def write_out_functions_for_StildeD_source_term(outdir,outCparams,gammaDD,betaU,alpha,ValenciavU,BU,sqrt4pi):
    # First, we declare some dummy tensors that we will use for the codegen.
    gammaDDdD  = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDDdD","sym01",DIM=3)
    betaUdD = ixp.declarerank2("betaUdD","nosym",DIM=3)
    alphadD = ixp.declarerank1("alphadD",DIM=3)

    # We need to rerun a few of these functions with the reset lists to make sure these functions
    # don't cheat by using analytic expressions
    GRHD.u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U, GRFFE.smallbsquared,GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDDdD,betaUdD,alphadD)
    GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, GRFFE.TEM4UU)
    for i in range(3):
        desc = "Adds the source term to StildeD"+str(i)+"."
        name = "calculate_StildeD"+str(i)+"_source_term"
            outfile  = os.path.join(outdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs, REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     = general_access \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",
Ejemplo n.º 2
def add_to_Cfunction_dict__GiRaFFE_NRPy_A2B(gammaDD, AD, BU, includes=None):
    # Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)
    # Compute the sqrt of the three metric determinant.
    import GRHD.equations as gh

    # Import the Levi-Civita symbol and build the corresponding tensor.
    # We already have a handy function to define the Levi-Civita symbol in
    LeviCivitaUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(gh.sqrtgammaDET)

    AD_dD = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dD", "nosym")
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] * AD_dD[k][j]
    # Here, we'll use the add_to_Cfunction_dict() function to output a function that will compute the magnetic field
    # on the interior. Then, we'll add postloop code to handle the ghostzones.
    desc = "Compute the magnetic field from the vector potential everywhere, including ghostzones"
    name = "driver_A_to_B"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs"
    body = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", [
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU0"), rhs=BU[0]),
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU1"), rhs=BU[1]),
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU2"), rhs=BU[2])
    postloop = """
int imin[3] = { NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B };
int imax[3] = { NGHOSTS+Nxx0, NGHOSTS+Nxx1, NGHOSTS+Nxx2 };
// Now, we loop over the ghostzones to calculate the magnetic field there.
for(int which_gz = 0; which_gz < NGHOSTS_A2B; which_gz++) {
    // After updating each face, adjust imin[] and imax[]
    //   to reflect the newly-updated face extents.
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0]-1,imin[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[0]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imax[0],imax[0]+1, imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imax[0]++;

    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1]-1,imin[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[1]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imax[1],imax[1]+1, imin[2],imax[2]); imax[1]++;

    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2]-1,imin[2]); imin[2]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imax[2],imax[2]+1); imax[2]++;
    loopopts = "InteriorPoints"
    outC_function_dict[name] = outC_function_dict[name].replace(
        "= NGHOSTS", "= NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
            "NGHOSTS+Nxx0", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                "NGHOSTS+Nxx1", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                    "NGHOSTS+Nxx2", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                        "../set_Cparameters.h", "set_Cparameters.h")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_P2C(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi):
    # After recalculating the 3-velocity, we need to update the poynting flux:
    # We'll reset the Valencia velocity, since this will be part of a second call to outCfunction.

    # First compute stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:

        alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)

    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,
                                                GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU,
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,

    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,
                         GRFFE.smallbsquared, GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)

    global StildeD
    StildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calculate_GRFFE_Tmunu_and_contractions(flux_dirn, mom_comp, gammaDD, betaU,
                                           alpha, ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi):

        alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,
                                                GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU,
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,

    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha,
                         GRFFE.smallbsquared, GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)

    global U, F
    # Flux F = alpha*sqrt{gamma}*T^i_j
    F = alpha * GRHD.sqrtgammaDET * GRFFE.TEM4UD[flux_dirn + 1][mom_comp + 1]
    # U = alpha*sqrt{gamma}*T^0_j = Stilde_j
    U = GRHD.S_tildeD[mom_comp]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def calculate_flux_and_state_for_Induction(field_comp, flux_dirn, gammaDD,
                                           betaU, alpha, ValenciavU, BU):
    # Define Levi-Civita symbol
    def define_LeviCivitaSymbol_rank3(DIM=-1):
        if DIM == -1:
            DIM = par.parval_from_str("DIM")

        LeviCivitaSymbol = ixp.zerorank3()

        for i in range(DIM):
            for j in range(DIM):
                for k in range(DIM):
                    # From :
                    LeviCivitaSymbol[i][j][k] = (i - j) * (j - k) * (
                        k - i) * sp.Rational(1, 2)
        return LeviCivitaSymbol

    # Here, we import the Levi-Civita tensor and compute the tensor with lower indices
    LeviCivitaDDD = define_LeviCivitaSymbol_rank3()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k] *= GRHD.sqrtgammaDET

    global U, F
    # Flux F = \epsilon_{ijk} v^j B^k
    F = sp.sympify(0)
    for j in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            F += LeviCivitaDDD[field_comp][j][k] * (alpha * ValenciavU[j] -
                                                    betaU[j]) * BU[k]
    # U = B^i
    U = BU[flux_dirn]
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_P2C(gammaDD,betaU,alpha,  ValenciavU,BU, sqrt4pi):
    # After recalculating the 3-velocity, we need to update the poynting flux:
    # We'll reset the Valencia velocity, since this will be part of a second call to outCfunction.

    # First compute stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:

#     GRHD.u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    R = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            R += gammaDD[i][j] * ValenciavU[i] * ValenciavU[j]
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] = 1 / (alpha * sp.sqrt(1 - R))
    # u^i = u^0 ( alpha v^i_{(n)} - beta^i ), where v^i_{(n)} is the Valencia 3-velocity
    for i in range(3):
        u4U_ito_ValenciavU[i + 1] = u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] * (alpha * ValenciavU[i] - betaU[i])

    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U)

    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U, GRFFE.smallbsquared, u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)

    global StildeD
    StildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_everything_for_UnitTesting():
    # First define hydrodynamical quantities
    u4U = ixp.declarerank1("u4U", DIM=4)
    B_tildeU = ixp.declarerank1("B_tildeU", DIM=3)

    # Then ADM quantities
    gammaDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaDD", "sym01", DIM=3)
    betaU = ixp.declarerank1("betaU", DIM=3)
    alpha = sp.symbols('alpha', real=True)

    # Then numerical constant
    sqrt4pi = sp.symbols('sqrt4pi', real=True)

    # First compute stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:
    import GRHD.equations as GHeq
    compute_B_notildeU(GHeq.sqrtgammaDET, B_tildeU)
    compute_smallb4U(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U, B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
    compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U,
                                          B_notildeU, sqrt4pi)
    compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, smallb4U)

    compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, smallb4U, smallbsquared, u4U)
    compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, TEM4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    GHeq.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GHeq.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
    global S_tildeD
    S_tildeD = GHeq.S_tildeD

    # Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
    GHeq.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GHeq.sqrtgammaDET, TEM4UD)
    global S_tilde_fluxUD
    S_tilde_fluxUD = GHeq.S_tilde_fluxUD

    # Then declare derivatives & compute g4DDdD
    gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD", "sym01", DIM=3)
    betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD", "nosym", DIM=3)
    alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD", DIM=3)
    GHeq.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, gammaDD_dD,
                                       betaU_dD, alpha_dD)

    # Finally compute source terms on tau_tilde and S_tilde equations
    GHeq.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GHeq.sqrtgammaDET,
                                      GHeq.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, TEM4UU)
    global S_tilde_source_termD
    S_tilde_source_termD = GHeq.S_tilde_source_termD
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calculate_flux_and_state_for_Induction(flux_dirn, gammaDD,betaU,alpha,ValenciavU,BU):
    # Here, we import the Levi-Civita tensor and compute the tensor with lower indices
    LeviCivitaDDD = weyl.define_LeviCivitaSymbol_rank3()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                LCijk = LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k]
                LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k] = LCijk * GRHD.sqrtgammaDET
    #             LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] = LCijk / sp.sqrt(gammadet)

    global U,F
    # Flux F = \epsilon_{ijk} v^j B^k
    F = sp.sympify(0)
    for j in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            F += LeviCivitaDDD[flux_dirn][j][k] * (alpha*ValenciavU[j]-betaU[j]) * BU[k]
    # U = B^i
    U = BU[flux_dirn]
def add_to_Cfunction_dict__AD_gauge_term_psi6Phi_flux_term(includes=None):

    parens_to_print = [

    desc = "Calculate quantities to be finite-differenced for the GRFFE RHSs"
    name = "calculate_AD_gauge_term_psi6Phi_flux_term_for_RHSs"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params,const REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs"
    body = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",parens_to_print,params=outCparams)
    loopopts = "AllPoints"
        name=name, params=params,
        body=body, loopopts=loopopts)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_A2B(outdir, gammaDD, AD, BU):
    # Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)
    # Compute the sqrt of the three metric determinant.
    import GRHD.equations as gh

