def test_4get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中的数据''' sql = "select p.v_user_account,q.v_targ_name from GPS_USER p,GPS_TARG q where p.v_dept_id=q.v_dept_id and p.v_user_account='baoyong123'" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql, scrpath + r'GPS_TARG_DB.xlsx') # conn = cx_Oracle.connect('gpsadmin/gpsadmin_123654@ 1521 / ora11g') # 连接数据库 # cursor = conn.cursor() # count = cursor.execute( # "select p.v_user_account,q.v_targ_name from GPS_USER p,GPS_TARG q where p.v_dept_id=q.v_dept_id and p.v_user_account='baoyong123'") # # 重置游标的位置 # # cursor.scroll(0,mode='absolute') # # 搜取所有结果 # results = cursor.fetchall() # # # 获取oracle里面的数据字段名称 # fields = cursor.description # workbook = xlwt.Workbook() # sheet = workbook.add_sheet('DB_data', cell_overwrite_ok=True) # # # 写上字段信息 # for field in range(0, len(fields)): # sheet.write(0, field, fields[field][0]) # # # 获取并写入数据段信息 # row = 1 # col = 0 # for row in range(1, len(results) + 1): # for col in range(0, len(fields)): # sheet.write(row, col, u'%s' % results[row - 1][col]) # scrpath = 'F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\' # 指定的保存目录 # + r'GPS_TARG_DB.xlsx') # cursor.close() # conn.close() print("获取数据库数据成功!")
def test_car_006(self): '''测B10006(每隔阈值范围接收一条,能收到多条疲劳驾驶报警)''' sql006 = "select * from OPERATING_COMMAND_MSG t where t.v_equipment_id='0000013100000006' and t.v_text_send like '%疲劳%' and t.d_time between to_date('" + begin_time + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + end_time + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" export(sql006, scrpath + '测B10006.xlsx')"获取测B10006数据路中疲劳驾驶报警信息") excle = xlrd.open_workbook(scrpath + '测B10006.xlsx') sheet = excle.sheets()[0] # 获取第0个表 n6 = sheet.nrows"测B10006数据库中疲劳驾驶报警条数为:" + str(n6 - 1)) fopen = open(log_file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') count = 0 for lines in fopen.readlines(): # 按行读取text中的内容 # lines = lines.replace("\n", "").split(",") # if 'aaa' in str(lines) and '2' not in str(lines): # 筛选出含有'aaa'并且不含数字2的每一行 li = re.findall("测B10006 报警类型:2", lines) if len(li) > 0: count = count + len(li) print(lines) # print(count) fopen.close()"测B10006上级平台日志中疲劳驾驶报警条数为:" + str(count)) self.assertEqual(str(n6 - 1), str(count), "数据库报警信息和上级平台日志中报警信息不一致!")"数据库报警信息和上级平台日志中报警信息一致!")
def test_3get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中的数据''' sql1 = "select h.v_targ_id,h.v_targ_name,b.v_dept_name,p.v_equp_simnum,p.v_equp_id from GPS_EQUP p,GPS_TARG h,GPS_DEPT b where " \ " h.v_targ_id=p.v_targ_id and h.v_dept_id=b.v_dept_id and b.v_dept_name='测试鲍泳'" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'Sim_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库当前公司SIM数据")
def test_5get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中数据''' sql1 = "select t.d_time as 群发录入时间,h.v_user_account as 群发录入工号,t.v_text_send as 群发内容 from OPERATING_COMMAND_MSG t,GPS_USER h where t.v_user_id=h.v_user_id and " \ "t.d_time between to_date('" + t_date + " 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + t_date + " 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'MSG_T_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库今日下发报文信息")
def test_4get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中的数据''' sql = "select h.v_targ_id,h.v_targ_name,t.n_warn_type,t.d_warn_date from GPS_TARG h,WARN_HISTORY t where h.v_targ_id= t.v_targ_id and t.d_warn_date between " \ "to_date('2018-08-08 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2018-08-08 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql, scrpath + r'WARN_TARG_DB.xlsx') print("获取数据库数据成功!")
