Ejemplo n.º 1
 def GetOrbitalIndices(self):
     # Determine snr (siesta number) for each label
     csl = SIO.GetFDFblock(self.fdf, KeyWord='ChemicalSpeciesLabel')
     csl2snr = {}
     for set in csl:
         csl2snr[set[2]] = set[0]
     # Determine nao (number of orbitals) for each snr
     ionNCfiles = glob.glob(self.directory + '/*.ion.nc*')
     snr2nao = {}
     for ionfile in ionNCfiles:
         if ionfile.endswith('.gz'):
             print('Phonons.GetOrbitalIndices: Unzipping: ' + ionfile)
             os.system('gunzip ' + ionfile)
             ionfile = ionfile[:-3]
         file = NC4.Dataset(ionfile, 'r')
         thissnr = int(csl2snr[file.Label])
         snr2nao[thissnr] = file.Number_of_orbitals
     print('Phonons.GetOrbitalIndices: Dictionary snr2nao = ' +
     # Determine which orbital indices that belongs to a certain atom
     orbitalIndices = []
     tmpOrb = 0
     for num in self.geom.snr:
         nao = snr2nao[num]
         orbitalIndices.append([tmpOrb, tmpOrb + int(nao) - 1])
         tmpOrb += nao
     self.orbitalIndices = N.array(orbitalIndices)
     self.nao = tmpOrb  # total number of orbitals
     self.snr2nao = snr2nao  # orbitals per species
     return self.orbitalIndices, self.nao
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, dirr, restart, iistep, initial=None, final=None):
        self.dirr = dirr
        self.converged, self.Fmax = False, 0.0
        self.ii = iistep
        self.fixed = (iistep == 0) or (iistep == opts.NNEB + 1)

        if restart or self.fixed:
            self.FDFgeom = MG.Geom(self.dirr + "/" + opts.fn)
            self.XVgeom = readxv(self.dirr)
            self.v = N.array(self.FDFgeom.xyz) * 0

        if not restart and not self.fixed:
            SUR.CopyInputFiles(opts.initial+"/CGrun/", dirr,\
                                   ['.fdf', '.vps', '.psf'])
            # Interpolate
            ixyz, fxyz = N.array(initial.XVgeom.xyz), N.array(final.XVgeom.xyz)
            mix = float(iistep) / (opts.NNEB + 1.0)
            xyz = (1 - mix) * ixyz + mix * fxyz
            self.FDFgeom = copy.copy(initial.XVgeom)
            self.FDFgeom.xyz = [xyz[ii, :] for ii in range(len(xyz))]
            self.FDFgeom.writeFDF(self.dirr + "/STRUCT.fdf")
            self.v = N.array(self.FDFgeom.xyz) * 0

            # Append lines to RUN.fdf
            elm = dirr + "/" + opts.fn
            f = open(elm, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()
            f = open(elm, 'w')
            f.write('### Lines appended %s \n' % time.ctime())
            f.write("MD.TypeOfRun         CG\n")
            f.write("MD.NumCGsteps        0\n")
            f.write("MD.UseSaveXV         False\n")
            f.write("MD.UseSaveCG         False\n")
            f.write('# end of lines appended %s \n' % time.ctime())
            for line in lines:

        self.done = self.checkDone()
        const = SIO.GetFDFblock(dirr + "/" + opts.fn, "GeometryConstraints")
        if opts.const2 != None:
            self.const = [[opts.const2[0], opts.const2[0]]]
            self.const = []
        for ii in const:
            self.const += [[int(ii[2]) - 1, int(ii[4]) - 1]]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, dirr, restart, iistep, initial=None, final=None):
        self.dirr = dirr
        self.converged, self.Fmax = False, 0.0
        self.ii = iistep
        self.fixed = (iistep == 0) or (iistep == general.NNEB + 1)

        if not restart and not self.fixed:
            SUR.CopyInputFiles(general.initial + "/CGrun/", dirr,
                               ['.fdf', '.vps', '.psf'])
            # Interpolate
            ixyz, fxyz = N.array(initial.XVgeom.xyz), N.array(final.XVgeom.xyz)
            mix = float(iistep) / (general.NNEB + 1.0)
            xyz = (1 - mix) * ixyz + mix * fxyz
            self.FDFgeom = copy.copy(initial.XVgeom)
            self.FDFgeom.xyz = [xyz[ii, :] for ii in range(len(xyz))]
            self.FDFgeom.writeFDF(self.dirr + "/STRUCT.fdf")

            # Append lines to RUN.fdf
            elm = dirr + "/RUN.fdf"
            f = open(elm, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()
            f = open(elm, 'w')
            f.write('### Lines appended %s \n' % time.ctime())
            f.write("SolutionMethod       diagon\n")
            f.write("MD.TypeOfRun         CG\n")
            f.write("MD.NumCGsteps        0\n")
            f.write("TS.SaveHS            True\n")
            f.write("MD.UseSaveXV         False\n")
            f.write("MD.UseSaveCG         False\n")
            f.write('# end of lines appended %s \n' % time.ctime())
            for line in lines:

        self.done = self.checkDone()
        self.const = SIO.GetFDFblock(dirr + "/RUN.fdf", "GeometryConstraints")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_elec_vars(lr):