    # Import the Levi-Civita symbol and build the corresponding tensor.
    # We already have a handy function to define the Levi-Civita symbol in
    LeviCivitaUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(gh.sqrtgammaDET)

    AD_dD = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dD", "nosym")
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] * AD_dD[k][j]

    # Write the code to compute derivatives with shifted stencils as needed.
    with open(os.path.join(outdir, "driver_AtoB.h"), "w") as file:

    # Now, we'll also write some more auxiliary functions to handle the order-lowering method for A2B
    with open(os.path.join(outdir, "driver_AtoB.h"), "a") as file:
        file.write("""REAL relative_error(REAL a, REAL b) {
    if((a+b)!=0.0) {
        return 2.0*fabs(a-b)/fabs(a+b);
    else {
        return 0.0;

#define M2 0
#define M1 1
#define P0 2
#define P1 3
#define P2 4
#define CN4 0
#define CN2 1
#define UP2 2
#define DN2 3
#define UP1 4
#define DN1 5
void compute_Bx_pointwise(REAL *Bx, const REAL invdy, const REAL *Ay, const REAL invdz, const REAL *Az) {
    REAL dz_Ay,dy_Az;
    dz_Ay = invdz*((Ay[P1]-Ay[M1])*2.0/3.0 - (Ay[P2]-Ay[M2])/12.0);
    dy_Az = invdy*((Az[P1]-Az[M1])*2.0/3.0 - (Az[P2]-Az[M2])/12.0);
    Bx[CN4] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P1]-Ay[M1])/2.0;
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P1]-Az[M1])/2.0;
    Bx[CN2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

    dz_Ay = invdz*(-1.5*Ay[P0]+2.0*Ay[P1]-0.5*Ay[P2]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(-1.5*Az[P0]+2.0*Az[P1]-0.5*Az[P2]);
    Bx[UP2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

    dz_Ay = invdz*(1.5*Ay[P0]-2.0*Ay[M1]+0.5*Ay[M2]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(1.5*Az[P0]-2.0*Az[M1]+0.5*Az[M2]);
    Bx[DN2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P1]-Ay[P0]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P1]-Az[P0]);
    Bx[UP1] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P0]-Ay[M1]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P0]-Az[M1]);
    Bx[DN1] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

#define TOLERANCE_A2B 1.0e-4
REAL find_accepted_Bx_order(REAL *Bx) {
    REAL accepted_val = Bx[CN4];
    REAL Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[CN4]);
    REAL Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oDN2 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[DN2]);
    REAL Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oUP2 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[UP2]);

    if(Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > TOLERANCE_A2B) {
        accepted_val = Bx[CN2];
        if(Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oDN2 || Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oUP2) {
            // Should we use AND or OR in if statement?
            if(relative_error(Bx[UP2],Bx[UP1]) < relative_error(Bx[DN2],Bx[DN1])) {
                accepted_val = Bx[UP2];
            else {
                accepted_val = Bx[DN2];
    return accepted_val;

#     order_lowering_body = """REAL AD0_1[5],AD0_2[5],AD1_2[5],AD1_0[5],AD2_0[5],AD2_1[5];
# const double gammaDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD00GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# const double gammaDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD01GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# const double gammaDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD02GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# const double gammaDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD11GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# const double gammaDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD12GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# const double gammaDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD22GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# AD0_2[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-2)];
# AD0_2[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-1)];
# AD0_1[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-2,i2)];
# AD0_1[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-1,i2)];
# AD0_1[P0] = AD0_2[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# AD0_1[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+1,i2)];
# AD0_1[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+2,i2)];
# AD0_2[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+1)];
# AD0_2[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+2)];
# AD1_2[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-2)];
# AD1_2[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-1)];
# AD1_0[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-2,i1,i2)];
# AD1_0[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-1,i1,i2)];
# AD1_2[P0] = AD1_0[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# AD1_0[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+1,i1,i2)];
# AD1_0[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+2,i1,i2)];
# AD1_2[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+1)];
# AD1_2[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+2)];
# AD2_1[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-2,i2)];
# AD2_1[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-1,i2)];
# AD2_0[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-2,i1,i2)];
# AD2_0[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-1,i1,i2)];
# AD2_0[P0] = AD2_1[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
# AD2_0[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+1,i1,i2)];
# AD2_0[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+2,i1,i2)];
# AD2_1[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+1,i2)];
# AD2_1[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+2,i2)];
# const double invsqrtg = 1.0/sqrt(gammaDD00*gammaDD11*gammaDD22
#                                - gammaDD00*gammaDD12*gammaDD12
#                                + 2*gammaDD01*gammaDD02*gammaDD12
#                                - gammaDD11*gammaDD02*gammaDD02
#                                - gammaDD22*gammaDD01*gammaDD01);

# REAL BU0[4],BU1[4],BU2[4];
# compute_Bx_pointwise(BU0,invdx2,AD1_2,invdx1,AD2_1);
# compute_Bx_pointwise(BU1,invdx0,AD2_0,invdx2,AD0_2);
# compute_Bx_pointwise(BU2,invdx1,AD0_1,invdx0,AD1_0);

# auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU0GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU0)*invsqrtg;
# auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU1GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU1)*invsqrtg;
# auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU2GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU2)*invsqrtg;
# """

# Here, we'll use the outCfunction() function to output a function that will compute the magnetic field
# on the interior. Then, we'll add postloop code to handle the ghostzones.
    desc = "Compute the magnetic field from the vector potential everywhere, including ghostzones"
    name = "driver_A_to_B"
    driver_Ccode = outCfunction(
        "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs",
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", [
            lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU0"), rhs=BU[0]),
            lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU1"), rhs=BU[1]),
            lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU2"), rhs=BU[2])
        #         body     = order_lowering_body,
    int imin[3] = { NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B };
    int imax[3] = { NGHOSTS+Nxx0, NGHOSTS+Nxx1, NGHOSTS+Nxx2 };
    // Now, we loop over the ghostzones to calculate the magnetic field there.
    for(int which_gz = 0; which_gz < NGHOSTS_A2B; which_gz++) {
        // After updating each face, adjust imin[] and imax[]
        //   to reflect the newly-updated face extents.
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0]-1,imin[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[0]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imax[0],imax[0]+1, imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imax[0]++;

        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1]-1,imin[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[1]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imax[1],imax[1]+1, imin[2],imax[2]); imax[1]++;

        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2]-1,imin[2]); imin[2]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imax[2],imax[2]+1); imax[2]++;
            "= NGHOSTS", "= NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                "NGHOSTS+Nxx0", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                    "NGHOSTS+Nxx1", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                        "NGHOSTS+Nxx2", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2-NGHOSTS_A2B")

    with open(os.path.join(outdir, "driver_AtoB.h"), "a") as file:
Ejemplo n.º 11
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_A2B(outdir,gammaDD,AD,BU):
    # Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    # Compute the sqrt of the three metric determinant.
    import GRHD.equations as gh

    # Import the Levi-Civita symbol and build the corresponding tensor.
    # We already have a handy function to define the Levi-Civita symbol in WeylScalars
    import WeylScal4NRPy.WeylScalars_Cartesian as weyl
    LeviCivitaDDD = weyl.define_LeviCivitaSymbol_rank3()
    LeviCivitaUUU = ixp.zerorank3()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                LCijk = LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k]
                #LeviCivitaDDD[i][j][k] = LCijk * sp.sqrt(gho.gammadet)
                LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] = LCijk / gh.sqrtgammaDET

    AD_dD = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dD","nosym")
    BU = ixp.zerorank1() 
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] * AD_dD[k][j]

