Ejemplo n.º 1
class Parser:
    tokens = Lexer.tokens

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = None
        self.lexer = None
        self.cNote = 60  # start values for notes
        self.cDur = 16  # start values for duration
        self.notes = []
        self.commands = []
        self.macros = {}

    def Parse(self, input, file, **kwargs):
        self.lexer = Lexer()
        self.lexer.Build(input, **kwargs)
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        self.commands = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer.lexer)
        # print(f"Comandos: {self.commands}\n")
        Composer.compose(self.commands, self)

        if make_midi(self.notes, file):
                f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}File {bcolors.OKCYAN}{file}.midi{bcolors.OKGREEN} generated successfully{bcolors.RESET}"

                f"{bcolors.FAIL}File {bcolors.OKCYAN}{file}.midi{bcolors.FAIL} not generated{bcolors.RESET}",

    # error for yacc
    def p_error(self, p):
        print("Syntax error", file=sys.stderr)
        if p:
            print(f"Unexpected token '{p.type}'", file=sys.stderr)

    # first note // start of melody
    def p_music0(self, p):
        """  music  :   action  """
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    # following notes of melody
    def p_music1(self, p):
        """  music  :  music action  """
        lst = p[1]
        p[0] = lst

    # sets the commands for a macro
    def p_action_def_macro(self, p):
        r""" action : MACRO '[' music ']' """
        p[0] = Composer('def_macro', {'name': p[1][:-1], 'notes': p[3]})

    # runs the stored commands in the macro
    def p_action_run_macro(self, p):
        """ action : RUNMACRO """
        p[0] = Composer('run_macro', {'name': p[1][1:]})

    # just the note
    def p_action0(self, p):
        """ action : NOTE """
        args = {'note': p[1]}
        p[0] = Composer('note', args)

    # takes an action that affects notes
    def p_action1(self, p):
        """ action : up
                   | dn
                   | faster
                   | slower """
        if '^' in p[1]:
            args = {'val': len(p[1])}
            p[0] = Composer('raise', args)
        elif '_' in p[1]:
            args = {'val': len(p[1])}
            p[0] = Composer('lower', args)
        elif '<' in p[1]:
            args = {'val': len(p[1]) * 2}
            p[0] = Composer('faster', args)
        elif '>' in p[1]:
            args = {'val': len(p[1]) * 2}
            p[0] = Composer('slower', args)

    # defines a pause
    def p_action2(self, p):
        """ action : PAUSE """
        args = {'val': len(p[1])}
        p[0] = Composer('pause', args)

    # defines a merge between notes
    def p_action3(self, p):
        """ action : NOTE JOIN NOTE
                   | NOTE JOIN faster NOTE
                   | NOTE JOIN slower NOTE """
        if len(p) == 5:
            if '<' in p[3]:
                args = {'val': len(p[3]), 'note': p[1]}
                args = {'val': -len(p[3]), 'note': p[1]}
            args = {'val': 1, 'note': p[1]}
        p[0] = Composer('merge', args)

    # sets an highchord
    def p_action4(self, p):
        """ action : highchord """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # raises half freq. by one
    def p_up0(self, p):
        """ up : UP """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # produces a '^' times a factor
    def p_up1(self, p):
        """ up : up val"""
        p[0] = p[1] * p[2]

    # lowers half freq. by one
    def p_dn0(self, p):
        """ dn : DN """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # produces a '_' times a factor
    def p_dn1(self, p):
        """ dn : dn val"""
        p[0] = p[1] * p[2]

    # gets the value factor
    def p_val(self, p):
        """ val : VAL """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # speeds up
    def p_faster0(self, p):
        """ faster : FASTER """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # slows down
    def p_slower0(self, p):
        """ slower : SLOWER """
        p[0] = p[1]

