def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "minbias_stable_900GeV"
    self.listname        = "minbias_stable_900GeV.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    ## See for more user examples.

    self.querydict['run']  = ["140541+"]
    self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data09_900GeV"]
    self.querydict['st']   = ["physics_MinBias"]

    dqflagsquery = [ 'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
		     'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

    ## lhc beam settings
    self.querydict['lhc']  = ["stablebeams T"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "minbias_2TeV"
    self.listname        = "minbias_2TeV.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    ## See for more user examples.

    self.querydict['run']  = ["140541+"]
    #self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data09_2TeV"] # one 2.4 TeV run in data_900GeV project tag
    self.querydict['st']   = ["physics_MinBias"]

    dqflagsquery = [ 'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
                     'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

    ## lhc settings
    self.querydict['lhc']  = ["beamenergy 1170+"] # no stable beams for 2.4 TeV runs
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "TopMixConfig"
    self.listname        = "TopMixConfig.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any 

    ## See for more user examples.
    ## Example: "f r 108175 and db MC and dq pix LBSUMM g and dq EMBA lbsumm g and ctag DetStatusLBSumm-TopMix1 / sh r and dq LBSUMM / nodef"

    ## Reset default settings (= cosmics data related)
    self.querydict = {}
    self.querydict['run']  = ['108175']
    self.querydict['db']   = ['MC']
    self.querydict['ctag'] = ['DetStatusLBSumm-TopMix1']

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq']   = [ 'sct LBSUMM g',
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename = "minbias_7TeV"
        self.listname = "minbias_7TeV.xml"

        ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
        ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

        ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
        ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
        ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,...

        self.querydict['run'] = ["152166+"]
        self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]
        self.querydict['st'] = ["physics_MinBias"]

        dqflagsquery = [
            'ATLGL     SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            #'L1CTP    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            'atltor    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            'atlsol    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            'pix       SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            'sct       SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
            'trtb,trte SHIFTOFL#HEAD y+',

        ## Set the dqflags query
        self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

        ## lhc beam settings
        self.querydict['lhc'] = ["stablebeams T"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "minbias_7TeV"
    self.listname        = "minbias_7TeV.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    self.querydict['run']  = ["152166+"]
    self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]
    self.querydict['st']   = ["physics_MinBias"]

    dqflagsquery = [ 'ATLGL     SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     #'L1CTP    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     'atltor    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     'atlsol    SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     'pix       SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     'sct       SHIFTOFL#HEAD g',
                     'trtb,trte SHIFTOFL#HEAD y+',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

    ## lhc beam settings
    self.querydict['lhc']  = ["stablebeams T"]
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "jetetmiss_woindet_900GeV"
    self.listname        = "jetetmiss_woindet_900GeV.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    ## See for more user examples.

    self.querydict['run']  = ["140541+"]
    self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data09_900GeV"]
    self.querydict['st']   = ["physics_MinBias"]

    dqflagsquery = [ 'ATLGL  LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
		     'L1CTP  LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
		     'atlsol LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
		     'lar    LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
		     'tile   LBSUMM#DetStatusLBSUMM-December09-01 g',
                     ##'jetb yellow+  ',
                     ##'jetea yellow+ ',
                     ##'jetec yellow+ ', 
                     ##'met yellow+   ',

    self.querydict['lhc']  = ["beamenergy 449-451"]

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):

        ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename = "TopMixConfig"
        self.listname = "TopMixConfig.xml"

        ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
        ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

        ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
        ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
        ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any

        ## See for more user examples.
        ## Example: "f r 108175 and db MC and dq pix LBSUMM g and dq EMBA lbsumm g and ctag DetStatusLBSumm-TopMix1 / sh r and dq LBSUMM / nodef"

        ## Reset default settings (= cosmics data related)
        self.querydict = {}
        self.querydict["run"] = ["108175"]
        self.querydict["db"] = ["MC"]
        self.querydict["ctag"] = ["DetStatusLBSumm-TopMix1"]

        ## Set the dqflags query
        self.querydict["dq"] = ["sct LBSUMM g"]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):

        ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename = "WZcommon"
        self.listname = "WZcommon.xml"

        ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
        ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

        ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
        ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
        ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,...