    # Write the code to compute derivatives with shifted stencils as needed.
    with open(os.path.join(outdir,"driver_AtoB.h"),"w") as file:
        file.write("""void compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,
                                      const int i0min,const int i0max, 
                                      const int i1min,const int i1max, 
                                      const int i2min,const int i2max) {
#include "../set_Cparameters.h"
    for(int i2=i2min;i2<i2max;i2++) for(int i1=i1min;i1<i1max;i1++) for(int i0=i0min;i0<i0max;i0++) {
        REAL dx_Ay,dx_Az,dy_Ax,dy_Az,dz_Ax,dz_Ay;
        // Check to see if we're on the +x or -x face. If so, use a downwinded- or upwinded-stencil, respectively.
        // Otherwise, use a centered stencil.
        if (i0 > 0 && i0 < Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0-1) {
            dx_Ay = invdx0*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-1,i1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+1,i1,i2)]);
            dx_Az = invdx0*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-1,i1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+1,i1,i2)]);
        else if (i0==0) {
            dx_Ay = invdx0*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+1,i1,i2)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+2,i1,i2)]);
            dx_Az = invdx0*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+1,i1,i2)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+2,i1,i2)]);
        else {
            dx_Ay = invdx0*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-1,i1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-2,i1,i2)]);
            dx_Az = invdx0*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-1,i1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-2,i1,i2)]);
        // As above, but in the y direction.
        if (i1 > 0 && i1 < Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1-1) {
            dy_Ax = invdx1*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+1,i2)]);
            dy_Az = invdx1*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+1,i2)]);
        else if (i1==0) {
            dy_Ax = invdx1*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+1,i2)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+2,i2)]);
            dy_Az = invdx1*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+1,i2)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+2,i2)]);
        else {
            dy_Ax = invdx1*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-2,i2)]);
            dy_Az = invdx1*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-1,i2)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-2,i2)]);
        // As above, but in the z direction.
        if (i2 > 0 && i2 < Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2-1) {
            dz_Ax = invdx2*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-1)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+1)]);
            dz_Ay = invdx2*(-1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-1)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+1)]);
        else if (i2==0) {
            dz_Ax = invdx2*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+1)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+2)]);
            dz_Ay = invdx2*(-3.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)] + 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+1)] - 1.0/2.0*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+2)]);
        else {
            dz_Ax = invdx2*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-1)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-2)]);
            dz_Ay = invdx2*((3.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)] - 2*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-1)] + (1.0/2.0)*in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-2)]);
        // Compute the magnetic field in the normal way, using the previously calculated derivatives.
        const double gammaDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD00GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        const double gammaDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD01GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        const double gammaDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD02GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        const double gammaDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD11GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        const double gammaDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD12GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        const double gammaDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD22GF, i0,i1,i2)];
        * NRPy+ Finite Difference Code Generation, Step 2 of 1: Evaluate SymPy expressions and write to main memory:
        const double invsqrtg = 1.0/sqrt(gammaDD00*gammaDD11*gammaDD22 
                                       - gammaDD00*gammaDD12*gammaDD12
                                       + 2*gammaDD01*gammaDD02*gammaDD12
                                       - gammaDD11*gammaDD02*gammaDD02
                                       - gammaDD22*gammaDD01*gammaDD01);
        auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU0GF, i0,i1,i2)] = (dy_Az-dz_Ay)*invsqrtg;
        auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU1GF, i0,i1,i2)] = (dz_Ax-dx_Az)*invsqrtg;
        auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU2GF, i0,i1,i2)] = (dx_Ay-dy_Ax)*invsqrtg;
    # Now, we'll also write some more auxiliary functions to handle the order-lowering method for A2B
    with open(os.path.join(outdir,"driver_AtoB.h"),"a") as file:
        file.write("""REAL relative_error(REAL a, REAL b) {
    if((a+b)!=0.0) {
        return 2.0*fabs(a-b)/fabs(a+b);
    else {
        return 0.0;

#define M2 0
#define M1 1
#define P0 2
#define P1 3
#define P2 4
#define CN4 0
#define CN2 1
#define UP2 2
#define DN2 3
#define UP1 4
#define DN1 5
void compute_Bx_pointwise(REAL *Bx, const REAL invdy, const REAL *Ay, const REAL invdz, const REAL *Az) {
    REAL dz_Ay,dy_Az;
    dz_Ay = invdz*((Ay[P1]-Ay[M1])*2.0/3.0 - (Ay[P2]-Ay[M2])/12.0);
    dy_Az = invdy*((Az[P1]-Az[M1])*2.0/3.0 - (Az[P2]-Az[M2])/12.0);
    Bx[CN4] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;
    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P1]-Ay[M1])/2.0;
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P1]-Az[M1])/2.0;
    Bx[CN2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;
    dz_Ay = invdz*(-1.5*Ay[P0]+2.0*Ay[P1]-0.5*Ay[P2]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(-1.5*Az[P0]+2.0*Az[P1]-0.5*Az[P2]);
    Bx[UP2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;
    dz_Ay = invdz*(1.5*Ay[P0]-2.0*Ay[M1]+0.5*Ay[M2]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(1.5*Az[P0]-2.0*Az[M1]+0.5*Az[M2]);
    Bx[DN2] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;
    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P1]-Ay[P0]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P1]-Az[P0]);
    Bx[UP1] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;
    dz_Ay = invdz*(Ay[P0]-Ay[M1]);
    dy_Az = invdy*(Az[P0]-Az[M1]);
    Bx[DN1] = dy_Az - dz_Ay;

#define TOLERANCE_A2B 1.0e-4
REAL find_accepted_Bx_order(REAL *Bx) {
    REAL accepted_val = Bx[CN4];
    REAL Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[CN4]);
    REAL Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oDN2 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[DN2]);
    REAL Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oUP2 = relative_error(Bx[CN2],Bx[UP2]);
    if(Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > TOLERANCE_A2B) {
        accepted_val = Bx[CN2];
        if(Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oDN2 || Rel_error_o2_vs_o4 > Rel_error_oCN2_vs_oUP2) {
            // Should we use AND or OR in if statement?
            if(relative_error(Bx[UP2],Bx[UP1]) < relative_error(Bx[DN2],Bx[DN1])) {
                accepted_val = Bx[UP2];
            else {
                accepted_val = Bx[DN2];
    return accepted_val;

    order_lowering_body = """REAL AD0_1[5],AD0_2[5],AD1_2[5],AD1_0[5],AD2_0[5],AD2_1[5];
const double gammaDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD00GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gammaDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD01GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gammaDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD02GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gammaDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD11GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gammaDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD12GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gammaDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD22GF, i0,i1,i2)];
AD0_2[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-2)];
AD0_2[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2-1)];
AD0_1[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-2,i2)];
AD0_1[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1-1,i2)];
AD0_1[P0] = AD0_2[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
AD0_1[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+1,i2)];
AD0_1[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1+2,i2)];
AD0_2[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+1)];
AD0_2[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF, i0,i1,i2+2)];
AD1_2[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-2)];
AD1_2[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2-1)];
AD1_0[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-2,i1,i2)];
AD1_0[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0-1,i1,i2)];
AD1_2[P0] = AD1_0[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
AD1_0[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+1,i1,i2)];
AD1_0[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0+2,i1,i2)];
AD1_2[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+1)];
AD1_2[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF, i0,i1,i2+2)];
AD2_1[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-2,i2)];
AD2_1[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1-1,i2)];
AD2_0[M2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-2,i1,i2)];
AD2_0[M1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0-1,i1,i2)];
AD2_0[P0] = AD2_1[P0] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
AD2_0[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+1,i1,i2)];
AD2_0[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0+2,i1,i2)];
AD2_1[P1] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+1,i2)];
AD2_1[P2] = in_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF, i0,i1+2,i2)];
const double invsqrtg = 1.0/sqrt(gammaDD00*gammaDD11*gammaDD22 
                               - gammaDD00*gammaDD12*gammaDD12
                               + 2*gammaDD01*gammaDD02*gammaDD12
                               - gammaDD11*gammaDD02*gammaDD02
                               - gammaDD22*gammaDD01*gammaDD01);

REAL BU0[4],BU1[4],BU2[4];

auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU0GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU0)*invsqrtg;
auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU1GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU1)*invsqrtg;
auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU2GF, i0,i1,i2)] = find_accepted_Bx_order(BU2)*invsqrtg;
    # Here, we'll use the outCfunction() function to output a function that will compute the magnetic field
    # on the interior. Then, we'll add postloop code to handle the ghostzones.    
    desc="Compute the magnetic field from the vector potential everywhere, including ghostzones"
    driver_Ccode = outCfunction(
        outfile  = "returnstring", desc=desc, name=name,
        params   = "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs",
        body     = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",[lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","BU0"),rhs=BU[0]),\
#         body     = order_lowering_body,
        postloop = """
    int imin[3] = { NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B };
    int imax[3] = { NGHOSTS+Nxx0, NGHOSTS+Nxx1, NGHOSTS+Nxx2 };
    // Now, we loop over the ghostzones to calculate the magnetic field there. 
    for(int which_gz = 0; which_gz < NGHOSTS_A2B; which_gz++) {
        // After updating each face, adjust imin[] and imax[] 
        //   to reflect the newly-updated face extents.
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0]-1,imin[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[0]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imax[0],imax[0]+1, imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imax[0]++;