    # highchord command
    def p_highchord(self, p):
        """ highchord : HIGHCHORD """
        args = {'levels': [0, 4, 7]}
        p[0] = Composer('hchord', args)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Parser:

    tokens = Lexer.tokens

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = None
        self.lexer = None
        self.turtle = Turtle()
        self.vars = {}
        self.funcs = {}

    def Parse(self, input, **kwargs):
        self.lexer = Lexer()
        self.lexer.Build(input, **kwargs)
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        program = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer.lexer)
        Command.exec(program, self)

    def value(self, val):

        if type(val) == dict and "operator" in val:
            left = self.value(val["left"])
            right = self.value(val["right"])
            op = val["operator"]
            if op == "+": return left + right
            elif op == "*": return left * right
            elif op == "-": return left - right
            elif op == "/":
                if right == 0:
                    print("(Parser.py) Division by zero")
                return left / right
                print(f"(Parser.py) Unknown operator: {op}")

        if type(val) == float:
            if val < 0:
                val = val * (-1)
            return val

        if type(val) == tuple:
            return val

        if val in self.vars:
            return self.vars[val]

        print(f"(Parser.py) Variable {val} undefined")
        return 0

    def p_error(self, p):
        print("(Parser.py) Syntax error", file=sys.stderr)
        if p:
            print(f"(Parser.py) Unexpected token '{p}'", file=sys.stderr)

    def p_program0(self, p):
        """ program : command """
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    def p_program1(self, p):
        """ program : program command """
        lst = p[1]
        p[0] = lst

    def p_value(self, p):
        """ value   : NUMBER
                    | VAR """
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_command0(self, p):
        """ command : forward value 
                    | fd value """

        p[0] = Command("forward", p[2])

    def p_command1(self, p):
        """ command : right value 
                    | rt value """

        p[0] = Command("right", p[2])

    def p_command2(self, p):
        """ command : back value 
                    | bk value """

        p[0] = Command("backward", p[2])

    def p_command3(self, p):
        """ command : left value 
                    | lt value """

        p[0] = Command("left", p[2])

    def p_command4(self, p):
        """ command : setpos '[' value value ']'
                    | setxy value value """

        if len(p) == 6:
            args = {'x': p[3], 'y': p[4]}
            args = {'x': p[2], 'y': p[3]}

        p[0] = Command("setpos", args)

    def p_command5(self, p):
        """ command : setx value """

        p[0] = Command("setx", p[2])

    def p_command6(self, p):
        """ command : sety value """
        p[0] = Command("sety", p[2])

    def p_command7(self, p):
        """ command : home """
        p[0] = Command("home", "")

    def p_command8(self, p):
        """ command : pendown
                    | pd """
        p[0] = Command("pendown")

    def p_command9(self, p):
        """ command : penup
                    | pu """
        p[0] = Command("penup")

    def p_command10(self, p):
        """ command : setpencolor '[' value value value ']' """

        p[0] = Command("pencolor", {'r': p[3], 'g': p[4], 'b': p[5]})

    def p_command11(self, p):
        """ command : make value value
                    | make value value OPERATOR value """

        args = {'var': p[2], 'val1': p[3]}

        if len(p) == 6:
            args['operator'] = p[4]
            args['val2'] = p[5]

        p[0] = Command("make", args)

    def p_command12(self, p):
        """ command : repeat value '[' program ']' """

        p[0] = Command("repeat", {"value": p[2], "code": p[4]})

    def p_command13(self, p):
        """ command : while '[' value SIGN value ']' '[' program ']' """

        p[0] = Command("while", {
            'value1': p[3],
            'sign': p[4],
            'value2': p[5],
            'code': p[8]

    # IF | IFELSE
    def p_command14(self, p):
        """ command : if value SIGN value '[' program ']'
                    | ifelse value SIGN value '[' program ']' '[' program ']' """

        args = {'value1': p[2], 'sign': p[3], 'value2': p[4], 'code1': p[6]}

        if len(p) == 11:
            args['code2'] = p[9]

        p[0] = Command("if", args)

    def p_varlist(self, p):
        """ varlist :
                    | value
                    | varlist value """
        if len(p) == 1:
            p[0] = []
        elif len(p) == 2:
            p[0] = [p[1]]
            p[0] = p[1]

    def p_command16(self, p):
        """ command : TO STR varlist program END """

        p[0] = Command("to", {'name': p[2], 'args': p[3], 'code': p[4]})

    def p_valuelist(self, p):
        """ valuelist :
                        | value
                        | valuelist value """
        if len(p) == 1:
            p[0] = []
        elif len(p) == 2:
            p[0] = [p[1]]
            p[0] = p[1]

    def p_command17(self, p):
        """ command : STR valuelist """
        p[0] = Command("call", {'name': p[1], 'args': p[2]})
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Parser:
    tokens = Lexer.tokens

