Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testStdDevQuery(self):
     """ Test the standard deviation query function. """
     # Setup a dummy object with data.
     msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
     std_dev = "data"
     msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev = std_dev
     # Check the adress.
     self.assertTrue( msd.stdDev() == std_dev )
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testBinCountersQuery(self):
     """ Test the bin counters query function. """
     # Setup a dummy object with data.
     msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
     bin_counters = "data"
     msd._OnTheFlyMSD__bin_counters = bin_counters
     # Check the adress.
     self.assertTrue( msd.binCounters() == bin_counters )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testTimeStepsQuery(self):
     """ Test the time step query function. """
     # Setup a dummy object with data.
     msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
     time_steps = "data"
     msd._OnTheFlyMSD__time_steps = time_steps
     # Check the adress.
     self.assertTrue( msd.timeSteps() == time_steps )
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testResultsQuery(self):
     """ Test the result query function. """
     # Setup a dummy object with data.
     msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
     results = "data"
     msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results = results
     # Check the adress.
     self.assertTrue( msd.results() == results )
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testSafeCutoffQuery(self):
        """ Test the save cutoff query function. """
        # Setup a dummy object with data.
        msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
        history_bin_counters = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,6,5],[0,0,0,0,6]], dtype=int)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = history_bin_counters

        # Check the value.
        self.assertEqual( msd.safeCutoff(), 4 )

        history_bin_counters = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,6,5],[0,0,0,0,0]], dtype=int)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = history_bin_counters

        # Check the value.
        self.assertEqual( msd.safeCutoff(), 5 )

        history_bin_counters = numpy.array([[0]], dtype=int)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = history_bin_counters

        # Check the value.
        self.assertEqual( msd.safeCutoff(), 1 )
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def testFinalizeWithCoordinateTransform(self):
        """ Test finalization. """
        msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)

        # Replace the getBackendResults function.
        def dummy():
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__getBackendResults = dummy

        # Set a unitcell on the class.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=numpy.array([[1.0,0.0,0.0],
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__unit_cell = unit_cell

        # Set the values.
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__raw_histogram = numpy.array([[  171144.,   173906.,   188389.],
                                                       [  516721.,   497558.,   536213.],
                                                       [  851961.,   810151.,   836426.],
                                                       [ 1195930.,  1046238.,  1111184.],
                                                       [ 1507650.,  1366678.,  1434213.],
                                                       [ 1780731.,  1743443.,  1719186.],
                                                       [ 2155426.,  2154562.,  1980822.],
                                                       [ 2554205.,  2604757.,  2354967.],
                                                       [ 2954351.,  3032799.,  2698023.],
                                                       [ 3372070.,  3443433.,  3158002.]])
        bin_counters = (60283, 60628, 60461, 59779, 59683, 59178, 58856, 58752, 58162, 57881)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__bin_counters = bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_bins = 10
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__binsize = 2.5

        hstep_counts = [8919,8918,8917,8916,8915,8914,8913,8912,8911,8910,8099,8908,8907,8906,8905,8904,8903,8902,8901]
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__hstep_counts = hstep_counts

        history_bin_counters = [(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                                (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 87, 58752, 58162, 57881)]
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = history_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_eff = [1.12, 2.24, 3.36, 4.48, 5.60, 6.72, 7.84, 8.96, 9.0, 10.12]

        # Call the finalize function.

        # Check a few results.
        result_0_3 =  1195930. / 59779.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_0_3, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[0][3], 10)

        result_1_7 = 2604757.0 / 58752.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_1_7, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[1][7], 10)

        result_2_0 = 188389.0 / 60283.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_2_0, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[2][0], 10)

        result_3_4 =  ( 1507650.0 +  1366678.0) / 59683.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_3_4, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[3][4], 10)

        result_4_4 =  (  1507650.0 + 1434213.0) /  59683.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_4_4, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[4][4], 10)

        result_5_6 =  ( 2154562.0 + 1980822.0) / 58856.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_5_6, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[5][6], 10)

        result_6_5 =  ( 1780731.0 + 1743443.0 + 1719186.0)/ 59178.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_6_5, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[6][5], 10)

        # Check the corresponding standard deviation against hardcoded values.
        std_0_3 = 42.291401180595834
        std_1_7 =  0.813230156401512
        std_2_0 =  6.634050132990601
        std_3_4 = 71.931090096615776
        std_4_4 = 73.621177716983027
        std_5_6 =  7.877909031669120
        std_6_5 = 62.119638306131414

        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_0_3, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[0][3], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_1_7, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[1][7], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_2_0, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[2][0], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_3_4, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[3][4], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_4_4, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[4][4], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_5_6, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[5][6], 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_6_5, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[6][5], 10)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def testFinalizeNoCoordinateTransform(self):
        """ Test finalization. """
        msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)

        # Replace the getBackendResults function.
        def dummy():
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__getBackendResults = dummy

        # Set a unitcell on the class.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=numpy.array([[1.0,0.0,0.0],
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__unit_cell = unit_cell

        # Set the values.
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__raw_histogram = numpy.array([[  171144.,   173906.,   188389.],
                                                       [  516721.,   497558.,   536213.],
                                                       [  851961.,   810151.,   836426.],
                                                       [ 1195930.,  1046238.,  1111184.],
                                                       [ 1507650.,  1366678.,  1434213.],
                                                       [ 1780731.,  1743443.,  1719186.],
                                                       [ 2155426.,  2154562.,  1980822.],
                                                       [ 2554205.,  2604757.,  2354967.],
                                                       [ 2954351.,  3032799.,  2698023.],
                                                       [ 3372070.,  3443433.,  3158002.]])
        bin_counters = (60283, 60628, 60461, 59779, 59683, 59178, 58856, 58752, 58162, 57881)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__bin_counters = bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_bins = 10
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__binsize = 2.5
        hstep_counts = [8919,8918,8917,8916,8915,8914,8913,8912,8911,8910,8099,8908,8907,8906,8905,8904,8903,8902,8901]
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__hstep_counts = hstep_counts

        history_bin_counters = [(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                                (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 87, 58752, 58162, 57881)]
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = history_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_eff = [1.12, 2.24, 3.36, 4.48, 5.60, 6.72, 7.84, 8.96, 9.0, 10.12]

        # Call the finalize function.

        # Check a few results.
        result_0_3 =  1195930. / 59779.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_0_3, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[0][3], 10)

        result_1_7 = 2604757.0 / 58752.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_1_7, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[1][7], 10)

        result_2_0 = 188389.0 / 60283.0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result_2_0, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results[2][0], 10)

        # Check the corresponding standard deviation.
        n_eff = numpy.zeros(10)
        for i in range(len(n_eff)):
            for b in range(len(history_bin_counters)):
                fraction = float(history_bin_counters[b][i]) / float(bin_counters[i])
                n_eff[i] += fraction * (b+1.0)

        K1 = hstep_counts[int(n_eff[3]+1)]
        K2 = K1*K1
        std_0_3 = result_0_3 * numpy.sqrt(2.0) * numpy.sqrt((4*n_eff[3]*n_eff[3]*K1 + 2*K1 + n_eff[3] - n_eff[3]*n_eff[3]*n_eff[3])/(n_eff[3]*6*K2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_0_3, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[0][3], 10)

        K1 = hstep_counts[int(n_eff[7]+1)]
        K2 = K1*K1
        std_1_7 = result_1_7 * numpy.sqrt(2.0) * numpy.sqrt((4*n_eff[7]*n_eff[7]*K1 + 2*K1 + n_eff[7] - n_eff[7]*n_eff[7]*n_eff[7])/(n_eff[7]*6*K2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_1_7, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[1][7], 10)