        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1]-1,imin[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[1]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imax[1],imax[1]+1, imin[2],imax[2]); imax[1]++;

        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2]-1,imin[2]); imin[2]--;
        compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imax[2],imax[2]+1); imax[2]++;

    with open(os.path.join(outdir,"driver_AtoB.h"),"a") as file:
def GiRaFFEfood_NRPy_Exact_Wald(gammaDD,M,KerrSchild_radial_shift,stagger = False):

    # <a id='step2'></a>
    # ### Step 2: Set the vectors A and E in Spherical coordinates
    # $$\label{step2}$$
    # \[Back to [top](#top)\]
    # We will first build the fundamental vectors $A_i$ and $E_i$ in spherical coordinates (see [Table 3]( Note that we use to set $r$ and $\theta$ in terms of Cartesian coordinates; this will save us a step later when we convert to Cartesian coordinates. Since $C_0 = 1$,
    # \begin{align}
    # A_{\phi} &= \frac{1}{2} r^2 \sin^2 \theta \\
    # E_{\phi} &= 2 M \left( 1+ \frac {2M}{r} \right)^{-1/2} \sin^2 \theta. \\
    # \end{align}
    # While we have $E_i$ set as a variable in NRPy+, note that the final C code won't store these values.

    # Step 2: Set the vectors A and E in Spherical coordinates

    r     = rfm.xxSph[0] + KerrSchild_radial_shift # We are setting the data up in Shifted Kerr-Schild coordinates
    theta = rfm.xxSph[1]

    # Initialize all components of A and E in the *spherical basis* to zero
    ASphD = ixp.zerorank1()
    ESphD = ixp.zerorank1()
    ASphD[2] = (r * r * sp.sin(theta)**2)/2
    ESphD[2] = 2 * M * sp.sin(theta)**2 / sp.sqrt(1+2*M/r)

    # <a id='step3'></a>
    # ### Step 3: Use the Jacobian matrix to transform the vectors to Cartesian coordinates.
    # $$\label{step3}$$
    # \[Back to [top](#top)\]
    # Now, we will use the coordinate transformation definitions provided by to build the Jacobian
    # $$
    # \frac{\partial x_{\rm Sph}^j}{\partial x_{\rm Cart}^i},
    # $$
    # where $x_{\rm Sph}^j \in \{r,\theta,\phi\}$ and $x_{\rm Cart}^i \in \{x,y,z\}$. We would normally compute its inverse, but since none of the quantities we need to transform have upper indices, it is not necessary. Then, since both $A_i$ and $E_i$ have one lower index, both will need to be multiplied by the Jacobian:
    # $$
    # A_i^{\rm Cart} = A_j^{\rm Sph} \frac{\partial x_{\rm Sph}^j}{\partial x_{\rm Cart}^i},
    # $$

    # Step 3: Use the Jacobian matrix to transform the vectors to Cartesian coordinates.
    drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix = sp.Matrix([[sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[2])],
                                           [sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[2])],
                                           [sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[2])]])
    #dx__drrefmetric_0UDmatrix = drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix.inv() # We don't actually need this in this case.

    global AD
    AD = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    ED = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            AD[i] = drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(j,i)]*ASphD[j]
            ED[i] = drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(j,i)]*ESphD[j]

    import GRHD.equations as GRHD

    # <a id='step4'></a>
    # ### Step 4: Calculate $v^i$ from $A_i$ and $E_i$
    # $$\label{step4}$$
    # \[Back to [top](#top)\]
    # We will now find the magnetic field using equation 18 in [the original paper]( $$B^i = \frac{[ijk]}{\sqrt{\gamma}} \partial_j A_k. $$ We will need the metric quantites: the lapse $\alpha$, the shift $\beta^i$, and the three-metric $\gamma_{ij}$. We will also need the Levi-Civita symbol, provided by $\text{WeylScal4NRPy}$.

    # Step 4: Calculate v^i from A_i and E_i
    # Step 4a: Calculate the magnetic field B^i
    LeviCivitaTensorUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET)

    # For the initial data, we can analytically take the derivatives of A_i
    ADdD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            ADdD[i][j] = sp.simplify(sp.diff(AD[i],rfm.xxCart[j]))

    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaTensorUUU[i][j][k] * ADdD[k][j]

    # We will now build the initial velocity using equation 152 in [this paper,]( cited in the original $\texttt{GiRaFFE}$ code: $$ v^i = \alpha \frac{\epsilon^{ijk} E_j B_k}{B^2} -\beta^i. $$
    # However, our code needs the Valencia 3-velocity while this expression is for the drift velocity. So, we will need to transform it to the Valencia 3-velocity using the rule $\bar{v}^i = \frac{1}{\alpha} \left(v^i +\beta^i \right)$.
    # Thus, $$\bar{v}^i = \frac{\epsilon^{ijk} E_j B_k}{B^2}$$

    # Step 4b: Calculate B^2 and B_i
    # B^2 is an inner product defined in the usual way:
    B2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            B2 += gammaDD[i][j] * BU[i] * BU[j]

    # Lower the index on B^i
    BD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            BD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * BU[j]

    # Step 4c: Calculate the Valencia 3-velocity
    global ValenciavU
    ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                ValenciavU[i] += LeviCivitaTensorUUU[i][j][k]*ED[j]*BD[k]/B2

    if stagger:
        for i in range(3):
            AD[i] = AD[i].subs(rfm.xx[(i+1)%3],rfm.xx[(i+1)%3] + sp.Rational(1,2)*gri.dxx[(i+1)%3]).subs(rfm.xx[(i+2)%3],rfm.xx[(i+2)%3] + sp.Rational(1,2)*gri.dxx[(i+2)%3])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_Main_Driver_generate_all(out_dir):

    gammaDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("AUXEVOL",
    betaU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL",
    alpha = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL", "alpha")
    AD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL", "AD")
    BU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL", "BU")
    ValenciavU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1(
        "AUXEVOL", "ValenciavU")
    psi6Phi = gri.register_gridfunctions("EVOL", "psi6Phi")
    StildeD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL", "StildeD")

    gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL", "AevolParen")

    # Declare this symbol:
    sqrt4pi = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, "sqrt4pi", "sqrt(4.0*M_PI)")

    GRFFE.compute_AD_source_term_operand_for_FD(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, betaU,
                                                alpha, psi6Phi, AD)
    GRFFE.compute_psi6Phi_rhs_flux_term_operand(gammaDD, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,
                                                betaU, alpha, AD, psi6Phi)

    parens_to_print = [\

    subdir = "RHSs"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    desc = "Calculate quantities to be finite-differenced for the GRFFE RHSs"
    name = "calculate_AD_gauge_term_psi6Phi_flux_term_for_RHSs"
        outfile=os.path.join(out_dir, subdir, name + ".h"),
        "const paramstruct *restrict params,const REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs",
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", parens_to_print,
                            params=outCparams).replace("IDX4", "IDX4S"),

    xi_damping = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, "xi_damping", 0.1)
    GRFFE.compute_psi6Phi_rhs_damping_term(alpha, psi6Phi, xi_damping)

    AevolParen_dD = ixp.declarerank1("AevolParen_dD", DIM=3)
    PhievolParenU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("PhievolParenU_dD", "nosym", DIM=3)

    A_rhsD = ixp.zerorank1()
    psi6Phi_rhs = GRFFE.psi6Phi_damping

    for i in range(3):
        A_rhsD[i] += -AevolParen_dD[i]
        psi6Phi_rhs += -PhievolParenU_dD[i][i]

    # Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the GRFFE RHSs:
#     psi6Phi_dKOD = ixp.declarerank1("psi6Phi_dKOD")
#     AD_dKOD    = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dKOD","nosym")
#     for i in range(3):
#         psi6Phi_rhs += diss_strength*psi6Phi_dKOD[i]*rfm.ReU[i] # ReU[i] = 1/scalefactor_orthog_funcform[i]
#         for j in range(3):
#             A_rhsD[j] += diss_strength*AD_dKOD[j][i]*rfm.ReU[i] # ReU[i] = 1/scalefactor_orthog_funcform[i]

