Ejemplo n.º 1
Dst_Array = dst.ReadAsArray()
print("Shape of distnation raster Before matching = " + str(Dst_Array.shape))

### Match the alignment of both rasters
NewRasterB = Raster.MatchRasterAlignment(src, dst)

NewRasterB_array = NewRasterB.ReadAsArray()
print("Shape of distnation  raster after matching = " +

message = "Error the shape of the result raster does not match the source raster"
assert NewRasterB_array.shape[0] == src_Array.shape[
    0] and NewRasterB_array.shape[1] == src_Array.shape[1], message

### Match the NODataValue

NewRasterB_ND = Raster.MatchNoDataValue(src, NewRasterB)

NoDataValue = NewRasterB_ND.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

assert src.GetRasterBand(
    1).GetNoDataValue() == NoDataValue, "NoData Value does not match"

# NewRasterB_ND_array =NewRasterB_ND.ReadAsArray()

# f = NewRasterB_ND_array[NewRasterB_ND_array == NoDataValue]
# g = src_Array[src_Array == NoDataValue]

Raster.SaveRaster(NewRasterB_ND, SaveTo)