Ejemplo n.º 1
def latest_threads(request):
    effective_prefs = (LatestThreadsForumPreference
                request.user if request.user.is_authenticated() else None))

    excluded_forums = [
        fpk for fpk, include in effective_prefs.items() if not include]

    threads = (Thread.objects.all()

    threads_per_page = utils.get_config('threads_per_forum_page')
    paginator = utils.MappingPaginator(threads, threads_per_page)

    paginator.install_map_func(lambda t: utils.ThreadFascet(t, request))
    page = utils.page_by_request(paginator, request)

    # We can apparently do aggregate queries faster than the ORM, so do that.
    # This is ugly but this is one of the highest traffic pages in the project
    # and we can make a _big_ perf difference (as in an order of magnitude) by
    # doing these queries together like this.
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            SELECT post.thread_id, COUNT(*) FROM "ISS_post" AS post
                WHERE post.thread_id = ANY(%s)
                GROUP BY post.thread_id
        """, ([tf._thread.pk for tf in page],))
        counts = dict(cursor.fetchall())

        for tf in page:
            tf._thread.post_count = counts[tf._thread.pk]

        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            ppk = request.user.pk
            flags = ThreadFlag.objects.raw("""
                SELECT tf.*
                    FROM "ISS_thread" AS thread
                    JOIN "ISS_threadflag" AS tf ON
                        tf.thread_id = thread.id
                        AND tf.poster_id = %s
                WHERE thread.id = ANY(%s)
            """, (ppk, [tf._thread.pk for tf in page]))
            fd = dict([(flag.thread_id, flag) for flag in flags])
            for tf in page:
                if tf._thread.pk in fd:
                    tf._thread._flag_cache[ppk] = fd[tf._thread.pk]

    ctx = {
        'rel_page': page,
        'threads': page

    return render(request, 'latest_threads.html', ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def latest_threads(request):
    threads = (Thread.objects.all().filter(
    threads_per_page = utils.get_config('threads_per_forum_page')
    paginator = utils.MappingPaginator(threads, threads_per_page)

    paginator.install_map_func(lambda t: utils.ThreadFascet(t, request))

    page = utils.page_by_request(paginator, request)

    ctx = {'rel_page': page, 'threads': page}

    return render(request, 'latest_threads.html', ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def usercp(request):
    threads = (Thread.objects.all().filter(

    threads_per_page = utils.get_config('threads_per_forum_page')
    paginator = utils.MappingPaginator(threads, threads_per_page)

    paginator.install_map_func(lambda t: utils.ThreadFascet(t, request))

    page = utils.page_by_request(paginator, request)

    ctx = {'rel_page': page, 'threads': page}

    return render(request, 'user_cp.html', ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def thread_index(request, forum_id):
    forum = get_object_or_404(Forum, pk=forum_id)
    threads = forum.thread_set.order_by('-stickied', '-last_update')
    threads_per_page = utils.get_config('threads_per_forum_page')
    paginator = utils.MappingPaginator(threads, threads_per_page)

    paginator.install_map_func(lambda t: utils.ThreadFascet(t, request))

    page = utils.page_by_request(paginator, request)

    ctx = {
        'rel_page': page,
        'forum': forum,
        'threads': page,
        'can_start_thread': forum.create_thread_pack.check_request(request)

    if request.user.is_authenticated():

    return render(request, 'thread_index.html', ctx)