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = None
        self.lexer = None
        self.turtle = Turtle()

    def Parse(self, input, **kwargs):
        self.lexer = Lexer()
        self.lexer.Build(input, **kwargs)
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        program = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer.lexer)
        for command in program:

    def p_error(self):
        print("Syntax error", file=sys.stderr)

    def p_program0(self, p):
        """  program  :   command  """
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    def p_program1(self, p):
        """  program  :  program command  """
        lst = p[1]
        p[0] = lst

    def p_command0(self, p):
        """  command  :  fd len """
        args = {'len': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("forward", args)

    def p_command1(self, p):
        """  command  :  forward len """
        args = {'len': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("forward", args)

    def p_command2(self, p):
        """  command  :  bk len """
        args = {'len': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("back", args)

    def p_command3(self, p):
        """  command  :  back len """
        args = {'len': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("back", args)

    def p_command4(self, p):
        """  command  :  lt deg """
        args = {'deg': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("left", args)

    def p_command5(self, p):
        """  command  :  left deg """
        args = {'deg': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("left", args)

    def p_command6(self, p):
        """  command  :  rt deg """
        args = {'deg': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("right", args)

    def p_command7(self, p):
        """  command  :  right deg """
        args = {'deg': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("right", args)

    def p_command8(self, p):
        """  command  :  setpos coordinate """
        args = {'coordinate': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("setpos", args)

    def p_command9(self, p):
        """  command  :  setxy coordinate """
        args = {'coordinate': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("setxy", args)

    def p_command10(self, p):
        """  command  :  sety y """
        args = {'y': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("sety", args)

    def p_command11(self, p):
        """  command  :  setx x """
        args = {'x': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("setx", args)

    def p_command12(self, p):
        """  command  :  home"""
        args = {}
        p[0] = Command("home", args)

    def p_command13(self, p):
        """  command  :  pendown """
        args = {}
        p[0] = Command("pendown", args)

    def p_command14(self, p):
        """  command  :  pd """
        args = {}
        p[0] = Command("pendown", args)

    def p_command15(self, p):
        """  command  :  penup """
        args = {}
        p[0] = Command("penup", args)

    def p_command16(self, p):
        """  command  :  pu  """
        args = {}
        p[0] = Command("penup", args)

    def p_command17(self, p):
        """  command  :  setpencolor color """
        args = {'color': p[2]}
        p[0] = Command("setpencolor", args)

    def p_color(self, p):
        """  color : '[' INT  INT  INT ']' """
        p[0] = (p[2], p[3], p[4])

    def p_len(self, p):
        """  len : INT """
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_deg(self, p):
        """  deg : INT """
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_x(self, p):
        """  x : INT """
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_y(self, p):
        """  y : INT """
        p[0] = p[1]

    def p_coordinate0(self, p):
        """  coordinate : '[' INT  INT ']'
                        | INT  INT  """
        if len(p) == 5:
            p[0] = (p[2], p[3])
            p[0] = (p[1], p[2])
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Parser:
    tokens = Lexer.tokens
    precedence = (
        ("left", '+', '-'),
        ("left", '*', '/')

    def __init__(self):
        self.parser = None
        self.lexer = None
        self.svg = LOGODraw()
        self.vars = {}   # Symbol Table
        self.funcs = {}
        #self.color = (0, 0, 0)

    def value(self, val):
        _type = type(val)
        #type2 = Command
        #verifica se é uma expressao
        if _type == dict:
            value1 = self.value(val['value1'])
            if type(value1) != float:
                 if value1 in self.vars:
                    value1 = self.vars[value1]
            operator = val['op']
            value2 = self.value(val['value2'])
            if type(value2) != float:
                if value2 in self.vars:
                    value2 = self.vars[value2]
            if operator == '-':
                val = float(eval("value1 - value2",{"value1": value1, "value2": value2}))
            elif operator == '+':
                val = float(eval("value1 + value2",{"value1": value1, "value2": value2}))
            elif operator == '/':
                if value2 == 0:
                    print("Division by zero")
                val = float(eval("value1 / value2",{"value1": value1, "value2": value2}))
            elif operator == '*':
                val = float(eval("value1 * value2",{"value1": value1, "value2": value2}))
        if type(val) == float:
            return val

        if val in self.vars:
            return self.vars[val]

