Ejemplo n.º 1
    def pdoc(self, obj, oname='', formatter=None):
        """Print the docstring for any object.

        -formatter: a function to run the docstring through for specially
        formatted docstrings."""

        head = self.__head  # so that itpl can find it even if private
        if formatter is None:
            ds = inspect.getdoc(obj)
            ds = formatter(inspect.getdoc(obj))
        if type(obj) is types.ClassType:
            init_ds = inspect.getdoc(obj.__init__)
            output = itpl('$head("Class Docstring:")\n'
                          '$head("Constructor Docstring"):\n'
        elif type(obj) is types.InstanceType and hasattr(obj, '__call__'):
            call_ds = inspect.getdoc(obj.__call__)
            if call_ds:
                output = itpl('$head("Class Docstring:")\n$indent(ds)\n'
                              '$head("Calling Docstring:")\n$indent(call_ds)')
                output = ds
            output = ds
        if output == None:
            self.noinfo('documentation', oname)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __call__(self,lst,pos='',**kw):
     """Prints the nested list numbering levels."""
     kw.setdefault('indent',' ')
     kw.setdefault('sep',': ')
     # we need to remove start and stop from kw so they don't propagate
     # into a recursive call for a nested list.
     start = kw['start']; del kw['start']
     stop = kw['stop']; del kw['stop']
     if self.depth == 0 and 'header' in kw.keys():
         print kw['header']
     for idx in range(start,stop):
         elem = lst[idx]
         if type(elem)==type([]):
             self.depth += 1
             self.depth -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gen_url(radius, zipcode, make):
    return urllib.urlopen(itpl(BASE_URL))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gen_url(radius, zipcode, make):
    return urllib.urlopen(itpl(BASE_URL))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
                 rc=Struct(opts=None, args=None),

        # Put a reference to self in builtins so that any form of embedded or
        # imported code can test for being inside IPython.
        __builtin__.__dict__['__IPYTHON__'] = self

        # Keep in the builtins a flag for when IPython is active.  We set it
        # with setdefault so that multiple nested IPythons don't clobber one
        # another.  Each will increase its value by one upon being activated,
        # which also gives us a way to determine the nesting level.
        __builtin__.__dict__.setdefault('__IPYTHON__active', 0)

        # Create the namespace where the user will operate:

        # FIXME. For some strange reason, __builtins__ is showing up at user
        # level as a dict instead of a module. This is a manual fix, but I
        # should really track down where the problem is coming from. Alex
        # Schmolck reported this problem first.
        if user_ns is None:
            self.user_ns = {
                '__name__': '__IPYTHON__main__',
                name: self,
                '__builtins__': __builtin__,
            self.user_ns = user_ns

        # We need to insert into sys.modules something that looks like a
        # module but which accesses the IPython namespace, for shelve and
        # pickle to work interatctively. Normally they rely on getting
        # everything out of __main__, but for embedding purposes each IPython
        # instance has its own private namespace, so we can't go shoving
        # everything into __main__.

            main_name = self.user_ns['__name__']
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError, 'user_ns dictionary MUST have a "__name__" key'
            sys.modules[main_name] = _FakeModule(self.user_ns)

        # List of input with multi-line handling.
        # Fill its zero entry, user counter starts at 1
        self.input_hist = InputList(['\n'])

        # list of visited directories
        self.dir_hist = [os.getcwd()]

        # dict of output history
        self.output_hist = {}

        # make global variables for user access to these
        self.user_ns['_ih'] = self.input_hist
        self.user_ns['_oh'] = self.output_hist
        self.user_ns['_dh'] = self.dir_hist

        # user aliases to input and output histories
        self.user_ns['In'] = self.user_ns['_ih']
        self.user_ns['Out'] = self.user_ns['_oh']

        # class initializations
        code.InteractiveConsole.__init__(self, locals=self.user_ns)
        Logger.__init__(self, log_ns=self.user_ns)
        # an ugly hack to get a pointer to the shell, so I can start writing magic
        # code via this pointer instead of the current mixin salad.
        Magic.set_shell(self, self)

        # hooks is a Struct holding pointers to various system hooks, and will
        # be used for further user-side customizations in the future
        #self.hooks = Struct(ps1 = sys.ps1,ps2 = sys.ps2,display = sys.displayhook)
        self.hooks = Struct()

        self.name = name
        self.usage_min = """\
        An enhanced console for Python.
        Features are:
        - Readline support if present
        - Completion in the local namespace, eg. type TAB twice at the prompt.
        - Logging of input, see command-line options.
        - Systemshell escape by the ! , eg !ls
        - Magic commands, starting with a @ (like @ls, @pwd, @cd, etc.)
        - Keeps track of locally defined variables @who, @whos
        - Show object information with a ? eg ?x or x? (use ?? for more info).
        if usage: self.usage = usage
        else: self.usage = self.usage_min

        # Storage
        self.rc = rc  # This will hold all configuration information
        self.inputcache = []
        self._boundcache = []
        self.pager = 'less'
        # temporary files used for various purposes.  Deleted at exit.
        self.tempfiles = []

        # for pushd/popd management
            self.home_dir = get_home_dir()
        except HomeDirError:
            if os.name == 'dos':  # final, desperate hack for Win9x
                self.home_dir = os.path.join('C:', 'Program Files', 'IPython')
                print 'Unsupported operating system:', os.name
                print 'Exiting...'
        self.dir_stack = [os.getcwd().replace(self.home_dir, '~')]

