Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, iface, mainClass, showDialog):
        self.iface = iface
        self.mainClass = mainClass


        # LiveStatBar's properties
        self.name = "LiveStat %i" % LSbar.count
        self.autoName = 2
        self.layer = None
        self.fieldName = '$area'
        self.filter = ''
        self.functionName = 'Sum'
        self.selectedOnly = 2
        self.precision = 2
        self.suffix = '   '
        self.factor = '1'
        self.separator = 2

        self.position = {}
        self.position['floating'] = 0
        self.position['x'] = 0
        self.position['y'] = 0

        # LiveStatBar's dialog
        self.dialog = LSeditor(self.iface, self)
        QObject.connect(self.dialog, SIGNAL('accepted()'), self.dialogAccepted)

        # We connect the bar to some events that may trigger an update
        QObject.connect(self.iface, SIGNAL('currentLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer*)'), self.layerChanged)
        QObject.connect(self.iface.mapCanvas(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QgsMapLayer*)'), self.selectionChanged)

        # Setup the bar GUI

        # Create widgets
        self.nameWidget = QLabel(self.name);
        self.displayWidget = QLabel("Click to edit")

        # Layout widgets
        self.addWidget( self.nameWidget )
        self.addWidget( self.displayWidget )

        self.setMinimumSize( self.sizeHint() )

        # We display the dialog at creation (if required)
        if showDialog:
Ejemplo n.º 2
class LSbar(QToolBar):
    count = 0

    def __init__(self, iface, mainClass, showDialog):
        self.iface = iface
        self.mainClass = mainClass


        # LiveStatBar's properties
        self.name = "LiveStat %i" % LSbar.count
        self.autoName = 2
        self.layer = None
        self.fieldName = '$area'
        self.filter = ''
        self.functionName = 'Sum'
        self.selectedOnly = 2
        self.precision = 2
        self.suffix = '   '
        self.factor = '1'
        self.separator = 2

        self.position = {}
        self.position['floating'] = 0
        self.position['x'] = 0
        self.position['y'] = 0

        # LiveStatBar's dialog
        self.dialog = LSeditor(self.iface, self)
        QObject.connect(self.dialog, SIGNAL('accepted()'), self.dialogAccepted)

        # We connect the bar to some events that may trigger an update
        QObject.connect(self.iface, SIGNAL('currentLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer*)'), self.layerChanged)
        QObject.connect(self.iface.mapCanvas(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QgsMapLayer*)'), self.selectionChanged)

        # Setup the bar GUI

        # Create widgets
        self.nameWidget = QLabel(self.name);
        self.displayWidget = QLabel("Click to edit")

        # Layout widgets
        self.addWidget( self.nameWidget )
        self.addWidget( self.displayWidget )

        self.setMinimumSize( self.sizeHint() )

        # We display the dialog at creation (if required)
        if showDialog:

    def showEvent(self, QShowEvent):
        QToolBar.showEvent(self, QShowEvent)

    def mousePressEvent(self, event):
        # We want the dialog to display on a simple click
    def dialogAccepted(self):

        # If the clone box is checked, we create a new bar and apply the settings on the new bar
        makeClone = self.dialog.cloneUI.checkState()
        if makeClone:
            newStatsBar = LSbar(self.iface, self.mainClass, False)
            bar = newStatsBar
            bar = self

        # When the dialog is accepted, we update the bar's attribute to correspond to the dialog's input
        bar.name = self.dialog.nameUI.text()
        bar.autoName = self.dialog.autoNameUI.checkState()
        bar.layer = self.dialog.layerUI.currentLayer()
        bar.fieldName = self.dialog.fieldUI.currentText()
        bar.filter = self.dialog.filterUI.text()
        bar.functionName = self.dialog.functionUI.currentText()
        bar.selectedOnly = self.dialog.selectionUI.checkState()
        bar.precision = self.dialog.precisionUI.value()
        bar.suffix = self.dialog.suffixUI.text()
        bar.factor = self.dialog.factorUI.text()
        bar.separator = self.dialog.separatorUI.checkState()

        bar.setWindowTitle('LiveStat "'+bar.name+'"')

        # And we recompute the bar
        if makeClone:
            # If it's a clone, we update it 

    def dialogDelete(self):

    def layerChanged(self):
        # When the active layer changed, we trigger an update (but only if the bar displays stats of the -CURRENT- layer)
        if self.isVisible() and self.layer is None:
    def selectionChanged(self):
        # When the current selection changes, we trigger an update (but only if the bar displays stats of the selection)
        if self.isVisible() and self.selectedOnly:

    def compute(self):
        # This recompoutes the bar

            #Get the layer.
            if self.layer is not None:
                layer = self.layer
                # If the layer is None, it means we display the activeLayer
                activeLayer = self.iface.activeLayer()
                if activeLayer is None or activeLayer.type() != QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer:
                    raise NoLayerError()
                layer = activeLayer

            #Prepare the computer
            if self.functionName == 'Count':
                computer = LScomputerCount()
            elif self.functionName == 'NonNull':
                computer = LScomputerNonNull()
            elif self.functionName == 'Sum':
                computer = LScomputerSum()
            elif self.functionName == 'Min':
                computer = LScomputerMin()
            elif self.functionName == 'Max':
                computer = LScomputerMax()
            elif self.functionName == 'Mean':
                computer = LScomputerMean()
            elif self.functionName == 'Concat':
                computer = LScomputerConcat()
            elif self.functionName == 'UniqueConcat':
                computer = LScomputerUniqueConcat()
                raise NoComputerError()

            def formatter(result):
                # And we finally display the result in the widget
                self.locale = QLocale()
                if not self.separator:
                result *= float(self.factor)
                if self.precision < 0:
                    pow10 = 10**(-self.precision)
                    result = self.locale.toString(float(pow10*round(result/pow10)), 'f', 0)
                    result = self.locale.toString(result, 'f', self.precision)
                result = result+self.suffix
                return result
            computer.formatter = formatter

            #Get the field index for the field that is being comuputed
            computeFieldName = self.fieldName

            #Not really clear what this does...
            #layer.select( layer.pendingAllAttributesList() )

            if self.filter != '':
                expression = QgsExpression(self.filter)
                if expression.hasParserError():
                    raise ParserError(expression.parserErrorString())
                expression = None

            if self.fieldName not in ['$area', '$length'] and layer.fieldNameIndex( computeFieldName ) == -1:
                raise NoFieldError()

            def getFeatures():
                if self.selectedOnly:
                    return layer.selectedFeatures()
                    # The layer is an iterator that returns a QgsFeature on next(), so just return the layer
                    return layer

            # Loop the features.
            for feature in getFeatures():

                if expression is not None:
                    result = expression.evaluate(feature, layer.pendingFields())
                    if expression.hasEvalError():
                          raise EvalError(expression.evalErrorString())
                    if not result.toBool():
                self.valueForFeature(feature, computer, computeFieldName)

            result = computer.result()            



        except NoLayerError as e:
        except ParserError as e:
            self.setText('PARSER ERROR : '+str(e))
        except NoComputerError as e:
            self.setText('NO COMPUTER !')
        except NoFieldError as e:
            self.setText('NO FIELD !')
        except NoGeometryError as e:
            self.setText('NO GEOMETRY !')
        except EvalError as e:
            self.setText('EVAL ERROR : '+str(e))


    def setText(self, text):
        self.nameWidget.setText( self.name + ' : ' )

        #Resize the widget
        self.setMinimumSize( self.sizeHint() )
        #TODO : there are some glitches when text length increases and the toolbar is docked on a side
        #but none of this works :/

    def valueForFeature(self, feature, computer, computeFieldName):
        # This returns the value for a feature and a computeFieldIndex
        if self.fieldName == '$area':
            if feature.geometry() is None:
                # This happens for instance when a CSV layer is selected.
                # They are considered as vector layer (!!) but their features have no geometry
                raise NoGeometryError()
            val = feature.geometry().area()

        elif self.fieldName == '$length':
            if feature.geometry() is None:
                # This happens for instance when a CSV layer is selected.
                # They are considered as vector layer (!!) but their features have no geometry
                raise NoGeometryError()
            val = feature.geometry().length()
            val = feature.attribute(computeFieldName)

        computer.addVal(  val  )

    def save(self):
        # This returns this bar's attributes as a QString to be stored in the file
        returnStringList = []

        # Statistics attributes
        returnStringList.append( self.name ) #0
        returnStringList.append( str(self.autoName) )  #1
        if self.layer is None:
            returnStringList.append( '' ) #2
            returnStringList.append( self.layer.id() ) #2
        returnStringList.append( self.fieldName ) #3
        returnStringList.append( self.filter ) #4
        returnStringList.append( self.functionName ) #5
        returnStringList.append( str(self.selectedOnly) ) #6
        returnStringList.append( str(self.precision) ) #7
        returnStringList.append( self.suffix ) #8
        returnStringList.append( self.factor ) #9
        returnStringList.append( str(self.separator) ) #10

        # Position attributes
        returnStringList.append( str(int(self.isFloating())) ) #11
        returnStringList.append( str(self.pos().x()) ) #12
        returnStringList.append( str(self.pos().y()) ) #13

        return '*|*'.join(returnStringList)

    def load(self, string):
        # This sets this bar's attributes from a QString to be loaded
        loadStringList = string.split('*|*')

            # Statistics attributes
            self.name = loadStringList[0] #0
            self.autoName = int(loadStringList[1]) #1
            self.layer = None #2
            for l in self.iface.legendInterface().layers():
                if l.id() == loadStringList[2]:
                    self.layer = l #2
            self.fieldName = loadStringList[3] #3
            self.filter = loadStringList[4] #4
            self.functionName = loadStringList[5] #5
            self.selectedOnly = int(loadStringList[6]) #6
            self.precision = int(loadStringList[7]) #7
            self.suffix = loadStringList[8] #8
            self.factor = loadStringList[9] #9
            self.separator = int(loadStringList[10]) #10

            # Position attributes
            #self.storedGeometry = loadStringList[11].toAscii() #11
            self.position['floating'] = bool(int(loadStringList[11]))
            self.position['x'] = int(loadStringList[12])
            self.position['y'] = int(loadStringList[13])
        except IndexError as e:
            # On plugin update, if attributes are added, this allows to load as much as possible... Remaining attributes will be defaults

        self.setWindowTitle('LiveStat "'+self.name+'"')
