Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _scanDirectories(self, result = None, walker = None):
        """Walk each directory looking for cached files.
        @param result: the result of a DHT store request, not used (optional)
        @param walker: the walker to use to traverse the current directory
            (optional, defaults to creating a new walker from the first
            directory in the L{CacheManager.scanning} list)
        # Need to start walking a new directory
        if walker is None:
            # If there are any left, get them
            if self.scanning:
                log.msg('started scanning directory: %s' % self.scanning[0].path)
                walker = self.scanning[0].walk()
                log.msg('cache directory scan complete')
            # Get the next file in the directory
            file = walker.next()
        except StopIteration:
            # No files left, go to the next directory
            log.msg('done scanning directory: %s' % self.scanning[0].path)
            reactor.callLater(0, self._scanDirectories)

        # If it's not a file ignore it
        if not file.isfile():
            reactor.callLater(0, self._scanDirectories, None, walker)

        # If it's already properly in the DB, ignore it
        db_status = self.db.isUnchanged(file)
        if db_status:
            reactor.callLater(0, self._scanDirectories, None, walker)
        # Don't hash files in the cache that are not in the DB
        if self.scanning[0] == self.cache_dir:
            if db_status is None:
                log.msg('ignoring unknown cache file: %s' % file.path)
                log.msg('removing changed cache file: %s' % file.path)
            reactor.callLater(0, self._scanDirectories, None, walker)

        # Otherwise hash it
        log.msg('start hash checking file: %s' % file.path)
        hash = HashObject()
        df = hash.hashInThread(file)
        df.addBoth(self._doneHashing, file, walker)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _save_complete(self, hash, url, destFile, destStream = None,
                       modtime = None, decFile = None):
        """Update the modification time and inform the main program.
        @type hash: L{Hash.HashObject}
        @param hash: the hash object containing the expected hash for the file
        @param url: the URI of the actual mirror request
        @type destFile: C{twisted.python.FilePath}
        @param destFile: the file where the download was written to
        @type destStream: L{Streams.GrowingFileStream}
        @param destStream: the stream to notify that all data is available
        @type modtime: C{int}
        @param modtime: the modified time of the cached file (seconds since epoch)
            (optional, defaults to not setting the modification time of the file)
        @type decFile: C{twisted.python.FilePath}
        @param decFile: the file where the decompressed download was written to
            (optional, defaults to the file not having been compressed)
        result = hash.verify()
        if result or result is None:
            if destStream:
            if modtime:
                os.utime(destFile.path, (modtime, modtime))
            if result:
                log.msg('Hashes match: %s' % url)
                dht = True
                log.msg('Hashed file to %s: %s' % (hash.hexdigest(), url))
                dht = False
            new_hash = self.db.storeFile(destFile, hash.digest(), dht,

            if self.manager:
                self.manager.new_cached_file(destFile, hash, new_hash, url)

            if decFile:
                # Hash the decompressed file and add it to the DB
                decHash = HashObject()
                ext_len = len(destFile.path) - len(decFile.path)
                df = decHash.hashInThread(decFile)
                df.addCallback(self._save_complete, url[:-ext_len], decFile, modtime = modtime)
                df.addErrback(self._save_error, url[:-ext_len], decFile)
            log.msg("Hashes don't match %s != %s: %s" % (hash.hexexpected(), hash.hexdigest(), url))
            if destStream:
                destStream.allAvailable(remove = True)
            if decFile: