Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.shell = Mock()
     self.config = default_config()
     self.shell.config = self.config
     self.plugin = SmashCompleter(self.shell)
     self.event = Mock()
def get_ipython():
    from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
    if TerminalInteractiveShell._instance:
        return TerminalInteractiveShell.instance()

    config = tools.default_config()
    config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True

    # Create and initialize our test-friendly IPython instance.
    shell = TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(config=config)
    return shell
 def setUp(self):
   super(WstlTest, self).setUp()
   self.config = tools.default_config()
   self.config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True
   self.shell = interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(
   self._time = grpc_testing.strict_real_time()
   self._channel = grpc_testing.channel(
       wstlservice_pb2.DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name.values(), self._time)
   self.sample_hl7v2 = json.dumps("""
   {'ADT_A01': {'ACC': None,
     'AL1': [{'0': 'AL1',
       '1': '0',
       '2': {'1': 'AA'},
       '3': {'1': 'Z88.0',
          '2': 'Personal history of allergy to penicillin',
          '3': 'ZAL'},
       '4': {'1': 'SEVERE'},
       '5': ['Shortness of breath'],
       '6': None}],
     'ARV_1': None,
     'ARV_2': None,
     'DB1': None,
     'DRG': None}}""")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ipython_interactive():
    config = tools.default_config()
    config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True
    shell = interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(config=config)
    return shell
def ipython():
    config = tools.default_config()
    config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True
    shell = interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(config=config)
    return shell
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ipython(ipython_dir):
    config = default_config()
    config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True
    shell = TerminalInteractiveShell.instance(config=config)
    yield shell
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _start_ipython():
    """Start a global IPython shell, which we need for IPython-specific syntax.

    def xsys(self, cmd):
        """Replace the default system call with a capturing one for doctest.
        # We use getoutput, but we need to strip it because pexpect captures
        # the trailing newline differently from commands.getoutput
        print(self.getoutput(cmd, split=False, depth=1).rstrip(), end="", file=sys.stdout)

    def _showtraceback(self, etype, evalue, stb):
        """Print the traceback purely on stdout for doctest to capture it.
        print(self.InteractiveTB.stb2text(stb), file=sys.stdout)

    global get_ipython

    # This function should only ever run once!
    if hasattr(_start_ipython, "already_called"):
    _start_ipython.already_called = True

    # Store certain global objects that IPython modifies
    _displayhook = sys.displayhook
    _excepthook = sys.excepthook
    _main = sys.modules.get("__main__")

    # Create custom argv and namespaces for our IPython to be test-friendly
    config = tools.default_config()
    config.TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt = True

    # Create and initialize our test-friendly IPython instance.
    shell = InteractiveShell.instance(config=config)

    # A few more tweaks needed for playing nicely with doctests...

    # remove history file

    # These traps are normally only active for interactive use, set them
    # permanently since we'll be mocking interactive sessions.

    # Modify the IPython system call with one that uses getoutput, so that we
    # can capture subcommands and print them to Python's stdout, otherwise the
    # doctest machinery would miss them.
    shell.system = types.MethodType(xsys, shell)

    shell._showtraceback = types.MethodType(_showtraceback, shell)

    # IPython is ready, now clean up some global state...

    # Deactivate the various python system hooks added by ipython for
    # interactive convenience so we don't confuse the doctest system
    sys.modules["__main__"] = _main
    sys.displayhook = _displayhook
    sys.excepthook = _excepthook

    # So that ipython magics and aliases can be doctested (they work by making
    # a call into a global _ip object).  Also make the top-level get_ipython
    # now return this without recursively calling here again.
    _ip = shell
    get_ipython = _ip.get_ipython
    builtin_mod._ip = _ip
    builtin_mod.ip = _ip
    builtin_mod.get_ipython = get_ipython

    # Override paging, so we don't require user interaction during the tests.
    def nopage(strng, start=0, screen_lines=0, pager_cmd=None):
        if isinstance(strng, dict):
            strng = strng.get("text/plain", "")

    page.orig_page = page.pager_page
    page.pager_page = nopage

    return _ip