Ejemplo n.º 1
class XY(FormalLanguage):
    The XY language discussed in Pullum & Gazdar, originally from Chomsky 1963 pg 378-9
    This is the set of all strings xy where x!=y
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b', None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def sample_string(self):
        while True:
            x = str(self.grammar.generate())
            y = str(self.grammar.generate())
            if x != y:
                return x+y

    def all_strings(self):
        for l in itertools.count(1):
            for x in compute_all_strings(l, alphabet=self.terminals()):
                for y in compute_all_strings(l, alphabet=self.terminals()):
                    if x != y:
                        yield x+y
Ejemplo n.º 2
class AmBnCmDn(FormalLanguage):
    See Shieber 1985

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s', ['A', 'B'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('A', 'a%s',  ['A'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('A', 'a',    None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('B', 'b%s',  ['B'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('B', 'b',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('abcd')

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate()) # from a^m b^n
        s = s+'c'*s.count('a') + 'd'*s.count('b')
        return s

    def all_strings(self):
        for r in itertools.count(1):
            for n,m in partitions(r, 2, 1): # partition into two groups (NOTE: does not return both orders)
                yield 'a'*n + 'b'*m + 'c'*n + 'd'*m
                if n != m:
                    yield 'a'*m + 'b'*n + 'c'*m + 'd'*n
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Count(FormalLanguage):

    The language ababbabbbabbbb etc


    def __init__(self):
        # This grammar is just a proxy, it gets replaced in sample
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a',    None, 1.0)

    def sample_string(self):
        proxy = str(self.grammar.generate())
        out = ''
        for i in range(len(proxy)):
            out = out+'a' + 'b'*(i+1)
        return out

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def all_strings(self):
        for n in itertools.count(0):
            out = ''
            for i in range(n):
                out = out + 'a' + 'b' * (i + 1)
            yield out
Ejemplo n.º 4
class AnBm(FormalLanguage):
    A^n B^m, m>n, with n, m-n sampled from a geometric

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%sb', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'ab',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate()) # from a^n b^n

        while random() < 0.5:
            mmn += 1

        s = s+'b'*mmn

        return s

    def all_strings(self):
        for r in itertools.count(1):
            for n,m in partitions(r, 2, 1): # partition into two groups (NOTE: does not return both orders)
                if m>n:
                    yield 'a'*n + 'b'*m
                if n>m:
                    yield 'a'*m + 'b'*n
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ABn(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'ab%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'ab', None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Dyck(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '(%s)', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '()%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('()')
Ejemplo n.º 7
class AnBnCn(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%sb', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'ab',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('abc')

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate())
        return s + 'c'*(len(s)/2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class HudsonKamNewport(FormalLanguage):
    From Hudson Kam & Newport, simplifying out words to only POS
    Goal is to investigate learning of probabilities on N+DET vs N (no det)
    Here, we do not include mass/count subcategories on nouns


    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')

        V = transitive verb
        v = intransitive verb

        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s',   ['v', 'NP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s%s', ['V', 'NP', 'NP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '!%s%s',  ['v', 'NP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '!%s%s%s',  ['V', 'NP', 'NP'], 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('!vVnd')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class An(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('a')

    def all_strings(self):
        while True:
            yield 'a'*n
            n += 1
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Dyck(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '(%s)', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '()%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '()',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list(')(')

    def all_strings(self):
        for n in itertools.count(1):
            for s in dyck_at_depth(n):
                yield s
Ejemplo n.º 11
class AB(FormalLanguage):

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b', None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def all_strings(self):
        for l in itertools.count(1):
            for s in compute_all_strings(l, alphabet='ab'):
                yield s
Ejemplo n.º 12
class AnBmCmAn(FormalLanguage):
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%sa', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%sa', ['T'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'b%sc', ['T'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'bc',    None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('abcd')

    def sample_string(self):
        return str(self.grammar.generate())

    def all_strings(self):
        for r in itertools.count(1):
            for n,m in partitions(r, 2, 1): # partition into two groups (NOTE: does not return both orders)
                yield 'a'*n + 'b'*m + 'c'*m + 'a'*n
                if n != m:
                    yield 'a'*m + 'b'*n + 'c'*n + 'a'*m
Ejemplo n.º 13
class NewportAslin(FormalLanguage):
    From Newport & Aslin 2004, Learning at a distance I
    Only the 1-3 syllable word frames, Table 1, reduced to single characters

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%st', ['MID'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'g%sd', ['MID'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'p%sr', ['MID'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'k%su', ['MID'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'l%si', ['MID'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('MID', '1', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('MID', '2', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('MID', '3', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('MID', '4', None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('btgdprkuli1234')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Gomez(FormalLanguage):
        Gomez (2002) language 1b

    def __init__(self, X):
        assert X < len(OTHER_TERMINALS)

        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%sd', ['X'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%se', ['X'], 1.0)

        for x in OTHER_TERMINALS[:self.X]:
            self.grammar.add_rule('X', '%s'%x, None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('abde'+OTHER_TERMINALS[:self.X] )

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class ABA(FormalLanguage):
    Similar to Marcus ABB experiment, except we allow AAA (for simplicity)

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S') # NOTE: This grammar does not capture the rule -- we do that in sample!
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s', ['T','T'], 1.0)

        for t in self.terminals():
            self.grammar.add_rule('T', t, None, 1.0)