def test_3get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中数据''' sql1 = "select t.d_static_date as 日期,h.v_targ_name as 车牌号,f.v_dept_name as 所属公司,h.v_plat_id as 所属平台,t.v_targ_duration as 行驶时间,t.n_total_mileage as 里程,t.n_refuel as 加油量,t.n_fuel_consumption as 用油量 " \ "from BI_TARG_STATIC_D t ,GPS_TARG h,GPS_DEPT f " \ "where h.v_dept_id=f.v_dept_id and t.v_targ_id=h.v_targ_id and t.d_static_date=to_date('" + Yestoday + "','YYYY-MM_DD')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'Mile_Y_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库昨日数据")
def test_4get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中数据''' sql1 = "select t.n_type,e.v_user_account,h.value,t.v_content,t.d_date from PLAT_USER_BEHAVIOR t,GPS_USER e ,GPS_ENUM h where " \ "t.n_type=h.key and h.type='BEHAVIOR_TYPE' and t.v_user_id=e.v_user_id and e.v_user_account='baoyong123' and t.d_date " \ "between to_date('" + last_week_start + " 00:00:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + t_date + " 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'USER_LOG_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库用户行为日志")
def test_004(): '''测B10004''' print(begin_time) user = '******' sql004 = "select * from OPERATING_COMMAND_MSG t where t.v_equipment_id='0000013100000004' and t.v_text_send like '%疲劳%' and t.d_time between to_date('" + begin_time + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2018/06/22 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" sql = "select t.v_user_name from GPS_USER t where t.v_user_account='%s'" % user export(sql004, scrpath + '测B10004.xlsx')
def test_3get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中的数据''' sql1 = "select i.v_targ_name,i.d_time,i.v_owers_name from vehicle_added_base i where i.d_time between " \ "to_date('" + t_date + " 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + t_date + " 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'History_Today_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库今日数据") sql2 = "select i.v_targ_name,i.d_time,i.v_owers_name from vehicle_added_base i where i.d_time between " \ "to_date('" + Yestoday + " 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + Yestoday + " 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql2, scrpath + 'History_Yes_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库昨日数据")
def test_3get_dbdata(cls): '''获取数据库中数据''' sql1 = "select z.v_plat_id,u.v_plat_name,z.d_time,z.v_info_content,z.v_ans_content,z.d_ans_time,h.v_user_name from PLAT_POST_QUERY z,GPS_PLAT u,GPS_USER h " \ "where h.v_user_id=z.v_user_id and z.v_plat_id=u.v_plat_id and z.d_time between " \ "to_date('" + last_month1 + " 00:00:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + last_month2 + " 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql1, scrpath + 'Plat_L_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库上月数据") sql2 = "select z.v_plat_id,u.v_plat_name,z.d_time,z.v_info_content,z.v_ans_content,z.d_ans_time,h.v_user_name from PLAT_POST_QUERY z,GPS_PLAT u,GPS_USER h " \ "where h.v_user_id=z.v_user_id and z.v_plat_id=u.v_plat_id and z.d_time between " \ "to_date('" + t_date + " 00:00:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + t_date + " 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql2, scrpath + 'Plat_T_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库今日数据") sql3 = "select z.v_plat_id,u.v_plat_name,z.d_time,z.v_info_content,z.v_ans_content,z.d_ans_time,h.v_user_name from PLAT_POST_QUERY z,GPS_PLAT u,GPS_USER h " \ "where h.v_user_id=z.v_user_id and z.v_plat_id=u.v_plat_id and z.d_time between " \ "to_date('" + Yestoday + " 00:00:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('" + Yestoday + " 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" scrpath = "F:\\PyTesting\\AutoTest\\log\\excel\\" # 指定的保存目录 export(sql3, scrpath + 'Plat_Y_DB.xlsx')"获取数据库昨日数据")