class TestClientMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client(username="******",

    def test_get_username(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client.get_username(), 'username')

    def test_get_password(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client.get_password(), "password")

    def test_get_balance(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client.get_balance(), 1000)

    def test_get_transactions(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client.get_transactions(), ['transaction'])

    def test_set_username(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client._Client__username, 'emanresu')

    def test_set_username_space(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidCharacterError):
            self.client.set_username('user name')

    def test_set_username_length(self):
        with self.assertRaises(SecureStringError):

    def test_set_password(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client._Client__password, "drowssap")

    def test_set_password_space(self):
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidCharacterError):
            self.client.set_password('pass word')

    def test_set_password_length(self):
        with self.assertRaises(SecureStringError):

    def test_set_balance(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.client._Client__balance, 2000)

    def test_set_balance_not_int(self):
        with self.assertRaises(IntegerRequiredError):

    def test_set_balance_negative(self):
        with self.assertRaises(NegativeIntegerError):

    def test_set_transactions(self):
        self.client.set_transactions(['transaction', 'noitcasnart'])
                         ['transaction', 'noitcasnart'])

    def test_equality(self):
        client1 = Client('username')
        client2 = Client('username', 'password')
        self.assertEqual(client1, client2)

    def test_inequality(self):
        client1 = Client('username')
        client2 = Client('zamerman')
        self.assertNotEqual(client1, client2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class BankSession():
    Our service layer program which implements all the functionality we need
    for a session at the bank.

    def __init__(self, client_dao, client=Client()):
        # set ClientDAO for session
        self.client_dao = client_dao

        # set up BankSession with starting Client
        # default is blank session
        self.client = client

        log.log_debug("instantiated BankSession object")

    def current_session(self):
        Returns the username of the current session

        log.log_debug("pulled current session username")

        return self.client.get_username()

    def register(self, client):
        Registers a new client and logs in as that client

        # Create transaction entry for account creation
        record =
        record += ": Created account with balance of: $"
        record += str(client.get_balance())

        # Instruct ClientDAO to add client

        # Use login method to login as new client

        log.log_debug("registed new client and logged in")

    def login(self, client):
        Login as a client

        Can raise LoginError if username or password is wrong

        # Get a list of clients from the ClientDAO
        clients = self.client_dao.get_clients()

        # Check if the client we are logging in as is in the list
        if client in clients:

            # Pull the client and check our password
            pulled_client = clients[clients.index(client)]
            if client.get_password() == pulled_client.get_password():
                self.client = pulled_client
                log.log_debug("logged in as: " + str(pulled_client))

            # if password is wrong raise LoginError
                log.log_error("LoginError: Wrong username or password")
                raise LoginError("Wrong username or password")

        # if client is not in ClientDAO raise LoginError
            log.log_error("LoginError: Wrong username or password")
            raise LoginError("Wrong username or password")

    def logout_session(self):
        Logout of current session to a blank client

        log.log_debug("logged out from current session to default")

        self.client = Client()

    def view_balance(self):
        Check balance of current login session

        May raise SessionError if you are not logged in or registered with

        # Check if we are logged in
        if self.client in self.client_dao.get_clients():
            log.log_debug("viewed client balance")
            return self.client.get_balance()

        # if client is not part of bank raise SessionError
            log.log_error("SessionError: Not logged in or registered with bank")
            raise SessionError('Not logged in or registered with bank')

    def deposit(self, cash):
        Deposit cash into balance

        May raise SessionError if you are not logged in or registered with

        # Checks if we are logged into an account in the vault
        if self.client in self.client_dao.get_clients():

            # Sets the clients balance
            self.client.set_balance(self.client.get_balance() + cash)

            # Adds to the clients transactions
            record =
            record += ": Deposit: $" + str(cash)

            # Updates client in vault

            log.log_debug("${0} deposited".format(str(cash)))

        # If we are not logged into a vault account raises a SessionError
            log.log_error("SessionError: Not logged in or registered with bank")
            raise SessionError('Not logged in or registered with bank')

    def withdraw(self, cash):
        Withdraw cash from balance

        May raise SessionError if you are not logged in or registered with

        May raise OverdrawError if attempt is made to withdraw more money than
        is in the account

        # Checks if we are logged into an account in the vault
        if self.client in self.client_dao.get_clients():

            # Checks and raises a OverdrawError if client attempts to withdraw
            # more money than is in the account
            if cash > self.client.get_balance():
                log.log_error("OverdrawError: Attempted to withdraw more than user's balance")
                raise OverdrawError("Attempted to withdraw more than user's balance")

            # Performs withdraw

                # Withdraws from the client account and sets it
                self.client.set_balance(self.client.get_balance() - cash)

                # Adds to transaction history
                record =
                record += ": Withdrawal: $" + str(cash)

                # Updates the client
                log.log_debug("${0} withdrawn".format(str(cash)))

        # If we are not logged into a vault account raises a SessionError
            log.log_error("SessionError: Not logged in or registered with bank")
            raise SessionError('Not logged in or registered with bank')

    def view_transactions(self):
        Pulls up client transaction history

        May raise SessionError if we are not logged in

        # Checks that we are logged in
        if self.client in self.client_dao.get_clients():
            log.log_debug("Pulled client transactions")
            return self.client.get_transactions()

        # Raises error if we are not logged in
            log.log_error("SessionError: Not logged in or registered with bank")
            raise SessionError('Not logged in or registered with bank')