Ejemplo n.º 1
def _processAttribs(attribDict):
   @summary: Processes attribute dictionaries to make sure keys and values are 
                encoded correctly
   @todo: Add encoding
   newDict = {}
   for k, v in attribDict.items():
      newDict[toUnicode(k)] = toUnicode(v)
   return newDict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def stringifyError(err):
   @summary: This really only adds information for urllib2.HTTPErrors that 
                include an 'Error-Message' header
   @param err: The exception to stringify
        return err.hdrs['Error-Message']
        return toUnicode(err)
def stringifyError(err):
   @summary: This really only adds information for urllib2.HTTPErrors that 
                include an 'Error-Message' header
   @param err: The exception to stringify
      return err.hdrs['Error-Message']
      return toUnicode(err)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, tag, attrib={}, value=None, namespace=-1, **extra):
    @summary: Element constructor
    @param tag: The tag for the element (string or QName)
    @param attrib: A dictionary of element attributes
    @param value: The value for this element (goes in element.text)
    @param namespace: (optional) The namespace of this element
    @param extra: (optional) Extra named parameters that will be added to the 
                     element's attributes
    @note: Providing None for the namespace will result in a QName without a 
    @note: Providing -1 for the namespace will result in the default 
              namespace (__DEFAULT_NAMESPACE__) being used
    elQName = _getElemQName(namespace, tag)
    ET.Element.__init__(self, elQName, attrib=_processAttribs(attrib), **extra)
    if value is not None:
       self.text = toUnicode(value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def SubElement(parent, tag, attrib={}, value=None, namespace=-1, **extra):
   @summary: Tells the parent to create a child ElementTree Element, adds a 
                value and a namespace to it, and then returns it
   @see: ElementTree.SubElement
   @param parent: The parent Element
   @param tag: A tag for the element (either string or QName)
   @param attrib: (optional) A dictionary of element attributes
   @param value: (optional) The value for this element (goes in element.text)
   @param namespace: (optional) The namespace of this element 
   @param extra: (optional) Extra named parameters that will be added to the 
                    element's attributes
   @note: Providing None for the namespace will result in a QName without a 
   @note: Providing -1 for the namespace will result in the default namespace 
             (__DEFAULT_NAMESPACE__) being used
   elQName = _getElemQName(namespace, tag)
   subEl = ET.SubElement(parent, elQName, attrib=_processAttribs(attrib), **extra)
   if value is not None:
      subEl.text = toUnicode(value)
   return subEl
Ejemplo n.º 6
        if body is None and len(parameters) > 0 and method.lower() == "post":
            body = urlparams
            url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlparams)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data=body, headers=headers)
        req.add_header('User-Agent', self.UA_STRING)
        req.get_method = lambda: method.upper()
            ret = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            #print e.headers['Error-Message']
            raise e
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception('Error returning from request to %s (%s)' %
                            (url, toUnicode(e)))
            resp = ''.join(ret.readlines())
            if objectify:
                return self.objectify(resp)
                return resp

    # .........................................
    def objectify(self, xmlString):
      @summary: Takes an XML string and processes it into a python object
      @param xmlString: The xml string to turn into an object
      @note: Uses LmAttList and LmAttObj
      @note: Object attributes are defined on the fly
class _Client(object):
   @summary: Private Lifemapper client class
    __version__ = "3.2.0"

    # .........................................
    def __init__(self, server=WEBSITE_ROOT):
      @summary: Constructor of LMClient
      @param server: (optional) The Lifemapper web server root address
        self.server = server

    # .........................................
    def checkVersion(self, clientName="lmClientLib", verStr=None):
      @summary: Checks the version of the client library against the versions
                   reported by the web server
      @param clientName: (optional) Check this client if not the client library
      @param verStr: (optional) The version string of the client to check
      @raise OutOfDateException: Raised if the client is out of date and 
                                    cannot continue
        res = self.makeRequest(LM_CLIENT_VERSION_URL, objectify=True)
        for client in res:
            if client.name == clientName:
                minVersionStr = client.versions.minimum
                curVersionStr = client.versions.current
                minVersion = self.getVersionNumbers(verStr=minVersionStr)
                curVersion = self.getVersionNumbers(verStr=curVersionStr)
                myVersion = self.getVersionNumbers(verStr=verStr)

                if myVersion < minVersion:
                    raise OutOfDateException(myVersion, minVersion)
                if myVersion < curVersion:
                    warnings.warn("Client is not latest version: (%s < %s)" % \
                                        (myVersion, curVersion), Warning)

    # .........................................
    def getVersionNumbers(self, verStr=None):
      @summary: Splits a version string into a tuple
      @param verStr: The version number as a string, if None, get the client 
      @return: Tuple of version (major, minor, revision, status)
        if verStr is None:
            verStr = self.__version__
        major = 0
        minor = 0
        revision = 0
        status = "zzzz"
        vStr = verStr.strip().split(' ')

        if len(vStr) > 1:
            status = vStr[1]

        mmrList = vStr[0].split('.')  # Split on '.'

