Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None, product_name=None, indications=None, is_live=None):

	assert (is_live is not None), '<is_live> must not be <None>'

	conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly = False)
	if pk_drug_product is None:
		#prep = _('vaccine')
		prep = 'vaccine'
		_log.debug('creating vaccine drug product [%s %s]', product_name, prep)
		vacc_prod = gmMedication.create_drug_product (
			product_name = product_name,
			preparation = prep,
			return_existing = True,
			# indications are ref.dose rows
			doses = indications,
			link_obj = conn
		vacc_prod['atc'] = 'J07'
		vacc_prod.save(conn = conn)
		pk_drug_product = vacc_prod['pk_drug_product']
	cmd = 'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (fk_drug_product, is_live) values (%(pk_drug_product)s, %(live)s) RETURNING pk'
	queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk_drug_product': pk_drug_product, 'live': is_live}}]
	rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, get_col_idx = False, return_data = True, end_tx = True)
	return cVaccine(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None, product_name=None, indications=None):

    conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly=False)

    if pk_drug_product is None:
        #prep = _('vaccine')
        prep = u'vaccine'
        _log.debug('creating vaccine drug product [%s %s]', product_name, prep)
        vacc_prod = gmMedication.create_drug_product(
            # indications are ref.dose rows
        vacc_prod['atc'] = u'J07'
        pk_drug_product = vacc_prod['pk_drug_product']

    cmd = u'INSERT INTO ref.vaccine (fk_drug_product) values (%(pk_drug_product)s) RETURNING pk'
    queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk_drug_product': pk_drug_product}}]
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj=conn,
    return cVaccine(aPK_obj=rows[0]['pk'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_vaccine(pk_drug_product=None,

    if pk_drug_product is None:
        prep = _('vaccine')
        _log.debug('creating drug product [%s %s]', product_name, prep)
        prod = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name=product_name,
        prod['atc'] = u'J07'
        pk_drug_product = prod['pk_drug_product']

    cmd = u'INSERT INTO clin.vaccine (fk_drug_product) values (%(pk_drug_product)s) RETURNING pk'
    queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk_drug_product': pk_drug_product}}]

    if pk_indications is None:
        for indication in indications:
            cmd = u"""
				INSERT INTO clin.lnk_vaccine2inds (
				) VALUES (
					currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.vaccine', 'pk')),
					(SELECT id
					 FROM clin.vacc_indication
						lower(description) = lower(%(ind)s)
					 LIMIT 1
				RETURNING fk_vaccine
            queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'ind': indication}})
        for pk_indication in pk_indications:
            cmd = u"""
				INSERT INTO clin.lnk_vaccine2inds (
				) VALUES (
					currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.vaccine', 'pk')),
				RETURNING fk_vaccine
            queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk_ind': pk_indication}})

    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries=queries,

    return cVaccine(aPK_obj=rows[0]['fk_vaccine'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def import_drugs(self):

		selected_drugs = self.__let_user_select_drugs()
		if selected_drugs is None:
			return None

		data_src_pk = self.create_data_source_entry()

		new_drugs = []
		new_substances = []

		for entry in selected_drugs:

			_log.debug('importing drug: %s %s', entry['name'], entry['darreichungsform'])

			if entry['hilfsmittel']:
				_log.debug('skipping Hilfsmittel')

			if entry['erstattbares_medizinprodukt']:
				_log.debug('skipping sonstiges Medizinprodukt')

			# create drug product (or get it if it already exists)
			drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = entry['name'], preparation = entry['darreichungsform'])
			if drug is None:
				drug = gmMedication.get_drug_by_name(product_name = entry['name'], preparation = entry['darreichungsform'])

			# update fields
			drug['is_fake_product'] = False
			drug['atc'] = entry['atc']
			drug['external_code_type'] = 'DE-PZN'
			drug['external_code'] = entry['pzn']
			drug['fk_data_source'] = data_src_pk

			# add components to drug
			atc = None							# hopefully MMI eventually supports atc-per-substance in a drug...
			if len(entry['wirkstoffe']) == 1:
				atc = entry['atc']
			for wirkstoff in entry['wirkstoffe']:
				drug.add_component(substance = wirkstoff, atc = atc)