    RHSs_to_print = [\

    desc = "Calculate AD gauge term and psi6Phi RHSs"
    name = "calculate_AD_gauge_psi6Phi_RHSs"
    source_Ccode = outCfunction(
        "const paramstruct *params,const REAL *in_gfs,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", RHSs_to_print,
                            params=outCparams).replace("IDX4", "IDX4S"),
            "= NGHOSTS", "= NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                "NGHOSTS+Nxx0", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                    "NGHOSTS+Nxx1", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                        "NGHOSTS+Nxx2", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2-NGHOSTS_A2B")
    # Note the above .replace() functions. These serve to expand the loop range into the ghostzones, since
    # the second-order FD needs fewer than some other algorithms we use do.
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir, name + ".h"), "w") as file:

        os.path.join(out_dir, subdir), outCparams, gammaDD, betaU, alpha,
        ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)

    subdir = "FCVAL"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    FCVAL.GiRaFFE_NRPy_FCVAL(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))

    subdir = "PPM"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    PPM.GiRaFFE_NRPy_PPM(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))

    # We will pass values of the gridfunction on the cell faces into the function. This requires us
    # to declare them as C parameters in NRPy+. We will denote this with the _face infix/suffix.
    alpha_face = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL", "alpha_face")
    gamma_faceDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2(
        "AUXEVOL", "gamma_faceDD", "sym01")
    beta_faceU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1(
        "AUXEVOL", "beta_faceU")

    # We'll need some more gridfunctions, now, to represent the reconstructions of BU and ValenciavU
    # on the right and left faces
    Valenciav_rU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL",
    B_rU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL",
    Valenciav_lU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL",
    B_lU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL",

    subdir = "RHSs"
    Af.GiRaFFE_NRPy_Afield_flux(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
                                                    subdir), True, alpha_face,
                                       gamma_faceDD, beta_faceU, Valenciav_rU,
                                       B_rU, Valenciav_lU, B_lU, sqrt4pi)

    subdir = "boundary_conditions"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    BC.GiRaFFE_NRPy_BCs(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))

    subdir = "A2B"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    A2B.GiRaFFE_NRPy_A2B(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir), gammaDD, AD, BU)

    C2P_P2C.GiRaFFE_NRPy_C2P(StildeD, BU, gammaDD, betaU, alpha)

    values_to_print = [\

    subdir = "C2P"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    desc = "Apply fixes to \tilde{S}_i and recompute the velocity to match with current sheet prescription."
    name = "GiRaFFE_NRPy_cons_to_prims"
        outfile=os.path.join(out_dir, subdir, name + ".h"),
        "const paramstruct *params,REAL *xx[3],REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *in_gfs",
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", values_to_print,
                            params=outCparams).replace("IDX4", "IDX4S"),

    C2P_P2C.GiRaFFE_NRPy_P2C(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)

    values_to_print = [\

    desc = "Recompute StildeD after current sheet fix to Valencia 3-velocity to ensure consistency between conservative & primitive variables."
    name = "GiRaFFE_NRPy_prims_to_cons"
        outfile=os.path.join(out_dir, subdir, name + ".h"),
        params="const paramstruct *params,REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *in_gfs",
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", values_to_print,
                            params=outCparams).replace("IDX4", "IDX4S"),

    # Write out the main driver itself:
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir, "GiRaFFE_NRPy_Main_Driver.h"),
              "w") as file:
        file.write(r"""// Structure to track ghostzones for PPM:
typedef struct __gf_and_gz_struct__ {
  REAL *gf;
  int gz_lo[4],gz_hi[4];
} gf_and_gz_struct;
// Some additional constants needed for PPM:
const int VX=0,VY=1,VZ=2,BX=3,BY=4,BZ=5;
const int NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS = 6;

// Include ALL functions needed for evolution
#include "RHSs/calculate_AD_gauge_term_psi6Phi_flux_term_for_RHSs.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_AD_gauge_psi6Phi_RHSs.h"
#include "PPM/reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy.c"
#include "FCVAL/interpolate_metric_gfs_to_cell_faces.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD0_source_term.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD1_source_term.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD2_source_term.h"
#include "../calculate_E_field_flat_all_in_one.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D0.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D1.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D2.h"
#include "boundary_conditions/GiRaFFE_boundary_conditions.h"
#include "A2B/driver_AtoB.h"
#include "C2P/GiRaFFE_NRPy_cons_to_prims.h"
#include "C2P/GiRaFFE_NRPy_prims_to_cons.h"

void override_BU_with_old_GiRaFFE(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,const int n) {
#include "set_Cparameters.h"
    char filename[100];
    FILE *out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");
    out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");
    out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");

void GiRaFFE_NRPy_RHSs(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,const REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict rhs_gfs) {
#include "set_Cparameters.h"
    // First thing's first: initialize the RHSs to zero!
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int ii=0;ii<Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2*NUM_EVOL_GFS;ii++) {
        rhs_gfs[ii] = 0.0;
    // Next calculate the easier source terms that don't require flux directions
    // This will also reset the RHSs for each gf at each new timestep.

    // Now, we set up a bunch of structs of pointers to properly guide the PPM algorithm.
    // They also count the number of ghostzones available.
    gf_and_gz_struct in_prims[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS], out_prims_r[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS], out_prims_l[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS];
    int which_prims_to_reconstruct[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS],num_prims_to_reconstruct;
    const int Nxxp2NG012 = Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2;

    REAL *temporary = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*AEVOLPARENGF; //We're not using this anymore
    // This sets pointers to the portion of auxevol_gfs containing the relevant gridfunction.
    int ww=0;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU0GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU0GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU0GF;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU1GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU1GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU1GF;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU2GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU2GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU2GF;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU0GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU0GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU0GF;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU1GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU1GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU1GF;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU2GF;
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU2GF;
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU2GF;

    // Prims are defined AT ALL GRIDPOINTS, so we set the # of ghostzones to zero:
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { in_prims[i].gz_lo[j]=0; in_prims[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }
    // Left/right variables are not yet defined, yet we set the # of gz's to zero by default:
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { out_prims_r[i].gz_lo[j]=0; out_prims_r[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { out_prims_l[i].gz_lo[j]=0; out_prims_l[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }

    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VX; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VY; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VZ; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BX; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BY; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BZ; ww++;

    // In each direction, perform the PPM reconstruction procedure.
    // Then, add the fluxes to the RHS as appropriate.
    for(int flux_dirn=0;flux_dirn<3;flux_dirn++) {
        // In each direction, interpolate the metric gfs (gamma,beta,alpha) to cell faces.
        // Then, reconstruct the primitive variables on the cell faces.
        // This function is housed in the file: "reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy.c"
        reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy(params, auxevol_gfs, flux_dirn+1, num_prims_to_reconstruct,
                                                which_prims_to_reconstruct, in_prims, out_prims_r, out_prims_l, temporary);
        // For example, if flux_dirn==0, then at gamma_faceDD00(i,j,k) represents gamma_{xx}
        // at (i-1/2,j,k), Valenciav_lU0(i,j,k) is the x-component of the velocity at (i-1/2-epsilon,j,k),
        // and Valenciav_rU0(i,j,k) is the x-component of the velocity at (i-1/2+epsilon,j,k).

        if(flux_dirn==0) {
            // Next, we calculate the source term for StildeD. Again, this also resets the rhs_gfs array at
            // each new timestep.
            // Now, compute the electric field on each face of a cell and add it to the RHSs as appropriate
            // Finally, we calculate the flux of StildeD and add the appropriate finite-differences
            // to the RHSs.
        else if(flux_dirn==1) {
        else {
        for(int count=0;count<=1;count++) {
            // This function is written to be general, using notation that matches the forward permutation added to AD2,
            // i.e., [F_HLL^x(B^y)]_z corresponding to flux_dirn=0, count=1.
            // The SIGN parameter is necessary because
            // -E_z(x_i,y_j,z_k) = 0.25 ( [F_HLL^x(B^y)]_z(i+1/2,j,k)+[F_HLL^x(B^y)]_z(i-1/2,j,k)
            //                           -[F_HLL^y(B^x)]_z(i,j+1/2,k)-[F_HLL^y(B^x)]_z(i,j-1/2,k) )
            // Note the negative signs on the reversed permutation terms!

