Ejemplo n.º 1
    def generate(self):

        # Parent config dict is none
        configDicts = [None]        
        if self.cCluster.jobIdxParent >= self.cCluster.nJobs-1:
            raise ValueError("jobIdxParent=%i not feasible, since you generate %i jobs from idx 0 till %i !" % (self.cCluster.jobIdxParent,self.cCluster.nJobs, self.cCluster.nJobs-1) )
        for jobIdx in range(0,self.cCluster.nJobs):
            CE.printHeader("Generating Simple Job: ====================================")
            CE.printKeyMessage("JobIndex","%i" % jobIdx + (" (not files because parent job!)" if jobIdx <= self.cCluster.jobIdxParent else "") )
            # first make a new self.config
            self.config = self.makeInterpolationConfig();
            # setting the jobIdx
            self.config["Job"]["jobIdx"] = str(jobIdx)
            # final interpolation of all automatic generated options and conversion to self.configDict
            # and checking of feasible values before template writting
            # from now self.cCluster , self.cJob and self.cRigidBodySim are available (reference to self.configDict)

            # only generate files for the job for jobIndices which are greater then jobIdxParent
            # jobIdxParent is the parent job, which we base our nJobs on 
            if jobIdx > self.cCluster.jobIdxParent :            

                # make job script dir (if exists, try to remove it, if no -> abort)
                cF.makeDirectory( self.cJob.scriptDir, name="Job script dir", defaultMakeEmpty=False, interact= self.cCluster.interact)
                self.writeJobScriptArgs( os.path.join(self.cJob.scriptDir, "configureScriptArgs.txt" ) )
                # write all templates
                self.writeTemplates(self, configDicts);
            # save conficDict for next jobIdx (possibly)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __checkConfig(self, interact):
        # Check all values

        cF.makeDirectory(self.cCluster.jobGeneratorOutputDir, interact=False, name="Job output dir")
        self.cCluster.jobGeneratorOutputDir = os.path.abspath(self.cCluster.jobGeneratorOutputDir);
        if not path.exists(self.cCluster.jobGeneratorConfig):
            raise NameError("Job config file: %s does not exist!" % self.cCluster.jobGeneratorConfig)
            self.cCluster.jobGeneratorConfig = os.path.abspath(self.cCluster.jobGeneratorConfig);

        if(self.cCluster.nProcesses < 1):
            raise NameError("Process number: %i wrong (>1)!" %  self.cCluster.nProcesses )
        if(self.cCluster.runTime < 0):
            raise NameError("Run time value: %i wrong (>1)!" %  self.cCluster.runTime )
        if(self.cCluster.ramPerCore < 1):
            raise NameError("Ram per core value: %i wrong (>1)!" % self. cCluster.ramPerCore )
        if(self.cCluster.localScratchPerCore < 1):
            raise NameError("Local scratch per core value: %i wrong (>1)!" %  self.cCluster.localScratchPerCore )
        if(self.cCluster.nJobs < 1):
            raise NameError("Number of jobs to generate: %i wrong (>1)!" %  self.cCluster.nJobs )
def main():
    """ {old validatation file infos}  is compared 
        to { new validation file infos}  ==> outputs new file validation info
    parser = MyOptParser()
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--searchDirNew", dest="searchDirNew",
            help="""This is the search directory where it is looked for output files (.tiff,.exr,.rib.gz). """, 
            metavar="<path>", default=None, required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--valFileInfoGlobNew", dest="valFileInfoGlobNew",
            The globbing expression for all input xmls with file status which 
            are consolidated into a new file info under --output. The found and validated files in --searchDir (if specified) are
            added to the set of new files.
            """, default=None, metavar="<glob>", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--valFileInfoGlobOld", dest="valFileInfoGlobOld",
            The globbing expression for all old input xmls with file status which 
            are consolidated with the new files into a combined file info under --output.
            """, default=None, metavar="<glob>", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--pipelineSpecs", dest="pipelineSpecs", default="",
            help="""Json file with info about the pipeline, fileValidation, fileValidationTools.                 
                 """, metavar="<string>", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--statusFolder", dest="statusFolder", default=None,
            help="""The output status folder which contains links to files which are finished, or can be recovered.                
                 """, metavar="<string>", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--validateOnlyLastModified", dest="validateOnlyLastModified", type=cF.toBool, default=True,
            help="""The file with the moset recent modified time is only validated, all others are set to finished!.""", required=False)

