Ejemplo n.º 1
    def orthogonalize(self):
        print 'NEGF.GF.orthogonalize: Orthogonalizing device region quantities'
        self.OrthogonalDeviceRegion = True
        self.HNO = self.H.copy()  # nonorthogonal device Hamiltonian (needed)

        # Device part
        Usi = MM.mysqrt(self.S)  # Folded S
        Us = LA.inv(Usi)
        # Store transformation matrices
        self.Usi, self.Us = Usi, Us

        # Transform S and H
        self.S, self.H = MM.mm(Us, self.S, Us), MM.mm(Us, self.H, Us)

        # Sigmas/Gammas in pyTBT GF can be smaller than device region
        # First give them the shape of the device region
        nnL, nnR = len(self.SigL), len(self.SigR)
        S1, S2 = N.zeros(self.H.shape,
                         N.complex), N.zeros(self.H.shape, N.complex)
        S1[0:nnL, 0:nnL], S2[-nnR:, -nnR:] = self.SigL, self.SigR
        # Resetting Sigmas to orthogonalized quantities
        self.SigL, self.SigR = MM.mm(Us, S1, Us), MM.mm(Us, S2, Us)
        # ... now the same for the Gammas
        G1, G2 = N.zeros(self.H.shape,
                         N.complex), N.zeros(self.H.shape, N.complex)
        G1[0:nnL, 0:nnL], G2[-nnR:, -nnR:] = self.GamL, self.GamR
        # Resetting Gammas to orthogonalized quantities
        self.GamL, self.GamR = MM.mm(Us, G1, Us), MM.mm(Us, G2, Us)

        # Orthogonalize Greens functions
        self.Gr = MM.mm(Usi, self.Gr, Usi)
        self.Ga = MM.dagger(self.Gr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calcCurrent(options, basis, H, Y):
    Calculate current density in atomic bonds
    Y : complex scattering state or
    Y : A_l or A_r! (for total current)

    if isinstance(Y, MM.SpectralMatrix):
        Y = MM.mm(Y.L, Y.R)
    Curr=N.zeros((NN2, NN2), N.float)

    if len(Y.shape)==2:
        for ii in range(NN):
            for jj in range(NN):
                tmp=H[jj, ii]*Y[ii, jj]/2/N.pi
                # Note that taking the imaginary part is only the valid
                # expression for Gamma point calculations
                Curr[a1, a2]=Curr[a1, a2]+4*N.pi*tmp.imag
        for ii in range(NN):
            for jj in range(NN):
                tmp=H[ii, jj]*N.conjugate(Y[ii])*Y[jj]
                Curr[a1, a2]=Curr[a1, a2]+4*N.pi*tmp.imag

    return Curr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Broaden(options, VV, II):
    Broadening corresponding to Lock in measurements for the
    conductance and IETS spectra. Also resample II, Pow, and nPh
    to match a common voltage list

    II = II.copy()
    II = II.real

    # First derivative dI and bias list dV
    dI = (II[1:len(II)] - II[:-1]) / (VV[1] - VV[0])
    dV = (VV[1:len(VV)] + VV[:-1]) / 2
    # Second derivative and bias ddV
    ddI = (dI[1:len(dI)] - dI[:-1]) / (VV[1] - VV[0])
    ddV = (dV[1:len(dV)] + dV[:-1]) / 2

    # Modulation amplitude
    VA = N.sqrt(2.0) * options.Vrms

    # New bias ranges for broadening
    tmp = int(N.floor(VA / (dV[1] - dV[0])) + 1)
    BdV = dV[tmp:-tmp]
    BddV = ddV[tmp:-tmp]

    # Initiate derivatives
    BdI = 0 * BdV
    BddI = 0 * BddV

    # Calculate first derivative with Vrms broadening
    for iV, V in enumerate(BdV):
        SIO.printDone(iV, len(BdV),
                      'Inelastica.Broaden: First-derivative Vrms broadening')
        wt = (N.array(range(200)) / 200.0 - 0.5) * N.pi
        VL = V + VA * N.sin(wt)
        dIL = MM.interpolate(VL, dV, dI)
        BdI[iV] = 2 / N.pi * N.sum(dIL * (N.cos(wt)**2)) * (wt[1] - wt[0])

    # Calculate second derivative with Vrms broadening
    for iV, V in enumerate(BddV):
        SIO.printDone(iV, len(BddV),
                      'Inelastica.Broaden: Second-derivative Vrms broadening')
        wt = (N.array(range(200)) / 200.0 - 0.5) * N.pi
        VL = V + VA * N.sin(wt)
        ddIL = MM.interpolate(VL, ddV, ddI)
        BddI[iV] = 8.0 / 3.0 / N.pi * N.sum(ddIL *
                                            (N.cos(wt)**4)) * (wt[1] - wt[0])

    # Reduce to one voltage grid
    NN = options.biasPoints
    V = N.linspace(options.minBias, options.maxBias, NN)

    NI = MM.interpolate(V, VV, II)
    NdI = MM.interpolate(V, dV, dI)
    NddI = MM.interpolate(V, ddV, ddI)
    NBdI = MM.interpolate(V, BdV, BdI)
    NBddI = MM.interpolate(V, BddV, BddI)

    return V, NI, NdI, NddI, NBdI, NBddI
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __calcEigChan(self, A1, G2, Left, channels=10):
        # Calculate Eigenchannels using recipe from PRB
        # For right eigenchannels, A1=A2, G2=G1 !!!
        if isinstance(A1, MM.SpectralMatrix):
            ev, U = LA.eigh(MM.mm(A1.L, A1.R))
            ev, U = LA.eigh(A1)

        # This small trick will remove all zero contribution vectors
        # and will diagonalize the tt matrix in the subspace where there
        # are values.
        idx = (ev > 0).nonzero()[0]
        ev = N.sqrt(ev[idx] / (2 * N.pi))
        ev.shape = (1, -1)
        Utilde = ev * U[:, idx]

        nuo, nuoL, nuoR = self.nuo, self.nuoL, self.nuoR
        if Left:
            tt = MM.mm(MM.dagger(Utilde[nuo - nuoR:nuo, :]), 2 * N.pi * G2,
                       Utilde[nuo - nuoR:nuo, :])
            tt = MM.mm(MM.dagger(Utilde[:nuoL, :]), 2 * N.pi * G2,
                       Utilde[:nuoL, :])

        # Diagonalize (note that this is on a reduced tt matrix (no 0 contributing columns)
        evF, UF = LA.eigh(tt)
        EC = MM.mm(Utilde, UF[:, -channels:]).T
        return EC[::-1, :], evF[::-1]  # reverse eigenvalues
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def calcTEIG(self, channels=10):
     # Transmission matrix (complex array)
     TT = self.TT
     Trans = N.trace(TT)
     VC.Check("trans-imaginary-part", Trans.imag,
              "Transmission has large imaginary part")
     # Calculate eigenchannel transmissions too
     tval, tvec = LA.eig(TT)
     idx = (tval.real).argsort()[::-1]  # sort from largest to smallest
     tval = tval[idx]
     tvec = tvec[:, idx]
     # Compute shot noise
     Smat = MM.mm(TT, N.identity(len(TT)) - TT)
     sval = N.diag(MM.mm(MM.dagger(tvec), Smat, tvec))
     # set up arrays
     T = N.zeros(channels + 1)
     SN = N.zeros(channels + 1)
     T[0] = Trans.real
     SN[0] = N.trace(Smat).real
     for i in range(min(channels, len(TT))):
         T[i + 1] = tval[i].real
         SN[i + 1] = sval[i].real
     return T, SN
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def genkmesh(self):
     "Generate mesh for a given sampling of the axes"
     self.k = []
     self.w = []
     errorw = []
     for i in range(3):  # loop over the three k-components
         if self.type[i].upper() == 'GK' or self.type[i].upper(
         ) == 'GAUSSKRONROD':
             self.type[i] = 'GK'
             if self.Nk[i] > 1:  # GK-method fails with fewer points
                 kpts, wgts, ew = MM.GaussKronrod(self.Nk[i])
                 print 'Kmesh.py: GK method requires Nk=%i>1' % (self.Nk[i])
         elif self.type[i].upper() == 'LIN' or self.type[i].upper(
         ) == 'LINEAR':
             self.type[i] = 'LIN'
             kpts, wgts = generatelinmesh(self.Nk[i])
             print 'Kmesh.py: Unknown meshtype:', self.type[i].upper()
         self.Nk[i] = len(self.k[i])
     self.NNk = N.prod(self.Nk)
     print 'Kmesh.py: Generating mesh:'
     print ' ... type = ', self.type
     print ' ... Nk = ', self.Nk
     # repete out in 3D
     kpts = N.zeros((self.NNk, 3))  # Array of k-points
     wgts = N.ones((4, self.NNk))  # (wgts, errorw1, errorw2, errorw3)
     nn = 0
     for i in range(self.Nk[0]):
         for j in range(self.Nk[1]):
             for k in range(self.Nk[2]):
                 kpts[nn, :] = [self.k[0][i], self.k[1][j], self.k[2][k]]
                 wgts[0, nn] = self.w[0][i] * self.w[1][j] * self.w[2][k]
                 wgts[1, nn] = errorw[0][i] * self.w[1][j] * self.w[2][k]
                 wgts[2, nn] = self.w[0][i] * errorw[1][j] * self.w[2][k]
                 wgts[3, nn] = self.w[0][i] * self.w[1][j] * errorw[2][k]
                 nn += 1
     print ' ... NNk = %i, sum(wgts) = %.8f' % (self.NNk, N.sum(wgts[0]))
     print ' ... sum(errorw) = (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)' % tuple(
         N.sum(wgts[i + 1]) for i in range(3))
     self.k = kpts
     self.w = wgts
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def ComputeElectronStates(self, kpoint, verbose=True, TSrun=False):
     if TSrun:
         # kpoint has unit of '2*pi/a'
         kpt = kpoint / (2 * N.pi)
         kpt2 = MM.mm(N.array([self.Sym.a1, self.Sym.a2, self.Sym.a3]), kpt)
         self.TSHS0.setkpoint(kpt2, atype=N.complex, verbose=verbose)
         self.h0_k = self.TSHS0.H[:, :, :]
         self.s0_k = self.TSHS0.S[:, :]
         if verbose:
             print 'SupercellPhonons.ComputeElectronStates: k = ', kpoint, '(1/Ang)'
         # Fold onto primitive cell
         self.h0_k = self.Fold2PrimitiveCell(self.h0, kpoint)
         self.s0_k = self.Fold2PrimitiveCell(self.s0, kpoint)
     ev = N.empty((self.nspin, self.rednao), N.float)
     evec = N.empty((self.nspin, self.rednao, self.rednao), N.complex)
     for ispin in range(self.nspin):
         ev[ispin], evec[ispin] = SLA.eigh(self.h0_k[ispin], self.s0_k)
     return ev, evec
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calcWF2(options, geom, DeviceAtoms, basis, Y, NN, Fold=True, k=[0, 0, 0], a=None, fn=''):
    Calculate wavefunction on real space mesh with optional folding
    of the periodic boundary conditions. If Fold==True the vectors 'a'
    will be choosen to be the periodic boundary condition vectors and
    the real space wavefunction folded into the cell using the k-vector.
    If Folded==False, you can choose any 'a' but folding by the PBC will
    not be done.
    Note: Folding assumes coupling only between N.N. cells

      geom        : MakeGeom structure for full geometry
      DeviceAtoms : [first, last] numbering from 1 to N
      basis       : Basis struct for ONLY the device region
      Y           : Wavefunction for the device region
      NN          : [N1,N2,N3,minN3,maxN3] number of points along [a1, a2, a3]
                    only calculate from minN3 to maxN3
      Fold        : fold periodic boundary conditions
      k           : k-vector to use for folding [-0.5,0.5]
      a           : if Fold==True, uses geom.pbc, if false: [a1, a2, a3]
                    along these directions, i.e., da1=a1/N1 ...

    YY : complex wavefunction as N1, N2, N3 matrix
    N1, N2, N3, minN3, maxN3 = NN[0], NN[1], NN[2], NN[3], NN[4]
    NN3 = maxN3-minN3+1
    if Fold:
        da1, da2, da3 = geom.pbc[0]/N1, geom.pbc[1]/N2, geom.pbc[2]/N3
        da1, da2, da3 = a[0]/N1, a[1]/N2, a[2]/N3
    # Def cube
    YY=[N.zeros((N1, N2, NN3), N.complex) for ii in range(NNY)]
    # Help indices
    i1 = MM.outerAdd(N.arange(N1), N.zeros(N2), N.zeros(NN3))
    i2 = MM.outerAdd(N.zeros(N1), N.arange(N2), N.zeros(NN3))
    i3 = MM.outerAdd(N.zeros(N1), N.zeros(N2), N.arange(NN3)+minN3)

    # Positions x,y,z for points in matrix form
    rx = i1*da1[0]+i2*da2[0]+i3*da3[0]
    ry = i1*da1[1]+i2*da2[1]+i3*da3[1]
    rz = i1*da1[2]+i2*da2[2]+i3*da3[2]

    if Fold:
        pbc = N.array([da1*N1, da2*N2, da3*N3])
        orig = da3*minN3
        b = N.transpose(LA.inv(pbc))
        olist = [orig, orig+pbc[0]+pbc[1]+pbc[2]]
        pairs = N.array([[b[1], b[2]], [b[0], b[2]], [b[0], b[1]]])
        pbcpairs = N.array([[pbc[1], pbc[2]], [pbc[0], pbc[2]], [pbc[0], pbc[1]]])

    for iiatom in range(DeviceAtoms[1]-DeviceAtoms[0]+1):
        if iiatom>0:
            #Wavefunction percent done...
            SIO.printDone(iiatom, DeviceAtoms[1]-DeviceAtoms[0]+1, 'Wave function')

        if not Fold:
            shiftvec = [0, 0, 0]
        else: # include shift vectors if sphere cuts planes of PBC
            basisindx = N.where(basis.ii==iiatom+DeviceAtoms[0])[0]
            basisradius = N.max(basis.coff[basisindx])
            minshift, maxshift = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
            for iithiso, thiso in enumerate(olist):
                c=xyz[iiatom, :]-thiso
                for ip in range(3):
                    n = N.cross(pbcpairs[ip, 0], pbcpairs[ip, 1])
                    n = n / LA.norm(n)
                    dist = N.abs(N.dot(n, N.dot(N.dot(pairs[ip], c), pbcpairs[ip])-c))
                    if dist < basisradius:
                        if iithiso==0:
            shiftvec = []
            for ix in range(minshift[0], maxshift[0]+1):
                for iy in range(minshift[1], maxshift[1]+1):
                    for iz in range(minshift[2], maxshift[2]+1):
                        shiftvec+=[[ix, iy, iz]]

        for shift in shiftvec:
            # Atom position shifted
            vec=-N.dot(N.array(shift), geom.pbc)
            phase = N.exp(-1.0j*(2*N.pi*N.dot(N.array(k), N.array(shift))))

            # Difference and polar, cylinder distances
            dx, dy, dz=rx-xyz[iiatom, 0]-vec[0], ry-xyz[iiatom, 1]-vec[1], rz-xyz[iiatom, 2]-vec[2]

            basisindx = N.where(basis.ii==iiatom+DeviceAtoms[0])[0]
            old_coff, old_delta = 0.0, 0.0
            for basisorb in basisindx:
                if not (basis.coff[basisorb]==old_coff and basis.delta[basisorb]==old_delta):
                    old_coff, old_delta = basis.coff[basisorb], basis.delta[basisorb]
                    indx = N.where(dr2<basis.coff[basisorb]**2) # Find points close to atom

                    idr, idrho=N.sqrt(dr2[indx]), N.sqrt(drho2[indx])
                    idx, idy, idz = dx[indx], dy[indx], dz[indx]

                    costh = idz/idr
                    cosfi, sinfi = idx/idrho, idy/idrho

                    # Fix divide by zeros
                    indxRzero, indxRhozero = N.where(idr==0.0), N.where(idrho==0.0)
                    costh[indxRzero] = 1.0
                    cosfi[indxRhozero], sinfi[indxRhozero] = 1.0, 0.0

                    # Numpy has changed the choose function to crap!
                    RR=N.take(basis.orb[basisorb], iri)
                # Calculate spherical harmonics
                if len(idr)>0:
                    l = basis.L[basisorb]
                    m = basis.M[basisorb]
                    if l==3:
                        print('f-shell : l=%i, m=%i (NOT TESTED!!)'%(l, m))
                    thisSphHar = MM.sphericalHarmonics(l, m, costh, sinfi, cosfi)
                    for iy in range(NNY):
                        YY[iy][indx]=YY[iy][indx]+RR*thisSphHar*Y[basisorb, iy]*phase
    N1, N2, N3, minN3, maxN3 = NN[0], NN[1], NN[2], NN[3], NN[4]
    for ii in range(NNY):
        writenetcdf2(geom, fn+'%i.nc'%ii, YY[ii], N1, N2, N3, minN3, maxN3, geom.pbc, options.DeviceAtoms)
    return YY
Ejemplo n.º 9
def writeFGRrates(options, GF, hw, NCfile):
    print 'Inelastica.writeFGRrates: Computing FGR rates'
    # Eigenchannels
    NCfile = NC4.Dataset(options.PhononNetCDF, 'r')
    print 'Reading ', options.PhononNetCDF

    outFile = file('%s/%s.IN.FGR' % (options.DestDir, options.systemlabel),
    outFile.write('Total transmission [in units of (1/s/eV)] : %e\n' %
                  (PC.unitConv * GF.TeF, ))

    for ihw in range(len(hw)):
        SIO.printDone(ihw, len(hw), 'Golden Rate')
        M = N.array(NCfile.variables['He_ph'][ihw, options.iSpin, :, :],
            M += 1.j * N.array(
                NCfile.variables['ImHe_ph'][ihw, options.iSpin, :, :],
            print 'Warning: Variable ImHe_ph not found'
        rate = N.zeros((len(GF.ECleft), len(GF.ECright)), N.float)
        totrate = 0.0
        inter, intra = 0.0, 0.0  # splitting total rate in two
        for iL in range(len(GF.ECleft)):
            for iR in range(len(GF.ECright)):
                tmp = N.dot(N.conjugate(GF.ECleft[iL]),
                            MM.mm(M, GF.ECright[iR]))
                rate[iL, iR] = (2 * N.pi)**2 * abs(tmp)**2
                totrate += rate[iL, iR]
                if iL == iR: intra += rate[iL, iR]
                else: inter += rate[iL, iR]

            '\nPhonon mode %i : %f eV [Rates in units of (1/s/eV)]\n' %
            (ihw, hw[ihw]))
            'eh-damp : %e (1/s) , heating %e (1/(sV)))\n' %
            (GF.P1T[ihw] * PC.unitConv * hw[ihw], GF.P2T[ihw] * PC.unitConv))
            'eh-damp 1, 2 (MALMAL, MARMAR): %e (1/s) , %e (1/(s)))\n' %
            (GF.ehDampL[ihw] * PC.unitConv * hw[ihw],
             GF.ehDampR[ihw] * PC.unitConv * hw[ihw]))
        outFile.write('SymI : %e (1/(sV)) , AsymI %e (?))\n' %
                      (GF.nHT[ihw] * PC.unitConv, GF.HT[ihw] * PC.unitConv))
        #outFile.write('Elast : %e (1/(sV)) , Inelast %e (1/(sV)))\n' % (GF.nHTel[ihw]*PC.unitConv,GF.nHTin[ihw]*PC.unitConv))
        outFile.write('down=left EC, right=right EC\n')
        if GF.P2T[ihw] > 0.0:
            if abs(totrate / (GF.P2T[ihw]) - 1) < 0.05:
                outFile.write('Sum/Tr[MALMAR] , Tr: %1.3f  %e\n' %
                              (totrate /
                               (GF.P2T[ihw]), PC.unitConv * GF.P2T[ihw]))
                    'WARNING: !!!! Sum/Tr[MALMAR] , Tr: %2.2e  %e\n' %
                    (totrate / (GF.P2T[ihw]), PC.unitConv * GF.P2T[ihw]))
            outFile.write(' Tr:  %e\n' % (PC.unitConv * GF.P2T[ihw]))
        inter = inter / GF.P2T[ihw]
        intra = intra / GF.P2T[ihw]
            'Interchannel ratio: Sum(inter)/Tr[MALMAR]      = %.4f \n' % inter)
            'Intrachannel ratio: Sum(intra)/Tr[MALMAR]      = %.4f \n' % intra)
            'Inter+intra ratio: Sum(inter+intra)/Tr[MALMAR] = %.4f \n' %
            (inter + intra))
        for iL in range(len(GF.ECleft)):
            for iR in range(len(GF.ECright)):
                outFile.write('%e ' % (PC.unitConv * rate[iL, iR], ))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def calcIETS(options, GFp, GFm, basis, hw):
    # Calculate product of electronic traces and voltage functions
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: nHTp =', GFp.nHT * PC.unitConv  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: nHTm =', GFm.nHT * PC.unitConv  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: HTp  =', GFp.HT  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: HTm  =', GFm.HT  # OK

