word,readLabel
    nAlphaCorr = readLabel( piso.lookup( word( "nAlphaCorr" ) ) )
    nAlphaSubCycles = readLabel( piso.lookup( word( "nAlphaSubCycles" ) ) )
    from Foam.finiteVolume import surfaceScalarField
    phic = ( phi / mesh.magSf() ).mag()
    phic.ext_assign( ( interface.cAlpha() * phic ).ext_min( phic.ext_max() ) )
    from Foam import fvc
    divU = fvc.div( phi )
    if nAlphaSubCycles > 1:

        totalDeltaT = runTime.deltaT()
        rhoPhiSum = 0.0 * rhoPhi

        from Foam.finiteVolume import subCycle_volScalarField
        alphaSubCycle = subCycle_volScalarField( alpha1, nAlphaSubCycles )
        for item in alphaSubCycle: 
            alphaEqns( runTime, mesh, rho1, rho2, rhoPhi, phic, dgdt, divU, alpha1, alpha2, phi, interface, nAlphaCorr )
            rhoPhiSum.ext_assign( rhoPhiSum + ( runTime.deltaT() / totalDeltaT ) * rhoPhi )
       # To make sure that variable in the local scope will be destroyed
       # - during destruction of this variable it performs some important actions
       # - there is a difference between C++ and Python memory management, namely
       # if C++ automatically destroys stack variables when they exit the scope,
       # Python relay its memory management of some "garbage collection" algorithm
       # that do not provide predictable behavior on the "exit of scope"
        del alphaSubCycle

        rhoPhi.ext_assign( rhoPhiSum )
        alphaEqns( runTime, mesh, rho1, rho2, rhoPhi, phic, dgdt, divU, alpha1, alpha2, phi, interface, nAlphaCorr )

    if oCorr == 0: