Ejemplo n.º 1
def getCalo ( calo = '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal' ,
              DataType = '2010' ,  **args ) :
    Get DeCalorimeter by name

    >>> name = ...              ## the name of DeCalorimeter 
    >>> calo = getCalo ( name ) ## get the calorimeter

    from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
    from GaudiPython.Bindings import _gaudi
    if not _gaudi :
        from DaVinci.Configuration import DaVinci
        dv = DaVinci ( DataType = DataType , **args )
        g = AppMgr()
    gaudi   = AppMgr()
    detSvc  = gaudi.detSvc()
    return detSvc[ calo ] 
Ejemplo n.º 2
LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
LHCbApp().Simulation = True
CondDB().Upgrade = True

LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20160304"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20150716-vc-md100"

## New numbering scheme. Remove when FT61 is in nominal CondDB.
#CondDB().addLayer(dbFile = "/eos/lhcb/wg/SciFi/Custom_Geoms_Upgrade/databases/DDDB_FT60.db", dbName = "DDDB")
#CondDB().addLayer(dbFile = "/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jwishahi/public/SciFiDev/databases/DDDB_FT60_noEndPlug.db", dbName = "DDDB")

appMgr = AppMgr(outputlevel=4)
det = appMgr.detSvc()
FT = det['/dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/T/FT']

# TestBeam Position A in local coordinates (near mirror)
#point_A = gbl.Gaudi.XYZPoint(-23.85,-1200.0+50,0) ## Channel 36
# TestBeam Position C in local coordinates (near SiPMs)
#point_C = gbl.Gaudi.XYZPoint(-23.85,+1200.0-50,0)
# TestBeam Position A in local coordinates (near mirror)
point_A = gbl.Gaudi.XYZPoint(-23.85, -1200.0 + 50, 0)  ## Channel 36
# TestBeam Position C in local coordinates (near SiPMs)
point_C = gbl.Gaudi.XYZPoint(-23.85, +1200.0 - 50, 0)

# Choose station, layer, quarter, module, mat
station_id = 1  # first station
layer_id = 0  # first layer
quarter_id = 3  # upper left quarter