        ## See for more user examples.
        self.querydict['run'] = ["152166+"]
        self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]

        ## See for more user examples.
        dqflagsquery = [
            'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'ATLSOL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'ATLTOR LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'L1CAL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'L1MUE LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'L1MUB LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_eg_electron_endcap LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_eg_electron_barrel LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_mu_mmuidcb LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_mu_mstaco LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_met LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',

        ## Set the dqflags query
        self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

        ## magnete currents
        self.querydict['mag'] = ['s > 6900', 't > 20000']

        ## lhc beam settings
        self.querydict['lhc'] = [
            "stablebeams T",
            "beamenergy 3400+",

        ## ready for physics flag
        self.querydict['ready'] = ['1']
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "WZcommon"
    self.listname        = "WZcommon.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    ## See for more user examples.
    self.querydict['run']  = ["152166+"]
    self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]

    ## See for more user examples.
    dqflagsquery = [ 	'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'ATLSOL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'ATLTOR LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
                     	'L1CAL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'L1MUE LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'L1MUB LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g', 
			'cp_eg_electron_endcap LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_eg_electron_barrel LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_mu_mmuidcb LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_mu_mstaco LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_met LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

    ## magnete currents
    self.querydict['mag']  = [ 's > 6900', 't > 20000' ]

    ## lhc beam settings
    self.querydict['lhc']  = [ "stablebeams T",
                               "beamenergy 3400+",

    ## ready for physics flag
    self.querydict['ready'] = [ '1' ]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):

        ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename = "susy_7TeV"
        self.listname = "susy_7TeV.xml"

        ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
        ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

        ## See for more user examples.
        self.querydict['run'] = ["152166+"]
        self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]

        dqflagsquery = [
            'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'CP_MU_MMUIDCB LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_eg_electron_barrel LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'cp_eg_electron_endcap LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            #'cp_jet_jetb  g',
            #'cp_jet_jetea  g',
            #'cp_jet_jetec  g',
            #'cp_met_metcalo  g',
            #'cp_met_metmuon  g',
            #'trmet  g',
            #'trjet  g',
            #'trmuo  g',
            #'trele  g',
            'bs LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
            'lumi LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',

        ## Set the dqflags query
        self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

        ## lhc beam settings
        self.querydict['lhc'] = [
            "stablebeams T",
            "beamenergy 3400+",

        ## ready for physics flag
        self.querydict['ready'] = ['1']
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "susy_7TeV"
    self.listname        = "susy_7TeV.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## See for more user examples.
    self.querydict['run']  = ["152166+"]
    self.querydict['ptag'] = ["data10_7TeV"]

    dqflagsquery = [    'ATLGL LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'L1CTP LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'CP_MU_MMUIDCB LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_eg_electron_barrel LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'cp_eg_electron_endcap LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			#'cp_jet_jetb  g',
			#'cp_jet_jetea  g',
			#'cp_jet_jetec  g',
			#'cp_met_metcalo  g',
			#'cp_met_metmuon  g',
			#'trmet  g',
			#'trjet  g',
			#'trmuo  g',
			#'trele  g',
			'bs LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',
			'lumi LBSUMM#DetStatus-v03-repro04-01 g',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery

    ## lhc beam settings
    self.querydict['lhc']  = [ "stablebeams T",
                               "beamenergy 3400+",

    ## ready for physics flag
    self.querydict['ready'] = [ '1' ]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):

        ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename = "CosmicsLumiConfig"
        self.listname = "CosmicsLumiConfig.xml"

        ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
        ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

        ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
        ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
        ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,...

        ## See for more user examples.

        dqflagsquery = [  #'em   SHIFTOFL g',
            #'pix  SHIFTOFL g',

        ## Set the dqflags query
        self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def __init__(self):

    ## name in GRLB object, and below the xml filename            = "CosmicsLumiConfig"
    self.listname        = "CosmicsLumiConfig.xml"

    ## Specify each selection of dq flags here.
    ## The query is interpreted as the logical AND of all elements in the array.

    ## All selection criteria at: Database/CoolRunQuery/python/
    ## possible dq flag colors : 'n.a.', 'unknown', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'
    ## possible detectors (incomplete): pix,sct,em,til,lar,any,... 

    ## See for more user examples.

    dqflagsquery = [ #'em   SHIFTOFL g',
                     #'pix  SHIFTOFL g',

    ## Set the dqflags query
    self.querydict['dq'] = dqflagsquery