			# create as substance doses, too
			atc = None							# hopefully MMI eventually supports atc-per-substance in a drug...
			if len(entry['wirkstoffe']) == 1:
				atc = entry['atc']
			for wirkstoff in entry['wirkstoffe']:
				#new_substances.append(gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = wirkstoff, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit))

		return new_drugs, new_substances
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def import_drugs(self):

		selected_drugs = self.__let_user_select_drugs()
		if selected_drugs is None:
			return None

		data_src_pk = self.create_data_source_entry()

		new_drugs = []
		new_substances = []

		for entry in selected_drugs:

			_log.debug('importing drug: %s %s', entry['name'], entry['darreichungsform'])

			if entry['hilfsmittel']:
				_log.debug('skipping Hilfsmittel')

			if entry['erstattbares_medizinprodukt']:
				_log.debug('skipping sonstiges Medizinprodukt')

			# create drug product (or get it if it already exists)
			drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = entry['name'], preparation = entry['darreichungsform'])
			if drug is None:
				drug = gmMedication.get_drug_by_name(product_name = entry['name'], preparation = entry['darreichungsform'])

			# update fields
			drug['is_fake_product'] = False
			drug['atc'] = entry['atc']
			drug['external_code_type'] = 'DE-PZN'
			drug['external_code'] = entry['pzn']
			drug['fk_data_source'] = data_src_pk

			# add components to drug
			atc = None							# hopefully MMI eventually supports atc-per-substance in a drug...
			if len(entry['wirkstoffe']) == 1:
				atc = entry['atc']
			for wirkstoff in entry['wirkstoffe']:
				drug.add_component(substance = wirkstoff, atc = atc)

			# create as substance doses, too
			atc = None							# hopefully MMI eventually supports atc-per-substance in a drug...
			if len(entry['wirkstoffe']) == 1:
				atc = entry['atc']
			for wirkstoff in entry['wirkstoffe']:
				new_substances.append(gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = wirkstoff, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit))

		return new_drugs, new_substances
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def __import_fd2gm_file_as_drugs_0_6_0(self, fd2gm_xml=None, pk_data_source=None):

#		drug_id_name = db_def.attrib['drugUidName']
		fd_xml_prescriptions = fd2gm_xml.findall('FullPrescription/Prescription')

		self.__imported_drugs = []
		for fd_xml_prescription in fd_xml_prescriptions:
			drug_uid = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug').attrib['u1'].strip()
			if drug_uid == '-1':
				_log.debug('skipping textual drug')
			drug_db =  fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug').attrib['db'].strip()
			drug_uid_name = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugUidName').text.strip()
			#drug_uid_name = u'<%s>' % drug_db
			drug_name = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugName').text.replace(', )', ')').strip()
			drug_form = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugForm').text.strip()
#			drug_atc = fd_xml_prescription.find('DrugATC')
#			if drug_atc is None:
#				drug_atc = u''
#			else:
#				if drug_atc.text is None:
#					drug_atc = u''
#				else:
#					drug_atc = drug_atc.text.strip()

			# create new drug product
			new_drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = drug_name, preparation = drug_form, return_existing = True)
			new_drug['is_fake_product'] = False
#			new_drug['atc'] = drug_atc
			new_drug['external_code_type'] = 'FreeDiams::%s::%s' % (drug_db, drug_uid_name)
			new_drug['external_code'] = drug_uid
			new_drug['pk_data_source'] = pk_data_source

			# parse XML for composition records
			fd_xml_components = fd_xml_prescription.getiterator('Composition')
			comp_data = {}
			for fd_xml_comp in fd_xml_components:

				data = {}

				xml_strength = fd_xml_comp.attrib['strength'].strip()
				amount = regex.match(r'^\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', xml_strength)
				if amount is None:
					amount = 99999
					amount = amount.group()
				data['amount'] = amount

				#unit = regex.sub(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', u'', xml_strength).strip()
				unit = (xml_strength[len(amount):]).strip()
				if unit == '':
					unit = '*?*'
				data['unit'] = unit

				# hopefully, FreeDiams gets their act together, eventually:
				atc = regex.match(r'[A-Za-z]\d\d[A-Za-z]{2}\d\d', fd_xml_comp.attrib['atc'].strip())
				if atc is None:
					data['atc'] = None
					atc = atc.group()
				data['atc'] = atc

				molecule_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['molecularName'].strip()
				if molecule_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = molecule_name, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['molecule_name'] = molecule_name

				inn_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['inn'].strip()
				if inn_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = inn_name, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				#data['inn_name'] = molecule_name
				data['inn_name'] = inn_name

				if molecule_name == '':
					data['substance'] = inn_name
					_log.info('linking INN [%s] rather than molecularName as component', inn_name)
					data['substance'] = molecule_name

				data['nature'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['nature'].strip()
				data['nature_ID'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['natureLink'].strip()

