Ejemplo n.º 1
 def displaypath(self, pathvar, entryfield):
     entryfield['state'] = tk.NORMAL	# must be writable to update
     entryfield.delete(0, tk.END)
     if platform=='win32':
         start = pathvar.get().lower().startswith(config.home.lower()) and len(config.home.split('\\')) or 0
         display = []
         components = normpath(pathvar.get()).split('\\')
         buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(MAX_PATH)
         pidsRes = ctypes.c_int()
         for i in range(start, len(components)):
                 if (not SHGetLocalizedName('\\'.join(components[:i+1]), buf, MAX_PATH, ctypes.byref(pidsRes)) and
                     LoadString(ctypes.WinDLL(expandvars(buf.value))._handle, pidsRes.value, buf, MAX_PATH)):
         entryfield.insert(0, '\\'.join(display))
     elif platform=='darwin' and NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get()):	# None if path doesn't exist
         if pathvar.get().startswith(config.home):
             display = ['~'] + NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get())[len(NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(config.home)):]
             display = NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get())
         entryfield.insert(0, '/'.join(display))
         if pathvar.get().startswith(config.home):
             entryfield.insert(0, '~' + pathvar.get()[len(config.home):])
             entryfield.insert(0, pathvar.get())
     entryfield['state'] = 'readonly'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def displaypath(self, pathvar, entryfield):
     entryfield['state'] = tk.NORMAL	# must be writable to update
     entryfield.delete(0, tk.END)
     if platform=='win32':
         start = pathvar.get().lower().startswith(config.home.lower()) and len(config.home.split('\\')) or 0
         display = []
         components = normpath(pathvar.get()).split('\\')
         buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(MAX_PATH)
         pidsRes = ctypes.c_int()
         for i in range(start, len(components)):
                 if (not SHGetLocalizedName('\\'.join(components[:i+1]), buf, MAX_PATH, ctypes.byref(pidsRes)) and
                     LoadString(ctypes.WinDLL(expandvars(buf.value))._handle, pidsRes.value, buf, MAX_PATH)):
         entryfield.insert(0, '\\'.join(display))
     elif platform=='darwin' and NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get()):	# None if path doesn't exist
         if pathvar.get().startswith(config.home):
             display = ['~'] + NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get())[len(NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(config.home)):]
             display = NSFileManager.defaultManager().componentsToDisplayForPath_(pathvar.get())
         entryfield.insert(0, '/'.join(display))
         if pathvar.get().startswith(config.home):
             entryfield.insert(0, '~' + pathvar.get()[len(config.home):])
             entryfield.insert(0, pathvar.get())
     entryfield['state'] = 'readonly'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getRunningBlockingApps(appnames):
    """Given a list of app names, return a list of dicts for apps in the list
    that are running. Each dict contains username, pathname, display_name"""
    proc_list = getRunningProcessesWithUsers()
    running_apps = []
    filemanager = NSFileManager.alloc().init()
    for appname in appnames:
        matching_items = []
        if appname.startswith("/"):
            # search by exact path
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list if item["pathname"] == appname]
        elif appname.endswith(".app"):
            # search by filename
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list if "/" + appname + "/Contents/MacOS/" in item["pathname"]]
            # check executable name
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list if item["pathname"].endswith("/" + appname)]

        if not matching_items:
            # try adding '.app' to the name and check again
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list if "/" + appname + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" in item["pathname"]]

        # matching_items = set(matching_items)
        for item in matching_items:
            path = item["pathname"]
            while "/Contents/" in path or path.endswith("/Contents"):
                path = os.path.dirname(path)
            # ask NSFileManager for localized name since end-users
            # will see this name
            item["display_name"] = filemanager.displayNameAtPath_(path)

    return running_apps
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getRunningBlockingApps(appnames):
    """Given a list of app names, return a list of friendly names
    for apps in the list that are running"""
    proc_list = getRunningProcesses()
    running_apps = []
    filemanager = NSFileManager.alloc().init()
    for appname in appnames:
        matching_items = []
        if appname.startswith('/'):
            # search by exact path
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if item == appname]
        elif appname.endswith('.app'):
            # search by filename
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if '/'+ appname + '/Contents/MacOS/' in item]
            # check executable name
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if item.endswith('/' + appname)]