        # escapes for automatic behavior on the command line
        self.ESC_SHELL = '!'
        self.ESC_HELP = '?'
        self.ESC_MAGIC = '@'
        self.ESC_QUOTE = ','
        self.ESC_PAREN = '/'

        # RegExp for splitting line contents into pre-char//first word-method//rest
        # update the regexp if the above escapes are changed
        self.line_split = re.compile(
        # RegExp to identify potential function names

        self.fun_name = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*) ?$')

        # try to catch also methods for stuff in lists/tuples/dicts:
        # off (experimental). For this to work, the line_split regexp would
        # need to be modified so it wouldn't break things at '['. That line
        # is nasty enough that I shouldn't change it until I can test it _well_.
        #self.fun_name = re.compile (r'[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_.\[\]]*) ?$')

        # keep track of where we started running (mainly for crash post-mortem)
        self.starting_dir = os.getcwd()

        # Attributes for Logger mixin class, make defaults here
        self._dolog = 0
        self.LOG = ''
        self.LOGDEF = '.InteractiveShell.log'
        self.LOGMODE = 'over'
        self.LOGHEAD = Itpl(
            """#log# Automatic Logger file. *** THIS MUST BE THE FIRST LINE ***
#log# opts = $self.rc.opts
#log# args = $self.rc.args
#log# It is safe to make manual edits below here.
        # Various switches which can be set
        self.CACHELENGTH = 5000  # this is cheap, it's just text
        self.BANNER = itpl("Python $sys.version on $sys.platform\n"
                           "$sys.copyright\nIPP\nType ? for more help\n")
        # TraceBack handlers:
        # Need two, one for syntax errors and one for other exceptions.
        # plain/color
        self.SyntaxTB = ultraTB.ListTB(color_scheme='NoColor')
        # This one is initialized with an offset, meaning we always want to
        # remove the topmost item in the traceback, which is our own internal
        # code. Valid modes: plain/color/verbose
        self.InteractiveTB = ultraTB.AutoFormattedTB(mode='Plain',

        # Object inspector
        ins_colors = OInspect.InspectColors
        code_colors = PyColorize.ANSICodeColors
        self.inspector = OInspect.Inspector(ins_colors, code_colors, 'NoColor')
        # List of shell commands to auto-define
        if os.name == 'posix':
            auto_shell = {
                'ls': 'ls -F',
                'mkdir': 'mkdir',
                'rmdir': 'rmdir',
                'mv': 'mv',
                'rm': 'rm -i',
                'rmf': 'rm -f',
                'less': 'less',
                'cat': 'cat',
                'clear': 'clear',
                'lc': 'ls -F -o --color'
        elif os.name == 'nt':
            auto_shell = {
                'dir': 'dir /on',
                'ls': 'dir /on',
                'ddir': 'dir /ad /on',
                'ld': 'dir /ad /on',
                'mkdir': 'mkdir',
                'rmdir': 'rmdir',
                'ren': 'ren',
                'cls': 'cls',
                'more': 'type',
                'type': 'type'
            auto_shell = {}
        for name, cmd in auto_shell.items():
            self.magic_alias(name + ' ' + cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, etype, evalue, etb):

        # Report tracebacks shouldn't use color in general (safer for users)
        color_scheme = 'NoColor'

        # Use this ONLY for developer debugging (keep commented out for release)
        #color_scheme = 'Linux'

            rptdir = self.IP.rc.ipythondir
            rptdir = os.getcwd()
        if not os.path.isdir(rptdir):
            rptdir = os.getcwd()
        self.report_name = os.path.join(rptdir, 'IPython_crash_report.txt')
        self.TBhandler = ultraTB.VerboseTB(color_scheme=color_scheme,
        traceback = self.TBhandler.text(etype, evalue, etb, context=31)

        # print traceback to screen
        print >> sys.stderr, traceback

        # and generate a complete report on disk
            report = open(self.report_name, 'w')
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not create crash report on disk.'

        msg = itpl('\n' + '*' * 70 + '\n'
Oops, IPython crashed. We do our best to make it stable, but...

A crash report was automatically generated with the following information:
  - A verbatim copy of the traceback above this text.
  - A copy of your input history during this session.
  - Data on your current IPython configuration.

It was left in the file named:
If you can email this file to the developers, the information in it will help
them in understanding and correcting the problem.

You can mail it to $self.bug_contact at $self.mailto
with the subject 'IPython Crash Report'.

If you want to do it now, the following command will work (under Unix):
mail -s 'IPython Crash Report' $self.mailto < $self.report_name

        print >> sys.stderr, msg

        sec_sep = '\n\n' + '*' * 75 + '\n\n'
        report.write('*' * 75 + '\n\n' + 'IPython post-mortem report\n\n')
        report.write('IPython version: ' + __version__)
        report.write(sec_sep + 'Current user configuration structure:\n\n')
        report.write(sec_sep + 'Crash traceback:\n\n' + traceback)
            report.write(sec_sep + "History of session input:")
            for line in self.IP.user_ns['_ih']:
                '\n*** Last line of input (may not be in above history):\n')
            report.write(self.IP._last_input_line + '\n')