Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _setDates(self):
        dates = list()
            # Set locale time from en_US to de_DE for formatting calendar dates.
            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'de_DE.utf-8')
            dates_string = self.play_item_soup.findAll('p')[1].span.nextSibling
            # dates_string = "Neues Schauspielhaus / Termine: 10. | 14. | 18. September 2011, 01. | 16. | 22. Oktober 2011, 18. | 29. November 2011, 08. | 11. | 16. | 29. Dezember 2011, 27. Januar 2012, 03. | 10. | 15. | 26. Februar 2012, 27. März 2012"
            (location_part, seperator, dates_part) = dates_string.partition(':') 
            dates_per_month = dates_part.split(',')
            # dates_per_month = "[' 10. | 14. | 18. September 2011', ' 01. | 16. | 22. Oktober 2011', ' 18. | 29. November 2011', ' 08. | 11. | 16. | 29. Dezember 2011', ' 27. Januar 2012', ' 03. | 10. | 15. | 26. Februar 2012', ' 27. M\xc3\xa4rz 2012']"
            for dates_of_one_month in dates_per_month:
            # dates_of_one_month = " 10. | 14. | 18. September 2011"
                raw_dates = dates_of_one_month.split('|')
                # raw_dates = "[' 10. ', ' 14. ', ' 18. September 2011']"
                raw_date_with_month_name = raw_dates[-1]
                # raw_date_with_month_name = " 18. September 2011"
                month = raw_date_with_month_name.split()[1]
                # month = "September"
                year = raw_date_with_month_name.split()[2]
                # year = "2011"
                for i in range(len(raw_dates) - 1):
                # i = "0"
                    # date = "10. September 2011"
                    date_string_raw = raw_dates[i].lstrip() + month + ' ' + year
                    date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string_raw, '%d. %B %Y')
                    # For json serialization we have to save the date as a string.
                    date_string = Lepistant.formatDatetimeToString(date_time)
                # Formatting the last date in the list: "18. September 2011"
                last_date_unformatted = raw_dates[-1].lstrip().rstrip()
                last_date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_date_unformatted, '%d. %B %Y')
                last_date_string = Lepistant.formatDatetimeToString(last_date_time)
#                 Converting the date_string to ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+01
#                iso_8601_date = Lepistant.formatDateToISO8601(last_date_string)
            logger.info('%s - set dates: %s', self.title, dates)
        except ValueError as verr:
            logger.error('Failed to format date "%s" for play "%s" due to: %s', date_string_raw, self.title, str(verr))
            logger.error('Failed to set dates for play "%s". Therefore setting dates to an empty list.', self.title)
        # Set locale time back from de_DE to en_US.
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_US.utf-8')
        return self._setKey('dates', dates)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _getFurtherPerformances(self):
     # Set locale time from en_US to de_DE for formatting calendar dates.
     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'de_DE.utf-8')
     perfomance_tuples = list()
         performance_tags = self.play_detail_soup.find('div', {"class": "further-performances"}).findAll('div')
         for perfomance_tag in performance_tags:
             date_link_tag = perfomance_tag.findAll('a', text=True)[0].parent
             date_string = date_link_tag.string
             date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%a, %d.%m.%Y / %H.%M Uhr')
             date = Lepistant.formatDatetimeToString(date_time)
             url = Lepistant.getURLFromLinkTag(date_link_tag)
             performance_tuple = (date, url)
         logger.warning('Failed to get further performances for play "%s". Therefore returning an empty list.', self.title)
     # Set locale time back from de_DE to en_US.
     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_US.utf-8')
     return perfomance_tuples