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate())
        return s + s[0] # copy the first  element

    def terminals(self):
        return list('gGtTnNlL') # ga gi ta ti na ni la li

    def all_strings(self):
        for t1 in self.terminals():
            for t2 in self.terminals():
                yield t1 + t2 + t1
Ejemplo n.º 16
class  XX(FormalLanguage):
        An xx language (for discussion see Gazdar & Pullum 1982)

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a',   None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b',   None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate()) # from (a+b)+
        return s+s # xx language

    def all_strings(self):
        for l in itertools.count(1):
            for s in compute_all_strings(l, alphabet='ab'):
                yield s + s
Ejemplo n.º 17
class XXR(FormalLanguage):
    (a,b)+ strings followed by their reverse.
    This can be generated by a CFG

    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'a',   None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'b',   None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('ab')

    def sample_string(self): # fix that this is not CF
        s = str(self.grammar.generate()) # from {a,b}+
        return s+''.join(reversed(s))

    def all_strings(self):
        for l in itertools.count(1):
            for s in compute_all_strings(l, alphabet='ab'):
                yield s + s[::-1]
Ejemplo n.º 18
class Saffran(FormalLanguage):
    From Saffran, Aslin, Newport studies.
    Strings consisting of               tupiro golabu bidaku padoti
    coded here with single characters:  tpr     glb    Bdk    PDT
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s', ['T', 'S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s',   ['T'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'tpr',    None, 0.25)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'glb',    None, 0.25)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'Bdk',    None, 0.25)
        self.grammar.add_rule('T', 'PDT',    None, 0.25)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('tprglbBdkPDT')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 19
Define a grammar.

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'star_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'question_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'plus_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'or_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'str_append_', ['TERMINAL', 'EXPR'], 5.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'terminal_', ['TERMINAL'], 5.0)

for v in 'abc.':
    grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', v, None, 1.0)

Ejemplo n.º 20
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Define the grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()
grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s + %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s * %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
# grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s / %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s - %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)

# grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'plus_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
# grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'times_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'divide_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
# grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'subtract_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'exp_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'log_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'pow_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'],
                 1.0)  # including this gives lots of overflow

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'sin_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cos_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'tan_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

Ejemplo n.º 21
Set up the grammar.

Note: This was updated on Dec 3 2012, after the language submission. We now include AND/OR/NOT, and S,
and removed nonempty.

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['True', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['False', 'BOOL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['False', 'False'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['True', 'True'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)
#grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
#grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'nonempty_', ['SET'], 1.0) # don't need this if we do logical operations

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'empty_', ['SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'subset_', ['SET', 'SET'], 1.0)
#grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'exhaustive_', ['SET', 'context.S'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality1_', ['SET'], 1.0) # if cardinalities are included, don't include these!
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality2_', ['SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality3_', ['SET'], 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 22
from LOTlib.Eval import register_primitive


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


grammar = Grammar()

# flattern2str lives at the top, and it takes a cons, cdr, car structure and projects it to a string
grammar.add_rule('START', 'flatten2str', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'sample_', ['SET'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0 / 2.0)

grammar.add_rule('SET', '"%s"', ['STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s%s', ['TERMINAL', 'STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s', ['TERMINAL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'g', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'e', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'k', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 's', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'f', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'n', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'm', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class SimpleEnglish(FormalLanguage):
    A simple English language with a few kinds of recursion all at once
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s', ['NP', 'VP'], 2.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'd%sn', ['AP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'dn', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'n', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'a%s', ['AP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'a', None, 2.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'v', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'v%s', ['NP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'vt%s', ['S'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'i%sh%s', ['S', 'S'],
                              1.0)  # add if S then S grammar

    def terminals(self):
        return list('dnavtih')
Ejemplo n.º 24
class Reber(FormalLanguage):
    From Reber, 1967
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'T%s', ['S1'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'V%s', ['S3'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'P%s', ['S1'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'T%s', ['S2'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S3', 'X%s', ['S3'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S3', 'V%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S2', 'X%s', ['S3'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S2', 'S',   None, 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S4', 'P%s', ['S2'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S4', 'S',   None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('PSTVX')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 25
class SimpleEnglish(FormalLanguage):
    A simple English language with a few kinds of recursion all at once
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s%s', ['NP', 'VP'], 4.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'd%sn', ['AP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'dn', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'n', None, 2.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'a%s', ['AP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'a', None, 3.0)

        #self.grammar.add_rule('NP', '%s%s', ['NP', 'PP'], 1.0) # a little ambiguity
        #self.grammar.add_rule('VP', '%s%s', ['VP', 'PP'], 1.0)
        #self.grammar.add_rule('PP', 'p%s', ['NP'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'v', None, 2.0)  # intransitive
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'v%s', ['NP'], 1.0)  # transitive
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'vt%s', ['S'], 1.0)  # v that S

        #self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'i%sh%s', ['S', 'S'], 1.0)  # add if S then S grammar -- seems hard, and unnattural to get so many

    def terminals(self):
        return list('dnavt')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 26
from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import FunctionData
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis
from LOTlib.Inference.MetropolisHastings import mh_sample
from math import log

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# A simple grammar for scheme, including lambda
grammar = Grammar()

