Ejemplo n.º 1
 def solveAgents(self):
     Solves the microeconomic problem for all AgentTypes in this market.
     #for this_type in self.agents:
     #    this_type.solve()
     multiThreadCommands(self.agents, ['solve()'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def FagerengObjFunc(center, spread, verbose=False):
    Objective function for the quick and dirty structural estimation to fit
    Fagereng, Holm, and Natvik's Table 9 results with a basic infinite horizon
    consumption-saving model (with permanent and transitory income shocks).
    center : float
        Center of the uniform distribution of discount factors.
    spread : float
        Width of the uniform distribution of discount factors.
    verbose : bool
        When True, print to screen MPC table for these parameters.  When False,
        print (center, spread, distance).
    distance : float
        Euclidean distance between simulated MPCs and (adjusted) Table 9 MPCs.
    # Give our consumer types the requested discount factor distribution
    beta_set = approxUniform(N=TypeCount,
                             bot=center - spread,
                             top=center + spread)[1]
    for j in range(TypeCount):

    # Solve and simulate all consumer types, then gather their wealth levels
        ['solve()', 'initializeSim()', 'simulate()', 'unpackcFunc()'])
    WealthNow = np.concatenate([ThisType.aLvlNow for ThisType in EstTypeList])

    # Get wealth quartile cutoffs and distribute them to each consumer type
    quartile_cuts = getPercentiles(WealthNow, percentiles=[0.25, 0.50, 0.75])
    for ThisType in EstTypeList:
        WealthQ = np.zeros(ThisType.AgentCount, dtype=int)
        for n in range(3):
            WealthQ[ThisType.aLvlNow > quartile_cuts[n]] += 1

    # Keep track of MPC sets in lists of lists of arrays
    MPC_set_list = [[[], [], [], []], [[], [], [], []], [[], [], [], []],
                    [[], [], [], []]]

    # Calculate the MPC for each of the four lottery sizes for all agents
    for ThisType in EstTypeList:
        c_base = ThisType.cNrmNow
        MPC_this_type = np.zeros((ThisType.AgentCount, 4))
        for k in range(4):  # Get MPC for all agents of this type
            Llvl = lottery_size[k]
            Lnrm = Llvl / ThisType.pLvlNow
            if do_secant:
                SplurgeNrm = Splurge / ThisType.pLvlNow
                mAdj = ThisType.mNrmNow + Lnrm - SplurgeNrm
                cAdj = ThisType.cFunc[0](mAdj) + SplurgeNrm
                MPC_this_type[:, k] = (cAdj - c_base) / Lnrm
                mAdj = ThisType.mNrmNow + Lnrm
                MPC_this_type[:, k] = cAdj = ThisType.cFunc[0].derivative(mAdj)

        # Sort the MPCs into the proper MPC sets
        for q in range(4):
            these = ThisType.WealthQ == q
            for k in range(4):
                MPC_set_list[k][q].append(MPC_this_type[these, k])

    # Calculate average within each MPC set
    simulated_MPC_means = np.zeros((4, 4))
    for k in range(4):
        for q in range(4):
            MPC_array = np.concatenate(MPC_set_list[k][q])
            simulated_MPC_means[k, q] = np.mean(MPC_array)

    # Calculate Euclidean distance between simulated MPC averages and Table 9 targets
    diff = simulated_MPC_means - MPC_target
    if drop_corner:
        diff[0, 0] = 0.0
    distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((diff)**2))
    if verbose:
        print(center, spread, distance)
    return distance
Ejemplo n.º 3
    do_this_stuff = ['updateSolutionTerminal()', 'solve()', 'unpack_cFunc()']

    # Solve the model for each type by looping over the types (not multithreading)
    start_time = clock()
                            do_this_stuff)  # Fake multithreading, just loops
    end_time = clock()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) +
          ' types without multithreading took ' +
          mystr(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds.')

    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list], 0, 5)

    # Delete the solution for each type to make sure we're not just faking it
    for i in range(type_count):
        my_agent_list[i].solution = None
        my_agent_list[i].cFunc = None

    # And here's HARK's initial attempt at multithreading:
    start_time = clock()
    multiThreadCommands(my_agent_list, do_this_stuff)  # Actual multithreading
    end_time = clock()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) + ' types with multithreading took ' +
          mystr(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds.')

    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure to see if it worked
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list], 0, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        this_agent.assignParameters(CRRA = CRRA_list[i]) # Give it a unique CRRA value
        my_agent_list.append(this_agent)   # Addd it to the list of agent types
    # Make a list of commands to be run in parallel; these should be methods of ConsumerType
    do_this_stuff = ['updateSolutionTerminal()','solve()','unpackcFunc()']
    # Solve the model for each type by looping over the types (not multithreading)
    start_time = clock()
    multiThreadCommandsFake(my_agent_list, do_this_stuff) # Fake multithreading, just loops
    end_time = clock()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) +  ' types without multithreading took ' + mystr(end_time-start_time) + ' seconds.')
    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list],0,5)
    # Delete the solution for each type to make sure we're not just faking it
    for i in range(type_count):
        my_agent_list[i].solution = None
        my_agent_list[i].cFunc = None
    # And here's HARK's initial attempt at multithreading:
    start_time = clock()
    multiThreadCommands(my_agent_list, do_this_stuff) # Actual multithreading
    end_time = clock()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) +  ' types with multithreading took ' + mystr(end_time-start_time) + ' seconds.')
    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure to see if it worked
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list],0,5)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        this_agent = deepcopy(BasicType)
        this_agent.assignParameters(rho = rho_list[i])
    do_this_stuff = ['updateSolutionTerminal()','solve()','unpack_cFunc()']
    # Solve the model for each type by looping over the types (not multithreading)
    start_time = time()
    multiThreadCommandsFake(my_agent_list, do_this_stuff)
    end_time = time()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) +  ' types without multithreading took ' + mystr(end_time-start_time) + ' seconds.')
    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list],0,5)
    # Delete the solution for each type to make sure we're not just faking it
    for i in range(type_count):
        my_agent_list[i].solution = None
        my_agent_list[i].cFunc = None
    # And here's my shitty, shitty attempt at multithreading:
    start_time = time()
    multiThreadCommands(my_agent_list, do_this_stuff)
    end_time = time()
    print('Solving ' + str(type_count) +  ' types with multithreading took ' + mystr(end_time-start_time) + ' seconds.')
    # Plot the consumption functions for all types on one figure to see if it worked
    plotFuncs([this_type.cFunc[0] for this_type in my_agent_list],0,5)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def runOptimalPolicy(Parameters,
    Solve for the "socially optimal" health investment subsidy policy, then
    simulate its effects; depends on user-specified value of a year of life.
    name : str
        Name of this counterfactual set, used in filenames.
    Parameters : np.array
        A size 33 array of parameters, just like for the estimation.
    LifePrice : float
        Exogenous dollar "value" of a year of life, in units of $10,000.
    MakeCopayFigs : bool
        Indicator for whether to make coinsurance rate figures.
    copay_fig_filename : str
        Base of the filename for the coinsurance rate figures.
    copay_fig_title_text : str
        Additional text in title of the coinsurance rate figures.
    # Make the agent types
    param_dict = convertVecToDict(Parameters)
    Agents = makeMultiTypeCounterfactual(param_dict)
    for this_type in Agents:
        this_type.LifePrice = copy(LifePrice)

    # Solve the baseline model and get arrays of outcome variables
    multiThreadCommands(Agents, ['runBaselineAction()'], num_jobs=5)
    TotalMedBaseline, OOPmedBaseline, LifeBaseline, MedicareBaseline, SubsidyBaseline, WelfareBaseline, GovtBaseline, trash = calcSubpopMeans(
    for this_type in Agents:
        this_type.ValueBaseline = copy(this_type.ValueArray)

    # Find the "socially optimal" policy and implement it
    multiThreadCommands(Agents, ['evalSocialOptimum()'], num_jobs=5)
    for this_type in Agents:
        this_type.CopayInvstFunc = this_type.OptimalCopayInvstFunc
        this_type.SameCopayForMedAndInvst = False  # Make sure CopayInvst isn't overwritten!

    if MakeCopayFigs:
        makeCopayFigures(Agents, copay_fig_filename, copay_fig_title_text)

    # Run the counterfactual and get arrays of outcome variables
    multiThreadCommands(Agents, ['runCounterfactualAction()'], num_jobs=5)
    TotalMedCounterfactual, OOPmedCounterfactual, LifeCounterfactual, MedicareCounterfactual, SubsidyCounterfactual, WelfareCounterfactual, GovtCounterfactual, WTPcounterfactual = calcSubpopMeans(

    # Calculate differences and store overall means in the arrays
    TotalMedDiff = TotalMedCounterfactual.subtract(TotalMedBaseline)
    OOPmedDiff = OOPmedCounterfactual.subtract(OOPmedBaseline)
    LifeDiff = LifeCounterfactual.subtract(LifeBaseline)
    MedicareDiff = MedicareCounterfactual.subtract(MedicareBaseline)
    SubsidyDiff = SubsidyCounterfactual.subtract(SubsidyBaseline)
    WelfareDiff = WelfareCounterfactual.subtract(WelfareBaseline)
    GovtDiff = GovtCounterfactual.subtract(GovtBaseline)