				# merge composition records of SA/FT nature
					old_data = comp_data[data['nature_ID']]
					# normalize INN
					if old_data['inn_name'] == '':
						old_data['inn_name'] = data['inn_name']
					if data['inn_name'] == '':
						data['inn_name'] = old_data['inn_name']
					# normalize molecule
					if old_data['molecule_name'] == '':
						old_data['molecule_name'] = data['molecule_name']
					if data['molecule_name'] == '':
						data['molecule_name'] = old_data['molecule_name']
					# normalize ATC
					if old_data['atc'] == '':
						old_data['atc'] = data['atc']
					if data['atc'] == '':
						data['atc'] = old_data['atc']
					# FT: transformed form
					# SA: active substance
					# it would be preferable to use the SA record because that's what's *actually*
					# contained in the drug, however FreeDiams does not list the amount thereof
					# (rather that of the INN)
					# FT and SA records of the same component carry the same nature_ID
					if data['nature'] == 'FT':
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = old_data

				# or create new record
				except KeyError:
					comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data

			# actually create components from (possibly merged) composition records
			for key, data in comp_data.items():
				new_drug.add_component (
					substance = data['substance'],
					atc = data['atc'],
					amount = data['amount'],
					unit = data['unit']
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def __import_fd2gm_file_as_drugs_0_5(self, fd2gm_xml=None, pk_data_source=None):

		db_def = fd2gm_xml.find('DrugsDatabaseName')
		db_id = db_def.text.strip()
		drug_id_name = db_def.attrib['drugUidName']
		fd_xml_drug_entries = fd2gm_xml.findall('FullPrescription/Prescription')

		self.__imported_drugs = []
		for fd_xml_drug in fd_xml_drug_entries:
			drug_uid = fd_xml_drug.find('Drug_UID').text.strip()
			if drug_uid == '-1':
				_log.debug('skipping textual drug')
				continue		# it's a TextualDrug, skip it
			drug_name = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugName').text.replace(', )', ')').strip()
			drug_form = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugForm').text.strip()
			drug_atc = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugATC')
			if drug_atc is None:
				drug_atc = ''
				if drug_atc.text is None:
					drug_atc = ''
					drug_atc = drug_atc.text.strip()

			# create new drug product
			new_drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = drug_name, preparation = drug_form, return_existing = True)
			new_drug['is_fake_product'] = False
			new_drug['atc'] = drug_atc
			new_drug['external_code_type'] = 'FreeDiams::%s::%s' % (db_id, drug_id_name)
			new_drug['external_code'] = drug_uid
			new_drug['pk_data_source'] = pk_data_source

			# parse XML for composition records
			fd_xml_components = fd_xml_drug.getiterator('Composition')
			comp_data = {}
			for fd_xml_comp in fd_xml_components:

				data = {}

				amount = regex.match(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', fd_xml_comp.attrib['strenght'].strip())			# sic, typo
				if amount is None:
					amount = 99999
					amount = amount.group()
				data['amount'] = amount

				unit = regex.sub(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', '', fd_xml_comp.attrib['strenght'].strip()).strip()	# sic, typo
				if unit == '':
					unit = '*?*'
				data['unit'] = unit

				molecule_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['molecularName'].strip()
				if molecule_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = molecule_name, atc = None, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['molecule_name'] = molecule_name

				inn_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['inn'].strip()
				if inn_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = inn_name, atc = None, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['inn_name'] = molecule_name

				if molecule_name == '':
					data['substance'] = inn_name
					_log.info('linking INN [%s] rather than molecularName as component', inn_name)
					data['substance'] = molecule_name

				data['nature'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['nature'].strip()
				data['nature_ID'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['natureLink'].strip()