    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output",
            help="""The output xml which is written, which proivides validation info for each file found""", metavar="<path>", required=True)
        print("====================== FileValidation ===========================")
        opts= AttrMap(vars(parser.parse_args()))
        if not opts.searchDirNew and not opts.valFileInfoGlobNew:
            raise ValueError("You need to define either searchDirNew or valFileInfoGlobNew!")
        if opts.valFileInfoGlobOld == "":
            opts.valFileInfoGlobOld = None
        print("searchDir: %s" % opts.searchDirNew)
        print("valFileInfoGlobNew: %s" % opts.valFileInfoGlobNew)
        print("valFileInfoGlobOld: %s" % opts.valFileInfoGlobOld)
        print("output: %s" % opts.output)
        d = cF.jsonLoad(opts.pipelineSpecs)
        pipelineTools = d["pipelineTools"]
        fileValidationSpecs = d["fileValidationSpecs"]
        fileValidationTools = d["fileValidationTools"]
        valDataAllNew = dict()
        deleteFiles = []
        # load new validataion datas
        if opts.valFileInfoGlobNew is not None:
            print("Load new validation files")
            valDataAllNew , valFilesNew  = loadValidationFiles(opts.valFileInfoGlobNew)
        # add searchDir files to new set
        # search files ============================================================================
        if opts.searchDirNew is not None:
            print("Validate all files in: %s with pipeLineSpecs: %s" % (opts.searchDirNew , opts.pipelineSpecs) )
            allFiles = searchFiles(opts.searchDirNew, opts, fileValidationSpecs,fileValidationTools,pipelineTools)
            for ha, f in allFiles.items():
              if ha in valDataAllNew:
                  print("""WARNING: File %s already found in validation data set 
                           from globbing expr. %s """ % (f["absPath"], opts.valFileInfoGlobNew))
                valDataAllNew[ha] = f
        # ===============================================================================================
        # load old validation datas
        if opts.valFileInfoGlobOld is not None:
            print("Load old validation files")
            valDataAllOld , valFilesOld  = loadValidationFiles(opts.valFileInfoGlobOld)
            # add old to new validatation infos 
            for ha, valInfo in valDataAllOld.items():
                if ha not in valDataAllNew:
                    # this old file hash is not in our current list, so add it!
                    # check absPath if it exists otherwise try to extent the relPath with dir of this validation file.
                    if not os.path.exists(valInfo["absPath"]):
                      absPath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(valInfo["validatationInfoPath"]) , valInfo["relPath"] )
                      if not os.path.exists(absPath):
                         raise NameError("""File path in valid. info file: %s 
                                            does not exist, extended rel. path to: %s does also not exist!""" % (valInfo["absPath"],absPath))
                         print("Replacing inexisting path %s with %s", valInfo["absPath"], absPath)
                         valInfo["absPath"] = absPath
                    # copy element to new file info
                    valDataAllNew[ha] = valInfo
                    # we have the same hash in the new info
                    # take our new one which is better!
                    # delete old file if it is not linked to by new file

                    if  os.path.realpath(valDataAllNew[ha]["absPath"]) !=  os.path.realpath(valInfo["absPath"]):

        # make final list
        finalFiles = [ f for f in valDataAllNew.values() ]
        print("Make output validation file")
        f = open(opts.output,"w+")
        cF.jsonDump(finalFiles,f, sort_keys=True)
        # Renew status folder, move over new xml info
        if opts.statusFolder is not None:
            print("Renew status folder:")
            finished = os.path.join(opts.statusFolder,"finished")
            recover = os.path.join(opts.statusFolder,"recover")
            cF.makeDirectory(finished,interact=False, defaultMakeEmpty=True)
            cF.makeDirectory(recover ,interact=False, defaultMakeEmpty=True)
            # make symlinks for all files in the appropriate folder:
            paths = {"recover": recover, "finished": finished}           
            for f in finalFiles:
                h = f["hash"]
                p = os.path.relpath(f["absPath"],start=paths[f["status"]])
                filename = os.path.basename(p)
                head,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
                os.symlink(p, os.path.join( paths[f["status"]] , head+"-uuid-"+h+ext ) );

    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception occured: " + str(e))
        return 1
    def generate(self):