        # Look up old format first
        TSHS = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.HSFile' + lr, str, '',
        NA1 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.ReplicateA1' + lr, int, 1,
        NA2 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.ReplicateA2' + lr, int, 1,

        # default semi-inf direction
        semiinf = 2

        # Proceed looking up new format, which precedes
        belec = 'TS.Elec.' + lr
        print('Looking for new electrode format in: %%block {}'.format(belec))

        # Default replication stuff
        TSHS = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.TSHS', str, TSHS,
        NA1 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A1', int, NA1,
        NA2 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A2', int, NA2,
        NA3 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A3', int, 1,

        # Overwrite block
        block = SIO.GetFDFblock(opts.fn, KeyWord=belec)

        for line in block:
            # Lower-case, FDF is case-insensitive
            key = line[0].lower()
            if key in ['tshs', 'tshs-file', 'hs', 'hs-file']:
                TSHS = line[1]
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-a', 'rep-a', 'replicate-a1', 'rep-a1',
                NA1 = int(line[1])
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-b', 'rep-b', 'replicate-a2', 'rep-a2',
                NA2 = int(line[1])
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-c', 'rep-c', 'replicate-a3', 'rep-a3',
                NA3 = int(line[1])
            elif key in ['replicate', 'rep', 'bloch']:
                # We have *at least* 2 integers
                NA1 = int(line[1])
                NA2 = int(line[2])
                NA3 = int(line[3])

            elif key in ['semi-inf-direction', 'semi-inf-dir', 'semi-inf']:
                # This is lower-case checked
                axis = line[1][1:].lower()
                if 'a' == axis or 'a1' == axis:
                    semiinf = 0
                elif 'b' == axis or 'a2' == axis:
                    semiinf = 1
                elif 'c' == axis or 'a3' == axis:
                    semiinf = 2

                # Simple check of input, this may be overwritten later
                if semiinf != 2 and NA1 * NA2 * NA3 > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ("Cannot provide semi-infinite directions "
                         "other than A3-direction with repetition."))
        if TSHS[0] != '/':
            # path is relative
            TSHS = opts.head + '/' + TSHS
        return TSHS, NA1, NA2, semiinf
Ejemplo n.º 5
def OptionsCheck(opts):
    Generic routine for adjusting most used options for routines.
    I.e. Inelastica/EigenChannels/pyTBT.
    import Inelastica.io.siesta as SIO
    import os
    import os.path as osp

    # Module name
    exe = opts.module

    # Destination directory
    if not osp.isdir(opts.DestDir):
        print('\n' + exe + ': Creating folder {0}'.format(opts.DestDir))

    if not osp.isfile(opts.fn):
        raise IOError("FDF-file not found: " + opts.fn)

    # Read SIESTA files
    opts.head = osp.split(opts.fn)[0]
    if opts.head == '':  # set filepath if missing
        opts.head = '.'
    print(exe + ": Reading keywords from {0} \n".format(opts.fn))

    opts.systemlabel = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'SystemLabel', str,
                                                 'siesta', exe)
    opts.TSHS = '%s/%s.TSHS' % (opts.head, opts.systemlabel)

    # These first keys can be used, but they are superseeded by keys in the TS.Elec.<> block
    # Hence if they are read in first it will do it in correct order.

    if opts.UseBulk < 0:
        # Note NRP:
        #  in principle this is now a per-electrode setting which
        #  may be useful for certain systems...
        opts.UseBulk = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn,
                                                 bool, True, exe)
        opts.UseBulk = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.Elecs.Bulk',
                                                 bool, opts.UseBulk, exe)

    def get_elec_vars(lr):

        # Look up old format first
        TSHS = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.HSFile' + lr, str, '',
        NA1 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.ReplicateA1' + lr, int, 1,
        NA2 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.ReplicateA2' + lr, int, 1,

        # default semi-inf direction
        semiinf = 2

        # Proceed looking up new format, which precedes
        belec = 'TS.Elec.' + lr
        print('Looking for new electrode format in: %%block {}'.format(belec))

        # Default replication stuff
        TSHS = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.TSHS', str, TSHS,
        NA1 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A1', int, NA1,
        NA2 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A2', int, NA2,
        NA3 = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, belec + '.Bloch.A3', int, 1,