            // By cyclically permuting with flux_dirn, we
            // get contributions to the other components, and by incrementing count, we get the backward permutations:
            // Let's suppose flux_dirn = 0. Then we will need to update Ay (count=0) and Az (count=1):
            //     flux_dirn=count=0 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (0+1+0)%3=AD1GF <- Updating Ay!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (0)%3 = 0               Vx
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (0-0+2)%3 = 2   Vz .  Inputs Vx, Vz -> SIGN = -1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=-1 check!
            //     flux_dirn=0,count=1 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (0+1+1)%3=AD2GF <- Updating Az!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (0)%3 = 0               Vx
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (0-1+2)%3 = 1   Vy .  Inputs Vx, Vy -> SIGN = +1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=2-1=+1 check!
            // Let's suppose flux_dirn = 1. Then we will need to update Az (count=0) and Ax (count=1):
            //     flux_dirn=1,count=0 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (1+1+0)%3=AD2GF <- Updating Az!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (1)%3 = 1               Vy
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (1-0+2)%3 = 0   Vx .  Inputs Vy, Vx -> SIGN = -1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=-1 check!
            //     flux_dirn=count=1 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (1+1+1)%3=AD0GF <- Updating Ax!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (1)%3 = 1               Vy
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (1-1+2)%3 = 2   Vz .  Inputs Vy, Vz -> SIGN = +1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=2-1=+1 check!
            // Let's suppose flux_dirn = 2. Then we will need to update Ax (count=0) and Ay (count=1):
            //     flux_dirn=2,count=0 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (2+1+0)%3=AD0GF <- Updating Ax!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (2)%3 = 2               Vz
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (2-0+2)%3 = 1   Vy .  Inputs Vz, Vy -> SIGN = -1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=-1 check!
            //     flux_dirn=2,count=1 -> AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3 = AD0GF + (2+1+1)%3=AD1GF <- Updating Ay!
            //        (flux_dirn)%3 = (2)%3 = 2               Vz
            //        (flux_dirn-count+2)%3 = (2-1+2)%3 = 0   Vx .  Inputs Vz, Vx -> SIGN = +1 ; 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0=2-1=+1 check!
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(VALENCIAV_RU0GF+(flux_dirn)%3, 0)],&auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(VALENCIAV_RU0GF+(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(VALENCIAV_LU0GF+(flux_dirn)%3, 0)],&auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(VALENCIAV_LU0GF+(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_RU0GF        +(flux_dirn)%3, 0)],&auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_RU0GF        +(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_LU0GF        +(flux_dirn)%3, 0)],&auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_LU0GF        +(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_RU0GF        +(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &auxevol_gfs[IDX4ptS(B_LU0GF        +(flux_dirn-count+2)%3, 0)],
              &rhs_gfs[IDX4ptS(AD0GF+(flux_dirn+1+count)%3,0)], 2.0*((REAL)count)-1.0, flux_dirn);

void GiRaFFE_NRPy_post_step(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *xx[3],REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,REAL *restrict evol_gfs,const int n) {
    // First, apply BCs to AD and psi6Phi. Then calculate BU from AD
    // Apply fixes to StildeD, then recompute the velocity at the new timestep.
    // Apply the current sheet prescription to the velocities
    // Then, recompute StildeD to be consistent with the new velocities
    // Finally, apply outflow boundary conditions to the velocities.
Ejemplo n.º 14
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_Main_Driver_generate_all(out_dir):
    gammaDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("AUXEVOL","gammaDD","sym01",DIM=3)
    betaU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","betaU",DIM=3)
    alpha = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL","alpha")
    AD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL","AD")
    BU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","BU")
    ValenciavU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","ValenciavU")
    psi6Phi = gri.register_gridfunctions("EVOL","psi6Phi")
    StildeD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL","StildeD")

    PhievolParenU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","PhievolParenU",DIM=3)
    AevolParen = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL","AevolParen")


    parens_to_print = [\

    subdir = "RHSs"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    desc = "Calculate quantities to be finite-differenced for the GRFFE RHSs"
    name = "calculate_parentheticals_for_RHSs"
        outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
        params   ="const paramstruct *restrict params,const REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs",
        body     = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",parens_to_print,params="outCverbose=False").replace("IDX4","IDX4S"),
        loopopts ="AllPoints",

    xi_damping = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,"xi_damping",0.1)

    AevolParen_dD = ixp.declarerank1("AevolParen_dD",DIM=3)
    PhievolParenU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("PhievolParenU_dD","nosym",DIM=3)

    A_rhsD = ixp.zerorank1()
    psi6Phi_rhs = GRFFE.psi6Phi_damping

    for i in range(3):
        A_rhsD[i] += -AevolParen_dD[i]
        psi6Phi_rhs += -PhievolParenU_dD[i][i]

    # Add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation to the GRFFE RHSs:
    psi6Phi_dKOD = ixp.declarerank1("psi6Phi_dKOD")
    AD_dKOD    = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dKOD","nosym")
    for i in range(3):
        psi6Phi_rhs += diss_strength*psi6Phi_dKOD[i]*rfm.ReU[i] # ReU[i] = 1/scalefactor_orthog_funcform[i]
        for j in range(3):
            A_rhsD[j] += diss_strength*AD_dKOD[j][i]*rfm.ReU[i] # ReU[i] = 1/scalefactor_orthog_funcform[i]

    RHSs_to_print = [\

    desc = "Calculate AD gauge term and psi6Phi RHSs"
    name = "calculate_AD_gauge_psi6Phi_RHSs"
    source_Ccode = outCfunction(
        outfile  = "returnstring", desc=desc, name=name,
        params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *in_gfs,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
        body     = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",RHSs_to_print,params="outCverbose=False").replace("IDX4","IDX4S"),
        loopopts ="InteriorPoints",
    # Note the above .replace() functions. These serve to expand the loop range into the ghostzones, since 
    # the second-order FD needs fewer than some other algorithms we use do. 
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"),"w") as file:
    # Declare all the Cparameters we will need
    metricderivDDD = ixp.declarerank3("metricderivDDD","sym01",DIM=3)
    shiftderivUD = ixp.declarerank2("shiftderivUD","nosym",DIM=3)
    lapsederivD = ixp.declarerank1("lapsederivD",DIM=3)

    general_access = """const REAL gammaDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD00GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL gammaDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD01GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL gammaDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD02GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL gammaDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD11GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL gammaDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD12GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL gammaDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMADD22GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL betaU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETAU0GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL betaU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETAU1GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL betaU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETAU2GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL alpha = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHAGF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL ValenciavU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAVU0GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL ValenciavU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAVU1GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL ValenciavU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAVU2GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL BU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU0GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL BU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU1GF,i0,i1,i2)];
const REAL BU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BU2GF,i0,i1,i2)];
    metric_deriv_access = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    metric_deriv_access[0] = """const REAL metricderivDDD000 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL metricderivDDD010 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL metricderivDDD020 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL metricderivDDD110 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL metricderivDDD120 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL metricderivDDD220 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL shiftderivUD00 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL shiftderivUD10 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL shiftderivUD20 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
const REAL lapsederivD0 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0+1,i1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx0;
REAL Stilde_rhsD0;
    metric_deriv_access[1] = """const REAL metricderivDDD001 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL metricderivDDD011 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL metricderivDDD021 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL metricderivDDD111 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL metricderivDDD121 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL metricderivDDD221 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL shiftderivUD01 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL shiftderivUD11 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL shiftderivUD21 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
const REAL lapsederivD1 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0,i1+1,i2)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx1;
REAL Stilde_rhsD1;
    metric_deriv_access[2] = """const REAL metricderivDDD002 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL metricderivDDD012 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL metricderivDDD022 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL metricderivDDD112 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL metricderivDDD122 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL metricderivDDD222 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL shiftderivUD02 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL shiftderivUD12 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL shiftderivUD22 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
const REAL lapsederivD2 = (auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0,i1,i2+1)]-auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF,i0,i1,i2)])/dxx2;
REAL Stilde_rhsD2;
    write_final_quantity = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    write_final_quantity[0] = """rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED0GF,i0,i1,i2)] += Stilde_rhsD0;
    write_final_quantity[1] = """rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED1GF,i0,i1,i2)] += Stilde_rhsD1;
    write_final_quantity[2] = """rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED2GF,i0,i1,i2)] += Stilde_rhsD2;

    # Declare this symbol:
    sqrt4pi = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,"sqrt4pi","sqrt(4.0*M_PI)")

    # We need to rerun a few of these functions with the reset lists to make sure these functions
    # don't cheat by using analytic expressions
    GRHD.u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U, GRFFE.smallbsquared,GRHD.u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, metricderivDDD,shiftderivUD,lapsederivD)
    GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, GRFFE.TEM4UU)
    for i in range(3):
        desc = "Adds the source term to StildeD"+str(i)+"."
        name = "calculate_StildeD"+str(i)+"_source_term"
            outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs, REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     = general_access \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",

    subdir = "FCVAL"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))
    subdir = "PPM"
    cmd.mkdir(os.path.join(out_dir, subdir))