        # Parent config dict is none
        configDicts = [None]        
        if self.cCluster.jobIdxParent >= self.cCluster.nJobs-1:
            raise ValueError("jobIdxParent=%i not feasible, since you generate %i jobs from idx 0 till %i !" % (self.cCluster.jobIdxParent,self.cCluster.nJobs, self.cCluster.nJobs-1) )
        for jobIdx in range(0,self.cCluster.nJobs):
            print("Generating MPI Job: SimpleExecutable =================")
            print("-> JobIndex: %i" % jobIdx + (" (not files because parent job!)" if jobIdx <= self.cCluster.jobIdxParent else "") )
             # first make a new self.config
            self.config = self.makeInterpolationConfig();
            # setting the jobIdx
            self.config["Job"]["jobIdx"] = str(jobIdx)
            self.config["Job"]["submitCommand"] = " ".join([self.config["Cluster"]["submitCommand"] , 
                        (configDicts[-1].Cluster.submitArgsChainJob if jobIdx != 0 else "") , self.config["Job"]["submitArgs"]])            
            # final interpolation of all automatic generated options and conversion to self.configDict
            # and checking of feasible values before template writting
            # from now self.cCluster , self.cJob and are available (reference to self.configDict)

            # only generate files for the job for jobIndices which are greater then jobIdxParent
            # jobIdxParent is the parent job, which we base our nJobs on 
            if jobIdx > self.cCluster.jobIdxParent :            

                # make job script dir (if exists, try to remove it, if no -> abort)
                cf.makeDirectory( self.cJob.scriptDir, 
                                  name="Job script dir", 
                                  interact= self.cCluster.interact)
                self.writeJobScriptArgs( os.path.join(self.cJob.scriptDir, "submitScriptArgs.txt" ) )
                # write all templates
                self.writeTemplates(self, configDicts);
                # check if we submit the job
                if self.cCluster.submitJobs:
                    print("Trying to submit job with command: \n%s" % self.cJob.submitCommand)
            #end if
            # save conficDict for next jobIdx (possibly)
        # Write total submit file to first folder 
        config0 = configDicts[1];
        filePath = os.path.join(config0.Job.scriptDir,"submitAll.sh")
        f = open(filePath,"w+")
        commands = [];        
        for c in configDicts:
            if c:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def generate(self):

        configDicts = [None]        
        if self.cCluster.jobIdxParent >= self.cCluster.nJobs-1:
            raise CE.MyValueError("jobIdxParent=%i not feasible, since you generate %i jobs from idx 0 till %i !" % (self.cCluster.jobIdxParent,self.cCluster.nJobs, self.cCluster.nJobs-1) )
        for jobIdx in range(0,self.cCluster.nJobs):
            CE.printHeader("Generating MPI Job: Tool Pipeline ========================")
            CE.printKeyMessage("JobIndex","%i" % jobIdx + (" (no generating, because parent job!)" if jobIdx <= self.cCluster.jobIdxParent else "") )
            # first make a new self.config
            self.config = self.makeInterpolationConfig();

            # setting the jobIdx
            self.config["Job"]["jobIdx"] = str(jobIdx)
            self.config["Job"]["submitCommand"] = " ".join([self.config["Cluster"]["submitCommand"] , 
                        (configDicts[-1].Cluster.submitArgsChainJob if jobIdx > self.cCluster.jobIdxParent+1 else "") , self.config["Job"]["submitArgs"]])

            if configDicts[-1]:
                self.config["Pipeline-PreProcess"]["validationInfoFile"] = configDicts[-1]["Pipeline-PostProcess"]["validationInfoFile"]
                self.config["Pipeline-PreProcess"]["validationInfoFile"] = ""
            # final interpolation of all automatic generated options and conversion to self.configDict
            # and checking of feasible values before template writting
            # from now self.cCluster , self.cJob and self.cRigidBodySim are available (reference to self.configDict)

            # only make jobs which are greater then parent!
            if jobIdx > self.cCluster.jobIdxParent:
                # make job script dir (if exists, try to remove it, if no -> abort)
                cF.makeDirectory( self.cJob.scriptDir, name="Job script dir", defaultMakeEmpty=False, interact= self.cCluster.interact)
                self.writeJobScriptArgs( os.path.join(self.cJob.scriptDir, "configureScriptArgs.txt" ) )
                # write all templates
                self.writeTemplates(self, configDicts);

                # check if we submit command
                # overwrite submit command by appending all submit args 
                if self.cCluster.submitJobs:
                    print("Trying to submit job with command: \n%s" % self.cJob.submitCommand)

            # save conficDict for next jobIdx (possibly)
            # TODO save config dict in job script folder (json file)            
        # Write total submit file to first folder 
        config0 = configDicts[self.cCluster.jobIdxParent+2];
        filePath = os.path.join(config0.Job.scriptDir,"submitAll.sh")
        f = open(filePath,"w+")
        commands = [];        
        for c in configDicts[self.cCluster.jobIdxParent+2:]:
            if c: