Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __py_execmodel__(self, codeGen):

		prevTestingBlock = [ None ]

		# Use a guard to push self onto the TestingBlock stack
		def beginGuard(codeGen):
			prevTestingBlock[0] = AbstractInlineTest.__current_testing_block__
			AbstractInlineTest.__current_testing_block__ = self

		def endGuard(codeGen):
			AbstractInlineTest.__current_testing_block__ = prevTestingBlock[0]

		mainContent = codeGen.guard( beginGuard, Schema.PythonSuite( suite=self._suite.model['suite'] ), endGuard )

		# Defer the generation of the unit test class
		def unitTesting(codeGen):
			# Create the class suite
			first = True
			testing = []
			for test in self._inlineTests:
				if not first:
					testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
					testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
				testing.append( test._createTestClass( codeGen ) )
				first = False

			testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
			testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )

			for test in self._inlineTests:
				testAst = codeGen.embeddedValue( test )
				testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=testAst, name='_registerTestClass' ), args=[ Schema.Load( name=test._className ) ] ) ) )

			selfAST = codeGen.embeddedValue( self )
			moduleAST = codeGen.embeddedValue( codeGen.module )
			globalsAST = Schema.Call( target=Schema.Load( name='globals' ), args=[] )
			localsAST = Schema.Call( target=Schema.Load( name='locals' ), args=[] )
			testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=selfAST, name='runTests' ), args=[] ) ) )
			testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=selfAST, name='_registerScope' ), args=[ moduleAST, globalsAST, localsAST ] ) ) )

			return Schema.PythonSuite( suite=testing )

		return Schema.PythonSuite( suite=[ mainContent, unitTesting ] )
Ejemplo n.º 2
		def unitTesting(codeGen):
			# Create the class suite
			first = True
			testing = []
			for test in self._inlineTests:
				if not first:
					testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
					testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
				testing.append( test._createTestClass( codeGen ) )
				first = False

			testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )
			testing.append( Schema.BlankLine() )

			for test in self._inlineTests:
				testAst = codeGen.embeddedValue( test )
				testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=testAst, name='_registerTestClass' ), args=[ Schema.Load( name=test._className ) ] ) ) )

			selfAST = codeGen.embeddedValue( self )
			moduleAST = codeGen.embeddedValue( codeGen.module )
			globalsAST = Schema.Call( target=Schema.Load( name='globals' ), args=[] )
			localsAST = Schema.Call( target=Schema.Load( name='locals' ), args=[] )
			testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=selfAST, name='runTests' ), args=[] ) ) )
			testing.append( Schema.ExprStmt( expr=Schema.Call( target=Schema.AttributeRef( target=selfAST, name='_registerScope' ), args=[ moduleAST, globalsAST, localsAST ] ) ) )

			return Schema.PythonSuite( suite=testing )
 def __py_execmodel__(self, codeGen):
     assigns = []
     for definition in self._definitions_:
         target = definition.target.model['target']
         value = definition.value.model['expr']
         assign = Py.AssignStmt(targets=[target], value=value)
     return Py.PythonSuite(suite=assigns)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def __init__(self, model=None):
		if isinstance( model, DMNode )  and  model.isInstanceOf( Schema.PythonSuite ):
		elif model is None:
			model = _py25NewSuite()
		elif isinstance( model, list )  or  isinstance( model, java.util.List ):
			model = Schema.PythonSuite( suite=model )
			raise TypeError, 'Cannot construct EmbeddedPython2Suite from %s' % model

		super(EmbeddedPython2Suite, self).__init__( model )
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def fromExprModel(exprModel):
		return EmbeddedPython2Suite( Schema.PythonSuite( suite=EmbeddedPython2Executable._exprModelAsStmts( deepcopy( exprModel ) ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _py25NewSuite():
	return Schema.PythonSuite( suite=[] )
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def __py_execmodel__(self, codeGen):
		if self.__current_testing_block__ is not None:
			self.__current_testing_block__._registerInlineTest( self )
			self.__testedBlock = self.__current_testing_block__
		return Schema.PythonSuite( suite=[] )