				# merge composition records of SA/FT nature
					old_data = comp_data[data['nature_ID']]
					# normalize INN
					if old_data['inn_name'] == '':
						old_data['inn_name'] = data['inn_name']
					if data['inn_name'] == '':
						data['inn_name'] = old_data['inn_name']
					# normalize molecule
					if old_data['molecule_name'] == '':
						old_data['molecule_name'] = data['molecule_name']
					if data['molecule_name'] == '':
						data['molecule_name'] = old_data['molecule_name']
					# FT: transformed form
					# SA: active substance
					# it would be preferable to use the SA record because that's what's *actually*
					# contained in the drug, however FreeDiams does not list the amount thereof
					# (rather that of the INN)
					if data['nature'] == 'FT':
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = old_data

				# or create new record
				except KeyError:
					comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data

			# actually create components from (possibly merged) composition records
			for key, data in comp_data.items():
				new_drug.add_component (
					substance = data['substance'],
					amount = data['amount'],
					unit = data['unit']
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def __import_fd2gm_file_as_drugs_0_6_0(self, fd2gm_xml=None, pk_data_source=None):

#		drug_id_name = db_def.attrib['drugUidName']
		fd_xml_prescriptions = fd2gm_xml.findall('FullPrescription/Prescription')

		self.__imported_drugs = []
		for fd_xml_prescription in fd_xml_prescriptions:
			drug_uid = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug').attrib['u1'].strip()
			if drug_uid == '-1':
				_log.debug('skipping textual drug')
			drug_db =  fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug').attrib['db'].strip()
			drug_uid_name = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugUidName').text.strip()
			#drug_uid_name = u'<%s>' % drug_db
			drug_name = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugName').text.replace(', )', ')').strip()
			drug_form = fd_xml_prescription.find('Drug/DrugForm').text.strip()
#			drug_atc = fd_xml_prescription.find('DrugATC')
#			if drug_atc is None:
#				drug_atc = u''
#			else:
#				if drug_atc.text is None:
#					drug_atc = u''
#				else:
#					drug_atc = drug_atc.text.strip()

			# create new drug product
			new_drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = drug_name, preparation = drug_form, return_existing = True)
			new_drug['is_fake_product'] = False
#			new_drug['atc'] = drug_atc
			new_drug['external_code_type'] = 'FreeDiams::%s::%s' % (drug_db, drug_uid_name)
			new_drug['external_code'] = drug_uid
			new_drug['pk_data_source'] = pk_data_source

			# parse XML for composition records
			fd_xml_components = fd_xml_prescription.getiterator('Composition')
			comp_data = {}
			for fd_xml_comp in fd_xml_components:

				data = {}

				xml_strength = fd_xml_comp.attrib['strength'].strip()
				amount = regex.match(r'^\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', xml_strength)
				if amount is None:
					amount = 99999
					amount = amount.group()
				data['amount'] = amount

				#unit = regex.sub(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', u'', xml_strength).strip()
				unit = (xml_strength[len(amount):]).strip()
				if unit == '':
					unit = '*?*'
				data['unit'] = unit

				# hopefully, FreeDiams gets their act together, eventually:
				atc = regex.match(r'[A-Za-z]\d\d[A-Za-z]{2}\d\d', fd_xml_comp.attrib['atc'].strip())
				if atc is None:
					data['atc'] = None
					atc = atc.group()
				data['atc'] = atc

				molecule_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['molecularName'].strip()
				if molecule_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = molecule_name, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['molecule_name'] = molecule_name

				inn_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['inn'].strip()
				if inn_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = inn_name, atc = atc, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				#data['inn_name'] = molecule_name
				data['inn_name'] = inn_name

				if molecule_name == '':
					data['substance'] = inn_name
					_log.info('linking INN [%s] rather than molecularName as component', inn_name)
					data['substance'] = molecule_name

				data['nature'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['nature'].strip()
				data['nature_ID'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['natureLink'].strip()

				# merge composition records of SA/FT nature
					old_data = comp_data[data['nature_ID']]
					# normalize INN
					if old_data['inn_name'] == '':
						old_data['inn_name'] = data['inn_name']
					if data['inn_name'] == '':
						data['inn_name'] = old_data['inn_name']
					# normalize molecule
					if old_data['molecule_name'] == '':
						old_data['molecule_name'] = data['molecule_name']
					if data['molecule_name'] == '':
						data['molecule_name'] = old_data['molecule_name']
					# normalize ATC
					if old_data['atc'] == '':
						old_data['atc'] = data['atc']
					if data['atc'] == '':
						data['atc'] = old_data['atc']
					# FT: transformed form
					# SA: active substance
					# it would be preferable to use the SA record because that's what's *actually*
					# contained in the drug, however FreeDiams does not list the amount thereof
					# (rather that of the INN)
					# FT and SA records of the same component carry the same nature_ID
					if data['nature'] == 'FT':
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = old_data