        if not matching_items:
            # try adding '.app' to the name and check again
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if '/' + appname + '.app/Contents/MacOS/' in item]

        matching_items = set(matching_items)
        for path in matching_items:
            while '/Contents/' in path or path.endswith('/Contents'):
                path = os.path.dirname(path)
            # ask NSFileManager for localized name since end-users
            # will see this name

    return list(set(running_apps))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getRunningBlockingApps(appnames):
    """Given a list of app names, return a list of friendly names
    for apps in the list that are running"""
    proc_list = getRunningProcesses()
    running_apps = []
    filemanager = NSFileManager.alloc().init()
    for appname in appnames:
        matching_items = []
        if appname.endswith('.app'):
            # search by filename
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if '/'+ appname + '/' in item]
            # check executable name
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if item.endswith('/' + appname)]

        if not matching_items:
            # try adding '.app' to the name and check again
            matching_items = [item for item in proc_list
                              if '/' + appname + '.app/' in item]

        matching_items = set(matching_items)
        for path in matching_items:
            while '/Contents/' in path or path.endswith('/Contents'):
                path = os.path.dirname(path)
            # ask NSFileManager for localized name since end-users
            # will see this name

    return list(set(running_apps))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def url_from_metadata(path: str) -> Optional[str]:
    """Try to determine the download URL from the spotlight attributes if the local machine is a mac."""
        from Foundation import NSFileManager, NSPropertyListSerialization
        return None

    fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
    attrs, err = fm.attributesOfItemAtPath_error_(path, None)
    if err:
        return None

    if 'NSFileExtendedAttributes' not in attrs:
        return None

    extd_attrs = attrs['NSFileExtendedAttributes']

    if 'com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms' not in extd_attrs:
        return None
        plist_data: bytes = extd_attrs['com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms']
        value: List[str] = plistlib.loads(plist_data)
        if len(value) > 0:
            return value.pop(0)
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_app_name(bundle_id):
    app_path = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace(
    if not app_path:
        app_name = "SYSTEM"
        app_name = NSFileManager.defaultManager().displayNameAtPath_(app_path)
    return app_name
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_app_name(bundle_id):
    '''Get display name for app specified by bundle_id'''
    from AppKit import NSWorkspace
    from Foundation import NSFileManager
    app_path = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace(
    if app_path:
        return NSFileManager.defaultManager().displayNameAtPath_(app_path)
    return bundle_id
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_app_name(bundle_id):
    '''Get display name for app specified by bundle_id'''
    from AppKit import NSWorkspace
    from Foundation import NSFileManager
    app_path = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace(
    if app_path:
        return NSFileManager.defaultManager().displayNameAtPath_(app_path)
    return bundle_id
def send2trash(paths):
    paths = preprocess_paths(paths)
    paths = [
        path.decode("utf-8") if not isinstance(path, text_type) else path
        for path in paths
    for path in paths:
        file_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(path)
        fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
        op_result = fm.trashItemAtURL_resultingItemURL_error_(file_url, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _set_type(self, file_type):
     creator = file_type.mac_creator
     type = file_type.mac_type
     if creator is not None or type is not None:
         fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
         attrs = {}
         if creator is not None:
             attrs[NSFileHFSCreatorCode] = four_char_code(creator)
         if type is not None:
             attrs[NSFileHFSTypeCode] = four_char_code(type)
         #print "FileRef: Setting attributes of %r to %s" % ( ###
         #	self.path, attrs) ###
         fm.changeFileAttributes_atPath_(attrs, self.path)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _set_type(self, file_type):
     creator = file_type.mac_creator
     type = file_type.mac_type
     if creator is not None or type is not None:
         fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
         attrs = {}
         if creator is not None:
             attrs[NSFileHFSCreatorCode] = four_char_code(creator)
         if type is not None:
             attrs[NSFileHFSTypeCode] = four_char_code(type)
         #print "FileRef: Setting attributes of %r to %s" % ( ###
         #	self.path, attrs) ###
         fm.changeFileAttributes_atPath_(attrs, self.path)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_mounted_network_volumes():
    '''Uses Foundation.NSFileManager to get mounted volumes. is_network_volume() is called
        to filter out volumes that are not of type "smbfs"'''
    #pylint: disable=C0103
    fm = NSFileManager.alloc().init()
    mounts = fm.mountedVolumeURLsIncludingResourceValuesForKeys_options_(
        None, 0)
    mount_paths = []
    for mount in mounts:
        mount_path = mount.fileSystemRepresentation()
        if is_network_volume(mount_path):
    return mount_paths
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getRunningBlockingApps(appnames):
    """Given a list of app names, return a list of dicts for apps in the list
    that are running. Each dict contains username, pathname, display_name"""
    proc_list = getRunningProcessesWithUsers()
    running_apps = []
    filemanager = NSFileManager.alloc().init()
    for appname in appnames:
        matching_items = []
        if appname.startswith('/'):
            # search by exact path
            matching_items = [
                item for item in proc_list if item['pathname'] == appname
        elif appname.endswith('.app'):
            # search by filename
            matching_items = [
                item for item in proc_list
                if '/' + appname + '/Contents/MacOS/' in item['pathname']
            # check executable name
            matching_items = [
                item for item in proc_list
                if item['pathname'].endswith('/' + appname)

