Ejemplo n.º 1
_Author_ = "***********"

import subprocess

import csv
import sys
import time
from kafka import KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer

from Initializer import Initialize

init_object = Initialize()

class kafka_producer():
    def publish_message(self, producer_instance, topic_name, key, value):
            key_bytes = bytearray(key, 'utf8')
            value_bytes = bytearray(value, 'utf8')
            print('Message published successfully.')
        except Exception as ex:
            print('Exception in publishing message')

    def connect_kafka_producer(self):
        _producer = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def tester_model(self, data_path, lag, horizon):
        # Function to check the efficiency of a model
        from sklearn.externals import joblib

        import tensorflow as tf

        from tensorflow.python.keras.models import model_from_json

        #energy_model_file_json = "model_lstm_energy2_v2_H30_colab.json"
        energy_model_file_json = "model_lstm_energy2_v3_H30_colab.json"
        #energy_model_file_json = "model_lstm_energy2_v5_H10_colab.json"
        # energy_model_file_json = "model_lstm_energy2_v1_H5_colab.json"
        #energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy_v2_H30_colab.h5"
        energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy2_v3_H30_colab.h5"
        #energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy2_v5_H10_colab.h5"
        #energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy2_v1_H5_colab.h5"

        #scalar_energy = joblib.load("./model/scaler_h30_robust_v3.save")
        scalar_energy = joblib.load("./model/scaler_h30_robust_v3.save")
        #scalar_energy = joblib.load("./model/scaler_standard_10.save")
        #scalar_energy = joblib.load("./model/scaler_h5_standard.save")

        graph = tf.get_default_graph()

        init_obj = Initialize()
        json_file_energy = open(init_obj.model_path + energy_model_file_json,
        loaded_model_energy_json = json_file_energy.read()
        loaded_model_energy = model_from_json(loaded_model_energy_json)
        # load weights into new model
        loaded_model_energy.load_weights(init_obj.model_path +
        print("Loaded model from disk")

        adaptation_df = pd.read_csv(
            data_path, sep=",",
            index_col="timestamp")  # Read the proccessed data frame

        adaptation_df_series = adaptation_df.values
        main_energy_list = []

        forecast_list = []
        actual_list = []
        actual_main_list = []

        for i in range(0, len(adaptation_df)):
            energy_value = 0
            #for j in range(0, 22):
            list_val = adaptation_df_series[i, :]
            sum_val = 0
            for index in range(0, len(list_val)):
                if index != 20:
                    sum_val = sum_val + list_val[index]

            if len(actual_main_list) == horizon:
                actual_main_list = []

            if len(main_energy_list) == 20:
                #print (main_energy_list)
                predict_array = np.array(main_energy_list)
                # print (predict_array.shape)
                predict_array = scalar_energy.fit_transform(predict_array)
                predict_array = predict_array.reshape(1, lag, 22)
                with graph.as_default():
                    energy_forecast = loaded_model_energy.predict(
                # K.clear_session()
                inverse_forecast = energy_forecast.reshape(horizon, 22)
                inverse_forecast = scalar_energy.inverse_transform(
                inverse_forecast_features = inverse_forecast.reshape(
                    energy_forecast.shape[0], 22 * horizon)
                energy_forecast_total = 0
                for j in range(0, inverse_forecast_features.shape[1]):
                    # for j in range(0, 22*horizon): # Number of components * horizon equals inverse_forecast_Features.shape[1]
                    if j not in [
                            20, 42, 64, 86, 108, 130, 152, 174, 196, 218, 240,
                            262, 284, 306, 328, 350, 372, 394, 416, 438, 460,
                            482, 504, 526, 548, 570, 592, 614, 636, 658
                        energy_forecast_total = energy_forecast_total + inverse_forecast_features[
                            0, j]
                #print (energy_forecast_total)
                main_energy_list = []
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.dict_sensor_freq_keys = {
            "v1EnNorm": 20000,
            "v1EnCrit": 5000,
            "v1ExNorm": 20000,
            "v1ExCrit": 5000,
            "v2EnNorm": 20000,
            "v2EnCrit": 5000,
            "v2ExNorm": 20000,
            "v2ExCrit": 5000,
            "v3EnNorm": 20000,
            "v3EnCrit": 5000,
            "v3ExNorm": 20000,
            "v3ExCrit": 5000,
            "p1EnNorm": 60000,
            "p1EnCrit": 10000,
            "p1ExNorm": 30000,
            "p1ExCrit": 10000,
            "p2EnNorm": 60000,
            "p2EnCrit": 10000,
            "p2ExNorm": 30000,
            "p2ExCrit": 10000
        self.sensor_id_key_map = {
            "S34": "p1En",
            "S33": "p1Ex",
            "S42": "p2En",
            "S41": "p2Ex",
            "S1": "v1En",
            "S2": "v1Ex",
            "S18": "v2En",
            "S20": "v2Ex",
            "S24": "v3En",
            "S25": "v3Ex"

        self.sensor_mapping = {
            'S1': 'S1',
            'S11': 'S2',
            'S17': 'S3',
            'S18': 'S4',
            'S2': 'S5',
            'S20': 'S6',
            'S24': 'S7',
            'S25': 'S8',
            'S26': 'S9',
            'S33': 'S10',
            'S34': 'S11',
            'S35': 'S12',
            'S41': 'S13',
            'S42': 'S14',
            'S43': 'S15',
            'S46': 'S16',
            'S47': 'S17',
            'S48': 'S18',
            'S49': 'S19',
            'S50': 'S20',
            'S51': 'S21',
            'S7': 'S22'
        self.reverse_sensor_map = {
            'S1': 'S1',
            'S2': 'S11',
            'S3': 'S17',
            'S4': 'S18',
            'S5': 'S2',
            'S6': 'S20',
            'S7': 'S24',
            'S8': 'S25',
            'S9': 'S26',
            'S10': 'S33',
            'S11': 'S34',
            'S12': 'S35',
            'S13': 'S41',
            'S14': 'S42',
            'S15': 'S43',
            'S16': 'S46',
            'S17': 'S47',
            'S18': 'S48',
            'S19': 'S49',
            'S20': 'S50',
            'S21': 'S51',
            'S22': 'S7'
        self.init_obj = Initialize()
        self.sensor_id_list = [
        ]  # Integere values just containing the id of the sensors
        for key in self.sensor_id_key_map:
            sensor_id = int(self.sensor_mapping[key].split("S")[1])

        # Define the energy thresholds 1.45 and 1.35§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
        #self.high_power = 14.5
        #self.high_power = 22.05
        self.high_power = self.init_obj.energy_hp

        #self.base_power = 13.5
        self.base_power = self.init_obj.energy_bp

        # Define the reduction frequency values
        self.reduction_freq_normal_hp = 20000
        self.reduction_freq_critical_hp = 10000
        self.reduction_freq_normal_bp = 10000
        self.reduction_freq_critical_bp = 5000
        self.adapation_count = 0  # Keep a count on the total adaptations performed
        self.time_count = 0  # Keep a check on the time lapsed
        self.bp_time = 0  # If a sensor has stayed in bp for 20 instances reset this value and restore to old frequency
        self.bp_count = self.init_obj.bp_count
Ejemplo n.º 4
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Flatten
from keras.layers import LSTM
from math import sqrt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
from numpy import array
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import numpy as np
from Initializer import Initialize
import time
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout

init_object = Initialize()

class LSTM_Learner():
    # Class to perform Model Creation and Learning
    # Consists of different functions for normalization and data arrangement

    # date-time parsing function for loading the dataset
    def parser(self, x):
        return datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # Load the dataset into the memory and start the learning
    def read_data(self, filepath):
        # Takes as input the path of the csv which contains the descriptions of energy consumed

        aggregated_df = read_csv(filepath,
Ejemplo n.º 5
from Initializer import Initialize
from SendMessage import SendMessage
from SendMessage import LoadLatestData
import time

init = Initialize()
message = SendMessage()
message.sendMessage("Hello this is Bcrec NoticeBoard")
# message.sendMessage("Notice Board Creation Successful")
# message.sendMessage("Downloading All links")
# batchMessage = init.batchMessage()
# for item in batchMessage:
#     link = SendMessage().createLink(item)
#     message.sendMessage(link)
loadLatest = LoadLatestData()
while True:
    newFileNames = loadLatest.getLatestData()
    if newFileNames != []:
        for item in newFileNames:
            link = message.createLink(item) + "\n" + message.createDate()
Ejemplo n.º 6
from numpy import array
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.externals import joblib

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.python.keras.models import model_from_json
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K

from Adaptation_Planner import Adaptation_Planner

from Initializer import Initialize

init_obj = Initialize()
ada_obj = Adaptation_Planner()

import json
from Initializer import Initialize

prev_vals = [19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0,
             19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0, 19160.0,
             19160.0]  # Initialize the inital energy configuration

#energy_model_file_json = "model_lstm_energy2_v2_ colab.json"
energy_model_file_json = init_obj.adaptation_model_json
#energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy_v2_colab.h5"
#energy_model_file_h5 = "model_lstm_energy_v3_H10_colab.h5"
energy_model_file_h5 = init_obj.adaptation_model_h5