				# or create new record
				except KeyError:
					comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data

			# actually create components from (possibly merged) composition records
			for key, data in comp_data.items():
				new_drug.add_component (
					substance = data['substance'],
					atc = data['atc'],
					amount = data['amount'],
					unit = data['unit']
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def __import_fd2gm_file_as_drugs_0_5(self, fd2gm_xml=None, pk_data_source=None):

		db_def = fd2gm_xml.find('DrugsDatabaseName')
		db_id = db_def.text.strip()
		drug_id_name = db_def.attrib['drugUidName']
		fd_xml_drug_entries = fd2gm_xml.findall('FullPrescription/Prescription')

		self.__imported_drugs = []
		for fd_xml_drug in fd_xml_drug_entries:
			drug_uid = fd_xml_drug.find('Drug_UID').text.strip()
			if drug_uid == '-1':
				_log.debug('skipping textual drug')
				continue		# it's a TextualDrug, skip it
			drug_name = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugName').text.replace(', )', ')').strip()
			drug_form = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugForm').text.strip()
			drug_atc = fd_xml_drug.find('DrugATC')
			if drug_atc is None:
				drug_atc = ''
				if drug_atc.text is None:
					drug_atc = ''
					drug_atc = drug_atc.text.strip()

			# create new drug product
			new_drug = gmMedication.create_drug_product(product_name = drug_name, preparation = drug_form, return_existing = True)
			new_drug['is_fake_product'] = False
			new_drug['atc'] = drug_atc
			new_drug['external_code_type'] = 'FreeDiams::%s::%s' % (db_id, drug_id_name)
			new_drug['external_code'] = drug_uid
			new_drug['pk_data_source'] = pk_data_source

			# parse XML for composition records
			fd_xml_components = fd_xml_drug.getiterator('Composition')
			comp_data = {}
			for fd_xml_comp in fd_xml_components:

				data = {}

				amount = regex.match(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', fd_xml_comp.attrib['strenght'].strip())			# sic, typo
				if amount is None:
					amount = 99999
					amount = amount.group()
				data['amount'] = amount

				unit = regex.sub(r'\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*', '', fd_xml_comp.attrib['strenght'].strip()).strip()	# sic, typo
				if unit == '':
					unit = '*?*'
				data['unit'] = unit

				molecule_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['molecularName'].strip()
				if molecule_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = molecule_name, atc = None, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['molecule_name'] = molecule_name

				inn_name = fd_xml_comp.attrib['inn'].strip()
				if inn_name != '':
					gmMedication.create_substance_dose(substance = inn_name, atc = None, amount = amount, unit = unit)
				data['inn_name'] = molecule_name

				if molecule_name == '':
					data['substance'] = inn_name
					_log.info('linking INN [%s] rather than molecularName as component', inn_name)
					data['substance'] = molecule_name

				data['nature'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['nature'].strip()
				data['nature_ID'] = fd_xml_comp.attrib['natureLink'].strip()

				# merge composition records of SA/FT nature
					old_data = comp_data[data['nature_ID']]
					# normalize INN
					if old_data['inn_name'] == '':
						old_data['inn_name'] = data['inn_name']
					if data['inn_name'] == '':
						data['inn_name'] = old_data['inn_name']
					# normalize molecule
					if old_data['molecule_name'] == '':
						old_data['molecule_name'] = data['molecule_name']
					if data['molecule_name'] == '':
						data['molecule_name'] = old_data['molecule_name']
					# FT: transformed form
					# SA: active substance
					# it would be preferable to use the SA record because that's what's *actually*
					# contained in the drug, however FreeDiams does not list the amount thereof
					# (rather that of the INN)
					if data['nature'] == 'FT':
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data
						comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = old_data

				# or create new record
				except KeyError:
					comp_data[data['nature_ID']] = data

			# actually create components from (possibly merged) composition records
			for key, data in comp_data.items():
				new_drug.add_component (
					substance = data['substance'],
					amount = data['amount'],
					unit = data['unit']