        K1 = hstep_counts[int(n_eff[0]+1)]
        K2 = K1*K1
        std_2_0 = result_2_0 * numpy.sqrt(2.0) * numpy.sqrt((4*n_eff[0]*n_eff[0]*K1 + 2*K1 + n_eff[0] - n_eff[0]*n_eff[0]*n_eff[0])/(n_eff[0]*6*K2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(std_2_0, msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev[2][0], 10)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test that the results gets printed as expected. """
        # Fill an object with data.
        ref_results = numpy.array([[  2.83900934,   8.52281124,  14.09108351,  20.00585490,  25.26096208,
                                     30.09109804,  36.62202664,  43.47434981,  50.79520993,  58.25866865],
                                   [  2.88482657,   8.20673616,  13.39956335,  17.50176483,  22.89894945,
                                     29.46099902,  36.60734674,  44.33478009,  52.14399436,  59.49159482],
                                   [ 22.88482657,  48.20673616,  53.39956335,  67.50176483,  72.89894945,
                                     39.46099902,  56.60734674,  54.33478009,  62.14399436,  79.49159482],
                                   [  3.12507672,   8.84431286,  13.83414102,  18.58819987,  24.03051120,
                                     29.05110007,  77.65539622,  40.08318015,  46.38807125,  54.56025293],
                                   [ 13.83900934,  66.52281124,  14.09108351,  20.00585490,  25.26096208,
                                     24.09109804,  88.62202664,  43.47434981,  30.79520993,  78.25866865],
                                   [ 35.88482657,   5.20673616,  13.39956335,  37.50176483,  82.89894945,
                                     45.46099902,  34.60734674,  44.33478009,  42.14399436,  99.49159482],
                                   [  56.12507672,  1.84431286,  13.83414102,  58.58819987,  84.03051120,
                                     29.05110007,  33.65539622,  40.08318015,  56.38807125,  74.56025293]])
        ref_time_steps = numpy.array([  1.25,   3.75,   6.25,   8.75,  11.25,  13.75,  16.25,  18.75,  21.25,  23.75])
        ref_std_dev = numpy.array([[ 0.02008562,  0.05432052,  0.08833069,  0.11053417,  0.12584537,  0.14901027,
                                     0.18265464,  0.20891115,  0.24045901,  0.27834904],
                                   [ 0.01911933,  0.04761810,  0.07830592,  0.10414501,  0.14034533,  0.18069990,
                                     0.23416218,  0.28725392,  0.34211121,  0.39464802],
                                   [ 0.02198474,  0.05167655,  0.08130953,  0.10885342,  0.14397243,  0.16894787,
                                     0.19585331,  0.22369909,  0.25162530,  0.29321875],
                                   [ 3.02198474,  4.05167655,  5.08130953,  5.10885342,  0.14397243,  4.16894787,
                                     3.19585331,  4.22369909, 50.25162530, 10.29321875],
                                   [ 1.02008562,  3.05432052,  0.08833069,  0.11053417, 44.12584537,  3.14901027,
                                     3.18265464,  4.20891115,  0.24045901,  0.27834904],
                                   [ 4.01911933,  5.04761810,  4.07830592,  0.10414501,  0.14034533,  1.18069990,
                                     5.23416218,  6.28725392,  4.34211121,  0.39464802],
                                   [ 6.02198474,  7.05167655,  3.08130953,  2.10885342,  4.14397243,  1.16894787,
                                     7.19585331,  8.22369909,  0.25162530,  0.29321875]])
        ref_bin_counters = (60283, 60628, 60461, 59779, 59683, 59178, 58856, 58752, 58162, 57881)

        ref_history_bin_counters = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 87, 58752, 58162, 57881)]

        msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results = ref_results
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__time_steps = ref_time_steps
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev = ref_std_dev
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__bin_counters = ref_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = ref_history_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_eff = [0.1, 1.2, 3.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 0.8, 9.9, 4.3, 2.1]

        # Print the results to a stream.
        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        # Check against reference.

        ref_value = """      TIME       MSD_x       DSD_y       MSD_z      MSD_xy      MSD_xz      MSD_yz     MSD_xyz       STD_x       STD_y       STD_z      STD_xy      STD_xz      STD_yz     STD_xyz        N_eff
1.25000e+00 2.83901e+00 2.88483e+00 2.28848e+01 3.12508e+00 1.38390e+01 3.58848e+01 5.61251e+01 2.00856e-02 1.91193e-02 2.19847e-02 3.02198e+00 1.02009e+00 4.01912e+00 6.02198e+00 1.00000e-01
3.75000e+00 8.52281e+00 8.20674e+00 4.82067e+01 8.84431e+00 6.65228e+01 5.20674e+00 1.84431e+00 5.43205e-02 4.76181e-02 5.16766e-02 4.05168e+00 3.05432e+00 5.04762e+00 7.05168e+00 1.20000e+00
6.25000e+00 1.40911e+01 1.33996e+01 5.33996e+01 1.38341e+01 1.40911e+01 1.33996e+01 1.38341e+01 8.83307e-02 7.83059e-02 8.13095e-02 5.08131e+00 8.83307e-02 4.07831e+00 3.08131e+00 3.40000e+00
8.75000e+00 2.00059e+01 1.75018e+01 6.75018e+01 1.85882e+01 2.00059e+01 3.75018e+01 5.85882e+01 1.10534e-01 1.04145e-01 1.08853e-01 5.10885e+00 1.10534e-01 1.04145e-01 2.10885e+00 5.50000e+00
1.12500e+01 2.52610e+01 2.28989e+01 7.28989e+01 2.40305e+01 2.52610e+01 8.28989e+01 8.40305e+01 1.25845e-01 1.40345e-01 1.43972e-01 1.43972e-01 4.41258e+01 1.40345e-01 4.14397e+00 6.60000e+00
1.37500e+01 3.00911e+01 2.94610e+01 3.94610e+01 2.90511e+01 2.40911e+01 4.54610e+01 2.90511e+01 1.49010e-01 1.80700e-01 1.68948e-01 4.16895e+00 3.14901e+00 1.18070e+00 1.16895e+00 7.70000e+00
1.62500e+01 3.66220e+01 3.66073e+01 5.66073e+01 7.76554e+01 8.86220e+01 3.46073e+01 3.36554e+01 1.82655e-01 2.34162e-01 1.95853e-01 3.19585e+00 3.18265e+00 5.23416e+00 7.19585e+00 8.00000e-01
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_value)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")