# A very simple version of lambda calculus
grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'apply_', ['FUNC', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'x', None, 5.0)
grammar.add_rule('FUNC', 'lambda', ['EXPR'], 1.0, bv_type='EXPR', bv_args=None)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cdr_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'car_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '[]', None, 1.0)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# A class for scheme hypotheses that just computes the input/output pairs with the appropriate probability
class SchemeFunction(LOTHypothesis):

    # Prior, proposals, __init__ are all inherited from LOTHypothesis

    def compute_single_likelihood(self, datum):
Ejemplo n.º 27
WORDS = ['even', 'odd']

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q

grammar = Grammar()
grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['BOOL'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', '(%s == %s)', ['NUMBER', 'NUMBER'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', '(not %s)', ['BOOL'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', '(%s and %s)', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', '(%s or %s)',  ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.)  # use the short_circuit form

grammar.add_rule('NUMBER', 'x', None, 1.)
grammar.add_rule('NUMBER', '1', None, 1.)
grammar.add_rule('NUMBER', '0', None, 1.)
grammar.add_rule('NUMBER', 'plus_', ['NUMBER', 'NUMBER'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('NUMBER', 'minus_', ['NUMBER', 'NUMBER'], 1.)

for w in WORDS:
    grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'lexicon', [q(w), 'NUMBER'], 1.)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Data
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ejemplo n.º 28
def makeGrammar(objects,
                    'Tree', 'Set', 'Gender', 'Generation', 'Ancestry',
                    'Paternity', 'English'
                terms=['X', 'objects', 'all'],
    Define a uniform PCFG for tree relations
        objects: a python list of strings for each person in the context
        nterms: a python list of primitive families
        terms: a python list of terminals
        recursive: BOOL for should grammar be recursive?
        words: a python list of words to recurse
        compositional: BOOL for if english primitives can be composed
        abstractP: float for non-uniform weight on abstraction, i.e. the speaker, X, primitive

        a LOTlib Grammar object

    grammar = Grammar()

    grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['SET'], 1.0)

    if 'Tree' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'parents_of_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'children_of_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'spouses_of_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'Set' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'union_', ['SET', 'SET'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'complement_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'intersection_', ['SET', 'SET'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'setdifference_', ['SET', 'SET'], 1.0)

    if 'Gender' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'female_', ['SET'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'male_', ['SET'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'samegender_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'Generation' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation0_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation1_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation2_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'GenerationS' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation0_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation1s_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation2s_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'Ancestry' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'ancestors', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'descendants', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'Paternity' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'maternal_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'paternal_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'Taboo' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'close_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        #grammar.add_rule('SET', 'frat_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)
        #grammar.add_rule('SET', 'sor_', ['SET', 'C'], 1.0)

    if 'English' in nterms:
        if compositional:
            lhs = 'SET'
            lhs = 'O'

        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'brothers_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'sisters_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'moms_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'dads_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'childz_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'uncles_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'aunts_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'grandpas_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'grandmas_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'cousins_', [lhs, 'C'], 1.0)

    if recursive and words is not None:
        for w in words:
            grammar.add_rule('SET', 'recurse_', [q(w), 'C', 'SET'], 1.0)

    if 'objects' in terms:
        if compositional:
            for o in objects:
                grammar.add_rule('SET', 'set', ["[\'%s\']" % o],
                                 abstractP / len(objects))
            for o in objects:
                grammar.add_rule('O', 'set', ["[\'%s\']" % o],
                                 abstractP / len(objects))

    if 'all' in terms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'all_', ['C'], 1.0)

    if 'X' in terms:
        if compositional:
                'SET', 'X', None,
                10.0)  # Had to give high prob to make pcfg well-defined
                'O', 'X', None,
                10.0)  # Had to give high prob to make pcfg well-defined

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 29
        This folder defines a bunch of "standard" grammars.

        In each, we do NOT specify the terminals, which typically expand the nonterminal PREDICATE->...


from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar


# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SimpleBoolean_noTF = Grammar()
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('START', '', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', '', ['PREDICATE'], DEFAULT_FEATURE_WEIGHT)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SimpleBoolean = Grammar()
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', 'False', None, 1.0)
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', 'True', None, 1.0)
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', '', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def makeCharGrammar(context):
    Defines a PCFG for characteristic hypotheses, specific to the context

        context: a Kinship context object

        a LOTlib Grammar object

    char_grammar = Grammar()

    char_grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['CHAR'], 1.0)

    char_grammar.add_rule('CHAR', 'union_', ['CHAR', 'CHAR'], 1.0)
    char_grammar.add_rule('CHAR', 'complement_', ['CHAR', 'C'], 1.0)
    char_grammar.add_rule('CHAR', 'intersection_', ['CHAR', 'CHAR'], 1.0)
    char_grammar.add_rule('CHAR', 'setdifference_', ['CHAR', 'CHAR'], 1.0)

    char_grammar.add_rule('CHAR', 'feature_', ['KEY', 'NUM', 'C'],
                          float(len(context.features[0]) - 1))

    for f in xrange(len(context.features[0]) - 1):
        char_grammar.add_rule('KEY', str(f + 1), None, 1.0)

    char_grammar.add_rule('NUM', '1', None, 1.0)
    char_grammar.add_rule('NUM', '0', None, 1.0)

