Ejemplo n.º 1
def _adjust_endpoint(arc, pt, objdict, cx, cy, ra):
    _layer = arc.getParent()
    if pt.getParent() is not _layer:
        raise RuntimeError("Arc/Endpoint parent object conflict!")
    _pid = id(pt)
    _users = []
    for _user in pt.getUsers():
    _np = None
    _x, _y = _calc_coords(pt, cx, cy, ra)    
    if len(_users) == 1 and _users[0] is arc:
        if _can_move(pt, objdict) and objdict.get(_pid) is not False:
            pt.setCoords(_x, _y)
            _pts = _layer.find('point', _x, _y)
            if len(_pts) == 0:
                _np = Point(_x, _y)
                _np = _most_used(_pts)
        _pts = _layer.find('point', _x, _y)
        if len(_pts) == 0:
            _np = Point(_x, _y)
            _np = _most_used(_pts)
    if _np is not None:
        if _adjust_dimensions(pt, _np):
    if objdict.get(_pid) is not False:
        objdict[_pid] = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getEntityEntity(sympyEntity):
        convert sympy object into PyCAD object
    if isinstance(sympyEntity, geoSympy.Circle):
        arg = {
            "ARC_0": Point(0.0, 0.0),
            "ARC_1": 1,
            "ARC_2": None,
            "ARC_3": None
        arc = Arc(arg)
        return arc
    elif isinstance(sympyEntity, geoSympy.Point):
        p = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        return p
    elif isinstance(sympyEntity, geoSympy.Segment):
        segArg = {"SEGMENT_0": Point(0.0, 0.0), "SEGMENT_1": Point(1.0, 1.0)}
        seg = Segment(segArg)
        return seg
    elif isinstance(sympyEntity, geoSympy.Ellipse):
        arg = {
            "ELLIPSE_0": Point(0.0, 0.0),
            "ELLIPSE_1": 1.0,
            "ELLIPSE_2": 2.0
        e = Ellipse(arg)
        return e
        raise "not supported entity"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def polygonPoint(self):
         get the poligon points
     if self.side <= 0:
         self.side = 6
     deltaAngle = (math.pi * 2) / self.side
     cPoint = Point(self.center.x(), self.center.y())
     vPoint = Point(self.vertex.x(), self.vertex.y())
     vertexVector = Vector(cPoint, vPoint)
     radius = vertexVector.norm
     angle = vertexVector.absAng
     pol = QtGui.QPolygonF()
     pFirst = None
     for i in range(0, int(self.side)):
         angle = deltaAngle + angle
         xsP = cPoint.x + radius * math.cos(angle) * -1.0
         ysP = cPoint.y + radius * math.sin(angle) * -1.0
         p = QtCore.QPointF(xsP, ysP)
         if not pFirst:
             pFirst = p
     if pFirst:
     return pol
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def createLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, c):
       Create the line into the current drawing
     args = {"SEGMENT_0": Point(x1, y1), "SEGMENT_1": Point(x2, y2)}
     _seg = Segment(args)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def mag(self):
         Get the versor
     _a = self.absAng
     p1 = Point(0, 0)
     p2 = Point(math.cos(_a), math.sin(_a))
     return Vector(p1, p2)
def segment_circle():
    print "++ segment_circle ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    arg = {"ARC_0": p1, "ARC_1": 5, "ARC_2": 0, "ARC_3": 6.2831}
    arc = Arc(arg)
    p2 = Point(0, 0)
    p3 = Point(-1, 0)
    arg = {"CLINE_0": p2, "CLINE_1": p3}
    seg1 = CLine(arg)
    print find_intersections(arc, seg1)
    print "-- segment_circle --"
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def getQuadrant(self):
         Return the circle intersection with the line x,y passing through the
     x, y = self.center.getCoords()
     p1 = Point(x, y + self.radius)
     p2 = Point(x - self.radius, y)
     p3 = Point(x, y - self.radius)
     p4 = Point(x + self.radius, y)
     return [p1, p2, p3, p4]
def segment_ellipse():
    print "++ segment_ellipse ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    arg = {"ELLIPSE_0": p1, "ELLIPSE_1": 300, "ELLIPSE_2": 100}
    eli = Ellipse(arg)
    p2 = Point(0, 0)
    p3 = Point(-1, 0)
    arg = {"CLINE_0": p2, "CLINE_1": p3}
    seg1 = CLine(arg)
    print find_intersections(eli, seg1)
    print "-- segment_ellipse --"
def segment_segmet():
    print "++ segment_segmet ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(0, 1)
    arg = {"SEGMENT_0": p1, "SEGMENT_1": p2}
    seg1 = Segment(arg)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(-1, 0)
    arg = {"SEGMENT_0": p3, "SEGMENT_1": p4}
    seg2 = Segment(arg)

    print find_intersections(seg1, seg2)
    print "-- segment_segmet --"
def segment_cline():
    print "++ segment_cline ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(0, 1)
    arg = {"CLINE_0": p1, "CLINE_1": p2}
    seg1 = CLine(arg)
    p3 = Point(0, 0)
    p4 = Point(-1, 0)
    arg = {"SEGMENT_0": p3, "SEGMENT_1": p4}
    seg2 = Segment(arg)

    print find_intersections(seg1, seg2)
    print "-- segment_cline --"
def testSympyCline():
    print "++ Sympy CLine ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 1)
    p2 = Point(10, 20)
    arg = {"CLINE_0": p1, "CLINE_1": p2}
    seg = CLine(arg)
    symSeg = seg.getSympy()
    print symSeg
    p3 = Point(30, 40)
    arg1 = {"CLINE_0": p1, "CLINE_1": p3}
    seg1 = CLine(arg1)
    print "CLine ", seg1
    print "-- Sympy CLine --"
def testSympySegment():
    print "++ Sympy Segment ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 1)
    p2 = Point(10, 20)
    arg = {"SEGMENT_0": p1, "SEGMENT_1": p2}
    seg = Segment(arg)
    symSeg = seg.getSympy()
    print symSeg
    p3 = Point(30, 40)
    arg1 = {"SEGMENT_0": p1, "SEGMENT_1": p3}
    seg1 = Segment(arg1)
    print "Segment ", seg1
    print "-- Sympy Segment --"
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def translateCmdValue(self, value):
         translate the imput value based on exception
     point, entitys, distance, angle, text = value
     exitValue = None
         raise self.activeException()(None)
     except ExcPoint:
         exitValue = point
     except ExcEntity:
         if entitys:
             exitValue = str(entitys[0].ID)
     except ExcMultiEntity:
         exitValue = self.getIdsString(entitys)
     except ExcEntityPoint:
         if entitys:
             exitValue = (str(entitys[0].ID), point)
     except (ExcLenght):
         if distance:
             exitValue = self.convertToFloat(distance)
     except (ExcAngle):
         if angle:
             exitValue = convertAngle(angle)
         elif distance:
             exitValue = distance
             p0 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
             x, y = point.getCoords()
             p1 = Point(x, y)
             exitValue = Vector(p0, p1).absAng
     except (ExcInt):
         exitValue = self.convertToInt(distance)
     except (ExcText):
         exitValue = text
         if text == None:
             exitValue = ""
     except (ExcBool):
         if text == "TRUE":
             exitValue = True
             exitValue = False
     except (ExcDicTuple):
         exitValue = text
         raise PyCadWrongImputData(
             "BaseCommand : Wrong imput parameter for the command")
         return exitValue
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def getProjection(self, fromPoint):
         get Projection of the point x,y on the arc
     c = self.center
     v = Vector(fromPoint, c)
     if v.norm > self.radius:
         a = v.absAng
         pj1 = Point((v.X + fromPoint.getx() - self.radius * math.cos(a)),
                     (v.Y + fromPoint.gety() - self.radius * math.sin(a)))
         pj2 = Point((v.X + fromPoint.getx() + self.radius * math.cos(a)),
                     (v.Y + fromPoint.gety() + self.radius * math.sin(a)))
         return pj1  # ######################## adding return value for pj2
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def location(self, x, y):
         Store the spatial position of the Text.
     _x = get_float(x)
     _y = get_float(y)
     self['TEXT_0'] = Point(_x, _y)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def GetRadiusPointFromExt(self, x, y):
         get The intersecrion point from the line(x,y,cx,cy) and the circle
     _cx, _cy = self.center.getCoords()
     _r = self.radius
     centerPoint = Point(_cx, _cy)
     outPoint = Point(x, y)
     vector = Vector(outPoint, centerPoint)
     vNorm = vector.Norm()
     newNorm = abs(vNorm - _r)
     magVector = vector.Mag()
     newPoint = magVector.Point()
     intPoint = Point(outPoint + newPoint)
     return intPoint.getCoords()
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def getIntersection(self, entity, point):
         this function compute the  snap intersection point
     returnVal = None
     distance = None
     if entity != None:
         geoEntityFrom = entity.geoItem
         entityList = self._scene.collidingItems(entity)
         for ent in entityList:
             if not isinstance(ent, BaseEntity):
             if isinstance(ent, BaseEntity):
                 intPoint = find_intersections(ent.geoItem, geoEntityFrom)
                 for tp in intPoint:
                     iPoint = Point(tp[0], tp[1])
                     if distance == None:
                         distance = iPoint.dist(point)
                         returnVal = iPoint
                         spoolDist = iPoint.dist(point)
                         if distance > spoolDist:
                             distance = spoolDist
                             returnVal = iPoint
     return returnVal
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _rotate_polyline(obj, objdict, cx, cy, ra):
    _pts = obj.getPoints()
    _layer = obj.getParent()
    if _layer is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Polyline parent is None")
    _move = True
    for _pt in _pts:
        if _pt.getParent() is not _layer:
            raise RuntimeError("Polyline/point parent object conflict!")
        _move = (_can_move(_pt, objdict) and
                 (objdict.get(id(_pt)) is not False))
        if not _move:
    if _move:
        for _pt in _pts:
            _x, _y = _calc_coords(_pt, cx, cy, ra)
            _pt.setCoords(_x, _y)
            _pid = id(_pt)
            objdict[_pid] = False
        for _i in range(len(_pts)):
            _pt = _pts[_i]
            if objdict.get(_pid) is True:
                _x, _y = _calc_coords(_pt, cx, cy, ra)
                _pts = _layer.find('point', _x, _y)
                if len(_pts) == 0:
                    _np = Point(_x, _y)
                    _np = _most_used(_pts)
                obj.setPoint(_i, _np)
                objdict[_pid] = False
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def getRandomPoint(self):
         get e random point
     x = random() * 1000
     y = random() * 1000
     return Point(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def hanhlerDoubleClick(self):  
         event add from the handler 
     point = Point(self.posHandler.scenePos.x(), self.posHandler.scenePos.y() * -1.0)
     self.activeICommand.addMauseEvent(point = point, distance = posHandler.distance, angle = posHandler.angle)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def decodePoint(value, previusPoint=None):
        this static method decode an imput and return a point(mm,mm)
    value = str(value).lower()
    from Kernel.GeoEntity.point import Point
    x, y = str(value).split(',')
    return Point(convertLengh(x), convertLengh(y))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def getEndpoints(self):
            Return where the two endpoints for the arc-segment lie.
            This function returns two Points, each containing the x-y coordinates
            of the arc endpoints. The first Point corresponds to the endpoint at
            the startAngle, the second to the endpoint at the endAngle.
        _cx, _cy = self.center.getCoords()
        _r = self.radius
        _sa = self.startAngle
        _sax = _cx + _r * math.cos(_sa)
        _say = _cy + _r * math.sin(_sa)
        _ea = self.endAngle + _sa

        _eax = _cx + _r * math.cos(_ea)
        _eay = _cy + _r * math.sin(_ea)
        return Point(_sax, _say), Point(_eax, _eay)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def findSegmentExtendedIntersectionPoint(obja, objb):
        xtend the segment intersection on a cline intersection
        Return a [Point,Point,..]
    return [
        Point(x, y) for x, y in findSegmentExtendedIntersection(obja, objb)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def convertToPoint(self, msg):
         ask at the user to imput a point 
     if msg:
         coords = msg.split(',')
         x = float(coords[0])
         y = float(coords[1])
         return Point(x, y)
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def testGeoChamfer(self):
        self.outputMsg("Test Chamfer")
        p1 = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        p2 = Point(10.0, 0.0)
        p3 = Point(0.0, 10.0)

        s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
        s2 = Segment(p1, p3)

        cmf = Chamfer(es1.getId(), s2, 2.0, 2.0)
        cl = cmf.getLength()
        self.outputMsg("Chamfer Lengh %s" % str(cl))
        s1, s2, s3 = cmf.getReletedComponent()
        if s3:
            for p in s3.getEndpoints():
                x, y = p.getCoords()
                self.outputMsg("P1 Cords %s,%s" % (str(x), str(y)))
            self.outputMsg("Chamfer segment in None")
 def getEntsToSave(self):
         get all the segment of the rectangle
     objEnt = []
     p1 = self.value[0]
     p2 = self.value[1]
     x1, y1 = p1.getCoords()
     x2, y2 = p2.getCoords()
     p3 = Point(x1, y2)
     p4 = Point(x2, y1)
     segArg = {"SEGMENT_0": p1, "SEGMENT_1": p4}
     segArg = {"SEGMENT_0": p4, "SEGMENT_1": p2}
     segArg = {"SEGMENT_0": p2, "SEGMENT_1": p3}
     segArg = {"SEGMENT_0": p3, "SEGMENT_1": p1}
     return objEnt
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def testFillet1(self):
        newDoc = self.__pyCadApplication.ActiveDocument
        intPoint = Point(0.0, 0.0)
        args = {"SEGMENT_0": intPoint, "SEGMENT_1": Point(10.0, 0.0)}
        s1 = Segment(args)
        args = {"SEGMENT_0": intPoint, "SEGMENT_1": Point(0.0, 10.0)}
        s2 = Segment(args)

        ent1 = newDoc.saveEntity(s1)
        ent2 = newDoc.saveEntity(s2)

        cObject = self.__pyCadApplication.getCommand("FILLET")
        keys = list(cObject.keys())
        cObject[keys[0]] = ent1
        cObject[keys[1]] = ent2
        cObject[keys[2]] = Point(1, 0)
        cObject[keys[3]] = Point(0, 3)
        cObject[keys[4]] = "BOTH"
        cObject[keys[5]] = 4
def testSympyEllipse():
    print "++ Sympy Ellipse ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 1)
    arg = {"ELLIPSE_0": p1, "ELLIPSE_1": 100, "ELLIPSE_2": 50}
    eli = Ellipse(arg)
    sympEli = eli.getSympy()
    print "sympEllipse", sympEli
    sympEli1 = geoSympy.Ellipse(geoSympy.Point(10, 10), 300, 200)
    print "Pythonca Ellipse ", eli
    print "-- Sympy Ellipse --"
def testSympyCircle():
    print "++ Sympy Arc ++"
    p1 = Point(0, 1)
    arg = {"ARC_0": p1, "ARC_1": 5, "ARC_2": 0, "ARC_3": 6.2831}
    arc = Arc(arg)
    sympCircle = arc.getSympy()
    print "sympCircle", sympCircle
    sympCircel = geoSympy.Circle(geoSympy.Point(10, 10), 10)
    print "Pythonca Arc ", arc
    print "-- Sympy Arc --"
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def map(self, pPro):
         Get a vector for the mapping point
     p0 = Point(0, 0)
     vProj = Vector(p0, pPro)
     ang = self.ang(vProj)
     vProjNorm = vProj.norm
     projectionUnitDistance = vProjNorm * math.cos(ang)
     vSelfMag = self.mag()
     return vSelfMag