    # Return the full set of mean-diffs.
    return [
        TotalMedDiff, OOPmedDiff, LifeDiff, MedicareDiff, SubsidyDiff,
        WelfareDiff, GovtDiff, WTPcounterfactual
Ejemplo n.º 7
def runCounterfactuals(name, Parameters, Policies):
    Run a set of counterfactual policies given a set of parameters.
    name : str
        Name of this counterfactual set, used in filenames.
    Parameters : np.array
        A size 33 array of parameters, just like for the estimation.
    Policies : [SubsidyPolicy]
        List of counterfactual policies to simulate.
    # Make the agent types
    param_dict = convertVecToDict(Parameters)
    Agents = makeMultiTypeCounterfactual(param_dict)

    # Solve the baseline model and get arrays of outcome variables
    multiThreadCommands(Agents, ['runBaselineAction()'], num_jobs=10)
    TotalMedBaseline, OOPmedBaseline, ExpectedLifeBaseline, MedicareBaseline, SubsidyBaseline, WelfareBaseline, GovtBaseline, trash = calcSubpopMeans(
    for this_type in Agents:
        this_type.ValueBaseline = copy(this_type.ValueArray)
    print('Finished the baseline policy.')

    # Loop through the policies, executing the counterfactuals and storing results.
    N = len(Policies)
    TotalMedDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    OOPmedDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    LifeDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    MedicareDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    SubsidyDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    WelfareDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    GovtDiffs = np.zeros(N)
    WTPs = np.zeros(N)
    LifeDiffsByIncome = np.zeros((N, 5))
    WTPsByIncome = np.zeros((N, 5))
    GovtDiffsByIncome = np.zeros((N, 5))
    OOPmedDiffsByIncome = np.zeros((N, 5))
    TotalMedDiffsByIncome = np.zeros((N, 5))

    for n in range(N):
        # Enact the policy for all of the agents
        this_policy = Policies[n]

        # Run the counterfactual and get arrays of outcome variables
        multiThreadCommands(Agents, ['runCounterfactualAction()'], num_jobs=5)
        TotalMedCounterfactual, OOPmedCounterfactual, ExpectedLifeCounterfactual, MedicareCounterfactual, SubsidyCounterfactual, WelfareCounterfactual, GovtCounterfactual, WTPcounterfactual = calcSubpopMeans(

        # Calculate differences and store overall means in the arrays
        TotalMedDiff = TotalMedCounterfactual.subtract(TotalMedBaseline)
        for i in range(5):
            TotalMedDiffsByIncome[n, i] = TotalMedDiff.byIncome[i]
        OOPmedDiff = OOPmedCounterfactual.subtract(OOPmedBaseline)
        for i in range(5):
            OOPmedDiffsByIncome[n, i] = OOPmedDiff.byIncome[i]
        LifeDiff = ExpectedLifeCounterfactual.subtract(ExpectedLifeBaseline)
        MedicareDiff = MedicareCounterfactual.subtract(MedicareBaseline)
        SubsidyDiff = SubsidyCounterfactual.subtract(SubsidyBaseline)
        WelfareDiff = WelfareCounterfactual.subtract(WelfareBaseline)
        GovtDiff = GovtCounterfactual.subtract(GovtBaseline)
        for i in range(5):
            GovtDiffsByIncome[n, i] = GovtDiff.byIncome[i]
        TotalMedDiffs[n] = TotalMedDiff.overall
        OOPmedDiffs[n] = OOPmedDiff.overall
        LifeDiffs[n] = LifeDiff.overall
        for i in range(5):
            LifeDiffsByIncome[n, i] = LifeDiff.byIncome[i]
        MedicareDiffs[n] = MedicareDiff.overall
        SubsidyDiffs[n] = SubsidyDiff.overall
        WelfareDiffs[n] = WelfareDiff.overall
        GovtDiffs[n] = GovtDiff.overall
        WTPs[n] = WTPcounterfactual.overall
        for i in range(5):
            WTPsByIncome[n, i] = WTPcounterfactual.byIncome[i]
        print('Finished counterfactual policy ' + str(n + 1) + ' of ' +
              str(N) + ' for ' + name + '.')

    # If there is only one counterfactual policy, return the full set of mean-diffs.
    # If there is more than one, return vectors of overall mean-diffs.
    if len(Policies) > 1:
        return [
            TotalMedDiffs, OOPmedDiffs, LifeDiffs, MedicareDiffs, SubsidyDiffs,
            WelfareDiffs, GovtDiffs, WTPs, LifeDiffsByIncome, WTPsByIncome,
            GovtDiffsByIncome, OOPmedDiffsByIncome, TotalMedDiffsByIncome
        return [
            TotalMedDiff, OOPmedDiff, LifeDiff, MedicareDiff, SubsidyDiff,
            WelfareDiff, GovtDiff, WTPcounterfactual, ExpectedLifeBaseline