    # Set up grid and Hilbert term
    kT = options.Temp / 11604.0  # (eV)

    # Generate grid for numerical integration of Hilbert term
    max_hw = max(hw)
    max_win = max(-options.minBias, max_hw) + 20 * kT + 4 * options.Vrms
    min_win = min(-options.maxBias, -max_hw) - 20 * kT - 4 * options.Vrms
    pts = int(N.floor((max_win - min_win) / kT * 3))
    Egrid = N.linspace(min_win, max_win, pts)
    print "Inelastica.calcIETS: Hilbert integration grid : %i pts [%f,%f]" % (
        pts, min(Egrid), max(Egrid))

    NN = options.biasPoints
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: Biaspoints =', NN

    # Add some points for the Lock in broadening
    approxdV = (options.maxBias - options.minBias) / (NN - 1)
    NN += int(((8 * options.Vrms) / approxdV) + .5)
    Vl = N.linspace(options.minBias - 4 * options.Vrms,
                    options.maxBias + 4 * options.Vrms, NN)

    # Vector implementation on Vgrid:
    wp = (1 + N.sign(Vl)) / 2.  # weights for positive V
    wm = (1 - N.sign(Vl)) / 2.  # weights for negative V

    # Mode occupation and power dissipation
    Pow = N.zeros((len(hw), NN), N.float)  # (modes,Vgrid)
    nPh = N.zeros((len(hw), NN), N.float)
    t0 = N.clip(Vl / kT, -700, 700)
    cosh0 = N.cosh(t0)  # Vgrid
    sinh0 = N.sinh(t0)
    for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
        P1T = wm * GFm.P1T[i] + wp * GFp.P1T[i]
        P2T = wm * GFm.P2T[i] + wp * GFp.P2T[i]
        # Bose distribution
        nB = 1 / (N.exp(N.clip(hw[i] / kT, -300, 300)) - 1)  # number
        t1 = N.clip(hw[i] / (2 * kT), -700, 700)  # number
        coth1 = N.cosh(t1) / N.sinh(t1)
        # Emission rate and e-h damping
        damp = P1T * hw[i] / N.pi  # Vgrid
        emis = P2T * (hw[i] * (cosh0 - 1) * coth1 -
                      Vl * sinh0) / (N.cosh(2 * t1) - cosh0) / N.pi
        # Determine mode occupation
        if options.PhHeating:
            nPh[i, :] = emis / (hw[i] * P1T / N.pi + options.PhExtDamp) + nB
            nPh[i, :] = nB
        # Mode-resolved power dissipation
        Pow[i, :] = hw[i] * ((nB - nPh[i]) * damp + emis)

    # Current: non-Hilbert part (InH)
    InH = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)  # Vgrid
    IsymF = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)
    for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
        nHT = wm * GFm.nHT[i] + wp * GFp.nHT[i]  # Vgrid
        t1 = hw[i] / (2 * kT)  # number
        t1 = N.clip(t1, -700, 700)
        coth1 = N.cosh(t1) / N.sinh(t1)
        t2 = (hw[i] + Vl) / (2 * kT)  # Vgrid
        t2 = N.clip(t2, -700, 700)
        coth2 = N.cosh(t2) / N.sinh(t2)
        t3 = (hw[i] - Vl) / (2 * kT)  # Vgrid
        t3 = N.clip(t3, -700, 700)
        coth3 = N.cosh(t3) / N.sinh(t3)  # Vgrid
        # Isym function
        Isym = 0.5 * (hw[i] + Vl) * (coth1 - coth2)  # Vgrid
        Isym -= 0.5 * (hw[i] - Vl) * (coth1 - coth3)
        # non-Hilbert part
        InH += (Isym + 2 * Vl * nPh[i]) * nHT  # Vgrid
        IsymF += Isym

    # Current: Add Landauer part, GFm.TeF = GFp.TeF
    InH += GFp.TeF * Vl  # Vgrid

    # Current: Asymmetric/Hilbert part (IH)
        import scipy.special as SS
        print "Inelastica: Computing asymmetric term using digamma function,"
        print "... see G. Bevilacqua et al., Eur. Phys. J. B (2016) 89: 3"
        IH = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)
        IasymF = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)
        for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
            v0 = hw[i] / (2 * N.pi * kT)
            vp = (hw[i] + Vl) / (2 * N.pi * kT)
            vm = (hw[i] - Vl) / (2 * N.pi * kT)
            Iasym = kT * (2 * v0 * SS.psi(1.j * v0) - vp * SS.psi(1.j * vp) -
                          vm * SS.psi(1.j * vm)).real
            IasymF += Iasym
            IH += GFp.HT[i] * N.array(Vl > 0.0, dtype=int) * Iasym
            IH += GFm.HT[i] * N.array(Vl < 0.0, dtype=int) * Iasym
        print "Computing using explit Hilbert transformation"
        IH = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)
        IasymF = N.zeros((NN, ), N.float)
        # Prepare box/window function on array
        Vl2 = N.outer(Vl, N.ones(Egrid.shape))
        Egrid2 = N.outer(N.ones(Vl.shape), Egrid)
        # Box/window function nF(E-Vl2)-nF(E-0):
        kasse = MM.box(0, -Vl2, Egrid2, kT)  # (Vgrid,Egrid)
        ker = None
        for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
            # Box/window function nF(E-hw)-nF(E+hw)
            tmp = MM.box(-hw[i], hw[i], Egrid, kT)
            hilb, ker = MM.Hilbert(tmp, ker)  # Egrid
            # Calculate Iasym for each bias point
            for j in range(len(Vl)):
                Iasym = MM.trapez(Egrid, kasse[j] * hilb,
                                  equidistant=True).real / 2
                IasymF[j] += Iasym
                if Vl[j] > 0:
                    IH[j] += GFp.HT[i] * Iasym
                    IH[j] += GFm.HT[i] * Iasym

    # Compute inelastic shot noise terms here:
    absVl = N.absolute(Vl)
    Inew = N.zeros(len(Vl), N.float)
    Snew = N.zeros(len(Vl), N.float)
    print 'Noise factors:'
    print GFp.dIel
    print GFp.dIinel
    print GFp.dSel
    print GFp.dSinel
    for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
        # Elastic part
        Inew += GFp.dIel[i] * Vl
        Snew += GFp.dSel[i] * absVl
        # Inelastic part
        indx = (absVl - hw[i] < 0).nonzero()[0]
        fct = absVl - hw[i]
        fct[indx] = 0.0  # set elements to zero
        Inew += GFp.dIinel[i] * fct * N.sign(Vl)
        Snew += GFp.dSinel[i] * fct

    # Get the right units for gamma_eh, gamma_heat
    gamma_eh_p = N.zeros((len(hw), ), N.float)
    gamma_eh_m = N.zeros((len(hw), ), N.float)
    gamma_heat_p = N.zeros((len(hw), ), N.float)
    gamma_heat_m = N.zeros((len(hw), ), N.float)
    for i in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
        # Units [Phonons per Second per dN where dN is number extra phonons]
        gamma_eh_p[i] = GFp.P1T[i] * hw[i] * PC.unitConv
        gamma_eh_m[i] = GFm.P1T[i] * hw[i] * PC.unitConv
        # Units [Phonons per second per eV [eV-ihw]
        gamma_heat_p[i] = GFp.P2T[i] * PC.unitConv
        gamma_heat_m[i] = GFm.P2T[i] * PC.unitConv

    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: gamma_eh_p =', gamma_eh_p  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: gamma_eh_m =', gamma_eh_m  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: gamma_heat_p =', gamma_heat_p  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: gamma_heat_m =', gamma_heat_m  # OK

    V, I, dI, ddI, BdI, BddI = Broaden(options, Vl, InH + IH)
    V, Is, dIs, ddIs, BdIs, BddIs = Broaden(options, Vl, IsymF)
    V, Ia, dIa, ddIa, BdIa, BddIa = Broaden(options, Vl, IasymF)

    # Interpolate quantities to new V-grid
    NPow = N.zeros((len(Pow), len(V)), N.float)
    NnPh = N.zeros((len(Pow), len(V)), N.float)
    for ii in range(len(Pow)):
        NPow[ii] = MM.interpolate(V, Vl, Pow[ii])
        NnPh[ii] = MM.interpolate(V, Vl, nPh[ii])

    # Interpolate inelastic noise
    NV, NI, NdI, NddI, NBdI, NBddI = Broaden(options, Vl, GFp.TeF * Vl + Inew)
    NV, NS, NdS, NddS, NBdS, NBddS = Broaden(options, Vl, Snew)

    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: V[:5]        =', V[:5]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: V[-5:][::-1] =', V[-5:][::-1]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: I[:5]        =', I[:5]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: I[-5:][::-1] =', I[-5:][::-1]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: BdI[:5]        =', BdI[:5]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: BdI[-5:][::-1] =', BdI[-5:][::-1]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: BddI[:5]        =', BddI[:5]  # OK
    print 'Inelastica.calcIETS: BddI[-5:][::-1] =', BddI[-5:][::-1]  # OK

    datafile = '%s/%s.IN' % (options.DestDir, options.systemlabel)
    # ascii format
    writeLOEData2Datafile(datafile + 'p', hw, GFp.TeF, GFp.nHT, GFp.HT)
    writeLOEData2Datafile(datafile + 'm', hw, GFm.TeF, GFm.nHT, GFm.HT)
    # netcdf format
    outNC = initNCfile(datafile, hw, V)
    write2NCfile(outNC, BddI / BdI, 'IETS', 'Broadened BddI/BdI [1/V]')
    write2NCfile(outNC, ddI / dI, 'IETS_0', 'Intrinsic ddI/dI [1/V]')
    write2NCfile(outNC, BdI, 'BdI', 'Broadened BdI, G0')
    write2NCfile(outNC, BddI, 'BddI', 'Broadened BddI, G0')
    write2NCfile(outNC, I, 'I', 'Intrinsic I, G0 V')
    write2NCfile(outNC, dI, 'dI', 'Intrinsic dI, G0')
    write2NCfile(outNC, ddI, 'ddI', 'Intrinsic ddI, G0/V')
    if options.LOEscale == 0.0:
            outNC, GFp.nHT, 'ISymTr',
            'Trace giving Symmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
            outNC, GFp.HT, 'IAsymTr',
            'Trace giving Asymmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_eh_p, 'gamma_eh',
                     'e-h damping [*deltaN=1/Second]')
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_heat_p, 'gamma_heat',
                     'Phonon heating [*(bias-hw) (eV) = 1/Second]')
        # New stuff related to the noise implementation
            outNC, NI, 'Inew',
            'Intrinsic Inew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0)'
            outNC, NdI, 'dInew',
            'Intrinsic dInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0)'
            outNC, NddI, 'ddInew',
            'Intrinsic ddInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0)'
            outNC, NddI / NdI, 'IETSnew_0',
            'Intrinsic ddInew/dInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0) [1/V]'
            outNC, NBdI, 'BdInew',
            'Broadened BdInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0)'
            outNC, NBddI, 'BddInew',
            'Broadened BddInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0)'
            outNC, NBddI / NBdI, 'IETSnew',
            'Broadened BddInew/BdInew (new implementation incl. elastic renormalization, T=0) [1/V]'
            outNC, NdS, 'dSnew',
            'Inelastic first-derivative of the shot noise dSnew (T=0)')
            outNC, GFp.nHT, 'ISymTr_p',
            'Trace giving Symmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
            outNC, GFp.HT, 'IAsymTr_p',
            'Trace giving Asymmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
            outNC, GFm.nHT, 'ISymTr_m',
            'Trace giving Symmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
            outNC, GFm.HT, 'IAsymTr_m',
            'Trace giving Asymmetric current contribution (prefactor to universal function)'
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_eh_p, 'gamma_eh_p',
                     'e-h damping [*deltaN=1/Second]')
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_heat_p, 'gamma_heat_p',
                     'Phonon heating [*(bias-hw) (eV) = 1/Second]')
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_eh_m, 'gamma_eh_m',
                     'e-h damping [*deltaN=1/Second]')
        write2NCfile(outNC, gamma_heat_m, 'gamma_heat_m',
                     'Phonon heating [*(bias-hw) (eV) = 1/Second]')
    # Phonon occupations and power balance
    write2NCfile(outNC, NnPh, 'nPh', 'Number of phonons')
    write2NCfile(outNC, N.sum(NnPh, axis=0), 'nPh_tot',
                 'Total number of phonons')
    write2NCfile(outNC, NPow, 'Pow', 'Mode-resolved power balance')
    write2NCfile(outNC, N.sum(NPow, axis=0), 'Pow_tot', 'Total power balance')
    # Write "universal functions"
    write2NCfile(outNC, dIs, 'dIs', 'dIsym function')
    write2NCfile(outNC, dIa, 'dIa', 'dIasym function')
    write2NCfile(outNC, ddIs, 'ddIs', 'ddIasym function')
    write2NCfile(outNC, ddIa, 'ddIa', 'ddIasym function')
    # Write energy reference where Greens functions are evaluated
    outNC.createDimension('number', 1)
    tmp = outNC.createVariable('EnergyRef', 'd', ('number', ))
    tmp[:] = N.array(options.energy)
    # Write LOEscale
    tmp = outNC.createVariable('LOEscale', 'd', ('number', ))
    tmp[:] = N.array(options.LOEscale)
    # Write k-point
    outNC.createDimension('vector', 3)
    tmp = outNC.createVariable('kpoint', 'd', ('vector', ))
    tmp[:] = N.array(options.kpoint)

    return V, I, dI, ddI, BdI, BddI
Ejemplo n.º 11
def calcTraces(options, GF1, GF2, basis, NCfile, ihw):
    # Calculate various traces over the electronic structure
    # Electron-phonon couplings
    ihw = int(ihw)
    M = N.array(NCfile.variables['He_ph'][ihw, options.iSpin, :, :], N.complex)
        M += 1.j * N.array(
            NCfile.variables['ImHe_ph'][ihw, options.iSpin, :, :], N.complex)
        print 'Warning: Variable ImHe_ph not found'
    # Calculation of intermediate quantity
    MARGLGM = MM.mm(M, GF1.ARGLG, M)
    MARGLGM2 = MM.mm(M, GF2.ARGLG, M)
    # LOE expressions in compact form
    t1 = MM.mm(MARGLGM, GF2.AR)
    t2 = MM.mm(MARGLGM2, GF1.AL)
    # Note that compared with Eq. (10) of PRB89, 081405 (2014) we here use
    # the definition B_lambda = MM.trace(t1-dagger(t2)), which in turn gives
    # ReB = MM.trace(t1).real-MM.trace(t2).real
    # ImB = MM.trace(t1).imag+MM.trace(t2).imag
    K23 = MM.trace(t1).imag + MM.trace(t2).imag
    K4 = MM.trace(MM.mm(M, GF1.ALT, M, GF2.AR))
    aK23 = 2 * (MM.trace(t1).real - MM.trace(t2).real)  # asymmetric part
    # Non-Hilbert term defined here with a minus sign
    GF1.nHT[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(K23 + K4, 'nHT[%i]' % ihw)
    GF1.HT[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(aK23, 'HT[%i]' % ihw)
    # Power, damping and current rates
    GF1.P1T[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(MM.mm(M, GF1.A, M, GF2.A)),
                                   'P1T[%i]' % ihw)
    GF1.P2T[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(MM.mm(M, GF1.AL, M, GF2.AR)),
                                   'P2T[%i]' % ihw)
    GF1.ehDampL[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(MM.mm(M, GF1.AL, M, GF2.AL)),
                                       'ehDampL[%i]' % ihw)
    GF1.ehDampR[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(MM.mm(M, GF1.AR, M, GF2.AR)),
                                       'ehDampR[%i]' % ihw)
    # Remains from older version (see before rev. 219):
    # NB: TF Should one use GF.HNO (nonorthogonal) or GF.H (orthogonalized) above?

    if options.LOEscale == 0.0:
        # Check against original LOE-WBA formulation
        isym1 = MM.mm(GF1.ALT, M, GF2.AR, M)
        isym2 = MM.mm(MM.dagger(GF1.ARGLG), M, GF2.A, M)
        isym3 = MM.mm(GF1.ARGLG, M, GF2.A, M)
        isym = MM.trace(isym1) + 1j / 2. * (MM.trace(isym2) - MM.trace(isym3))
        print 'LOE-WBA check: Isym diff', K23 + K4 - isym
        iasym1 = MM.mm(MM.dagger(GF1.ARGLG), M, GF2.AR - GF2.AL, M)
        iasym2 = MM.mm(GF1.ARGLG, M, GF2.AR - GF2.AL, M)
        iasym = MM.trace(iasym1) + MM.trace(iasym2)
        print 'LOE-WBA check: Iasym diff', aK23 - iasym

        # Compute inelastic shot noise terms according to the papers
        # Haupt, Novotny & Belzig, PRB 82, 165441 (2010) and
        # Avriller & Frederiksen, PRB 86, 155411 (2012)
        # Zero-temperature limit
        TT = MM.mm(GF1.GammaL,
                   GF1.AR)  # this matrix has the correct shape for MM
        ReGr = (GF1.Gr + GF1.Ga) / 2.
        tmp = MM.mm(GF1.Gr, M, ReGr, M, GF1.AR)
        tmp = tmp + MM.dagger(tmp)
        Tlambda0 = MM.mm(GF1.GammaL, tmp)
        tmp1 = MM.mm(M, GF1.AR, M)
        tmp2 = MM.mm(M, GF1.A, M, GF1.Gr, GF1.GammaR)
        tmp = tmp1 + 1j / 2. * (MM.dagger(tmp2) - tmp2)
        Tlambda1 = MM.mm(GF1.GammaL, GF1.Gr, tmp, GF1.Ga)
        MARGL = MM.mm(M, GF1.AR, GF1.GammaL)
        tmp1 = MM.mm(MARGL, GF1.AR, M)
        tmp2 = MM.mm(MARGL, GF1.Gr, M, GF1.Gr, GF1.GammaR)
        tmp = tmp1 + tmp2
        tmp = tmp + MM.dagger(tmp)
        Qlambda = MM.mm(-GF1.Ga, GF1.GammaL, GF1.Gr, tmp)
        tmp = -2 * TT
        OneMinusTwoT = tmp + N.identity(len(GF1.GammaL))
        # Store relevant traces
        GF1.dIel[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(Tlambda0), 'dIel[%i]' % ihw)
        GF1.dIinel[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(MM.trace(Tlambda1),
                                          'dIinel[%i]' % ihw)
        GF1.dSel[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(
            MM.trace(MM.mm(OneMinusTwoT, Tlambda0)), 'dSel[%i]' % ihw)
        GF1.dSinel[ihw] = NEGF.AssertReal(
            MM.trace(Qlambda + MM.mm(OneMinusTwoT, Tlambda1)),
            'dSinel[%i]' % ihw)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(options):
    Main routine to compute inelastic transport characteristics (dI/dV, d2I/dV2, IETS etc)

    options : an ``options`` instance
    CF.CreatePipeOutput(options.DestDir + '/' + options.Logfile)
    VC.OptionsCheck(options, 'Inelastica')
    CF.PrintMainHeader('Inelastica', options)

    options.XV = '%s/%s.XV' % (options.head, options.systemlabel)
    options.geom = MG.Geom(options.XV, BufferAtoms=options.buffer)
    # Voltage fraction over left-center interface
    VfracL = options.VfracL  # default is 0.5
    print 'Inelastica: Voltage fraction over left-center interface: VfracL =', VfracL
    # Set up electrodes and device Greens function
    elecL = NEGF.ElectrodeSelfEnergy(options.fnL, options.NA1L, options.NA2L,
                                     options.voltage * VfracL)
    elecL.scaling = options.scaleSigL
    elecL.semiinf = options.semiinfL
    elecR = NEGF.ElectrodeSelfEnergy(options.fnR, options.NA1R, options.NA2R,
                                     options.voltage * (VfracL - 1.))
    elecR.scaling = options.scaleSigR
    elecR.semiinf = options.semiinfR
    # Read phonons
    NCfile = NC4.Dataset(options.PhononNetCDF, 'r')
    print 'Inelastica: Reading ', options.PhononNetCDF
    hw = NCfile.variables['hw'][:]
    # Work with GFs etc for positive (V>0: \mu_L>\mu_R) and negative (V<0: \mu_L<\mu_R) bias voltages
    GFp = NEGF.GF(options.TSHS,
    # Prepare lists for various trace factors
    #GF.dGnout = []
    #GF.dGnin = []
    GFp.P1T = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.A.M.A (total e-h damping)
    GFp.P2T = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AL.M.AR (emission)
    GFp.ehDampL = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AL.M.AL (L e-h damping)
    GFp.ehDampR = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AR.M.AR (R e-h damping)
    GFp.nHT = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # non-Hilbert/Isym factor
    GFp.HT = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # Hilbert/Iasym factor
    GFp.dIel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFp.dIinel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFp.dSel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFp.dSinel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFm = NEGF.GF(options.TSHS,
    GFm.P1T = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.A.M.A (total e-h damping)
    GFm.P2T = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AL.M.AR (emission)
    GFm.ehDampL = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AL.M.AL (L e-h damping)
    GFm.ehDampR = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # M.AR.M.AR (R e-h damping)
    GFm.nHT = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # non-Hilbert/Isym factor
    GFm.HT = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)  # Hilbert/Iasym factor
    GFm.dIel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFm.dIinel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFm.dSel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    GFm.dSinel = N.zeros(len(hw), N.float)
    # Calculate transmission at Fermi level
    GFp.calcGF(options.energy + options.eta * 1.0j,
    L = options.bufferL
    # Pad lasto with zeroes to enable basis generation...
    lasto = N.zeros((GFp.HS.nua + L + 1, ), N.int)
    lasto[L:] = GFp.HS.lasto
    basis = SIO.BuildBasis(options.fn, options.DeviceAtoms[0] + L,
                           options.DeviceAtoms[1] + L, lasto)
    basis.ii -= L
    TeF = MM.trace(GFp.TT).real
    GFp.TeF = TeF
    GFm.TeF = TeF
    # Check consistency of PHrun vs TSrun inputs
    IntegrityCheck(options, GFp, basis, NCfile)
    # Calculate trace factors one mode at a time
    print 'Inelastica: LOEscale =', options.LOEscale
    if options.LOEscale == 0.0:
        # LOEscale=0.0 => Original LOE-WBA method, PRB 72, 201101(R) (2005) [cond-mat/0505473].
        GFp.calcGF(options.energy + options.eta * 1.0j,
        GFm.calcGF(options.energy + options.eta * 1.0j,
        for ihw in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
            calcTraces(options, GFp, GFm, basis, NCfile, ihw)
            calcTraces(options, GFm, GFp, basis, NCfile, ihw)
        writeFGRrates(options, GFp, hw, NCfile)
        # LOEscale=1.0 => Generalized LOE, PRB 89, 081405(R) (2014) [arXiv:1312.7625]
        for ihw in (hw > options.modeCutoff).nonzero()[0]:
            GFp.calcGF(options.energy + hw[ihw] * options.LOEscale * VfracL +
                       options.eta * 1.0j,
            GFm.calcGF(options.energy + hw[ihw] * options.LOEscale *
                       (VfracL - 1.) + options.eta * 1.0j,
            calcTraces(options, GFp, GFm, basis, NCfile, ihw)
            if VfracL != 0.5:
                GFp.calcGF(options.energy - hw[ihw] * options.LOEscale *
                           (VfracL - 1.) + options.eta * 1.0j,
                GFm.calcGF(options.energy -
                           hw[ihw] * options.LOEscale * VfracL +
                           options.eta * 1.0j,
            calcTraces(options, GFm, GFp, basis, NCfile, ihw)

    # Multiply traces with voltage-dependent functions
    data = calcIETS(options, GFp, GFm, basis, hw)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 13
from Inelastica import MiscMath as mm
import numpy as N
from Inelastica import WriteXMGR as XMGR
import scipy.special as ss

# We try a simple Gaussian function:
x0 = 50
x = N.linspace(-x0, x0, 1e5)
gauss = -1j * N.pi**-0.5 * N.exp(-x**2)

# Output from our Hilbert function:
Hg, ker = mm.Hilbert(gauss)

# We can compare with this:
# Hilbert transform of a Gaussian function is related to Faddeva/w(z) functions:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawson_function
ex = -1j * N.pi**0.5 * ss.wofz(x)

# Collect data in a plot
data1 = XMGR.XYset(x, gauss.imag, legend='Gauss', Lwidth=2)
data2 = XMGR.XYset(x, ex.real, legend='Faddeva', Lwidth=2)
data3 = XMGR.XYset(x, N.pi * Hg.imag, legend='Inelastica', Lwidth=1)
graph1 = XMGR.Graph(data1, data2, data3)

# Compute error/difference between the two methods:
err = ex.real - N.pi * Hg.imag
data4 = XMGR.XYset(x, err, legend='Difference', Lwidth=2)
graph2 = XMGR.Graph(data4)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main(options):
    Main routine to compute elastic transmission probabilities etc.

    options : an ``options`` instance
    CF.CreatePipeOutput(options.DestDir + '/' + options.Logfile)
    VC.OptionsCheck(options, 'pyTBT')
    CF.PrintMainHeader('pyTBT', options)

    # K-points
    if options.Gk1 > 1:
        Nk1, t1 = options.Gk1, 'GK'
        Nk1, t1 = options.Nk1, 'LIN'
    if options.Gk2 > 1:
        Nk2, t2 = options.Gk2, 'GK'
        Nk2, t2 = options.Nk2, 'LIN'
    # Generate full k-mesh:
    mesh = Kmesh.kmesh(Nk1,
                       meshtype=[t1, t2, 'LIN'],
                       invsymmetry=not options.skipsymmetry)
        '%s/%s.%ix%i.mesh' %
        (options.DestDir, options.systemlabel, mesh.Nk[0], mesh.Nk[1]))
    # Setup self-energies and device GF
    elecL = NEGF.ElectrodeSelfEnergy(options.fnL, options.NA1L, options.NA2L,
                                     options.voltage / 2.)
    elecL.scaling = options.scaleSigL
    elecL.semiinf = options.semiinfL
    elecR = NEGF.ElectrodeSelfEnergy(options.fnR, options.NA1R, options.NA2R,
                                     -options.voltage / 2.)
    elecR.scaling = options.scaleSigR
    elecR.semiinf = options.semiinfR
    DevGF = NEGF.GF(options.TSHS,
    nspin = DevGF.HS.nspin

    # k-sample only self-energies?
    if options.singlejunction:
        elecL.mesh = mesh
        mesh = Kmesh.kmesh(3, 3, 1)

    if options.dos:
        DOSL = N.zeros((nspin, len(options.Elist), DevGF.nuo), N.float)
        DOSR = N.zeros((nspin, len(options.Elist), DevGF.nuo), N.float)

        # MPSH projections?
        MPSHL = N.zeros((nspin, len(options.Elist), DevGF.nuo), N.float)
        MPSHR = N.zeros((nspin, len(options.Elist), DevGF.nuo), N.float)
        # evaluate eigenstates at Gamma
        import scipy.linalg as SLA
        ev0, es0 = SLA.eigh(DevGF.H, DevGF.S)
        print 'MPSH eigenvalues:', ev0
        #print 'MPSH eigenvector normalizations:',N.diag(MM.mm(MM.dagger(es0),DevGF.S,es0)).real # right

    # Loop over spin
    for iSpin in range(nspin):
        # initialize transmission and shot noise arrays
        Tkpt = N.zeros((len(options.Elist), mesh.NNk, options.numchan + 1),
        SNkpt = N.zeros((len(options.Elist), mesh.NNk, options.numchan + 1),
        # prepare output files
        outFile = options.DestDir + '/%s.%ix%i' % (options.systemlabel,
                                                   mesh.Nk[0], mesh.Nk[1])
        if nspin < 2: thisspinlabel = outFile
        else: thisspinlabel = outFile + ['.UP', '.DOWN'][iSpin]
        fo = open(thisspinlabel + '.AVTRANS', 'write')
        fo.write('# Nk1(%s)=%i Nk2(%s)=%i eta=%.2e etaLead=%.2e\n' %
                 (mesh.type[0], mesh.Nk[0], mesh.type[1], mesh.Nk[1],
                  options.eta, options.etaLead))
        fo.write('# E   Ttot(E)   Ti(E)(i=1-%i)   RelErrorTtot(E)\n' %
        foSN = open(thisspinlabel + '.AVNOISE', 'write')
        foSN.write('# Nk1(%s)=%i Nk2(%s)=%i eta=%.2e etaLead=%.2e\n' %
                   (mesh.type[0], mesh.Nk[0], mesh.type[1], mesh.Nk[1],
                    options.eta, options.etaLead))
        foSN.write('# E   SNtot(E)   SNi(E)(i=1-%i)\n' % options.numchan)
        foFF = open(thisspinlabel + '.FANO', 'write')
        foFF.write('# Nk1(%s)=%i Nk2(%s)=%i eta=%.2e etaLead=%.2e\n' %
                   (mesh.type[0], mesh.Nk[0], mesh.type[1], mesh.Nk[1],
                    options.eta, options.etaLead))
        foFF.write('# E   Fano factor \n')
        # Loop over energy
        for ie, ee in enumerate(options.Elist):
            Tavg = N.zeros((options.numchan + 1, len(mesh.w)), N.float)
            SNavg = N.zeros((options.numchan + 1, len(mesh.w)), N.float)
            AavL = N.zeros((DevGF.nuo, DevGF.nuo), N.complex)
            AavR = N.zeros((DevGF.nuo, DevGF.nuo), N.complex)
            # Loops over k-points
            for ik in range(mesh.NNk):
                DevGF.calcGF(ee + options.eta * 1.0j,
                             mesh.k[ik, :2],
                # Transmission and shot noise
                T, SN = DevGF.calcTEIG(options.numchan)
                for iw in range(len(mesh.w)):
                    Tavg[:, iw] += T * mesh.w[iw, ik]
                    SNavg[:, iw] += SN * mesh.w[iw, ik]
                Tkpt[ie, ik] = T
                SNkpt[ie, ik] = SN
                # DOS calculation:
                if options.dos:
                    if options.SpectralCutoff > 0.0:
                        AavL += mesh.w[0, ik] * MM.mm(DevGF.AL.L, DevGF.AL.R,
                        AavR += mesh.w[0, ik] * MM.mm(DevGF.AR.L, DevGF.AR.R,
                        AavL += mesh.w[0, ik] * MM.mm(DevGF.AL, DevGF.S)
                        AavR += mesh.w[0, ik] * MM.mm(DevGF.AR, DevGF.S)
            # Print calculated quantities
            err = (N.abs(Tavg[0, 0] - Tavg[0, 1]) +
                   N.abs(Tavg[0, 0] - Tavg[0, 2])) / 2
            relerr = err / Tavg[0, 0]
            print 'ispin= %i, e= %.4f, Tavg= %.8f, RelErr= %.1e' % (
                iSpin, ee, Tavg[0, 0], relerr)
            transline = '\n%.10f ' % ee
            noiseline = '\n%.10f ' % ee
            for ichan in range(options.numchan + 1):
                if ichan == 0:
                    transline += '%.8e ' % Tavg[ichan, 0]
                    noiseline += '%.8e ' % SNavg[ichan, 0]
                    transline += '%.4e ' % Tavg[ichan, 0]
                    noiseline += '%.4e ' % SNavg[ichan, 0]
            transline += '%.2e ' % relerr
            foFF.write('\n%.10f %.8e' % (ee, SNavg[0, 0] / Tavg[0, 0]))
            # Partial density of states:
            if options.dos:
                DOSL[iSpin, ie, :] += N.diag(AavL).real / (2 * N.pi)
                DOSR[iSpin, ie, :] += N.diag(AavR).real / (2 * N.pi)
                MPSHL[iSpin, ie, :] += N.diag(MM.mm(MM.dagger(es0), AavL,
                                                    es0)).real / (2 * N.pi)
                MPSHR[iSpin, ie, :] += N.diag(MM.mm(MM.dagger(es0), AavR,
                                                    es0)).real / (2 * N.pi)
                print 'ispin= %i, e= %.4f, DOSL= %.4f, DOSR= %.4f' % (
                    iSpin, ee, N.sum(DOSL[iSpin,
                                          ie, :]), N.sum(DOSR[iSpin, ie, :]))

        # Write k-point-resolved transmission
        fo = open(thisspinlabel + '.TRANS', 'write')
        for ik in range(mesh.NNk):
            w = mesh.w[:, ik]
            fo.write('\n\n# k = %f, %f    w = %f %f %f %f' %
                     (mesh.k[ik, 0], mesh.k[ik, 1], w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3]))
            for ie, ee in enumerate(options.Elist):
                transline = '\n%.10f ' % ee
                for ichan in range(options.numchan + 1):
                    if ichan == 0:
                        transline += '%.8e ' % Tkpt[ie, ik, ichan]
                        transline += '%.4e ' % Tkpt[ie, ik, ichan]

        # Write k-point-resolved shot noise
        fo = open(thisspinlabel + '.NOISE', 'write')
        for ik in range(mesh.NNk):
            w = mesh.w[:, ik]
            fo.write('\n\n# k = %f, %f    w = %f %f %f %f' %
                     (mesh.k[ik, 0], mesh.k[ik, 1], w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3]))
            for ie, ee in enumerate(options.Elist):
                noiseline = '\n%.10f ' % ee
                for ichan in range(options.numchan + 1):
                    if ichan == 0:
                        noiseline += '%.8e ' % SNkpt[ie, ik, ichan]
                        noiseline += '%.4e ' % SNkpt[ie, ik, ichan]

    # End loop over spin
    NEGF.SavedSig.close()  # Make sure saved Sigma is written to file

    if options.dos:
        # Read basis
        L = options.bufferL
        # Pad lasto with zeroes to enable basis generation...
        lasto = N.zeros((DevGF.HS.nua + L + 1, ), N.int)
        lasto[L:] = DevGF.HS.lasto
        basis = SIO.BuildBasis(options.fn, 1 + L, DevGF.HS.nua + L, lasto)
        basis.ii -= L
        WritePDOS(outFile + '.PDOS.gz', options, DevGF, DOSL + DOSR, basis)
        WritePDOS(outFile + '.PDOSL.gz', options, DevGF, DOSL, basis)
        WritePDOS(outFile + '.PDOSR.gz', options, DevGF, DOSR, basis)

        WriteMPSH(outFile + '.MPSH.gz', options, DevGF, MPSHL + MPSHR, ev0)
        WriteMPSH(outFile + '.MPSHL.gz', options, DevGF, MPSHL, ev0)
        WriteMPSH(outFile + '.MPSHR.gz', options, DevGF, MPSHR, ev0)

Ejemplo n.º 15
def main(options):
    CF.CreatePipeOutput(options.DestDir + '/' + options.Logfile)

    CF.PrintMainHeader('Bandstructures', options)

        fdf = glob.glob(options.onlyTSdir + '/RUN.fdf')
        TSrun = True
        fdf = glob.glob(options.FCwildcard +
                        '/RUN.fdf')  # This should be made an input flag
        TSrun = False
    SCDM = Supercell_DynamicalMatrix(fdf, TSrun)

    # Write high-symmetry path
    WritePath(options.DestDir + '/symmetry-path', SCDM.Sym.path, options.steps)

    # Write mesh
    k1, k2, k3 = ast.literal_eval(options.mesh)
    rvec = 2 * N.pi * N.array([SCDM.Sym.b1, SCDM.Sym.b2, SCDM.Sym.b3])
    import Inelastica.physics.mesh as Kmesh
    # Full mesh
    kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1,
                        meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'],
    WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),
                 N.dot(kmesh.k, rvec))
    # Mesh reduced by inversion symmetry
    kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1,
                        meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'],
    WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i_invsym' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),
                 N.dot(kmesh.k, rvec))

    # Evaluate electron k-points
    if options.kfile:
        # Prepare Hamiltonian etc in Gamma for whole supercell
        natoms = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(fdf[0], 'NumberOfAtoms', int, -1,
                              N.array([0., 0., 0.]),
        SCDM.nao = SCDM.h0.shape[-1]
        SCDM.FirstOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[0][0]  # First atom = 1
        SCDM.LastOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN -
                                    1][1]  # Last atom = Sym.NN
        SCDM.rednao = SCDM.LastOrb + 1 - SCDM.FirstOrb
        # Read kpoints
        kpts, dk, klabels, kticks = ReadKpoints(options.kfile)
        if klabels:
            # Only write ascii if labels exist
            WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/kpoints', kpts, klabels)
        # Prepare netcdf
        ncfn = options.DestDir + '/Electrons.nc'
        ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w')
        # Grid
        ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(kpts))
        ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
        grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector'))
        grid[:] = kpts
        grid.units = '1/Angstrom'
        # Geometry
        ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN)
        xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector'))
        xyz[:] = SCDM.Sym.basis.xyz
        xyz.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        pbc.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3]
        rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)'
        rvec1[:] = rvec
        # Loop over kpoints
        for i, k in enumerate(kpts):
            if i < 100:  # Print only for the first 100 points
                ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k,
                ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k,
                # otherwise something simple
                if i % 100 == 0:
                    print '%i out of %i k-points computed' % (i, len(kpts))
            if i == 0:
                ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin)
                ncf.createDimension('orbs', SCDM.rednao)
                if options.nbands and options.nbands < SCDM.rednao:
                    nbands = options.nbands
                    nbands = SCDM.rednao
                ncf.createDimension('bands', nbands)
                evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd',
                                           ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'bands'))
                evals.units = 'eV'
                evecsRe = ncf.createVariable(
                    'eigenvectors.re', 'd',
                    ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands'))
                evecsIm = ncf.createVariable(
                    'eigenvectors.im', 'd',
                    ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands'))
                # Check eigenvectors
                print 'SupercellPhonons: Checking eigenvectors at', k
                for j in range(SCDM.nspin):
                    ev2 = N.diagonal(
                        MM.mm(MM.dagger(evec[j]), SCDM.h0_k[j], evec[j]))
                    print ' ... spin %i: Allclose=' % j, N.allclose(ev[j],
            # Write to NetCDF
            evals[i, :] = ev[:, :nbands]
            evecsRe[i, :] = evec[:, :, :nbands].real
            evecsIm[i, :] = evec[:, :, :nbands].imag
        # Include basis orbitals in netcdf file
        if SCDM.Sym.basis.NN == len(SCDM.OrbIndx):
            lasto = N.zeros(SCDM.Sym.basis.NN + 1, N.float)
            lasto[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN] = SCDM.OrbIndx[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN, 0]
            lasto[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN] = SCDM.OrbIndx[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN - 1,
                                                    1] + 1
            lasto = SCDM.OrbIndx[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN + 1, 0]
        orbbasis = SIO.BuildBasis(fdf[0], 1, SCDM.Sym.basis.NN, lasto)
        # Note that the above basis is for the geometry with an atom FC-moved in z.
        #print dir(orbbasis)
        #print orbbasis.xyz # Hence, this is not the correct geometry of the basis atoms!
        center = ncf.createVariable('orbcenter', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        center[:] = N.array(orbbasis.ii - 1, dtype='int32')
        center.description = 'Atom index (counting from 0) of the orbital center'
        nn = ncf.createVariable('N', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        nn[:] = N.array(orbbasis.N, dtype='int32')
        ll = ncf.createVariable('L', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        ll[:] = N.array(orbbasis.L, dtype='int32')
        mm = ncf.createVariable('M', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        mm[:] = N.array(orbbasis.M, dtype='int32')
        # Cutoff radius and delta
        Rc = ncf.createVariable('Rc', 'd', ('orbs', ))
        Rc[:] = orbbasis.coff
        Rc.units = 'Angstrom'
        delta = ncf.createVariable('delta', 'd', ('orbs', ))
        delta[:] = orbbasis.delta
        delta.units = 'Angstrom'
        # Radial components of the orbitals
        ntb = len(orbbasis.orb[0])
        ncf.createDimension('ntb', ntb)
        rii = ncf.createVariable('rii', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb'))
        rii[:] = N.outer(orbbasis.delta, N.arange(ntb))
        rii.units = 'Angstrom'
        radialfct = ncf.createVariable('radialfct', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb'))
        radialfct[:] = orbbasis.orb
        # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands?
        if options.sorting:
            for i in range(SCDM.nspin):
                evals[:, i, :] = SortBands(evals[:, i, :])
        # Produce nice plots if labels exist
        if klabels:
            if SCDM.nspin == 1:
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 0, :], kticks)
            elif SCDM.nspin == 2:
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.UP.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 0, :], kticks)
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.DOWN.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 1, :], kticks)

    if TSrun:  # only electronic calculation
        return SCDM.Sym.path

    # Compute phonon eigenvalues
    if options.qfile:
        qpts, dq, qlabels, qticks = ReadKpoints(options.qfile)
        if qlabels:
            # Only write ascii if labels exist
            WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/qpoints', qpts, qlabels)
        # Prepare netcdf
        ncfn = options.DestDir + '/Phonons.nc'
        ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w')
        # Grid
        ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(qpts))
        ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
        grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector'))
        grid[:] = qpts
        grid.units = '1/Angstrom'
        # Geometry
        ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN)
        xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector'))
        xyz[:] = SCDM.Sym.basis.xyz
        xyz.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        pbc.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3]
        rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)'
        rvec1[:] = rvec
        # Loop over q
        for i, q in enumerate(qpts):
            if i < 100:  # Print only for the first 100 points
                hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True)
                hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=False)
                # otherwise something simple
                if i % 100 == 0:
                    print '%i out of %i q-points computed' % (i, len(qpts))
            if i == 0:
                ncf.createDimension('bands', len(hw))
                ncf.createDimension('displ', len(hw))
                evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd',
                                           ('gridpts', 'bands'))
                evals.units = 'eV'
                evecsRe = ncf.createVariable('eigenvectors.re', 'd',
                                             ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ'))
                evecsIm = ncf.createVariable('eigenvectors.im', 'd',
                                             ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ'))
                # Check eigenvectors
                print 'SupercellPhonons.Checking eigenvectors at', q
                tmp = MM.mm(N.conjugate(U), SCDM.FCtilde, N.transpose(U))
                const = PC.hbar2SI * (1e20 / (PC.eV2Joule * PC.amu2kg))**0.5
                hw2 = const * N.diagonal(tmp)**0.5  # Units in eV
                print ' ... Allclose=', N.allclose(hw,
            evals[i] = hw
            evecsRe[i] = U.real
            evecsIm[i] = U.imag
        # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands?
        if options.sorting:
            evals = SortBands(evals)
        # Produce nice plots if labels exist
        if qlabels:
            PlotPhononBands(options.DestDir + '/Phonons.agr', dq,
                            N.array(evals[:]), qticks)

