Ejemplo n.º 1
def example_1():
    print "example_1"

    # This examples uses the function total()
    # from list and state to a list and state.
    # The state is cumulative --- the cumulative
    # sum up to this point in the stream.
    # The result_list is the list of cumulative
    # values of the input list.
    def total(lst, cumulative):
        result_list = []
        for v in lst:
            cumulative += v
        return (result_list, cumulative)

    x = Stream('x')
    # The initial state is 0.
    state = 0
    y = stream_operator_stateful(total, x, state)
    # Since call_streams is not specified, values will be
    # appended to y when values are appended to x.
    print "initial state = ", state
    print 'function on stream is total()'
    print 'This function computes the cumulative sum of the stream'
    print 'x is the input stream and y is the output stream.'
    print 'The state is the cumulative so far.'


    x.extend([3, 7])
    # Now the value of x is [3, 7], and so the
    # value of y is [3, 10], and the state is 10
    print_streams_recent([x, y])
    print ""

    x.extend([0, 11, 5])
    # Now the value of x is [3, 7, 0, 11, 5]
    # so the value of y is [3, 10, 10, 21, 26] and
    # the value of state is 26.
    print_streams_recent([x, y])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def example_2():
    print ""
    print "example_2"

    # This example uses the function:
    # avg_since_last_drop()
    # from a list and state to a list and state.
    # The output list is the list of averages of
    # the input list from the point that the value
    # in the input list drops by more than
    # drop_threshold.
    # The state is a tuple:
    # (time_since_last_drop, sum_since_last_drop,
    #  last_value, drop_threshold)
    # where time_since_last_drop is the number of
    # values since the last drop over the threshold,
    # sum_since_last_drop is the sum of the values
    # since the last drop over the threshold,
    # last_value is the most recent value read from
    # the input stream, and
    # drop_threshold is the specified threshold.

    def avg_since_last_drop(lst, state):
        time_since_last_drop, sum_since_last_drop,\
          last_value, drop_threshold = state
        result_list = []
        if lst == []:
            return (result_list, state)
        if last_value is None:
            last_value = lst[0]
        for v in lst:
            if last_value - v < drop_threshold:
                time_since_last_drop += 1
                sum_since_last_drop += v
                time_since_last_drop = 1
                sum_since_last_drop = v
            last_value = float(v)
            avg = sum_since_last_drop/float(time_since_last_drop)
        return (result_list, state)

    x = Stream('x')
    time_since_last_drop = 0
    sum_since_last_drop = 0
    last_value = None
    drop_threshold = 100
    print "INITIAL VALUES"
    print 'time_since_last_drop = ', time_since_last_drop
    print 'sum_since_last_drop = ', sum_since_last_drop
    print 'last_value = ', last_value
    print 'drop_threshold = ', drop_threshold
    print ''
    state = (time_since_last_drop, sum_since_last_drop, last_value, drop_threshold)

    y = stream_operator_stateful(avg_since_last_drop, x, state)

    print 'first step'
    x.extend([16500, 16750, 16550, 16600, 16581])
    # The first drop of over drop_threshold is from 16750 to 16550
    # So, the output before that drop is the average for the window:
    # 16500.0, followed by average of (16500, 16750) = 16625.0
    # The output then starts computing averages afresh after the drop
    # starting with the value after the drop: 16550.0, 16575.0, 16577.0
    print_streams_recent([x, y])
    print ""

    print 'second step'
    x.extend([16400, 16500, 17002])
    # Another drop over the threshold of 100 occurs from 16581 to 16400
    # So, compute averages afresh from this point to get:
    # 16400.0, 16450.0, 16634.0
    print_streams_recent([x, y])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def cumulative_stream(x_stream): return stream_operator_stateful(total, x_stream, state=0)

    x_stream = Stream('x_stream')