    # We will pass values of the gridfunction on the cell faces into the function. This requires us
    # to declare them as C parameters in NRPy+. We will denote this with the _face infix/suffix.
    alpha_face = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUXEVOL","alpha_face")
    gamma_faceDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("AUXEVOL","gamma_faceDD","sym01")
    beta_faceU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","beta_faceU")

    # We'll need some more gridfunctions, now, to represent the reconstructions of BU and ValenciavU
    # on the right and left faces
    Valenciav_rU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","Valenciav_rU",DIM=3)
    B_rU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","B_rU",DIM=3)
    Valenciav_lU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","Valenciav_lU",DIM=3)
    B_lU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("AUXEVOL","B_lU",DIM=3)

    Memory_Read = """const double alpha_face = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
REAL A_rhsD0 = 0; REAL A_rhsD1 = 0; REAL A_rhsD2 = 0;
    Memory_Write = """rhs_gfs[IDX4S(AD0GF,i0,i1,i2)] += A_rhsD0;
rhs_gfs[IDX4S(AD1GF,i0,i1,i2)] += A_rhsD1;
rhs_gfs[IDX4S(AD2GF,i0,i1,i2)] += A_rhsD2;

    indices = ["i0","i1","i2"]
    indicesp1 = ["i0+1","i1+1","i2+1"]

    subdir = "RHSs"
    for flux_dirn in range(3):

        E_field_to_print = [\
        E_field_names = [\

        desc = "Calculate the electric flux on the left face in direction " + str(flux_dirn) + "."
        name = "calculate_E_field_D" + str(flux_dirn) + "_right"
            outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     =  Memory_Read \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",

        desc = "Calculate the electric flux on the left face in direction " + str(flux_dirn) + "."
        name = "calculate_E_field_D" + str(flux_dirn) + "_left"
            outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     =  Memory_Read.replace(indices[flux_dirn],indicesp1[flux_dirn]) \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",

    Memory_Read = """const double alpha_face = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(ALPHA_FACEGF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD00 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD00GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD01 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD01GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD02 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD02GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD11 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD11GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD12 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD12GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double gamma_faceDD22 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(GAMMA_FACEDD22GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double beta_faceU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(BETA_FACEU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_rU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_RU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_rU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_RU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double Valenciav_lU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(VALENCIAV_LU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU0 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU0GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU1 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU1GF, i0,i1,i2)];
const double B_lU2 = auxevol_gfs[IDX4S(B_LU2GF, i0,i1,i2)];
REAL Stilde_fluxD0 = 0; REAL Stilde_fluxD1 = 0; REAL Stilde_fluxD2 = 0;
    Memory_Write = """rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED0GF, i0, i1, i2)] += invdx0*Stilde_fluxD0;
rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED1GF, i0, i1, i2)] += invdx0*Stilde_fluxD1;
rhs_gfs[IDX4S(STILDED2GF, i0, i1, i2)] += invdx0*Stilde_fluxD2;

    indices = ["i0","i1","i2"]
    indicesp1 = ["i0+1","i1+1","i2+1"]
    assignment = "+="
    assignmentp1 = "-="
    invdx = ["invdx0","invdx1","invdx2"]

    for flux_dirn in range(3):
        Stilde_flux_to_print = [\
        Stilde_flux_names = [\

        desc = "Compute the flux of all 3 components of tilde{S}_i on the right face in the " + str(flux_dirn) + "."
        name = "calculate_Stilde_flux_D" + str(flux_dirn) + "_right"
            outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     =  Memory_Read \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",

        desc = "Compute the flux of all 3 components of tilde{S}_i on the left face in the " + str(flux_dirn) + "."
        name = "calculate_Stilde_flux_D" + str(flux_dirn) + "_left"
            outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
            params   ="const paramstruct *params,const REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *rhs_gfs",
            body     =  Memory_Read.replace(indices[flux_dirn],indicesp1[flux_dirn]) \
            loopopts ="InteriorPoints",

    subdir = "boundary_conditions"
    subdir = "A2B"

    values_to_print = [\

    subdir = "C2P"
    desc = "Apply fixes to \tilde{S}_i and recompute the velocity to match with current sheet prescription."
    name = "GiRaFFE_NRPy_cons_to_prims"
        outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
        params   ="const paramstruct *params,REAL *xx[3],REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *in_gfs",
        body     = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",values_to_print,params="outCverbose=False").replace("IDX4","IDX4S"),
        loopopts ="AllPoints,Read_xxs",

    C2P_P2C.GiRaFFE_NRPy_P2C(gammaDD,betaU,alpha,  ValenciavU,BU, sqrt4pi)

    values_to_print = [\

    desc = "Recompute StildeD after current sheet fix to Valencia 3-velocity to ensure consistency between conservative & primitive variables."
    name = "GiRaFFE_NRPy_prims_to_cons"
        outfile  = os.path.join(out_dir,subdir,name+".h"), desc=desc, name=name,
        params   ="const paramstruct *params,REAL *auxevol_gfs,REAL *in_gfs",
        body     = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring",values_to_print,params="outCverbose=False").replace("IDX4","IDX4S"),
        loopopts ="AllPoints",

    # Write out the main driver itself:
    with open(os.path.join(out_dir,"GiRaFFE_NRPy_Main_Driver.h"),"w") as file:
        file.write("""// Structure to track ghostzones for PPM:
typedef struct __gf_and_gz_struct__ {
  REAL *gf;
  int gz_lo[4],gz_hi[4];
} gf_and_gz_struct;
// Some additional constants needed for PPM:
const int VX=0,VY=1,VZ=2,BX=3,BY=4,BZ=5;
const int NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS = 6;

// Include ALL functions needed for evolution
#include "RHSs/calculate_parentheticals_for_RHSs.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_AD_gauge_psi6Phi_RHSs.h"
#include "PPM/reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy.c"
#include "FCVAL/interpolate_metric_gfs_to_cell_faces.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD0_source_term.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD1_source_term.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_StildeD2_source_term.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D0_right.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D0_left.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D1_right.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D1_left.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D2_right.h"
// #include "RHSs/calculate_E_field_D2_left.h"
#include "../calculate_E_field_flat_all_in_one.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D0_right.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D0_left.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D1_right.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D1_left.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D2_right.h"
#include "RHSs/calculate_Stilde_flux_D2_left.h"
#include "boundary_conditions/GiRaFFE_boundary_conditions.h"
#include "A2B/driver_AtoB.h"
#include "C2P/GiRaFFE_NRPy_cons_to_prims.h"
#include "C2P/GiRaFFE_NRPy_prims_to_cons.h"

void override_BU_with_old_GiRaFFE(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,const int n) {
#include "set_Cparameters.h"
    char filename[100];
    FILE *out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");
    out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");
    out2D = fopen(filename, "rb");

void GiRaFFE_NRPy_RHSs(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,const REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict rhs_gfs) {
#include "set_Cparameters.h"
    // First thing's first: initialize the RHSs to zero!
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int ii=0;ii<Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2*NUM_EVOL_GFS;ii++) {
        rhs_gfs[ii] = 0.0;
    // Next calculate the easier source terms that don't require flux directions
    // This will also reset the RHSs for each gf at each new timestep.
    // Now, we set up a bunch of structs of pointers to properly guide the PPM algorithm.
    // They also count the number of ghostzones available.
    gf_and_gz_struct in_prims[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS], out_prims_r[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS], out_prims_l[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS];
    int which_prims_to_reconstruct[NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS],num_prims_to_reconstruct;
    const int Nxxp2NG012 = Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1*Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2;
    REAL *temporary = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*AEVOLPARENGF; //We're not using this anymore
    // This sets pointers to the portion of auxevol_gfs containing the relevant gridfunction.
    int ww=0;
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU0GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU0GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU0GF; 
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU1GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU1GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU1GF; 
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAVU2GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_RU2GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*VALENCIAV_LU2GF; 
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU0GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU0GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU0GF; 
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU1GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU1GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU1GF; 
    in_prims[ww].gf      = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*BU2GF; 
      out_prims_r[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_RU2GF; 
      out_prims_l[ww].gf = auxevol_gfs + Nxxp2NG012*B_LU2GF; 

    // Prims are defined AT ALL GRIDPOINTS, so we set the # of ghostzones to zero:
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { in_prims[i].gz_lo[j]=0; in_prims[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }
    // Left/right variables are not yet defined, yet we set the # of gz's to zero by default:
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { out_prims_r[i].gz_lo[j]=0; out_prims_r[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }
    for(int i=0;i<NUM_RECONSTRUCT_GFS;i++) for(int j=1;j<=3;j++) { out_prims_l[i].gz_lo[j]=0; out_prims_l[i].gz_hi[j]=0; }