    # Compute e-ph couplings
    if options.kfile and options.qfile:
        ncf = NC4.Dataset(options.DestDir + '/EPH.nc', 'w')
        ncf.createDimension('kpts', len(kpts))
        ncf.createDimension('qpts', len(qpts))
        ncf.createDimension('modes', len(hw))
        ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin)
        ncf.createDimension('bands', SCDM.rednao)
        ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
        kgrid = ncf.createVariable('kpts', 'd', ('kpts', 'vector'))
        kgrid[:] = kpts
        qgrid = ncf.createVariable('qpts', 'd', ('qpts', 'vector'))
        qgrid[:] = qpts
        evalfkq = ncf.createVariable('evalfkq', 'd',
                                     ('kpts', 'qpts', 'nspin', 'bands'))
        # First (second) band index n (n') is the initial (final) state, i.e.,
        # Mkq(k,q,mode,spin,n,n') := < n',k+q | dV_q(mode) | n,k >
        MkqAbs = ncf.createVariable(
            'Mkqabs', 'd',
            ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands'))
        GkqAbs = ncf.createVariable(
            'Gkqabs', 'd',
            ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands'))
        # Loop over k-points
        for i, k in enumerate(kpts):
            kpts[i] = k
            # Compute initial electronic states
            evi, eveci = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=True)
            # Loop over q-points
            for j, q in enumerate(qpts):
                # Compute phonon modes
                hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True)
                # Compute final electronic states
                evf, evecf = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k + q, verbose=True)
                evalfkq[i, j, :] = evf
                # Compute electron-phonon couplings
                m, g = SCDM.ComputeEPHcouplings_kq(
                    k, q)  # (modes,nspin,bands,bands)
                # Data to file
                # M (modes,spin,i,l) = m(modes,k,j) init(i,j) final(k,l)
                #                            0 1 2       0,1        0 1
                #                                ^-------^
                #                              ^----------------------^
                for ispin in range(SCDM.nspin):
                    evecfd = MM.dagger(evecf[ispin])  # (bands,bands)
                    M = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(m[:, ispin],
                                                axes=[2, 0]),
                                    axes=[1, 1])
                    G = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(g[:, ispin],
                                                axes=[2, 0]),
                                    axes=[1, 1])
                    MkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(M)
                    GkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(G)
    return SCDM.Sym.path
Ejemplo n.º 16
def calcWF(options, geom, basis, Y):
    Calculate wavefunction, returns:
    YY : complex wavefunction on regular grid
    dstep : stepsize
    origo : vector
    nx, ny, nz : number of grid points


    # Size of cube
    xmin, xmax = min(xyz[:, 0])-5.0, max(xyz[:, 0])+5.0
    ymin, ymax = min(xyz[:, 1])-5.0, max(xyz[:, 1])+5.0
    zmin, zmax = min(xyz[:, 2])-5.0, max(xyz[:, 2])+5.0
    xl, yl, zl = xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, zmax-zmin
    dx, dy, dz = options.res, options.res, options.res
    nx, ny, nz = int(xl/dx)+1, int(yl/dy)+1, int(zl/dz)+1

    origo = N.array([xmin, ymin, zmin], N.float)

    # Def cube
    YY=N.zeros((nx, ny, nz), N.complex)
    rx=N.array(range(nx), N.float)*dx+origo[0]
    ry=N.array(range(ny), N.float)*dy+origo[1]
    rz=N.array(range(nz), N.float)*dz+origo[2]

    for ii, Yval in enumerate(Y):
        if ii>0:# and ii%(int(len(Y)/10))==0:
            SIO.printDone(ii, len(Y), 'Wavefunction')

        rax, ray, raz=basis.xyz[ii, 0], basis.xyz[ii, 1], basis.xyz[ii, 2]
        # Only calulate in subset
        ixmin, ixmax = int((rax-origo[0]-basis.coff[ii])/dx), \
        iymin, iymax = int((ray-origo[1]-basis.coff[ii])/dy), \
        izmin, izmax = int((raz-origo[2]-basis.coff[ii])/dz), \

        ddx, ddy, ddz=rx[ixmin:ixmax]-rax, ry[iymin:iymax]-ray, rz[izmin:izmax]-raz

        dr=N.sqrt(MM.outerAdd(ddx*ddx, ddy*ddy, ddz*ddz))
        drho=N.sqrt(MM.outerAdd(ddx*ddx, ddy*ddy, 0*ddz))

        ri=N.where(ri<imax, ri, imax)
        costh = MM.outerAdd(0*ddx, 0*ddy, ddz)/dr
        cosfi, sinfi = MM.outerAdd(ddx, 0*ddy, 0*ddz)/drho, MM.outerAdd(0*ddx, ddy, 0*ddz)/drho

        # Numpy has changed the choose function to crap!
        RR=N.take(basis.orb[ii], ri)

        # Calculate spherical harmonics
        l = basis.L[ii]
        m = basis.M[ii]
        if l==3:
            print 'f-shell : l=%i, m=%i (NOT TESTED!!)'%(l, m)
        thisSphHar = MM.sphericalHarmonics(l, m, costh, sinfi, cosfi)

        YY[ixmin:ixmax, iymin:iymax, izmin:izmax]=YY[ixmin:ixmax, iymin:iymax, izmin:izmax]+\

    print "Wave function norm on real space grid:", N.sum(YY.conjugate()*YY)*dx*dy*dz

    return YY, options.res, origo, nx, ny, nz
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def calcGF(self,
        "Calculate GF etc at energy ee and 2d k-point"
        nuo, nuoL, nuoR = self.nuo, self.nuoL, self.nuoR
        nuo0, nuoL0, nuoR0 = self.nuo0, self.nuoL0, self.nuoR0
        FoldedL, FoldedR = self.FoldedL, self.FoldedR
        devSt, devEnd = self.DeviceOrbs[0], self.DeviceOrbs[1]

        # Determine whether electrode self-energies should be k-sampled or not
            mesh = self.elecL.mesh  # a mesh was attached
            mesh = False
        # Calculate electrode self-energies
        if mesh:
                self.SigAvg  # Averaged self-energies exist
                self.SigAvg = [False, -1]
            if self.SigAvg[0] == ee and self.SigAvg[1] == ispin:
                # We have already the averaged self-energies
                print 'NEGF: Reusing sampled electrode self-energies', mesh.Nk, mesh.type, 'for ispin= %i e= %f' % (
                    ispin, ee)
                # k-sampling performed over folded electrode self-energies
                print 'NEGF: Sampling electrode self-energies', mesh.Nk, mesh.type, 'for ispin= %i e= %f' % (
                    ispin, ee)
                self.calcSigLR(ee, mesh.k[0, :2], ispin, etaLead,
                               useSigNCfiles, SpectralCutoff)
                AvgSigL = mesh.w[0, 0] * self.SigL
                AvgSigR = mesh.w[0, 0] * self.SigR
                for i in range(1, len(mesh.k)):
                    self.calcSigLR(ee, mesh.k[i, :2], ispin, etaLead,
                                   useSigNCfiles, SpectralCutoff)
                    AvgSigL += mesh.w[0, i] * self.SigL
                    AvgSigR += mesh.w[0, i] * self.SigR
                # We now simply continue with the averaged self-energies
                self.SigL = AvgSigL
                self.SigR = AvgSigR
                self.SigAvg = [ee, ispin]
            # We sample k-points the usual way
            self.calcSigLR(ee, kpoint, ispin, etaLead, useSigNCfiles)

        # Ready to calculate Gr
        self.setkpoint(kpoint, ispin)
        eSmH = ee * self.S - self.H
        if FoldedL:
            eSmH[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] = eSmH[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] - self.SigL
            if self.Bulk:
                eSmH[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] = self.SigL  # SGF^1
                eSmH[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] = eSmH[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] - self.SigL
        if FoldedR:
            eSmH[nuo - nuoR:nuo, nuo -
                 nuoR:nuo] = eSmH[nuo - nuoR:nuo, nuo - nuoR:nuo] - self.SigR
            if self.Bulk:
                eSmH[nuo - nuoR:nuo, nuo - nuoR:nuo] = self.SigR  # SGF^1
                eSmH[nuo - nuoR:nuo,
                     nuo - nuoR:nuo] = eSmH[nuo - nuoR:nuo,
                                            nuo - nuoR:nuo] - self.SigR
        self.Gr = LA.inv(eSmH)
        self.Ga = MM.dagger(self.Gr)
        # Calculate spectral functions
        if SpectralCutoff > 0.0:
            self.AL = MM.SpectralMatrix(MM.mm(self.Gr[:, 0:nuoL], self.GamL,
                                              self.Ga[0:nuoL, :]),
            tmp = MM.mm(self.GamL, self.Gr[0:nuoL, :])
            self.ALT = MM.SpectralMatrix(MM.mm(self.Ga[:, 0:nuoL], tmp),
            self.AR = MM.SpectralMatrix(MM.mm(self.Gr[:, nuo - nuoR:nuo],
                                              self.Ga[nuo - nuoR:nuo, :]),
            self.ARGLG = MM.mm(self.AR.L, self.AR.R[:, 0:nuoL], tmp)
            self.A = self.AL + self.AR
            # transmission matrix AL.GamR
            self.TT = MM.mm(self.AL.R[:, nuo - nuoR:nuo], self.GamR,
                            self.AL.L[nuo - nuoR:nuo, :])
            self.AL = MM.mm(self.Gr[:, 0:nuoL], self.GamL, self.Ga[0:nuoL, :])
            tmp = MM.mm(self.GamL, self.Gr[0:nuoL, :])
            self.ALT = MM.mm(self.Ga[:, 0:nuoL], tmp)
            self.AR = MM.mm(self.Gr[:, nuo - nuoR:nuo], self.GamR,
                            self.Ga[nuo - nuoR:nuo, :])
            self.ARGLG = MM.mm(self.AR[:, 0:nuoL], tmp)
            self.A = self.AL + self.AR
            # transmission matrix AL.GamR
            self.TT = MM.mm(self.AL[nuo - nuoR:nuo, nuo - nuoR:nuo], self.GamR)

