Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _addShapeNuisances(self, nuisances, effects, opts, suffix, yields):
        # local copy
        shapeNu = OrderedDict()

        self._addWWShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects)
        self._addInterfShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects)
        self._addExperimentalShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects, suffix, yields)

        if 'shapeFlags' not in opts:
        flags = opts['shapeFlags']

        nus = set(shapeNu.keys())
        dummy = nus.copy()
        for exp,flag in flags:
            subset = set(fnmatch.filter(nus,exp))
            if flag:
                dummy |= subset
                dummy -= subset

        for eff in shapeNu:
            if eff not in dummy: continue
            if eff in nuisances: del nuisances[eff]
            nuisances[eff] = shapeNu[eff]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _addShapeNuisances(self, nuisances, effects, opts, suffix, yields):
        # local copy
        shapeNu = OrderedDict()

        self._addWWShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects)
        self._addInterfShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects)
        self._addExperimentalShapeNuisances(shapeNu, effects, suffix, yields)

        if 'shapeFlags' not in opts:
        flags = opts['shapeFlags']

        nus = set(shapeNu.keys())
        dummy = nus.copy()
        for exp,flag in flags:
            subset = set(fnmatch.filter(nus,exp))
            if flag:
                dummy |= subset
                dummy -= subset

        for eff in shapeNu:
            if eff not in dummy: continue
            if eff in nuisances: del nuisances[eff]
            nuisances[eff] = shapeNu[eff]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def nuisances(self, yields, effects, mass, channel, jetcat, flavor, opts):
        '''Add the nuisances according to the options'''
        allNus = OrderedDict()

        optMatt = mattOpts()
        optMatt.WJadd = 0.36
        optMatt.WJsub = 0.0

        qqWWfromData = self._wwddfilter.haswwdd(mass, channel)

        # vh and vbf and wwewk mapped to "2j" category
        if (jetcat == 'vh2j' or jetcat == 'whsc' or jetcat == '2jtche05' or jetcat == '2jtche05CJ' or jetcat == '2jtche05FJ') :
           jetcat = '2j'

        # vh : remove some nuisances, typical of vbf only
        if (jetcat == 'vh2j' or jetcat == 'whsc') :
           optMatt.VH = 1
        else :
           optMatt.VH = 0

        if jetcat not in ['0j','1j','2j','2jex']: raise ValueError('Unsupported jet category found: %s')

#         suffix = '_8TeV'
#         if '2011' in opt.dataset: suffix = '_7TeV'

        suffix = '_'+opt.energy

        CutBased = getCommonSysts(int(mass),flavor,int(jetcat[0]),qqWWfromData, self._shape, optMatt, suffix, self._isssactive)
        if self._shape:
            # float WW+ggWW background normalisation float together
#             for p in opts['floatN'].split(' '):
            for p in opts['floatN']:
                print p
                floatN = floatNorm(p)
                CutBased.update( floatN )

        common = OrderedDict()
        for k in sorted(CutBased):
            common[k] = CutBased[k]
        allNus.update( common )

        # only if not bin-by-bin, then add statistical uncertainty
        # for bbb it is already included
        if self._statmode != 'bybin':
            self._addStatisticalNuisances(allNus, yields, channel, suffix)

        self._addDataDrivenNuisances(allNus, yields, mass, channel, jetcat, suffix, opts)

        if self._shape:
            self._addShapeNuisances(allNus,effects, opts, suffix, yields)

        if 'nuisFlags' not in opts:
            raise RuntimeError('nuisFlags not found among the allNus options')

        flags = opts['nuisFlags']

        finalNuisances = OrderedDict()
        nus = set(allNus.keys())
        dummy = nus.copy()
        for exp,flag in flags:
            subset = set(fnmatch.filter(nus,exp))
            if flag:
                dummy |= subset
                dummy -= subset

        nuisances = OrderedDict()
        for eff in allNus:
            if eff not in dummy: continue
            nuisances[eff] = allNus[eff]

        return nuisances
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def nuisances(self, yields, effects, mass, channel, jetcat, flavor, opts ):
        '''Add the nuisances according to the options'''
        allNus = OrderedDict()

        optMatt = mattOpts()
        optMatt.WJadd = 0.36
        optMatt.WJsub = 0.0

        qqWWfromData = self._wwddfilter.haswwdd(mass, channel)

        # vh and vbf and wwewk mapped to "2j" category
        if (jetcat == 'vh2j' or jetcat == 'whsc' or jetcat == '2jtche05' or jetcat == '2jtche05CJ' or jetcat == '2jtche05FJ') :
           jetcat = '2j'

        # vh : remove some nuisances, typical of vbf only
        if (jetcat == 'vh2j' or jetcat == 'whsc') :
           optMatt.VH = 1
        else :
           optMatt.VH = 0

        optMatt.HWidth = 0
        if 'SpecialSettings' in opts:
           if opts['SpecialSettings'] == 'HWidth' :
             optMatt.HWidth = 1

        optMatt.WWxsec = 0
        if 'SpecialSettings' in opts:
           if opts['SpecialSettings'] == 'WWxsec' :
             optMatt.WWxsec = 1

        if jetcat not in ['0j','1j','2j','2jex','01j']: raise ValueError('Unsupported jet category found: %s')

#         suffix = '_8TeV'
#         if '2011' in opt.dataset: suffix = '_7TeV'

        suffix = '_'+opt.energy
        CutBased = getCommonSysts(int(mass),flavor,int(jetcat[0]),qqWWfromData, self._shape, optMatt, suffix, self._isssactive, opt.energy,opts['newInterf'],opt.YRSysVer,opt.mHSM,125.0,opts['ewksinglet'])
        if self._shape:
            # float WW+ggWW background normalisation float together
#             for p in opts['floatN'].split(' '):
            for p in opts['floatN']:
                print p
                floatN = floatNorm(p,jetcat)
                CutBased.update( floatN )

        common = OrderedDict()
        for k in sorted(CutBased):
            common[k] = CutBased[k]
        allNus.update( common )

        # only if not bin-by-bin, then add statistical uncertainty
        # for bbb it is already included
        if self._statmode != 'bybin':
            self._addStatisticalNuisances(allNus, yields, channel, suffix)

        self._addDataDrivenNuisances(allNus, yields, mass, channel, jetcat, suffix, opts)

        if self._shape:
            self._addShapeNuisances(allNus,effects, opts, suffix, yields)

        if 'nuisFlags' not in opts:
            raise RuntimeError('nuisFlags not found among the allNus options')

        flags = opts['nuisFlags']

        finalNuisances = OrderedDict()
        nus = set(allNus.keys())
        dummy = nus.copy()
        for exp,flag in flags:
            subset = set(fnmatch.filter(nus,exp))
            if flag:
                dummy |= subset
                dummy -= subset

        nuisances = OrderedDict()
        for eff in allNus:
            if eff not in dummy: continue
            nuisances[eff] = allNus[eff]

        return nuisances