def __init__(self, configurableType):
        if not isConfigurable(configurableType):
            raise TypeError('SaneConfigurable only works for Configurables!')

        configurableType.clone = _saneClone
        self.configurableType = configurableType = type(configurableType).__name__
        self.__name__ =
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, line, algos):

        self._members = []
        self._outputloc = None
        self._selection = None
        for alg in algos:
            # dispatch according to the type of alg...
            if isConfigurable(alg):
                self._handle_Configurable(line, alg)
                x = '_handle_' + type(alg).__name__

                handle = getattr(
                    self, x if hasattr(self, x) else '_default_handler_')
                handle(line, alg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def selectionWrapper(selType, name, *args, **kwargs):
    Construct a selection of type selType with construction arguments.
    Checks if name already belongs to an existing Configurable.
    Checks whether input is Configurable and if so, extracts its non-default
    parameters and passes them as a configurableGenerator.

    algorithm = kwargs.pop('Algorithm')
    if isConfigurable(algorithm):
        algGen = CloneCallable(algorithm)
        kwargs['ConfGenerator'] = algGen
        kwargs['ConfGenerator'] = algorithm
    return selType(name, *args, **kwargs)
 def processAlgs(self, algs):
     for alg in algs:
         print 'Bringing sanity to', alg
         if inspect.ismodule(alg):
             'Deal with module'
             'not module', alg
             if alg in memoized_sanitise._cache or issubclass(
                     type(alg), SaneConfigurable):
                 memoized_sanitise._cache += [alg]
                 crazyAlg = alg
                 if type(alg) == str:
                     crazyAlg = self._source.__getattr__(alg)
                 elif isConfigurable(alg):
                     alg = alg.__name__
                 saneAlg = SaneConfigurable(crazyAlg)
                 self._target.__setattr__(alg, saneAlg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_isConfigurable():
    assert isConfigurable(5.0) == False
    assert isConfigurable("bob") == False
    assert isConfigurable(Dummy()) == False
    assert isConfigurable(DummyConfigurable("TestConf")) == True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(
        name,  # the base name for the Line
        prescale=1,  # prescale factor
        ODIN=None,  # ODIN predicate
        L0DU=None,  # L0DU predicate
        HLT=None,  # HltDecReports predicate  -> Deprecated since 2015
        HLT1=None,  # Hlt1DecReports predicate
        HLT2=None,  # Hlt2DecReports predicate
        FILTER=None,  # 'VOID'-predicate, e.g. Global Event Cut
        checkPV=True,  # Check PV before running algos
        algos=None,  # the list of stripping members
        postscale=1,  # postscale factor
        MaxCandidates="Override",  # Maxumum number of candidates for CombineParticles
        MaxCombinations="Override",  # Maxumum number of combinations for CombineParticles
        HDRLocation=None,  # if None, defined by stream name
        EnableFlavourTagging=False,  # If True, run FlavourTaggingTool to store FT info
        ExtraInfoTools=None,  # Configuration of ExtraInfo tools, as a list of dictionaries (or None)
        ExtraInfoSelections=None,  # Input selections for ExtraInfo tools. If None, use the top-level selection of the line
        ExtraInfoDaughters=None,  # Daughter selections for which store ExtraInfo. If None, use only the top selection.
        ExtraInfoRecursionLevel=1,  # Maximum depth in the decay tree to calculate ExtraInfo
        # Only used is ExtraInfoDaughters are given, otherwise is 0
        RelatedInfoTools=None,  # Configuration of Related Info tools, as a list of dictionaries (or None)
        RelatedInfoFilter=None,  # Optional filter which can use RelatedInfo, added to the line sequence
        # after RelatedInfoTools
        RequiredRawEvents=None,  # Possible list of RawEvent banks required by this line
        MDSTFlag=False,  # Flag to ask the line to be written to MDST.DST stream
        **args):  # other configuration parameters

        if algos and selection:
            raise Exception(
                'only algos or selection can be set. You have set both.')
        if selection:
            if isConfigurable(selection):
                raise TypeError(
                    'StrippingLine selection cannot be Configurable type.')
            algos = [selection]

        if not algos:
            algos = []

        ## 1) clone all arguments
        name = deepcopy(name)
        ODIN = deepcopy(ODIN)
        L0DU = deepcopy(L0DU)
        HLT = deepcopy(HLT)
        HLT1 = deepcopy(HLT1)
        HLT2 = deepcopy(HLT2)
        FILTER = deepcopy(FILTER)
        algos = deepcopy(algos)
        args = deepcopy(args)
        # 2) save all parameters (needed for the proper cloning)
        self._name = name
        if callable(prescale): prescale = prescale(
        self._prescale = prescale

        self._ODIN = ODIN
        self._L0DU = L0DU
        self._HLT = HLT
        self._HLT1 = HLT1
        self._HLT2 = HLT2
        self._FILTER = FILTER
        self._checkPV = checkPV
        self._HDRLocation = HDRLocation
        self._EnableFlavourTagging = EnableFlavourTagging

        if callable(postscale): postscale = postscale(
        self._postscale = postscale
        self._algos = algos
        self._args = args
        self.MaxCandidates = MaxCandidates
        self.MaxCombinations = MaxCombinations

        self.ExtraInfoTools = ExtraInfoTools
        self.ExtraInfoSelections = ExtraInfoSelections
        self.ExtraInfoDaughters = ExtraInfoDaughters
        self.ExtraInfoRecursionLevel = ExtraInfoRecursionLevel

        self.RelatedInfoTools = RelatedInfoTools
        self.RelatedInfoFilter = RelatedInfoFilter

        self._initialSelection = selection

        validRawBanks = [
            "Trigger", "Muon", "Calo", "Rich", "Velo", "Tracker", "HC"
        ]  # hard coded list, should really come from elsewhere....
        if RequiredRawEvents != None:
            for bank in RequiredRawEvents:
                if bank not in validRawBanks:
                    raise Exception("RawBank " + bank + " is not a known type")
        self.RequiredRawEvents = RequiredRawEvents

        self.MDSTFlag = MDSTFlag

        line = self.subname()

        self._appended = False

        # Configurable is not yet created
        self._configurable = None

        #start to contruct the sequence

        self._members = []

        self._selection = None

        self.fullHDRLocation = None

        # if needed, check Primary Vertex before running all algos

        from Configurables import CheckPV
        if checkPV == True:
            check = CheckPV("checkPVmin1")
            check.MinPVs = 1
            self._members.insert(0, check)
        elif isinstance(checkPV, int):
            check = CheckPV("checkPVmin%d" % checkPV)
            check.MinPVs = checkPV
            self._members.insert(0, check)
        elif isinstance(checkPV, tuple):
            if len(checkPV) == 2:
                check = CheckPV("checkPVmin%dmax%d" % checkPV)
                check.MinPVs = checkPV[0]
                check.MaxPVs = checkPV[1]
                self._members.insert(0, check)
                raise TypeError, "Wrong checkPV tuple length %d, should be 2" % len(
        elif checkPV != False:
            raise TypeError, "Wrong checkPV argument type '%s'" % type(

        # if needed, apply filter before running all algos
        if FILTER:
            if isinstance(FILTER, str):
                fltr = VOIDFilter(voidentryName(line), Code=FILTER)
                self._members.insert(0, fltr)
            elif isinstance(FILTER, (tuple, list)) and 2 == len(FILTER):
                fltr = VOIDFilter(voidentryName(line),
                self._members.insert(0, fltr)
            elif isinstance(FILTER, dict):
                fltr = VOIDFilter(voidentryName(line), **FILTER)
                self._members.insert(0, fltr)
                raise TypeError, "Wrong FILTER attribute: %s " % FILTER

        # bind members to line
        _boundMembers = bindMembers(line, algos)
        self._members += _boundMembers.members()
        self._outputloc = _boundMembers.outputLocation()
        self._selection = _boundMembers.selection()

        # register into the local storage of all created Lines