Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __setup_sandboxcache__(self, job):
        '''Sets up the sandbox cache object to adopt the runtime configuration of the LCG backend'''

        re_token = re.compile('^token:(.*):(.*)$')

        self.sandboxcache.vo = config['VirtualOrganisation']
        self.sandboxcache.timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']

        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            if not self.sandboxcache.lfc_host:
                self.sandboxcache.lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

            if not self.sandboxcache.se:

                token = ''
                se_host = config['DefaultSE']
                m = re_token.match(se_host)
                if m:
                    token = m.group(1)
                    se_host = m.group(2)

                self.sandboxcache.se = se_host

                if token:
                    self.sandboxcache.srm_token = token

            if (self.sandboxcache.se_type
                    in ['srmv2']) and (not self.sandboxcache.srm_token):
                self.sandboxcache.srm_token = config['DefaultSRMToken']

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __setup_sandboxcache__(self, job):
        '''Sets up the sandbox cache object to adopt the runtime configuration of the LCG backend'''

        re_token = re.compile('^token:(.*):(.*)$')

        self.sandboxcache.timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']

        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            if not self.sandboxcache.lfc_host:
                self.sandboxcache.lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

            if not self.sandboxcache.se:

                token = ''
                se_host = config['DefaultSE']
                m = re_token.match(se_host)
                if m:
                    token = m.group(1)
                    se_host = m.group(2)

                self.sandboxcache.se = se_host

                if token:
                    self.sandboxcache.srm_token = token

            if (self.sandboxcache.se_type in ['srmv2']) and (not self.sandboxcache.srm_token):
                self.sandboxcache.srm_token = config['DefaultSRMToken']

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __setup_sandboxcache__(self, job):
        '''Sets up the sandbox cache object to adopt the runtime configuration of the LCG backend'''

        re_token = re.compile('^token:(.*):(.*)$')

        self.sandboxcache.vo = config['VirtualOrganisation']
        self.sandboxcache.timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']

        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            if not self.sandboxcache.lfc_host:
                self.sandboxcache.lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

            if not self.sandboxcache.se:

                token = ''
                se_host = config['DefaultSE']
                m = re_token.match(se_host)
                if m:
                    token = m.group(1)
                    se_host = m.group(2)

                self.sandboxcache.se = se_host

                if token:
                    self.sandboxcache.srm_token = token

            if (self.sandboxcache.se_type in ['srmv2']) and (not self.sandboxcache.srm_token):
                self.sandboxcache.srm_token = config['DefaultSRMToken']

        elif self.sandboxcache._name == 'DQ2SandboxCache':

            # generate a new dataset name if not given
            if not self.sandboxcache.dataset_name:
                from GangaAtlas.Lib.ATLASDataset.DQ2Dataset import dq2outputdatasetname
                self.sandboxcache.dataset_name, unused = dq2outputdatasetname(
                    "%s.input" % get_uuid(), 0, False, '')

            # subjobs inherits the dataset name from the master job
            for sj in job.subjobs:
                sj.backend.sandboxcache.dataset_name = self.sandboxcache.dataset_name

        elif self.sandboxcache._name == 'GridftpSandboxCache':
            if config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']:
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']
            elif self.CE:
                ce_host = re.sub(r'\:[0-9]+', '', self.CE.split('/cream')[0])
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = 'gsiftp://%s/opt/glite/var/cream_sandbox/%s' % (
                    ce_host, self.sandboxcache.vo)
                logger.error('baseURI not available for GridftpSandboxCache')
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __setup_sandboxcache__(self, job):
        '''Sets up the sandbox cache object to adopt the runtime configuration of the LCG backend'''

        re_token = re.compile('^token:(.*):(.*)$')

        self.sandboxcache.vo = config['VirtualOrganisation']
        self.sandboxcache.timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']

        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            if not self.sandboxcache.lfc_host:
                self.sandboxcache.lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

            if not self.sandboxcache.se:

                token = ''
                se_host = config['DefaultSE']
                m = re_token.match(se_host)
                if m:
                    token = m.group(1)
                    se_host = m.group(2)

                self.sandboxcache.se = se_host

                if token:
                    self.sandboxcache.srm_token = token

            if (self.sandboxcache.se_type in ['srmv2']) and (not self.sandboxcache.srm_token):
                self.sandboxcache.srm_token = config['DefaultSRMToken']

        elif self.sandboxcache._name == 'DQ2SandboxCache':

            # generate a new dataset name if not given
            if not self.sandboxcache.dataset_name:
                from GangaAtlas.Lib.ATLASDataset.DQ2Dataset import dq2outputdatasetname
                self.sandboxcache.dataset_name, unused = dq2outputdatasetname(
                    "%s.input" % get_uuid(), 0, False, '')

            # subjobs inherits the dataset name from the master job
            for sj in job.subjobs:
                sj.backend.sandboxcache.dataset_name = self.sandboxcache.dataset_name

        elif self.sandboxcache._name == 'GridftpSandboxCache':
            if config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']:
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']
            elif self.CE:
                ce_host = re.sub(r'\:[0-9]+', '', self.CE.split('/cream')[0])
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = 'gsiftp://%s/opt/glite/var/cream_sandbox/%s' % (
                    ce_host, self.sandboxcache.vo)
                logger.error('baseURI not available for GridftpSandboxCache')
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __setup_sandboxcache__(self, job):
        '''Sets up the sandbox cache object to adopt the runtime configuration of the LCG backend'''

        re_token = re.compile('^token:(.*):(.*)$')

        self.sandboxcache.vo = config['VirtualOrganisation']
        self.sandboxcache.timeout = config['SandboxTransferTimeout']

        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            if not self.sandboxcache.lfc_host:
                self.sandboxcache.lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

            if not self.sandboxcache.se:

                token = ''
                se_host = config['DefaultSE']
                m = re_token.match(se_host)
                if m:
                    token = m.group(1)
                    se_host = m.group(2)

                self.sandboxcache.se = se_host

                if token:
                    self.sandboxcache.srm_token = token

            if (self.sandboxcache.se_type
                    in ['srmv2']) and (not self.sandboxcache.srm_token):
                self.sandboxcache.srm_token = config['DefaultSRMToken']

        elif self.sandboxcache._name == 'GridftpSandboxCache':
            if config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']:
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = config['CreamInputSandboxBaseURI']
            elif self.CE:
                ce_host = re.sub(r'\:[0-9]+', '', self.CE.split('/cream')[0])
                self.sandboxcache.baseURI = 'gsiftp://%s/opt/glite/var/cream_sandbox/%s' % (
                    ce_host, self.sandboxcache.vo)
                logger.error('baseURI not available for GridftpSandboxCache')
                return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __check_and_prestage_inputfile__(self, file):
        '''Checks the given input file size and if it's size is
           over "BoundSandboxLimit", prestage it to a grid SE.

           The argument is a path of the local file.

           It returns a dictionary containing information to refer to the file:

               idx = {'lfc_host': lfc_host,
                      'local': [the local file pathes],
                      'remote': {'fname1': 'remote index1', 'fname2': 'remote index2', ... }

           If prestaging failed, None object is returned.

           If the file has been previously uploaded (according to md5sum),
           the prestaging is ignored and index to the previously uploaded file
           is returned.

        idx = {'lfc_host': '', 'local': [], 'remote': {}}

        job = self.getJobObject()

        # read-in the previously uploaded files
        uploadedFiles = []

        # getting the uploaded file list from the master job
        if job.master:
            uploadedFiles += job.master.backend.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()

        # set and get the $LFC_HOST for uploading oversized sandbox

        uploadedFiles += self.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()

        lfc_host = None

        # for LCGSandboxCache, take the one specified in the sansboxcache object.
        # the value is exactly the same as the one from the local grid shell env. if
        # it is not specified exclusively.
        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            lfc_host = self.sandboxcache.lfc_host

        # or in general, query it from the Grid object
        if not lfc_host:
            lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

        idx['lfc_host'] = lfc_host

        abspath = os.path.abspath(file)
        fsize = os.path.getsize(abspath)

        if fsize > config['BoundSandboxLimit']:

            md5sum = get_md5sum(abspath, ignoreGzipTimestamp=True)

            doUpload = True
            for uf in uploadedFiles:
                if uf.md5sum == md5sum:
                    # the same file has been uploaded to the iocache
                    idx['remote'][os.path.basename(file)] = uf.id
                    doUpload = False

            if doUpload:

                    'The size of %s is larger than the sandbox limit (%d byte). Please wait while pre-staging ...'
                    % (file, config['BoundSandboxLimit']))

                if self.sandboxcache.upload([abspath]):
                    remote_sandbox = self.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()[-1]
                    idx['remote'][remote_sandbox.name] = remote_sandbox.id
                        'Oversized sandbox not successfully pre-staged')
                    return None

        return idx
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __check_and_prestage_inputfile__(self, file):
        '''Checks the given input file size and if it's size is
           over "BoundSandboxLimit", prestage it to a grid SE.

           The argument is a path of the local file.

           It returns a dictionary containing information to refer to the file:

               idx = {'lfc_host': lfc_host,
                      'local': [the local file pathes],
                      'remote': {'fname1': 'remote index1', 'fname2': 'remote index2', ... }

           If prestaging failed, None object is returned.

           If the file has been previously uploaded (according to md5sum),
           the prestaging is ignored and index to the previously uploaded file
           is returned.

        idx = {'lfc_host': '', 'local': [], 'remote': {}}

        job = self.getJobObject()

        # read-in the previously uploaded files
        uploadedFiles = []

        # getting the uploaded file list from the master job
        if job.master:
            uploadedFiles += job.master.backend.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()

        # set and get the $LFC_HOST for uploading oversized sandbox

        uploadedFiles += self.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()

        lfc_host = None

        # for LCGSandboxCache, take the one specified in the sansboxcache object.
        # the value is exactly the same as the one from the local grid shell env. if
        # it is not specified exclusively.
        if self.sandboxcache._name == 'LCGSandboxCache':
            lfc_host = self.sandboxcache.lfc_host

        # or in general, query it from the Grid object
        if not lfc_host:
            lfc_host = Grid.__get_lfc_host__()

        idx['lfc_host'] = lfc_host

        abspath = os.path.abspath(file)
        fsize = os.path.getsize(abspath)

        if fsize > config['BoundSandboxLimit']:

            md5sum = get_md5sum(abspath, ignoreGzipTimestamp=True)

            doUpload = True
            for uf in uploadedFiles:
                if uf.md5sum == md5sum:
                    # the same file has been uploaded to the iocache
                    idx['remote'][os.path.basename(file)] = uf.id
                    doUpload = False

            if doUpload:

                    'The size of %s is larger than the sandbox limit (%d byte). Please wait while pre-staging ...' % (file, config['BoundSandboxLimit']))

                if self.sandboxcache.upload([abspath]):
                    remote_sandbox = self.sandboxcache.get_cached_files()[-1]
                    idx['remote'][remote_sandbox.name] = remote_sandbox.id
                        'Oversized sandbox not successfully pre-staged')
                    return None

        return idx