    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VX; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VY; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=VZ; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BX; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BY; ww++;
    which_prims_to_reconstruct[ww]=BZ; ww++;

    // In each direction, perform the PPM reconstruction procedure.
    // Then, add the fluxes to the RHS as appropriate.
    for(int flux_dirn=0;flux_dirn<3;flux_dirn++) {
        // In each direction, interpolate the metric gfs (gamma,beta,alpha) to cell faces.
        // Then, reconstruct the primitive variables on the cell faces.
        // This function is housed in the file: "reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy.c"
        reconstruct_set_of_prims_PPM_GRFFE_NRPy(params, auxevol_gfs, flux_dirn+1, num_prims_to_reconstruct,                                                          
                                                which_prims_to_reconstruct, in_prims, out_prims_r, out_prims_l, temporary);
        // For example, if flux_dirn==0, then at gamma_faceDD00(i,j,k) represents gamma_{xx}
        // at (i-1/2,j,k), Valenciav_lU0(i,j,k) is the x-component of the velocity at (i-1/2-epsilon,j,k),
        // and Valenciav_rU0(i,j,k) is the x-component of the velocity at (i-1/2+epsilon,j,k).
        if(flux_dirn==0) {
            // Next, we calculate the source term for StildeD. Again, this also resets the rhs_gfs array at
            // each new timestep.
            // Now, compute the electric field on each face of a cell and add it to the RHSs as appropriate
            // Finally, we calculate the flux of StildeD and add the appropriate finite-differences 
            // to the RHSs.
        else if(flux_dirn==1) {
        else {

void GiRaFFE_NRPy_post_step(const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *xx[3],REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs,REAL *restrict evol_gfs,const int n) {
    // First, apply BCs to AD and psi6Phi. Then calculate BU from AD
    // Apply fixes to StildeD, then recompute the velocity at the new timestep. 
    // Apply the current sheet prescription to the velocities
    // Then, recompute StildeD to be consistent with the new velocities
    // Finally, apply outflow boundary conditions to the velocities.
Ejemplo n.º 15
def generate_everything_for_UnitTesting():
    # First define hydrodynamical quantities
    u4U = ixp.declarerank1("u4U", DIM=4)
    rho_b, P, epsilon = sp.symbols('rho_b P epsilon', real=True)
    B_tildeU = ixp.declarerank1("B_tildeU", DIM=3)

    # Then ADM quantities
    gammaDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaDD", "sym01", DIM=3)
    KDD = ixp.declarerank2("KDD", "sym01", DIM=3)
    betaU = ixp.declarerank1("betaU", DIM=3)
    alpha = sp.symbols('alpha', real=True)

    # Then numerical constant
    sqrt4pi = sp.symbols('sqrt4pi', real=True)

    # First compute smallb4U & smallbsquared from BtildeU, which are needed
    #      for GRMHD stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:
    GRFFE.compute_B_notildeU(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, B_tildeU)
    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U, GRFFE.B_notildeU,
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4U)

    # Then compute the GRMHD stress-energy tensor:
    compute_GRMHD_T4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, rho_b, P, epsilon, u4U,
                       GRFFE.smallb4U, GRFFE.smallbsquared)
    compute_GRMHD_T4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRHDT4UU, GRFFET4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    global rho_star, tau_tilde, S_tildeD
    GRHD.compute_rho_star(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, rho_b, u4U)
    GRHD.compute_tau_tilde(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, T4UU, GRHD.rho_star)
    GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, T4UD)
    rho_star = GRHD.rho_star
    tau_tilde = GRHD.tau_tilde
    S_tildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD

    # Then compute v^i from u^mu

    # Next compute fluxes of conservative variables
    global rho_star_fluxU, tau_tilde_fluxU, S_tilde_fluxUD
    GRHD.compute_rho_star_fluxU(GRHD.vU, GRHD.rho_star)
    GRHD.compute_tau_tilde_fluxU(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRHD.vU, T4UU,
    GRHD.compute_S_tilde_fluxUD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, T4UD)
    rho_star_fluxU = GRHD.rho_star_fluxU
    tau_tilde_fluxU = GRHD.tau_tilde_fluxU
    S_tilde_fluxUD = GRHD.S_tilde_fluxUD

    # Then declare derivatives & compute g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD
    gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dD", "sym01", DIM=3)
    betaU_dD = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD", "nosym", DIM=3)
    alpha_dD = ixp.declarerank1("alpha_dD", DIM=3)
    GRHD.compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, gammaDD_dD,
                                       betaU_dD, alpha_dD)

    # Then compute source terms on tau_tilde and S_tilde equations
    global s_source_term, S_tilde_source_termD
    GRHD.compute_s_source_term(KDD, betaU, alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, alpha_dD,
    GRHD.compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET,
                                      GRHD.g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, T4UU)
    s_source_term = GRHD.s_source_term
    S_tilde_source_termD = GRHD.S_tilde_source_termD
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_C2P(StildeD,BU,gammaDD,betaU,alpha):
    gammaUU,unusedgammadet = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
    BtildeU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        # \tilde{B}^i = B^i \sqrt{\gamma}
        BtildeU[i] = GRHD.sqrtgammaDET*BU[i]

    BtildeD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            BtildeD[j] += gammaDD[i][j]*BtildeU[i]

    Btilde2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        Btilde2 += BtildeU[i]*BtildeD[i]

    global outStildeD
    outStildeD = StildeD
    # Then, enforce the orthogonality:
    if par.parval_from_str("enforce_orthogonality_StildeD_BtildeU"):
        StimesB = sp.sympify(0)
        for i in range(3):
            StimesB += StildeD[i]*BtildeU[i]

        for i in range(3):
            # {\tilde S}_i = {\tilde S}_i - ({\tilde S}_j {\tilde B}^j) {\tilde B}_i/{\tilde B}^2
            outStildeD[i] -= StimesB*BtildeD[i]/Btilde2

    # Calculate \tilde{S}^2:
    Stilde2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            Stilde2 += gammaUU[i][j]*outStildeD[i]*outStildeD[j]

    # First we need to compute the factor f:
    # f = \sqrt{(1-\Gamma_{\max}^{-2}){\tilde B}^4/(16 \pi^2 \gamma {\tilde S}^2)}
    speed_limit_factor = sp.sqrt((sp.sympify(1)-GAMMA_SPEED_LIMIT**(-2.0))*Btilde2*Btilde2*sp.Rational(1,16)/\

    import Min_Max_and_Piecewise_Expressions as noif

    # Calculate B^2
    B2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            B2 += gammaDD[i][j]*BU[i]*BU[j]

    # Enforce the speed limit on StildeD:
    if par.parval_from_str("enforce_speed_limit_StildeD"):
        for i in range(3):
            outStildeD[i] *= noif.min_noif(sp.sympify(1),speed_limit_factor)

    global ValenciavU
    ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1()
    # Recompute 3-velocity:
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            # \bar{v}^i = 4 \pi \gamma^{ij} {\tilde S}_j / (\sqrt{\gamma} B^2)
            ValenciavU[i] += sp.sympify(4)*M_PI*gammaUU[i][j]*outStildeD[j]/(GRHD.sqrtgammaDET*B2)

    # This number determines how far away (in grid points) we will apply the fix.
    grid_points_from_z_plane = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,"grid_points_from_z_plane",4.0)

    if par.parval_from_str("enforce_current_sheet_prescription"):
        # Calculate the drift velocity
        driftvU = ixp.zerorank1()
        for i in range(3):
            driftvU[i] = alpha*ValenciavU[i] - betaU[i]

        # The direct approach, used by the original GiRaFFE:
        # v^z = -(\gamma_{xz} v^x + \gamma_{yz} v^y) / \gamma_{zz}
        newdriftvU2 = -(gammaDD[0][2]*driftvU[0] + gammaDD[1][2]*driftvU[1])/gammaDD[2][2]
        # Now that we have the z component, it's time to substitute its Valencia form in.
        # Remember, we only do this if abs(z) < (k+0.01)*dz. Note that we add 0.01; this helps
        # avoid floating point errors and division by zero. This is the same as abs(z) - (k+0.01)*dz<0
        coord = nrpyAbs(rfm.xx[2])
        bound =(grid_points_from_z_plane+sp.Rational(1,100))*gri.dxx[2]
        ValenciavU[2] = noif.coord_leq_bound(coord,bound)*(newdriftvU2+betaU[2])/alpha \
                      + noif.coord_greater_bound(coord,bound)*ValenciavU[2]