        print 'NEGF.calcGF: Shape of transmission matrix (TT):', self.TT.shape
        print 'NEGF.calcGF: Energy and total transmission Tr[TT].real:', ee, N.trace(
        # Write also the Gammas in the full space of Gr/Ga/A
        # (needed for the inelastic shot noise)
        self.GammaL = N.zeros(self.Gr.shape, N.complex)
        self.GammaL[0:nuoL, 0:nuoL] = self.GamL
        self.GammaR = N.zeros(self.Gr.shape, N.complex)
        self.GammaR[nuo - nuoR:nuo, nuo - nuoR:nuo] = self.GamR
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def calcSigLR(self,
        Calculate (folded) self-energy at energy ee and 2d k-point
        Uses SpectralMatrix format for the spectralfunction matrices, see MiscMath, if cutoff>0.0

        nuoL, nuoR = self.nuoL, self.nuoR
        nuo0, nuoL0, nuoR0 = self.nuo0, self.nuoL0, self.nuoR0
        FoldedL, FoldedR = self.FoldedL, self.FoldedR
        devSt, devEnd = self.DeviceOrbs[0], self.DeviceOrbs[1]
        # Calculate Sigma without folding
        self.setkpoint(kpoint, ispin)
        SigL0 = self.elecL.getSig(ee,
        SigR0 = self.elecR.getSig(ee,

        if FoldedL:
            # Fold down from nuoL0 to the device region
            # A11 A12     g11 g12    I 0
            # A21 A22  *  g21 g22  = 0 I ->
            # g22 = (A22-A21.A11^-1.A12)^-1 ->
            # Sigma = A21.A11^-1.A12          (tau=A12)
            devEndL = self.devEndL
            # Do folding
            eSmH = ee * self.S0 - self.H0
            eSmHmS = eSmH[0:devEndL, 0:devEndL].copy()
            if self.Bulk:
                eSmHmS[0:nuoL0, 0:nuoL0] = SigL0  # SGF^1
                eSmHmS[0:nuoL0, 0:nuoL0] = eSmHmS[0:nuoL0, 0:nuoL0] - SigL0
            tau = eSmHmS[0:devSt - 1, devSt - 1:devEndL].copy()
            taud = eSmHmS[devSt - 1:devEndL, 0:devSt - 1].copy()
            inv = LA.inv(eSmHmS[0:devSt - 1, 0:devSt - 1])
            eSmHmS[devSt-1:devEndL, devSt-1:devEndL]=eSmHmS[devSt-1:devEndL, devSt-1:devEndL]-\
                MM.mm(taud, inv, tau)
            self.SigL = eSmH[devSt - 1:devEndL,
                             devSt - 1:devEndL] - eSmHmS[devSt - 1:devEndL,
                                                         devSt - 1:devEndL]
            self.SigL = SigL0
        self.GamL = 1.0j * (self.SigL - MM.dagger(self.SigL))
        if self.Bulk and not FoldedL:
            # Reverse sign since SigL is really SGF^-1
            self.GamL = -1.0 * self.GamL
        AssertReal(N.diag(self.GamL), 'GamL')

        if FoldedR:
            # Fold down from nuoR0 to the device region
            devStR = self.devStR
            eSmH = ee * self.S0 - self.H0
            eSmHmS = eSmH[devStR - 1:nuo0, devStR - 1:nuo0].copy()
            tmpnuo = len(eSmHmS)
            if self.Bulk:
                eSmHmS[tmpnuo - nuoR0:tmpnuo,
                       tmpnuo - nuoR0:tmpnuo] = SigR0  # SGF^1
                eSmHmS[tmpnuo - nuoR0:tmpnuo, tmpnuo -
                       nuoR0:tmpnuo] = eSmHmS[tmpnuo - nuoR0:tmpnuo,
                                              tmpnuo - nuoR0:tmpnuo] - SigR0
            tau = eSmHmS[0:nuoR, nuoR:tmpnuo].copy()
            taud = eSmHmS[nuoR:tmpnuo, 0:nuoR].copy()
            inv = LA.inv(eSmHmS[nuoR:tmpnuo, nuoR:tmpnuo])
                   0:nuoR] = eSmHmS[0:nuoR, 0:nuoR] - MM.mm(tau, inv, taud)
            self.SigR = eSmH[devStR - 1:devEnd,
                             devStR - 1:devEnd] - eSmHmS[0:nuoR, 0:nuoR]
            self.SigR = SigR0
        self.GamR = 1.0j * (self.SigR - MM.dagger(self.SigR))
        if self.Bulk and not FoldedR:
            # Reverse sign since SigR is really SGF^-1
            self.GamR = -1.0 * self.GamR
        AssertReal(N.diag(self.GamR), 'GamR')
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def calcg0_old(self, ee, ispin=0, left=True):
        Only used if SciPy is not installed!
        For the left surface Green's function  (1 is surface layer, 0 is all the other atoms):
        (E S00-H00  E S01-H01)   (g00 g01)    ( I 0 )
        (E S10-H10  E S11-H11) * (g01 g11)  = ( 0 I ) ->
        call E S - H for t ...

        t00 g01 + t01 g11 = 0  -> g01 = - t00^-1 t01 g11
        t10 g01 + t11 g11 = I -> - t10 t00^-1 t01 g11 + t11 g11 = I -> 

        And we get the surface Green's function:

        g11 = (t11 - t10 t00^-1 t01)^-1 with the right size of unitcell t00^-1 = g11!
        g11 = (E S11 - H11 - (E S10 - H10) g11 (E S01 - H01))^-1

        In the calculations H01^+ and S01^+ are used instead of S10 and H10.
        (For complex energies (E S01 -H01)^+ is not (E S10 -H10) because the conjugate of the energy!!!!)

        For the right surface greens function same but different order on the MM.daggers!
        i.e., (E S - H - (E S01 - H01) gs (E S01^+ -H01^+)

        Algorith: Lopez Sancho*2 J Phys F:Met Phys 15 (1985) 851

        I'm still very suspicios of this algorithm ... but it works and is really quick!
        The convergence is always checked against gs (E S - H - (E S01^+ - H01^+) gs (E S01 -H01) ) = I!
        H, S, H01, S01 = self.H[ispin, :, :], self.S, self.H01[
            ispin, :, :], self.S01

        alpha, beta = MM.dagger(H01) - ee * MM.dagger(S01), H01 - ee * S01
        eps, epss = H.copy(), H.copy()

        converged = False
        iteration = 0
        while not converged:
            iteration += 1
            oldeps, oldepss = eps.copy(), epss.copy()
            oldalpha, oldbeta = alpha.copy(), beta.copy()
            tmpa = LA.solve(ee * S - oldeps, oldalpha)
            tmpb = LA.solve(ee * S - oldeps, oldbeta)
            alpha, beta = MM.mm(oldalpha, tmpa), MM.mm(oldbeta, tmpb)
            eps = oldeps + MM.mm(oldalpha, tmpb) + MM.mm(oldbeta, tmpa)
            if left:
                epss = oldepss + MM.mm(oldalpha, tmpb)
                epss = oldepss + MM.mm(oldbeta, tmpa)
            LopezConvTest = N.max(abs(alpha) + abs(beta))
            if LopezConvTest < 1.0e-40:
                gs = LA.inv(ee * S - epss)
                if left:
                    test = ee * S - H - MM.mm(
                        ee * MM.dagger(S01) - MM.dagger(H01), gs,
                        ee * S01 - H01)
                    test = ee * S - H - MM.mm(
                        ee * S01 - H01, gs,
                        ee * MM.dagger(S01) - MM.dagger(H01))
                myConvTest = N.max(
                        MM.mm(test, gs) -
                        N.identity((self.HS.nuo), N.complex)))
                if myConvTest < VC.GetCheck("Lopez-Sancho"):
                    converged = True
                    if myConvTest > VC.GetCheck("Lopez-Sancho-warning"):
                        v = "RIGHT"
                        if left: v = "LEFT"
                        print "WARNING: Lopez-scheme not-so-well converged for " + v + " electrode at E = %.4f eV:" % ee, myConvTest
                    VC.Check("Lopez-Sancho", myConvTest,
                             "Error: gs iteration {0}".format(iteration))
        return gs
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def calcg0(self, ee, ispin=0, left=True):
        # Calculate surface Green's function
        # Euro Phys J B 62, 381 (2008)
        # Inverse of : NOTE, setup for "right" lead.
        # e-h00 -h01  ...
        # -h10  e-h00 ...
        h00, s00, h01, s01 = self.H[ispin, :, :], self.S, self.H01[
            ispin, :, :], self.S01
        NN, ee = len(h00), N.real(ee) + N.max([N.imag(ee), 1e-8]) * 1.0j
        if left:
            h01, s01 = MM.dagger(h01), MM.dagger(s01)

        # Solve generalized eigen-problem
        # ( e I - h00 , -I) (eps)          (h01 , 0) (eps)
        # ( h10       ,  0) (xi ) = lambda (0   , I) (xi )
        a, b = N.zeros((2 * NN, 2 * NN), N.complex), N.zeros((2 * NN, 2 * NN),
        a[0:NN, 0:NN] = ee * s00 - h00
        a[0:NN, NN:2 * NN] = -N.eye(NN)
        a[NN:2 * NN, 0:NN] = MM.dagger(h01) - ee * MM.dagger(s01)
        b[0:NN, 0:NN] = h01 - ee * s01
        b[NN:2 * NN, NN:2 * NN] = N.eye(NN)
        ev, evec = SLA.eig(a, b)

        # Select lambda <0 and the eps part of the evec
        ipiv = N.where(N.abs(ev) < 1.0)[0]
        ev, evec = ev[ipiv], N.transpose(evec[:NN, ipiv])
        # Normalize evec
        norm = N.sqrt(N.diag(MM.mm(evec, MM.dagger(evec))))
        evec = MM.mm(N.diag(1.0 / norm), evec)

        # E^+ Lambda_+ (E^+)^-1 --->>> g00
        EP = N.transpose(evec)
        FP = MM.mm(EP, N.diag(ev), LA.inv(MM.mm(MM.dagger(EP), EP)),
        g00 = LA.inv(ee * s00 - h00 - MM.mm(h01 - ee * s01, FP))

        # Check!
                         MM.mm(h01-ee*s01, g00, MM.dagger(h01)-ee*MM.dagger(s01)))))
        if err > 1.0e-8 and left:
            print "WARNING: Lopez-scheme not-so-well converged for LEFT electrode at E = %.4f eV:" % ee, err
        if err > 1.0e-8 and not left:
            print "WARNING: Lopez-scheme not-so-well converged for RIGHT electrode at E = %.4f eV:" % ee, err
        return g00