        try:  # If not all parts are specified, specifies as many as possible
            major = int(mmrList[0])
            minor = int(mmrList[1])
            revision = int(mmrList[2])

        return (major, minor, revision, status)

    # .........................................
    def autoUnzipShapefile(self, cnt, filePath, overwrite=False):
      @summary: Attempt to unzip a zipped shapefile.
      @param cnt: The zipped shapefile content
      @param filePath: If a directory is specified, unzip the shapefile there.  
                          If a .zip path is specified, write out the zipfile 
                          as-is.  If a .shp path is specified, write out the 
                          shapefile files with that name as the base.
      @param overwrite: (optional) Boolean indicating if the files should be 
                           overwritten if present
      @note: If specifying a directory as the filePath, it should exist
        if os.path.isdir(filePath):
            with zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(cnt), 'r',
                                 allowZip64=True) as zf:
                # Check to see if files exist
                nameList = zf.namelist()
                if not overwrite:
                    for name in nameList:
                        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(filePath, name)):
                            raise Exception(
                                "File %s, already exists and overwrite is: %s"
                                % (os.path.join(filePath, name), overwrite))
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filePath)
            if ext == '.zip':
                with open(filePath, 'wb') as outF:
            elif ext == '.shp':
                # Check to see if filePath exists
                # Able to write if path doesn't exist or overwrite is true
                if not os.path.exists(filePath) or overwrite:
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(cnt),
                                         allowZip64=True) as zf:
                        for name in zf.namelist():
                            fCnt = zf.read(name)
                            fBase, fExt = os.path.splitext(name)
                            with open(
                                                 '%s%s' % (base, fExt)),
                                    'wb') as outF:

                    raise Exception, "%s already exists and overwrite is: %s" % (
                        filePath, overwrite)
                raise Exception, "Do not know how to handle file path: %s" % filePath

    # .........................................
    def getAutozipShapefileStream(self, fn):
      @summary: Automatically creates a zipped version of a shapefile from the
                   shapefile's .shp file.  Finds the rest of the files it needs
                   and includes them in one package
      @param fn: Path to the shapefile's .shp file
      @return: The zipped shapefile
      @rtype: String
        files = []
        if fn.endswith('.shp'):
            for f in glob.iglob("%s*" % fn.strip('shp')):
                ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
                if ext in SHAPEFILE_EXTENSIONS:
            raise Exception("Filename must end in '.shp'")

        outStream = StringIO.StringIO()
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(outStream, 'w', allowZip64=True)
        for f in files:
            zf.write(f, os.path.basename(f))
        return outStream.getvalue()

    # .........................................
    def getCount(self, url, parameters=[]):
      @summary: Gets the item count from a count service
      @param url: A URL pointing to a count service end-point
      @param parameters: (optional) List of query parameters for the request
        obj = self.makeRequest(url,
        count = int(obj.items.itemCount)
        return count

    # .........................................
    def getList(self, url, parameters=[]):
      @summary: Gets a list of items from a list service
      @param url: A URL pointing to a list service end-point
      @param parameters: (optional) List of query parameters for the request
        obj = self.makeRequest(url,
            if isinstance(obj.items, ListType):
                lst = obj.items
                lst = obj.items.item
            if lst is not None:
                if not isinstance(lst, ListType):
                    lst = [lst]
                return lst
        except Exception:
            #print e
        return []

    # .........................................
    def makeRequest(self,
      @summary: Performs an HTTP request
      @param url: The url endpoint to make the request to
      @param method: (optional) The HTTP method to use for the request
      @param parameters: (optional) List of url parameters
      @param body: (optional) The payload of the request
      @param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers
      @param objectify: (optional) Should the response be turned into an object
      @return: Response from the server
        parameters = removeNonesFromTupleList(parameters)
        urlparams = urllib.urlencode(parameters)

        if body is None and len(parameters) > 0 and method.lower() == "post":
            body = urlparams
            url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlparams)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data=body, headers=headers)
            'LMClient/%s (Lifemapper Python Client Library; http://lifemapper.org; [email protected])'
            % self.__version__)
            ret = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            #print e.headers['Error-Message']
            raise e
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception('Error returning from request to %s (%s)' %
                            (url, toUnicode(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
   if body is None and len(parameters) > 0 and method.lower() == "post":
      body = urlparams
      url = "%s?%s" % (url, urlparams)
   req = urllib2.Request(url, data=body, headers=headers)
   #req.add_header('User-Agent', self.UA_STRING)
   req.get_method = lambda: method.upper()
      #ret = urllib2.urlopen(req)
      ret = opener(req)
   except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
      #print e.headers['Error-Message']
      raise e
   except Exception, e:
      raise Exception( 'Error returning from request to %s (%s)' % (url, toUnicode(e)))
      resp = ''.join(ret.readlines())
      return resp

# .............................................................................
def getOpeners(env, userId, pwd):
   @summary: Get public and authenticated url openers for requests
   @param userId: The user id to log in with
   @param pwd: The user's password
   @return: Public and authenticated openers
   publicOpener = MyOpener(env).getOpener()
   if userId is not None and pwd is not None:
      authOpener = MyOpener(env, userId=userId, pwd=pwd).getOpener()