        if not matching_items:
            # try adding '.app' to the name and check again
            matching_items = [
                item for item in proc_list
                if '/' + appname + '.app/Contents/MacOS/' in item['pathname']

        #matching_items = set(matching_items)
        for item in matching_items:
            path = item['pathname']
            while '/Contents/' in path or path.endswith('/Contents'):
                path = os.path.dirname(path)
            # ask NSFileManager for localized name since end-users
            # will see this name
            item['display_name'] = filemanager.displayNameAtPath_(path)

    return running_apps
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def load(cls):
     Load the all paths from setting file
     :return An array which contain all the directory model
     settingPath = cls.settingPath()
     fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
     paths = NSMutableArray.array()
     settings = NSMutableDictionary.dictionary()
     if fm.fileExistsAtPath_isDirectory_(settingPath, None)[0]:
         settingFile = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile_(settingPath)
         jsonData = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData_options_error_(
             settingFile, 0, None)[0]
         settings['startup'] = jsonData['startup']
         settings['api_key'] = jsonData['api_key']
         for item in jsonData['paths']:
             directory = Directory.alloc().initWithDict_(item)
         settings['paths'] = paths
         settings['startup'] = True
         settings['api_key'] = ''
         settings['paths'] = paths
     return settings
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: files.py Proyecto: donbro/lsdb
    # NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey;
    # NSURLVolumeIsInternalKey                ??
    # NSURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey;
    # NSURLVolumeIsLocalKey;
    # NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey;
    # NSURLVolumeCreationDateKey;
    # NSURLVolumeURLForRemountingKey;
    # NSURLVolumeNameKey;
    # NSURLVolumeLocalizedNameKey;

# print asdf(NSURL,42)

sharedFM = NSFileManager.defaultManager()

def df2fk(v):
        # v = itemDict[fk]
        t = type(v)
        if isinstance(v, objc.pyobjc_unicode):
            return unicode(v) # .encode('utf8')
        # elif isinstance(v, NSDate):
        #     return str(v) # yeah, could be a python datetime?  str() works. date needed for timezone formatting?
        elif isinstance(v, (objc._pythonify.OC_PythonLong, int)):
            return int(v)
            return v # (type(itemDict[fk]), itemDict[fk])        

class MyError(Exception):
Ejemplo n.º 17
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, quote

from Foundation import NSObject, NSRunLoop, NSDate
from Foundation import NSFileManager, NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask
from Foundation import NSURL, NSURLSession, NSURLSessionConfiguration
from Foundation import NSURLRequest, NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy
from Foundation import NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad, NSURLCache
from Foundation import NSURLResponse, NSCachedURLResponse

from PyObjCTools.AppHelper import callAfter

logger = logging.getLogger('URLReader')

USER_CACHE_DIRECTORY_URL, _ = NSFileManager.defaultManager().\
        NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None
    URLByAppendingPathComponent_isDirectory_('URLReader', True)

quote_r = re.compile('%[A-Za-z0-9]{2}')

def callback(url, data, error):
    """URLReader prototype callback

    By providing a function with the same signature as this to
    URLReader.fetch(), code can be notified when the background URL
    fetching operation has been completed and manipulate the resulting
    data. The callback will be called on the main thread.