        # Overwrite block
        block = SIO.GetFDFblock(opts.fn, KeyWord=belec)

        for line in block:
            # Lower-case, FDF is case-insensitive
            key = line[0].lower()
            if key in ['tshs', 'tshs-file', 'hs', 'hs-file']:
                TSHS = line[1]
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-a', 'rep-a', 'replicate-a1', 'rep-a1',
                NA1 = int(line[1])
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-b', 'rep-b', 'replicate-a2', 'rep-a2',
                NA2 = int(line[1])
            elif key in [
                    'replicate-c', 'rep-c', 'replicate-a3', 'rep-a3',
                NA3 = int(line[1])
            elif key in ['replicate', 'rep', 'bloch']:
                # We have *at least* 2 integers
                NA1 = int(line[1])
                NA2 = int(line[2])
                NA3 = int(line[3])

            elif key in ['semi-inf-direction', 'semi-inf-dir', 'semi-inf']:
                # This is lower-case checked
                axis = line[1][1:].lower()
                if 'a' == axis or 'a1' == axis:
                    semiinf = 0
                elif 'b' == axis or 'a2' == axis:
                    semiinf = 1
                elif 'c' == axis or 'a3' == axis:
                    semiinf = 2

                # Simple check of input, this may be overwritten later
                if semiinf != 2 and NA1 * NA2 * NA3 > 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ("Cannot provide semi-infinite directions "
                         "other than A3-direction with repetition."))
        if TSHS[0] != '/':
            # path is relative
            TSHS = opts.head + '/' + TSHS
        return TSHS, NA1, NA2, semiinf

    # Look up electrode block
    block = SIO.GetFDFblock(opts.fn, KeyWord='TS.Elecs')
    if len(block) == 0:
        # Did not find the electrode block, defaults to old naming scheme
        opts.fnL, opts.NA1L, opts.NA2L, opts.semiinfL = get_elec_vars('Left')
        opts.fnR, opts.NA1R, opts.NA2R, opts.semiinfR = get_elec_vars('Right')
    elif len(block) == 2:
        # NB: The following assumes that the left electrode is the first in the block!
        opts.fnL, opts.NA1L, opts.NA2L, opts.semiinfL = get_elec_vars(
        opts.fnR, opts.NA1R, opts.NA2R, opts.semiinfR = get_elec_vars(
        raise IOError('Currently only two electrodes are supported')

    # Read in number of buffer atoms
    opts.buffer, L, R = SIO.GetBufferAtomsList(opts.TSHS, opts.fn)
    opts.bufferL = L
    opts.bufferR = R

    if 'maxBias' in opts.__dict__:
        # Bias range
        opts.maxBias = abs(opts.maxBias)
        opts.minBias = -abs(opts.maxBias)

    # Device region
    if opts.DeviceFirst <= 0:
        opts.DeviceFirst = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn,
                                                     'TS.TBT.PDOSFrom', int, 1,
    opts.DeviceFirst -= L
    if opts.DeviceLast <= 0:
        opts.DeviceLast = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.TBT.PDOSTo',
                                                    int, 1e10, exe)
    opts.DeviceLast -= L
    opts.NumberOfAtoms = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'NumberOfAtoms',
                                                   int, 1e10, exe)
    opts.NumberOfAtoms -= L + R
    if opts.DeviceLast < opts.DeviceFirst:
            exe +
            ' error: DeviceLast<DeviceFirst not allowed. Setting DeviceLast=DeviceFirst'
        opts.DeviceLast = opts.DeviceFirst
    opts.DeviceAtoms = [
        max(opts.DeviceFirst, 1),
        min(opts.DeviceLast, opts.NumberOfAtoms)

    # Voltage
    opts.voltage = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.Voltage', float, 0.0,

    # Here comes some specifics related to different executables:

    if "VfracL" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.VfracL < 0.0 or opts.VfracL > 1.0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Option VfracL must be a value in the range [0,1].')

    if "PhononNetCDF" in opts.__dict__:
        if not osp.isfile(opts.PhononNetCDF):
            raise IOError("Electron-phonon coupling NetCDF file not found: " +
    if "eta" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.eta < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("eta must be a posivite number")
    if "etaLead" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.etaLead < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("etaLead must be a posivite number")
    if "PhExtDamp" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.PhExtDamp < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("PhExtDamp must be a posivite number")
    if "biasPoints" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.biasPoints < 6:
            raise AssertionError("BiasPoints must be larger than 5")
    if "iSpin" in opts.__dict__:
        if not opts.iSpin in [0, 1]:
            raise AssertionError("Spin must be either 0 or 1")

    if "Emin" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.Emin == 1e10:
            opts.Emin = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.TBT.Emin',
                                                  float, 0.0, 'pyTBT')
    if "Emax" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.Emax == 1e10:
            opts.Emax = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.TBT.Emax',
                                                  float, 1.0, 'pyTBT')
    if "NPoints" in opts.__dict__:
        if opts.NPoints <= 0:
            opts.NPoints = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(opts.fn, 'TS.TBT.NPoints',
                                                     int, 1, 'pyTBT')

        # Create list of energies
            # Do not overwrite if some Elist is already specified
            if opts.NPoints == 1:
                opts.Elist = _np.array((opts.Emin, ), _np.float)
                # Linspace is just what we need
                opts.Elist = _np.linspace(opts.Emin, opts.Emax, opts.NPoints)