        print(f"Variable {val} undefined")
        self.vars[val] = 0
        return 0

    def Parse(self, input, **kwargs):
        self.lexer = Lexer()
        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, **kwargs)
        program = self.parser.parse(lexer=self.lexer.lexer)
        Command.exec(program, self)

    def p_error(self, t):
        print("Syntax error", file=sys.stderr)

    def p_program0(self, p):
        """  program  :   command  """
        p[0] = [p[1]]

    def p_program1(self, p):
        """  program  :  program command  """
        lst = p[1]
        p[0] = lst

    def p_command0(self, p):
        """  command  :  forward value  
                      |  fd value """
        p[0] = Command("forward", {'value': p[2]})

    def p_command1(self, p):
        """  command  :  right value  
                      |  rt value """
        p[0] = Command("right", {'value': p[2]})

    def p_command2(self, p):
        """  command  :  left value  
                      |  lt value """
        p[0] = Command("left", {'value': p[2]})

    def p_command3(self, p):
        """  command  :  back value  
                      |  bk value """
        p[0] = Command("back", {'value': p[2]})
    def p_command4(self, p):
        """  command  :  setpos '[' value value ']' 
                        | setxy value value """
        if len(p) == 6:
            p[0] = Command("setpos", {'value1': p[3], 'value2': p[4]})
            p[0] = Command("setpos", {'value1': p[2], 'value2': p[3]})
    def p_command5(self, p):
        """  command  :  setx value  """
        p[0] = Command("setx", {'value': p[2]})
    def p_command6(self, p):
        """  command  :  sety value  """
        p[0] = Command("sety", {'value': p[2]})
    def p_command7(self, p):
        """  command  :  home  """
        p[0] = Command("home", {})

    def p_command8(self, p):
        """  command  :  pendown 
                      |  pd  """ 
        p[0] = Command("pendown", {})

    def p_command9(self, p):
        """  command  :  penup 
                      |  pu  """  
        p[0] = Command("penup", {})

    def p_command10(self, p):
        """  command  :  setpencolor '[' color ']'  """
        p[0] = Command("setpencolor",{
            'rgb': p[3]

    def p_color(self, p):
        """  color :  value value value  """
        p[0] = (p[1], p[2], p[3])

    def p_value(self, p):
        """  value  :   NUMBER
                    |   VAR
                    |   value '+' value
                    |   value '-' value
                    |   value '*' value
                    |   value '/' value """
        if len(p)>2:
            p[0] = {
                'value1': p[1],
                'op': p[2],
                'value2': p[3]
            value = p[1]
            if type(p[1]) != float:
                value = p[1].replace('"',':')
            p[0] = value

    def p_command11(self, p):
        """  command  :   make VAR value """
        var_value = p[2].replace('"',':')
        p[0] = Command("assign", {"target": var_value, "source": p[3]})

    def p_command12(self, p):
        """  command  :   if value SIGN value '[' program ']'
                      |   ifelse value SIGN value '[' program ']' """
        p[0] = Command("if", {
            'value1': p[2],
            'sign': p[3],
            'value2': p[4],
            'code': p[6],
    def p_command13(self, p):
        """  command  :  repeat value '[' program ']'  """
        p[0] = Command("repeat", {
            'value': p[2],
            'code': p[4]
    def p_command14(self, p):
        """  command  :  while '[' value SIGN value ']' '[' program ']'  """
        p[0] = Command("while", {
            'value1': p[3],
            'value2': p[5],
            'sign': p[4],
            'code': p[8]

    def p_command15(self, p):
        """  command : to STR varlist program end """
        p[0] = Command("to", {"name": p[2], "args": p[3], "code": p[4]})

    def p_varlist(self, p):
        """ varlist :
                    | VAR
                    | varlist VAR """
        if len(p) == 1:
            p[0] = []
        elif len(p) == 2:
            p[0] = [p[1]]
            p[0] = p[1]

    def p_command_16(self, p):
        """   command : STR valuelist   """
        p[0] = Command("call", {"name": p[1], "args": p[2]})
    def p_valuelist(self, p):
        """ valuelist :
                    | value
                    | valuelist value """
        if len(p) == 1:
            p[0] = []
        elif len(p) == 2:
            p[0] = [p[1]]
            p[0] = p[1]
    def p_stop(self,p):
        """   command : stop   """
        p[0] = Command("stop", {})