    return char_grammar
Ejemplo n.º 31
def makeBiasedGrammar(objects,
                          'Tree', 'Set', 'Gender', 'Generation', 'Ancestry',
                          'Paternity', 'English'
                      terms=['X', 'objects', 'all'],
    Define a weighted PCFG for tree relations
        objects: a python list of strings for each person in the context
        bias: a python dictionary, bias[primitive] = weight (float)
        nterms: a python list of primitive families
        terms: a python list of terminals
        recursive: BOOL for should grammar be recursive?
        words: a python list of words to recurse
        compositional: BOOL for if english primitives can be composed

        a LOTlib Grammar object

    grammar = Grammar()

    grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['SET'], 1.0)

    if 'Tree' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'parents_of_', ['SET', 'C'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'children_of_', ['SET', 'C'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'spouses_of_', ['SET', 'C'],

    if 'Set' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'union_', ['SET', 'SET'], bias['union_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'complement_', ['SET', 'C'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'intersection_', ['SET', 'SET'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'setdifference_', ['SET', 'SET'],

    if 'Gender' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'female_', ['SET'], bias['female_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'male_', ['SET'], bias['male_'])

    if 'Generation' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation0_', ['SET', 'C'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation1_', ['SET', 'C'],
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'generation2_', ['SET', 'C'],

    if 'Ancestry' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'ancestors', ['SET', 'C'], bias['ancestors'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'descendants', ['SET', 'C'],

    if 'Paternity' in nterms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'maternal_', ['SET', 'C'], bias['maternal_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'paternal_', ['SET', 'C'], bias['paternal_'])

    if 'English' in nterms:
        if compositional:
            lhs = 'SET'
            lhs = 'O'

        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'brothers_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['brothers_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'sisters_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['sisters_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'moms_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['moms_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'dads_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['dads_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'childz_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['children_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'uncles_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['uncles_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'aunts_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['aunts_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'grandpas_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['grandpas_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'grandmas_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['grandmas_'])
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'cousins_', [lhs, 'C'], bias['cousins_'])

    if recursive and words is not None:
        for w in words:
            grammar.add_rule('SET', 'recurse_', [q(w), 'C', 'SET'],
                             bias['recurse_' + w])

    if 'objects' in terms:
        if compositional:
            for o in objects:
                grammar.add_rule('SET', 'set', ["[\'%s\']" % o],
                                 bias['terminal_' + o])
            for o in objects:
                grammar.add_rule('O', 'set', ["[\'%s\']" % o],
                                 bias['terminal_' + o])

    if 'all' in terms:
        grammar.add_rule('SET', 'all_', ['C'], bias['all_'])

    if 'X' in terms:
        if compositional:
                'SET', 'X', None, bias['terminal_X']
            )  # Had to give high prob to make pcfg well-defined
                'O', 'X', None, bias['terminal_X']
            )  # Had to give high prob to make pcfg well-defined

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 32
class Milne(FormalLanguage):
    From https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306452217304645#f0025
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', '%s', ['A'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('A', 'a%s', ['D'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('A', 'a%s', ['C'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('D', 'd%s', ['C'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('C', 'c%s', ['G'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('C', 'c%s', ['F'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('G', 'g%s', ['F'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('F', 'f', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('F', 'f%s', ['X'], 1.0) # last two states are X,Y so they aren't D,C
        self.grammar.add_rule('X', 'c', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('X', 'c%s', ['Y'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('Y', 'g', None, 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('acdgf')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 33
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.BasicPrimitives import *
from LOTlib.Inference.MetropolisHastings import mh_sample
from LOTlib.FiniteBestSet import FiniteBestSet
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import *
from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import *
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.GaussianLOTHypothesis import GaussianLOTHypothesis

#from SimpleMPI import MPI_map

from random import randint

## The grammar

G = Grammar()
G.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

G.add_rule('EXPR', 'plus_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'times_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'divide_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'subtract_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)

G.add_rule('EXPR', 'exp_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'log_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'pow_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0) # including this gives lots of overflow

G.add_rule('EXPR', 'sin_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'cos_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'tan_', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

G.add_rule('EXPR', 'x', None, 5.0) # these terminals should have None for their function type; the literals
Ejemplo n.º 34
- 5^n
- 6^n
- 7^n
- 8^n
- 9^n
- 10^n
- range[1,100]

Interval Rules:  p = (lambda - 1)
- all range[n,m] subset of r[1,100], such that n <=m  (5,050 rules like this!)

mix_grammar = Grammar()
mix_grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['INTERVAL'], 1.)
mix_grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['MATH'], 1.)

mix_grammar.add_rule('MATH', 'mapset_', ['FUNC', 'DOMAIN_RANGE'], 1.)
mix_grammar.add_rule('DOMAIN_RANGE', 'range_set_', ['1', '100'], 1.)
mix_grammar.add_rule('FUNC', 'lambda', ['EXPR'], 1., bv_type='X', bv_p=1.)

# Math rules (30-40 of these)
# ---------------------------

# Odd numbers
mix_grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'plus_', ['ODD', str(1)], 1.)
mix_grammar.add_rule('ODD', 'times_', ['X', str(2)], 1.)

# Primes
mix_grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'isprime_', ['X'], 1.)
Ejemplo n.º 35
CONSTANT_NAMES = ["C%i" % i for i in xrange(NCONSTANTS)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Define the grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()
grammar.add_rule("START", "", ["EXPR"], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "plus_", ["EXPR", "EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "times_", ["EXPR", "EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "divide_", ["EXPR", "EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "subtract_", ["EXPR", "EXPR"], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "exp_", ["EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "log_", ["EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "pow_", ["EXPR", "EXPR"], 1.0)  # including this gives lots of overflow

grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "sin_", ["EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "cos_", ["EXPR"], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "tan_", ["EXPR"], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "x", None, 5.0)  # these terminals should have None for their function type; the literals

grammar.add_rule("EXPR", "1.0", None, 5.0)

# Supplement the grammar
Ejemplo n.º 36
Archivo: Shared.py Proyecto: sa-/LOTlib
        word = target.sample_utterance(all_words, context)

        data.append( UtteranceData(utterance=word, context=context, possible_utterances=all_words) )

    return data

# Set up the grammar
grammar = Grammar()

        Note: This was updated on Dec 3 2012, after the language submission. We now include AND/OR/NOT, and S, and removed nonempty
grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['True', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['False', 'BOOL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['False', 'False'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'presup_', ['True', 'True'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
#grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'nonempty_', ['SET'], 1.0) # don't need this if we do logical operations

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'empty_', ['SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'subset_', ['SET', 'SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'exhaustive_', ['SET', 'context.S'], 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 37
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Evaluation.Eval import evaluate_expression, register_primitive
         A simple demo for how to define FunctionNodes

         All of these primitives are defined in the LOTlib.Primitives package, as well as many others.
         In general, the PCFG generates FunctionNode trees via "generate" and then these are printed
         via str(...).

grammar = Grammar()

# Nonterminal START -> Nonterminal EXPR (with no function call)
grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

# And "EXPR" can rewrite as "1.0" -- and this expansion has probability proportional to 5.0
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '1.0', None, 5.0)

# some other simple terminals
# these are given much higher probability in order to keep the PCFG well-defined
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '0.0', None, 3.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'TAU', None, 3.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'E', None, 3.0)

# To have a string terminal, it must be quoted:
#grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '\'e\'', None, 3.0)

# Then this is one way to use the variable "x" of the function.
# This gets named as the argument in evaluate_expression below
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'x', None, 10.0)
Ejemplo n.º 38
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import unique
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis

G = Grammar()




for i in xrange(100):
	print G.generate()

Ejemplo n.º 39
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

import LOTlib.Miscellaneous
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

## Here we use the _d primitives which manipulate an entire distribution of strings. This tends to be much faster.
grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'if_d', ['BOOL', 'EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_d', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_d', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_d', ['BOOL'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_d', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cdr_d', ['EXPR'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'car_d', ['EXPR'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'equal_d', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.)
# grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'empty_d', ['EXPR'], 1.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'flip_d(0.5)', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
Ejemplo n.º 40
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import qq
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['Pabstraction'], 1.0)  # a predicate abstraction

# lambdaUsePredicate is where you can use the predicate defined in lambdaDefinePredicate
    ['lambdaUsePredicate', 'lambdaDefinePredicate'],
                 'lambda', ['INNER-BOOL'],
                 'lambda', ['Pabstraction'],
Ejemplo n.º 41
This version uses Flip.py


from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

base_grammar = Grammar()
base_grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['START2'], 1.0)
    'START2', '', ['LIST'],
    1.0)  # just to make isnertions/deletions at the top easier

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', '(%s if %s else %s)', ['LIST', 'BOOL', 'LIST'],

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'strcons_', ['LIST', 'LIST'],
                      1.)  # upweighted (3?) to help in search/proposals
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'strcdr_', ['LIST'], 1.)
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'strcar_', ['LIST'], 1.)

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', '', ['ATOM'], 3.0)  # Terminals
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'x', None, 3.0)  # the argument

# base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', '', ['ATOMSEQ'], 3.0) # Terminals
# base_grammar.add_rule('ATOMSEQ', '%s+%s', ['ATOMSEQ', 'ATOM'], 1.0) # Terminals
# base_grammar.add_rule('ATOMSEQ', '%s', ['ATOM'],            2.0) # Terminals

# If we want to allow sampling from a set of "words"
# base_grammar.add_rule('LIST',     'C.uniform_sample([%s])', ['WORDLIST'], 1.) # Uniform sample of a word list
# base_grammar.add_rule('WORDLIST', '%s', ['WORD'], 1.) # flip within a context
Ejemplo n.º 42
	An example of generating quantified logic with lambdas. See FOL.py for inference about first-order logic

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

# Create a  grammar:
G = Grammar()

G.add_rule('BOOL', 'x', None, 2.0) # X is a terminal, so arguments=None

 # Each of these is a function, requiring some arguments of some type
G.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

G.add_rule('BOOL', 'exists_', ['FUNCTION', 'SET'], 0.50)
G.add_rule('BOOL', 'forall_', ['FUNCTION', 'SET'], 0.50) 

G.add_rule('SET', 'S', None, 1.0)

# And allow us to create a new kind of function
G.add_rule('FUNCTION', 'lambda', ['BOOL'], 1.0, bv_name='BOOL', bv_args=None) # bvtype means we introduce a bound variable below
G.BV_WEIGHT = 2.0 # When we introduce bound variables, they have this (relative) probability

for i in xrange(1000):
	x = G.generate('BOOL')
	print x.log_probability(), x
Ejemplo n.º 43

    def compute_single_likelihood(self, datum):
            return log(datum.alpha * (self(*datum.input) == datum.output) + (1.0-datum.alpha) / 2.0)
        except RecursionDepthException as e: # we get this from recursing too deep -- catch and thus treat "ret" as None
            return -Infinity
# Define a grammar object
# Defaultly this has a start symbol called 'START' but we want to call
# it 'EXPR'
grammar = Grammar(start='EXPR')

