Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, l_obj):
        #object reference from Link_Maintain module
        self.linkObj = l_obj
        #rsa key object
        self.Rsa_key = RSAKeys()
        #aes object for enc and dec files
        self.Aes_key = AESCipher()

        for i in self.Aes_key.aes_key:
            print ord(i),
        #start a udp listener here with
        #port configured in the config file
        #create the UDP Socket
        self.soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.soc.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        self.soc.bind((Config.ANY_INTF, Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))

        #stores the query caches
        #format: src_ip|search_query
        self.query_cache = []

        #object for storing search results
        #format: [query,size,origin-ip,aes-key]
        self.search_results = []

        #object for user's choice from
        #search results
        self.user_choice = -1
        thread.start_new_thread(self.listen, ())

        #variable to store req. file
        self.req_file = ''
        #stores the aes key of the receipient
        self.recv_key = ''
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def uploadFile(self, ip, port):
        #connect to the ip:port and start sending the data
        #first open the file
        fd = open(self.req_file, 'r')
        tcps = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        print 'Started upload thread'
        tcps.connect((ip, port))
        tmpAes = AESCipher(self.recv_key)
        iv = tmpAes.generateIV()

        #first send the iv in plain

        while 1:
            st = fd.read(15)  #read 16-bytes. encrypt them & send
            print 'Got', len(st), 'bytes'
            cip = tmpAes.n_encrypt(st)
            if len(st) < 15:
        print 'Done Uploading..'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def listen(self):
        #listens to:
        # forwarding search queries,
        # relay node requests
        # aggregates search-results

        while 1:
            dat, addr = self.soc.recvfrom(1024)
            #print 'Got a packet'
            #print 'From:',addr
            #print 'Data:',dat
            #decrypt the packet if necessary

            pac = self.decryptPacket(dat)
            #print 'DData:',dat
            # for i in dat:
            # 	print ord(i),
            # print
            #now proceed for fragmenting
            # for i in pac:
            # 	print ord(i),
            # print
            pac = SearchPacket(pac)
            is_invalid = 0
            if not pac.isValid():
                print 'Corrupted Packet', pac.getRequestType()
                is_invalid = 1

            if pac.getRequestType() == 1:
                # its a search request

                print 'Search Req from', addr[0]
                #if its invalid just discard
                if is_invalid:
                    print 'invalid Packet'
                #check if its already in the cache
                if pac.getData() in self.query_cache:
                    #if it is, then ignore the packet
                    print 'duplicate query'

                print 'Searching the system..'
                #forward this search query to all the neighbours
                #we get the neighbours from the link object
                for neig in self.linkObj.nodes:
                    if neig != addr[0]:
                                        (neig, Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))

                #now start a thread to remove this after some time
                                        (pac.getData(), ))
                #search in our file-system and get the results
                res = self.searchFiles(pac.getData())
                if len(res):
                    #if the result is non-empty
                    #first encrypt the results using
                    #the pulic-key sent in the packet
                    #print 'Results:'
                    #print res
                    #print 'RSA Key:',pac.getKey()
                    tmprsa = RSAKeys(pac.getKey())

                    #get the length of results
                    l_res = len(res)

                    #get the length of keys
                    l_keys = len(self.Aes_key.aes_key)

                    #form the packet
                    dat = chr(l_res/256) + chr(l_res%256) + res\
                      + chr(l_keys/256) + chr(l_keys%256) +\

                    print 'Got Some results!'
                    #	print '***',dat,'***'
                    # for i in dat:
                    # 	print ord(i),
                    # print
                    #encrypt it
                    cipher = tmprsa.encrypt(dat)

                    #print 'Len:',len(cipher)
                    #	print '********',cipher,'******',len(cipher)
                    #now, make a packet with these results
                    tmppac = SearchPacket()

                    #src-ip -> src of the query issuer
                    #send aes-key of this machine
                    tmppac.setPacketByFields(2, pac.getIP(), cipher)

                    #print 'Req IP:',pac.getIP()
                    #print tmppac.getRawMessage(),'|||||'
                    # for i in tmppac.getRawMessage():
                    # 	print ord(i),
                    # print
                    #get a random first hop from the
                    nxt_ip = ''
                    #check if its the same node
                    #that is requesting
                    for i in self.linkObj.nodes:
                        if i != addr[0]:
                            nxt_ip = i

                    print 'Sending to:', nxt_ip

                                    (nxt_ip, Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))
                    print 'No results'

            elif pac.getRequestType() == 2:
                #this is a search-results packet
                #check if the IP matches with us

                #print pac.getIP(),'===',self.linkObj.ip_address

                if pac.getIP() == self.linkObj.ip_address:
                    #display the results
                    res = pac.getData()
                    # print 'Got the Key:'
                    # for i in pac.getKey():
                    # 	print ord(i),
                    # print
                    for r in res.split("||"):
                        f = r.split()
                        if len(f) == 2:
                                [f[0], f[1], addr[0],
                            print str(len(
                                self.search_results)).ljust(4) + f[1].ljust(
                                    16) + f[0].ljust(8) + addr[0].ljust(10)
                    #this should be forwarded to
                    #the intended ip-address
                    #in this case, 'dat'
                    print 'forwarding to ', pac.getIP()
                                    (pac.getIP(), Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))
            elif pac.getRequestType() == 3:
                #a download request
                #if is_invalid is set=>not intended for us
                #forwarding to neighbours depends on the

                if not is_invalid:
                    #intended for us
                    print 'Got a download request'
                elif is_invalid and \
                    #its an interim node
                    #should forward to neighbours
                    print 'Forwarding to adjacent nodes'
                    for ip in self.linkObj.nodes:
                        self.soc.sendto(dat, (ip, Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))
            elif pac.getRequestType() == 4:
                #requesting this machine to act as
                #relay node
                #check the type bit first
                print 'Got a relay-node request'
                #print 'Data:',pac.getRawMessage()
                if pac.getData()[0] == '0':
                    #forward data to src-ip
                    #create listening socket for src-ip to connect
                    print 'On receiving end'
                    tcpsoc1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    tcpsoc1.bind(('', 0))

                    #for the other node to connect
                    tcpsoc2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    tcpsoc2.bind(('', 0))

                    tmppac = SearchPacket()
                        5, self.linkObj.ip_address,
                        str(tcpsoc1.getsockname()[1]) + "|" +
                    self.soc.sendto(tmppac.getRawMessage(), addr)
                    #now create a thread which listens on these ports
                                            (tcpsoc1, tcpsoc2))
                elif pac.getData()[0] == '1':
                    #get data from src-ip
                    #and forward it to some other node
                    #we will have the details of src-ip:port to
                    print 'r-req for sending end'
                    ip = pac.getData().split("|")[1]
                    ip, port = ip.split(":")[0], ip.split(":")[1]

                    tcpsoc1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    tcpsoc1.bind(('', 0))

                    tmppac = SearchPacket()
                    tmppac.setPacketByFields(5, self.linkObj.ip_address,
                                            (ip, port, tcpsoc1))
                    print 'Sending port to', addr[0]
                    self.soc.sendto(tmppac.getRawMessage(), addr)
            elif pac.getRequestType() == 5:
                #reply from the relay node
                print 'Got a reply from relay-node'
                #split by '|'
                print pac.getData(), '**'
                vals = pac.getData().split('|')
                if len(vals) == 2:
                    #means this is on receiving end
                    #connect to the port and get the data.

                                            (addr[0], int(vals[0])))
                    #send the other port details
                    #to the interim node
                    #format: file_name|ip:port
                    dat = self.search_results[self.user_choice - 1][1] + "|"
                    dat += addr[0] + ':' + vals[1]
                    dat = chr(len(dat) / 256) + chr(len(dat) % 256) + dat

                    key_aes = self.search_results[self.user_choice - 1][3]
                    our_key = self.Aes_key.aes_key
                    #encrypt the request with the other user's key
                    our_key = chr(len(our_key)/256)+\

                    # print 'Ptxt:',int(len(dat+our_key))
                    # for q in dat+our_key:
                    # 	print ord(q),
                    # print
                    # print 'Encrypt-Key:'
                    # for h in key_aes:
                    # 	print ord(h),
                    # print

                    aesVar = AESCipher(key_aes)
                    rand_iv = aesVar.generateIV()
                    cipher = aesVar.n_encrypt(dat + our_key)

                    # print 'cipher:',int(len(cipher))
                    #destination is our intermediate node
                    dest_ip = self.search_results[self.user_choice - 1][2]
                    d_pac = SearchPacket()
                    d_pac.setPacketByFields(3, dest_ip, cipher)
                    tmps = d_pac.getRawMessage() + rand_iv
                    # for c in tmps:
                    # 	print ord(c),
                    # print
                    print 'Sending dwnld req to', dest_ip
                    self.soc.sendto(d_pac.getRawMessage() + rand_iv,
                                    (dest_ip, Config.D_UDP_LISTEN_PORT))
                    #the vals[0] is where we need to connect
                    #and then start uploading the file..
                    #so start a thread directly
                    print 'Starting the upload thread'
                                            (addr[0], int(vals[0])))