# Define some operations
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s + %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(%s * %s)', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(float(%s) / float(%s))', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', '(-%s)', ['EXPR'], 1.0)

# And define some numbers. We'll give them a 1/n^2 probability
for n in xrange(1, 10):
    grammar.add_rule('EXPR', str(n), None, 10.0 / n**2)

data = [FunctionData(input=[6], output=12, alpha=0.95)]

#h = MyHypothesis()
#print h.compute_prior(), h.compute_likelihood(data), h
# define a "starting hypothesis". This one is essentially copied by
# all proposers, so the sampler doesn't need to know its type or anything.
Ejemplo n.º 44
MAX_NODES = 10  # How many FunctionNodes are allowed in a hypothesis? If we make this, say, 20, things may slow down a lot

    'one_', 'two_', 'three_', 'four_', 'five_', 'six_', 'seven_', 'eight_',
    'nine_', 'ten_'

## Define a PCFG

## The priors here are somewhat hierarchical by type in generation, tuned to be a little more efficient
## (but the actual RR prior does not care about these probabilities)

grammar = Grammar(start='WORD')

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1. / 3.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1. / 3.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1. / 3.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'True', None, 1.0 / 2.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'False', None, 1.0 / 2.)

## note that this can take basically any types for return values
grammar.add_rule('WORD', 'if_', ['BOOL', 'WORD', 'WORD'], 0.5)
grammar.add_rule('WORD', 'ifU_', ['BOOL', 'WORD'],
                 0.5)  # if returning undef if condition not met

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality1_', ['SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality2_', ['SET'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'cardinality3_', ['SET'], 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 45
from LOTlib.Eval import register_primitive

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', 'flatten2str', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'sample_', ['SET'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0/2.0)

grammar.add_rule('SET', '"%s"', ['STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s%s', ['TERMINAL', 'STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s', ['TERMINAL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'e', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT )
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'I', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'a', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT )
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'A', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT )
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'u', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT )
Ejemplo n.º 46
        An example of inference over first-order logical expressions.
        Here, we take sets of objects and generate quantified descriptions

from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import unique
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['QUANT'], 1.0)

# Very simple -- one allowed quantifier
grammar.add_rule('QUANT', 'exists_', ['FUNCTION', 'SET'], 1.00)
grammar.add_rule('QUANT', 'forall_', ['FUNCTION', 'SET'], 1.00)

# The thing we are a function of
grammar.add_rule('SET', 'S', None, 1.0)

# And allow us to create a new kind of function
grammar.add_rule('FUNCTION', 'lambda', ['BOOL'], 1.0, bv_type='OBJECT')
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

# non-terminal arguments get passed as normal python arguments
    'BOOL', 'is_color_', ['OBJECT', '\'red\''],
    5.00)  # --> is_color_(OBJECT, 'red') --> OBJECT.color == 'red'
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'is_color_', ['OBJECT', '\'blue\''], 5.00)
Ejemplo n.º 47
Just create some combinators and reduce them.

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis

from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q
from LOTlib.Evaluation.Primitives.Functional import cons_ # for evaling

G = Grammar()

G.add_rule('START', 'cons_', ['START', 'START'], 2.0)

G.add_rule('START', 'I', None, 1.0)
G.add_rule('START', 'S', None, 1.0)
G.add_rule('START', 'K', None, 1.0)

from LOTlib.Evaluation.CombinatoryLogic import combinator_reduce
from LOTlib.Evaluation.EvaluationException import EvaluationException

for _ in range(10000):

    t = G.generate()

    lst = t.liststring()

    print lst, "\t->\t",
        print combinator_reduce(lst)
    except EvaluationException as e:
Ejemplo n.º 48
Just create some combinators and reduce them.

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', 'cons_', ['START', 'START'], 2.0)

grammar.add_rule('START', 'I', None, 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'S', None, 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('START', 'K', None, 1.0)

Ejemplo n.º 49
class SimpleEnglish(FormalLanguage):
    A simple English language with a few kinds of recursion all at once
    def __init__(self, max_length=6):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'S', ['NP', 'VP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('NP', 'NP', ['d', 'AP', 'n'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'AP', ['a', 'AP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('AP', 'AP', None, 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'VP', ['v'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'VP', ['v', 'NP'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('VP', 'VP', ['v', 't', 'S'], 1.0)

        FormalLanguage.__init__(self, max_length)

    def all_strings(self, max_length):
        for x in self.grammar.enumerate(d=max_length):
            s = ''.join(x.all_leaves())
            if len(s) < max_length:
                yield s
Ejemplo n.º 50
        fn = FunctionNode(fn, 'EXPR', 'apply_', [fn, copy(args[i])])

        return lambda_reduce(fn)
    except RuntimeError:
        return None

if __name__=="__main__":

    ## Make a simple grammar for lambda calculus
    from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

    G = Grammar()

    # Here, rules creating smaller lambdas are higher prob; created simpler lambdas are also higher prob
    G.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
    G.add_rule('EXPR', 'lambda', ['EXPR'], 2.0, bv_type='EXPR', bv_args=None, bv_p=2.0)
    G.add_rule('EXPR', 'apply_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)

    # And print some expressions and reduce
    for _ in xrange(1000):
        t = G.generate()

            print lambdastring(t)
            print lambdastring(lambda_reduce(t))
        except EvaluationException as e:
            print "***", e, lambdastring(t)
        print "\n"
Ejemplo n.º 51
        This folder defines a bunch of "standard" grammars.

        In each, we do NOT specify the terminals, which typically expand the nonterminal PREDICATE->...


from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar


# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SimpleBoolean_noTF = Grammar()
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('START', '', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean_noTF.add_rule('BOOL', '', ['PREDICATE'], DEFAULT_FEATURE_WEIGHT)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SimpleBoolean = Grammar()
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', 'False', None, DEFAULT_FEATURE_WEIGHT)
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', 'True', None, DEFAULT_FEATURE_WEIGHT)
SimpleBoolean.add_rule('START', '', ['BOOL'], 1.0)

SimpleBoolean.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 52
class BerwickPilato(FormalLanguage):
    From Figure 3a of Berwick & Pilato 1987
    Ignores tense
    J = Judy
    g = gives
    G = gave
    d = does
    D = did
    e = get
    i = is
    W = was
    h = has
    H = had
    N = given
    v = giving
    V = give
    m = may
    M = might
    j = have
    b = being
    B = been
    E = be
    o = bread
    def __init__(self):
        self.grammar = Grammar(start='S')
        self.grammar.add_rule('S', 'J%s', ['S1'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'g%s', ['S4'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'G%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'd%s', ['S3'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'D%s', ['S3'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'i%s', ['S6'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'w%s', ['S6'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'h%s', ['S5'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'H%s', ['S5'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'm%s', ['S2'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S1', 'M%s', ['S2'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S2', 'j%s', ['S5'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S2', 'E%s', ['S6'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S2', 'V%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S3', 'e%s', ['S7'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S3', 'V%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S4', 'o', None, 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S4', 'o', None, 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S5', 'N%s', ['S4'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S5', 'B%s', ['S6'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S6', 'b%s', ['S7'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S6', 'v%s', ['S4'], 1.0)
        self.grammar.add_rule('S6', 'N%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

        self.grammar.add_rule('S7', 'N%s', ['S4'], 1.0)

    def terminals(self):
        return list('JgGdDeiWhHNvVmMjbBEo')

    def all_strings(self):
        for g in self.grammar.enumerate():
            yield str(g)
Ejemplo n.º 53
        Here, we invent simple predicates whose value is determined by a set membership (BASE-SET), and express logical
        concepts over those predicates. Data is set up to be like magnetism, with positives (pi) and negatives (ni) that interact
        with each other but not within groups.

        This is simple because there's only two types of things, and you observe all interactions. See ComplexMagnetism.py for a more complex case...

from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import qq
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import FunctionData
from LOTlib.FunctionNode import cleanFunctionNodeString

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['Pabstraction'], 1.0) # a predicate abstraction

# lambdaUsePredicate is where you can use the predicate defined in lambdaDefinePredicate
grammar.add_rule('Pabstraction',  'apply_', ['lambdaUsePredicate', 'lambdaDefinePredicate'], 1.0, )
grammar.add_rule('lambdaUsePredicate', 'lambda', ['INNER-BOOL'],    5.0, bv_type='INNER-BOOL', bv_args=['OBJECT'], bv_prefix='F')
grammar.add_rule('lambdaUsePredicate', 'lambda', ['Pabstraction'], 1.0,  bv_type='INNER-BOOL', bv_args=['OBJECT'], bv_prefix='F')

# Define a predicate that will just check if something is in a BASE-SET
grammar.add_rule('lambdaDefinePredicate', 'lambda', ['lambdaDefinePredicateINNER'], 1.0,  bv_type='OBJECT', bv_args=None, bv_prefix='z')
# the function on objects, that allows them to be put into classes (analogous to a logical model here)
grammar.add_rule('lambdaDefinePredicateINNER', 'is_in_', ['OBJECT', 'BASE-SET'], 1.0)

# Here's how things will look with applylambda:
#grammar.add_rule('START', 'applylambda', ['INNER-BOOL'], 10.0,  bv_type='INNER-BOOL', bv_args=['OBJECT'], bv_prefix='F')
#grammar.add_rule('START', 'applylambda', ['START'],      1.0,   bv_type='INNER-BOOL', bv_args=['OBJECT'], bv_prefix='F')
Ejemplo n.º 54
        return reduce(mycons([[x, z], [y, z]], lst[4:]), maxsteps=maxsteps - 1)
        return mycons(
            [reduce(x, maxsteps=floor(maxsteps / len(lst))) for x in lst[1:]])

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A grammar for simple CL expressions

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
grammar = Grammar(start="CLEXPR")

# flattern2str lives at the top, and it takes a cons, cdr, car structure and projects it to a string
grammar.add_rule('CLEXPR', '[%s, %s]', ['CLEXPR', 'CLEXPR'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('CLEXPR', '"I"', None, 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('CLEXPR', '"S"', None, 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('CLEXPR', '"K"', None, 1.0)

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Just look a little

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import LOTlib

    while not LOTlib.SIG_INTERRUPTED:
        x = eval(str(grammar.generate()))
        print x
Ejemplo n.º 55
# Yuan's version:
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

base_grammar = Grammar()
base_grammar.add_rule('START', 'flatten2str', ['LIST', 'sep=\"\"'], 1.0)

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'if_', ['BOOL', 'LIST', 'LIST'], 1.)

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'cons_', ['ATOM', 'LIST'], 1./6.)
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'cons_', ['LIST', 'LIST'], 1./6.)
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'cdr_', ['LIST'], 1./3.)
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'car_', ['LIST'], 1./3.)

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', '', ['ATOM'], 3.0)
base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', '\'\'', None, 1.0)
# base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'recurse_', [], 1.) # This is added by factorizedDataHypothesis

base_grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'empty_', ['LIST'], 1.)
base_grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'flip_(p=%s)', ['PROB'], 1.)

for i in xrange(1,10):
    base_grammar.add_rule('PROB', '0.%s' % i, None, 1.)

base_grammar.add_rule('LIST', 'recurse_(%s)', ['SELFF'], 1.0) # can call myself

if __name__ == "__main__":

    for _ in xrange(1000):
        print base_grammar.generate()
Ejemplo n.º 56
        A finite English grammar that's used to test functions in FunctionNode

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar

g = Grammar()

g.add_rule('START', 'NP', ['NP', 'VP'], 1)
g.add_rule('NP', '', ['the boy'], 1)
g.add_rule('NP', '', ['the ball'], 1)
g.add_rule('VP', '', ['ate the dog'], 1)
g.add_rule('VP', '', ['ate the chicken'], 1)

def log_probability(tree):
    return 0  # TODO: stub

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for i in xrange(100):
Ejemplo n.º 57
from LOTlib.Eval import register_primitive

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


grammar = Grammar()

# flattern2str lives at the top, and it takes a cons, cdr, car structure and projects it to a string
grammar.add_rule('START', 'flatten2str', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'sample_', ['SET'], 1.)

grammar.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0/2.0)

grammar.add_rule('SET', '"%s"', ['STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s%s', ['TERMINAL', 'STRING'], 1.0)
grammar.add_rule('STRING', '%s', ['TERMINAL'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'g', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'e', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 'k', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
grammar.add_rule('TERMINAL', 's', None, TERMINAL_WEIGHT)
Ejemplo n.º 58
        A small finite grammar without bound variables.

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
import math

g = Grammar()

g.add_rule("START", "S", ["NP", "VP"], 1)
g.add_rule("NP", "NP", ["det", "N"], 1)
g.add_rule("VP", "VP", ["V", "NP"], 1)
g.add_rule("det", "the", None, 1)
g.add_rule("det", "a", None, 1)
g.add_rule("N", "cat", None, 1)
g.add_rule("N", "human", None, 1)
g.add_rule("V", "likes", None, 1)
g.add_rule("V", "kills", None, 1)
g.add_rule("V", "eats", None, 1)

def log_probability(tree):
    # every tree has an equal probability of being generated
    return math.log(0.5*0.5*(1.0/3)*0.5*0.5)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for i in xrange(100):
Ejemplo n.º 59
from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis
from LOTlib.DataAndObjects import FunctionData
from LOTlib.Inference.MetropolisHastings import mh_sample
from math import log

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# A simple grammar for scheme, including lambda

G = Grammar()

# A very simple version of lambda calculus
G.add_rule('START', '', ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'apply_', ['FUNC', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'x', None, 5.0)
G.add_rule('FUNC', 'lambda', ['EXPR'], 1.0, bv_type='EXPR', bv_args=None)

G.add_rule('EXPR', 'cons_', ['EXPR', 'EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'cdr_',  ['EXPR'], 1.0)
G.add_rule('EXPR', 'car_',  ['EXPR'], 1.0)

G.add_rule('EXPR', '[]',  None, 1.0)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# A class for scheme hypotheses that just computes the input/output pairs with the appropriate probability
class SchemeFunction(LOTHypothesis):
	# Prior, proposals, __init__ are all inherited from LOTHypothesis
	def compute_single_likelihood(self, datum, response):
Ejemplo n.º 60
all_possible_data = [('', set(sample_sets_of_objects(n, all_objects)))
                     for n in xrange(1, 10)]

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Grammar
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from LOTlib.Grammar import Grammar
from LOTlib.Miscellaneous import q

# The priors here are somewhat hierarchical by type in generation, tuned to be a little more efficient
# (but the actual RR prior does not care about these probabilities)

grammar = Grammar()

grammar.add_rule('START', '', ['WORD'], 1.0)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'and_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1. / 3.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'or_', ['BOOL', 'BOOL'], 1. / 3.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'not_', ['BOOL'], 1. / 3.)

grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'True', None, 1.0 / 2.)
grammar.add_rule('BOOL', 'False', None, 1.0 / 2.)

# note that this can take basically any types for return values
grammar.add_rule('WORD', '(%s if %s else %s)', ['WORD', 'BOOL', 'WORD'], 0.5)

grammar.add_rule('WORD', q('undef'), None, 0.5)
# grammar.add_rule('WORD', 'if_',    ['BOOL', 'WORD', q('undef')], 0.5)
# grammar.add_rule('WORD', 'ifU_',    ['BOOL', 'WORD'], 0.5)  # if returning undef if condition not met